Megan Fox Will Kick Your Ass At Mortal Kombat
Also, the interviewer is an idiot.
Tekken 6 Released October 27th; Pre-Order Details
Exclusive Samurai Pack, Also Bundle With a Wireless Arcade Sticl
GT5 London Street Circuit driven.
With a car that will make you spray your shorts. GG did you see it?
Rumored PS3 Firmware 3.0 Details Emerge
New features said to include grief reporting, rep, and patch background downloads.
High Voltage on Conduit art style
" We opted for big screen popcorn entertainment with high quality production values. Some may criticize our choice"
Conduit Cheat CC review
"while The Conduit doesn't end up being the Wii's Halo 3 or Killzone 2, it is a pretty good game that will likely be very appreciated by anyone who only owns a Wii "
Conduit Everyview review
"it is a solid shooter with a great visual and audio design and has the best controls of any Wii FPS thus far."
Gamespy Conduit review
3.5 out of 5 "Great, highly customizable controls; fantastic multiplayer mode that doesn't require Wii friend codes; nice graphics."
Crispeygamer Conduit review
"High Voltage's fine efforts show that all it takes is polish and dedication to craft a solid adventure experience for Nintendo's console."
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Recently Spotted:
Archangel3371 (6s)
"When I said Gimme Head, This is NOT what I meant!"
Oh boy, IGN, you don't know what a can of worms you are opening here!
Shia LaBeouf: The Wii Is An "Amateur Console"
New Duke Nukem in development
Hmm, not sure what to think. More Duke, the better, I guess. I just hope they don't suck it up.
Who the fuck is Shia whats-his-name again?
Why his evidently self centered and ass backwards opinion should matter?
This is a guy who said his mother was the sexiest woman he's ever known (see I'm not even making it up:,2933,518857,00.html ). Anything he says should be promptly ignored and the opposite action should be taken.
"Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother. She's an ethereal angel. Nobody looks like that woman. If I could meet my mother and marry her, I would. I would be with my mother now, if she weren't my mother, as sick as that sounds."
“That was strange for me, and it was really bizarre when my friends were there. You've got your little buds over, and Mom's, like, playing naked connect the dots or whatever. She's in the middle of goddess-group time, where it's literally a bunch of naked women tracing auras around one another's bodies with incense and then sitting together and humming for prolonged periods of time."
What the fu...
what the fuck?
what the fuck?
What the fu...
No seriously WHAT IN THE FUCK?
That'd be awesome...if it wasn't your mother? Wait, hippies don't bathe. Nevermind.
What the fuck? That's horrible. I used to like this guy in Even Stevens and transformers, even Indy 4. But that is messed up and horrible. What is wrong with the guy?
Doing the updates now.
Crap and egg. IE8 has wigged out on me so I can't finish off the updates. Its up to you guys.
Overall, Indian Jones and the Staff of Kings is a fine addition to any gamer’s collection. Like Madworld and most titles from Nintendo (first-party) Staff of Kings if a good gaming adventure on the Wii that has not been scaled to a more casual audience. It’s a great license to have on the system that both old and young can get into and play together. There is limited gunplay, so parents take note. Staff of Kings is one of the best Wii titles of 2009, nuff said.
Indian Jones, from Mumbai no doubt
Parents take note!
Conduit IGN review:
It's kind of a videogame Cinderella story, but does it have a happy ending? For gamers, yes. The Conduit is not a revolutionary first-person shooter, but it's a damned good one, particularly if you only own a Wii. High Voltage has created an FPS with great controls and graphics, a fun single-player romp and an addictive multiplayer offering. The biggest complaint I can make of the package is that it doesn't really upend the genre with some fantastic new twist, but simply clings to the fundamentals that made shooters fun to begin with.
Just reading the Another Code review.
Sounds good, its 12 hrs or longer and sounds like it could be a Hotel Dusk like experience:
Whenever the game threatens to falter though, it's hard to begrudge it. In large part, that's due to its thoroughly captivating atmosphere, both breezy and sinister by turn. And, while perhaps a little humourlessly earnest at times, it's touching and uplifting, deftly handling the kind of issues – from grief to love and forgiveness – that most developers would run a mile from. It's all supported by a stunning design aesthetic that runs throughout the game's presentation.
Characters are expressive and identifiable – particularly so thanks to Another Code: R's unique split-screen approach to story telling – while music, from lilting guitars to subdued synthesisers, has its own tranquil charms. Visually too, it's a beautiful game, revelling in tiny details that breathe life into the gorgeous hand-painted world. Even loading transitions are mesmerizing as objects slide into screen or fold out from the ground like a deranged pop-up book.
someone could be making a healthy profit on ebay if they took advantage of that and ordered a bunch of them.
conduit and another code sound pretty good
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Oh really? I thought they were trying to flog them off because they weren't selling. Deadly
RentalsCreatures sold. Yes! Now I'm waiting on RE5 to arrive.i checked amazon after you told me of the £20 RE5 deal and i found out that it was just the 360 version, while the PS3 version was in excess of £30. and on blah when they had fallout3 for £18 for the 360, the ps3 version was £25 or thereabouts. what gives? why does only the 360 get hobo prices? is it the "you've got the expensive console you can afford to pay more for the same game" reasoning?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
IE8 tabs started working again so I finished some more updates:
Disc Activation Tech Could Boost Sales By $6 Billion
A US study conducted on behalf of the Entertainment Merchants Association (EMA) has found that new point of sale disc activation technology could increase annual sales by $6 billion.
‘Benefit denial’ is the concept of denying shoplifters the ability to use stolen goods by shipping them to stores in a disabled state and only activating them at the point of sale.
The study, which was conducted by Capgemini, found that retailers, movie studios, game publishers and others could annually see as much as $6 billion in increased sales and an additional $800 million in cost savings and cost avoidance if the technology is rolled out.
"It is intuitive that, if we can utilise emerging technology to reduce the shrink in the DVD, Blu-ray discs, and videogame categories and eliminate barriers erected to deter shoplifting, consumers will have easier access to the products, additional retail channels will carry these products, and costs will be eliminated from the supply chain," said Bo Andersen, president and CEO of the EMA.
Capgemini VP Mark Landry added: "The study projects that benefit denial technology will enable retailers to increase revenue from sales lifts from open merchandising, reduced out-of-stocks, new distribution channels, and legitimate sales replacing sales of stolen merchandise. The revenue enhancements would be spread broadly among retailers, studios, publishers, distributors, and replicators."
The EMA will now investigate the cost of deploying benefit denial technology for DVDs, Blu-rays and games. It said that if the results are positive the technology could be rolled out to stores in the fourth quarter of 2010.
Not sure that's really the case. People like to call Wii Music a bomb, but the fact is it moved around 3 million copies. That's nothing compared to the sales of the other Wii titled games, but the fact is most publishers would give their testicles to have a game reach 3 million copies sold.
Reminds me of the gamecube. PS2 and Xbox games drastically came down in price, while cube games sat on the shelves at full prices for months. I think its because more software sells on the other system, there has to be a higher turnover of titles and they must order more copies of games and have to subsequently discount them.
Jimmy Page, well, he's beyond good or evil now, and has been for many years now. He can pretty much say what he wants even though he makes gross assumptions, like people playing those games with learning in mind. Funny he said that, considering he was always criticized for being sloppy. At least Page has been overly protective with their music (I only remember that Cadillac ad).
But White Stripes dude?
It's depressing to have a label come and tell you that ['Guitar Hero'] is how kids are learning about music and experiencing music.
[I don't care] which format people should get their music in…if you have to be in a video game to get in front of them, that's a little sad.
Dude, why do you keep appearing in those games, then?