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Hyrule Warriors: the Most Exciting Nintendo News of the Generation. Orion (from The Gaming Heretic) talks about his excitement for Hyrule Warriors, the newest Zelda gaming coming. impressions GamingHeretic
PC Versus Console: What Is The Point..? Mike (from The Gaming Heretic) talks about the ongoing war between Pc Gamers and Console Gamers editorial GamingHeretic
[] Inside Hong Kong's gaming scene gamingeek
[] Project CARS Dev: PS4 Core Speed "Quite Slow" Compared to PC, "challenging" breaking renderer between multiple cores - bottlenecks etc gamingeek
The Witcher 3: PS4/Xbone = 30fps target PC = PhysX/APEX used for destruction/cloth. gamingeek
[] Project CARS dev: Wii U "More Than Capable" Of Providing The Core Project CARS Experience, Says Developer gamingeek
[] Best Buy: $25 gift card with Wii U unit gamingeek
[] DKC Tropical Freeze : new images gamingeek
[] Images de Sengoku Basara 4 gamingeek
[] European downloads - December 26 gamingeek
[] John Carpenter's Top 6 of 2013 Yes, THAT John Carpenter. editorial impressions aspro
[] Patrick Klepek's Top Ten of 2013 He picks the correct game for #1. editorial impressions aspro
Batman Announcement Coming December 31 Time to see Rocksteady's next-gen Arkham. news aspro
[] Star Citizen Raises $35 Million USD Dogfighting module had been delayed. news aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Republique 8/10 "not quite as much challenge as you may like" impressions aspro
Steam Machine Teardown No surpise, it's a small PC. impressions media news aspro
[] PS4 Outselling XB1 2 to 1 on Ebay “Looks like around 65k PS4s and 33k Xbox One's have sold on [Ebay] to-date,” news aspro
[] Wolf Among Us Free on XBL While supplies last. news aspro
[] Greg Kasavin's Top Ten of 2013 (Bastion dude). editorial aspro
[] Lara Croft Collectible Card Game Not bad. news aspro
GTA V: Cheater's get whats coming to them. Jeff (from The Gaming Heretic) discusses his thoughts on cheaters losing their access on GTA V. editorial GamingHeretic
Minecraft May Be The Most Important Game Of The Next Generation Orion (from The Gaming Heretic) discusses his opinion on MineCraft and it's role on the gaming culture. editorial GamingHeretic
Ron Burgundy: The Voice Of Gaming Wisdom Mike (from The Gaming Heretic) talks about Ron Burgundy's latest commercial and changing ads in the Gaming Genre. editorial GamingHeretic
[] The 13 Most Popular Video Games of 2013 by Purchase Dragon's Crown!? Wuh?! news phantom_leo
Smithsonian Acquisitions are a Big Step for Game Preservation Orion (from the gaming heretic) discusses the Smithsonian accepting Games as 'art' and the genre finally taking its spot as apart of 'art'. editorial news GamingHeretic
Falcom Making PS4 Game (Real story, Falcom is still in business). news aspro
[] Steam, Sony and Nintendo Have Xmas Online Woes MS has no problems. news aspro
[] Game Under Podcast Episode 35 We ponder the big questions of gaming. editorial impressions media aspro
[] Nintendo Pulls Pokemon Bank Putting too much strain on the servers. news aspro
[] Ken Levine's Top Ten of 2013 editorial aspro
[] Feature: A Year in Development - Shin'en Multimedia impressions gamingeek
[] Game of the Year 2013 - No.4: GTA 5 gamingeek
[] Deep Down : vidéo et images gamingeek
[] Wii U Dominates Japanese Sales Charts, 3DS too 120'000 in one week, up again several weeks running gamingeek
[] Nano Assault EX demo caused a sales boost Art of Balance: TOUCH selling well in Japan gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter Frontier G getting update to 'GG' "The extra G stands for Genuine" gamingeek
[] Pokemon X/Y, 3.5 years to make, 500 people involved Geez just use that crew to make a home console one gamingeek
[] Sony's move to acquire the Wii U eDRAM factory Report gamingeek
[] Capcom: The Resident Evil fanbase are in their late 30s Which poses a risk to a generation growing out of gaming gamingeek
[] Pokemon Bank and Transporter Delayed for North America Well then. news aspro
[] Sony Killing off Multiplayer for GT5 and Resistance Bullllllllllll-shit. news aspro
[] Next Ace Attorney Title in Development gamingeek
[] Image and Form looking into SteamWorld series for Wii U gamingeek
[] Capcom devs tease multiple titles to be announced in 2014 Sugiura says games will be announced in 2014 that will “surprise the readers a lot.” - expect more fighting genre support from Capcom - Kenji Kataoka (Dungeons and Dragons) mentioned that another news gamingeek
[] Ars Technica Asks a Stupid Question The only answer is Tetris. news aspro
[] Days After Network Failure Nintendo Advertises for IT Boss "for future flexibility, performance, multi-tier behaviors, capacity, and scalability.” news aspro
[] Notch Loves Nintendo But no time for Wii U version. news aspro
[] Gerstmann's (Surprising) Top 10 of 2013 Absolutely shocking choice of #1. editorial impressions aspro
[] Greg Miller (Mr IGN) Top Ten of 2013 Dumb choice of #1. editorial impressions aspro
Tom Towers Reviews Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory Give him a click, the poor bastard had to finish the thing. editorial impressions aspro
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Sat, 28 Dec 2013 21:06:06
Iga_Bobovic said:
Ravenprose said:

Wow. The Wii U's upscaling capabilities sucks. I have my U resolution set to automatic. The U upscaled Super Mario 3D World from 720p to 1080p, but outputed image was quite blurry. My TV was reading the signal as 1080p, so I manually changed the U to output only 720p, and let my TV upscale the image instead. Big difference. It's still not as sharp as a native 1080p image, but it's a lot better than having the U upscale it. It's odd, because I have my PS3 set to automatic, and it only outputs the game's actual resolution, unless I tell it to output only 1080p. I assume the same will be true of the PS4 as well. Why not the U?

Because of Miiverse!

My television was SUPER-HD... until I used Mii-verse!

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Sat, 28 Dec 2013 21:09:54
GAF post on Lego Marvel I agree with:

I love Lego games but this one just sucks.

The Hub is just annoying. It serves no purpose except to make it more tedious to get from one mission to the next. Lego City Undercover shows how to do it right by filling the world with tons of little puzzles and rewarding exploration with lots of studs. Here you get nothing, just pure New York in all its boredom.

Then we have the levels. The level design with one or two exceptions is just bad. Like they didn't even care to make interesting or realistic or inspired levels. You enter the Empire State Building - and end up in a sewer/industrial level. You enter a prison and once you're inside there is no prison inside.

Controls are awful. Switching with Y used to be a good idea. When you only have two characters. Here you have up to four and getting the right one is pure randomness. You basically have to move towards the one you want to play and press Y. Meanwhile LB and RB don't have any function. It would be so easy to implement fastswitching between characters (in fact it used to be standard for free modes in previous Lego games) but again, they didn't care.

Characters. There are too many. Or the levels are just stupid. Every so often you have to use five different abilities within twenty seconds of gameplay to progress further. Levitate this, burn this, levitate the remains, magnetize them, burn again. Playing this game is a chore, I'm literally annoyed every ten minutes or so.

And then there's what is a trademark of Lego games. Humor. Or in this case the lack of it. It seems like it should be funny when Nick Fury eats a burger. I don't get it. It has the least amount of humor of any Lego game. Iron Mans suit doesn't go crazy on him, Hawkeye doesn't blind himself in the mirror, the torch isn't scared of water, they are all so very annoyingly true to their character I start to wonder why they are represented in Lego at all. The game would actually make more sense and be better if all the Lego stuff was gone.

Lego City Undercover is my alltime high of Lego games, this is a new low (played them all except Lego Batman 2, the Harry Potter ones and the Star Wars Clone Wars one). I have high hopes that Lego - The Movie - The Game will return to Lego City levels of entertainment, this is a total and devestating failure on all accounts.

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Sat, 28 Dec 2013 21:47:27

I am an idiot and I hate myself, I left my vita on a plane two days ago and didn't realize it until today. I have to hope the employees did as they are supposed to and it is siting in lost and found which doesn't open till monday. Sad

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 00:28:47

Sorry, Vader. I hope you can get it back. Sad

The VG Press

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 07:09:16

IGA!!! Silva broke is leg!!





;" />

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 08:27:40

Why the hell are you screaming at me?!

I am Dutch, I have seen broken shins before!

Iga lesson time. Check out the hand positioning of Weidman. Even if the kick went towards his midsection he would have blocked it. And with that block you can easily catch the kick! Such a beautiful check from Chris.

If you block a lowkick with the thick bone just beneath your knee, you will hardly feel a thing. Chances are that the kicker will feel pain. Breaking your own leg is extremely rare and I would never expect someone of Silva's caliber to break his leg like that.

Oh and I hate it when Rogan call it a leg kick. All kick are done with a leg you oaf!

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 08:42:35

Yeah, it's just a broken leg Vader calm down. Nyaa

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 08:56:24

So is that it for Silva? Many say he is the greatest of all time, your thoughts iga.

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 09:33:33

Vade, first of all, have you ever considered that your online name is an anagram for your real name?

On Greg Miller's choice of #1. These kinds of list are personal by their nature and considering GM is a Sony fanboy I have trouble with questioning his choice of a PC game fo his personal GOTY (particularly since I am yet to play it -- though I own it -- thank you Foolz).

I have to think he was genuine in his selection.

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 09:34:51
Dvader said:

I am an idiot and I hate myself, I left my vita on a plane two days ago and didn't realize it until today. I have to hope the employees did as they are supposed to and it is siting in lost and found which doesn't open till monday. Sad

Even if you get it back consider the sexual things some stward or stewardess has done with it.

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 09:44:17

I once had a constant erection, as well as a hat that dispensed beer to me through two tubes.  Then one day I read a forum post about Miiverse.  Since then I have a shrivelled member and my beer hat has developed blockages that prevent the free-flow of beer to my dried tongue.  Women and children revile my visage as I shuffle through the grocery store.

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 09:47:54

Raven, congrats on the new tube (an apparent life of crime that has lead to your wanton profligacy).

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 09:48:06
Dvader said:

So is that it for Silva? Many say he is the greatest of all time, your thoughts iga.

Go to bed. It is late!
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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 11:19:19
Dvader said:

I am an idiot and I hate myself, I left my vita on a plane two days ago and didn't realize it until today. I have to hope the employees did as they are supposed to and it is siting in lost and found which doesn't open till monday. Sad

That sucks.  I hope they do the honest thing.  The better part of me thinks they will.  


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 12:57:20

The fuck is everybody talking about with Miiverse?


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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 13:29:12

Silva never had a mustache right? He can't possibly be the greatest ever.

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 15:02:47
Oh snap! Nyaa


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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 17:51:40
Archangel3371 said:
Oh snap! Nyaa

This post is underrated.

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 20:41:08
Dvader said:
Archangel3371 said:
Oh snap! Nyaa

This post is underrated.

The fuck?


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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 20:42:02

Hitman Absolution is overrated. I don't think its even as good as Blood Money. But the graphics are sweet.


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