Megan Fox Will Kick Your Ass At Mortal Kombat
Also, the interviewer is an idiot.
Tekken 6 Released October 27th; Pre-Order Details
Exclusive Samurai Pack, Also Bundle With a Wireless Arcade Sticl
GT5 London Street Circuit driven.
With a car that will make you spray your shorts. GG did you see it?
Rumored PS3 Firmware 3.0 Details Emerge
New features said to include grief reporting, rep, and patch background downloads.
High Voltage on Conduit art style
" We opted for big screen popcorn entertainment with high quality production values. Some may criticize our choice"
Conduit Cheat CC review
"while The Conduit doesn't end up being the Wii's Halo 3 or Killzone 2, it is a pretty good game that will likely be very appreciated by anyone who only owns a Wii "
Conduit Everyview review
"it is a solid shooter with a great visual and audio design and has the best controls of any Wii FPS thus far."
Gamespy Conduit review
3.5 out of 5 "Great, highly customizable controls; fantastic multiplayer mode that doesn't require Wii friend codes; nice graphics."
Crispeygamer Conduit review
"High Voltage's fine efforts show that all it takes is polish and dedication to craft a solid adventure experience for Nintendo's console."
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Possibly but since he's back in jail I think he'd be happy with just some freedom.
So GTA Chinatown wars is coming to PSP.
Nice, hope it sells well.
Stupid DS owners not buying this. What asses. ASSES
Yes I know you are here!
New Code Veronica pics in the Darkside Chronicles thread.
Some games give you the option to calibrate and make the crosshairs go bye bye completely. I don't mind them. I hope that they fix the shakey cam and pick things up. As it stands, Extraction looks better, from previews at least.
And HOTD Overkill will be ported to PSP because of
Stupid Wii owners not buying this. What asses. ASSES
Yes I know you are here!
Did some more updates.
So it seems from the reviews that Overlord Dark Legend is a good game but too easy and consequently too short
Overlord 2 seems good from the 1up review.
Certainly, Another Code: R isn’t a game for everyone; its sometimes obtuse puzzle design and languid pace will likely prove too much for many to stomach. And yes, it’s wordy too, but that gives the game breathing space to develop a story that’s slight on the surface yet resonates with ambition underneath. While it’s frequently breathtaking in its ingenuity elsewhere – from impressively reductionist point-and-click design to intelligent, inventive puzzling – ultimately, it’s the melancholy atmosphere that lingers when it’s all over. Another Code: R might occasionally test your patience, but it's rare to find a game with this much heart.
Despite our initial - and entirely incorrect - reservations and problems with Grand Slam Tennis, our re-assessment of EA's new brand couldn't really contrast more heavily. Far from being "crippled by unintuitive controls", the reality is that it's beautifully intuitive, and just about shades Virtua Tennis 2009 on Wii by simply having a more satisfying feel to it. It might feel a little lightweight as an all-round package, but as a multiplayer game it's hard to top. It's a close-run thing, but as far as tennis titles go right now, this sits right at the top of the pile, and is a cracking advert for the Wii MotionPlus.
When we played Overlord: Dark Legend a month ago, everything suggested that Climax had pulled off a spot-on interpretation of Triumph Studios' minion-meddling gameplay for the Wii. Blessed by a fluid point-and-click control system that lends itself perfectly to this deliciously evil brand of action strategy, the only lingering doubt was whether it offered enough depth and challenge behind the evident accessibility.
You're always wondering when the game is going to crank up the challenge a bit. Compared to the uniformly excellent action-strategy blend in the parent titles, this is lightweight. Admittedly Codies is aiming for a slightly different audience, but some of the other tweaks it made to the harvesting system and the generous checkpointing ought to have given Climax license to be a little more taxing with its level design - at least after the first hour or so.
As it is, Overlord: Dark Legend resolutely refuses to provide a stern test at any point during its 8-10 hour long quest.
As an introduction to the Overlord brand, there's no doubt that Overlord: Dark Legend does a fine job. With its joyfully evil brand of warm humour enlivening every encounter, it's a game that makes you feel good about being bad. And with slick controls and a satisfying blend of action and strategy, it's a game that's never less than enjoyable to play. But while it provides superior controls and less frustration than Overlord II, it regrettably falls down by failing to offer enough of a concerted challenge. There's a wealth of promise here, but maybe we'll have to wait for the next Wii version to see it live up to that.
I was debating picking it up yesterday, but eventually I put it aside for TWENY and Hotel Dusk. GTA just isn't my thing. Doesn't matter what console its on I just can't force myself to care about it. So go ahead and blame me for the poor sales. It's all my fault.
Its all your fault!!!!
No, believe me this series gets along just fine without anymore fans. If you never liked it that is cool. Its the 14 million people that buy GTA4 and totally ignore this game.
another code sounds good though i'm not sure it is worthy of a full price purchase
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Sweet review for Overlord II. Yeah I'd like to buy this, nice work-in for the news article subtitle.
i know this probably doesn't mean much nor am i trying to influence your purchasing decisions but chinatown wars was quite honestly the only version of GTA i found enjoyable (and i tried most all of them). it is just a really fun game
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Wii Overlord is a prequel. Completely independent of the other games. I'm not sure of the reason but Codemasters wanted to release both games at the same time, which to me just seems kind of dumb. IT's going to confuse a lot of people. Simple people... like yourself.
I bought a copy on the first day it came out.
Though I do wonder how it sold outside of the US...