Video games improve adult brain power
"When I finished, I forget what (brain) age I was, but I was much younger."
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SupremeAC (2m)
i played yoshi's island on the DS, and ... nothing else
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I've been playing Gears 2 and LOTS of The Last Remnant. I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. There are some annoyances but overall it's pretty enjoyable, especially when you install it as most of it's technical shortcomings aren't as bad. It's a pretty tough game as well, probably one of Square-Enix's most challenging RPG's to date and I like that.
King of Fighters XII
Little King's Story
That's what I played all last week. Currently playing Wii Sports resort.
Eledees (or Elebits for the Yanks) and trying to 100% Okami!
I was thinking of starting Little King's Story together with the Americans, but I decided against it. I rather keep the best for last!
What a coinceidence! I've been playing Yoshi's Island on the GBA. Great game and all, but very generous with the lives. I've got 80+, and I'm nearing the end.
I'm still playing this:
It's the Adventures of Suuuuppppeeeerrrr Dooooooork!
No matter what you do, No matter how hard you try, You will NEVER be able to portray Lark Anderson as anything other than the humongous, geeky dork that he is. So please stop trying.
This ad doesn't make him look heroic, it actually makes him look quite gay.
Thank you,
--The Gaming Community.
Maybe that's their intention.
Did a small round of updates. No need to thank me. I'm just good like that.
And what another god awful week for the VC. I know that most of the heavy hitters have been released over the 2 1/2 years the system has been around, but there are still some decent games that are MIA. Where is Mother (an official translated copy done by Nintendo does exist) and Earthbound? What about the Culture Brain games like Kung Fu Heroes and Magic of Scherezade?
And where's the love for the the Virtual Arcade? Did that idea just get dropped? Japan just got the original Ninja Gaiden for their Virtual Arcade. We're still playing Mappy over here!
Where is Pilotwings, Out of this World, Maniac Mansion, Flashback, A Boy and his Blob? There's too many quality games for them to just ignore the VC.
Still don't get the fascination with Pilotwings. . . but you're right there's plenty of games out there. I get that a lot of them are 3rd party so they just can't throw them up on the VC, but at this point I don't get why those 3rd parties don't want to throw down and make money. Unless they plan on releasing their own compilations (which is too impractical in most cases), why not do it? It's practically free money.