Megan Fox Will Kick Your Ass At Mortal Kombat
Also, the interviewer is an idiot.
Tekken 6 Released October 27th; Pre-Order Details
Exclusive Samurai Pack, Also Bundle With a Wireless Arcade Sticl
GT5 London Street Circuit driven.
With a car that will make you spray your shorts. GG did you see it?
Rumored PS3 Firmware 3.0 Details Emerge
New features said to include grief reporting, rep, and patch background downloads.
High Voltage on Conduit art style
" We opted for big screen popcorn entertainment with high quality production values. Some may criticize our choice"
Conduit Cheat CC review
"while The Conduit doesn't end up being the Wii's Halo 3 or Killzone 2, it is a pretty good game that will likely be very appreciated by anyone who only owns a Wii "
Conduit Everyview review
"it is a solid shooter with a great visual and audio design and has the best controls of any Wii FPS thus far."
Gamespy Conduit review
3.5 out of 5 "Great, highly customizable controls; fantastic multiplayer mode that doesn't require Wii friend codes; nice graphics."
Crispeygamer Conduit review
"High Voltage's fine efforts show that all it takes is polish and dedication to craft a solid adventure experience for Nintendo's console."
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Recently Spotted:
Polyphony and Citroen partnered to create the GTbyCitroen concept car which appears in the developer's upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive title Gran Turismo 5. The real-life car recently took to the streets of London to recreate a street circuit from the game and drum up some more publicity.
This was happening in London and GG was watering fucking turnips. GOD DAMN YOU GG!
When my wife was a stripper she danced for Jimmy Page. That was her crowning moment from back in the day. And like you said, he's a music god. He can say anything he wants. He earned it. I may or may not agree, but he has the right to say it.
Jack White on the other hand is a douchebag. The guy's success was based on people wondering if his sister was just his sister or his wife or girlfriend or whatever. It's also not a coincidence that they haven't had a hit since they inititally showed up 6 years ago or so.
I would rather pick my nose then watch that car drive around.
What is up with these too cool for gaming music stars always trashing guitar games? They are just a bit of fun.
Lets add Ryan Reynolds to the shitlist, the man who ruined Blade 3 said that gaming was a complete waste of fucking time.
You are dead to me.
As for the rock stars thing, well. There is some hierarchy for rock stars as well. Jimmy Page was in one of the most influential bands in music history, way up there with names such as The Rolling Stones or The Beatles, with hundreds of millions of records sold and which almost singlehandedly crafted a whole rock sub-genre and helped define an entire generation in music.
White Stripes dude has this girl who can be his sister/girlfriend/whatever. And a couple catchy riffs. He doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Page.
Blade 3? As in the movies? Such a shitty franchise. 3 Blade movies are 3 too much.
i think that was my personal favourite bit of news today. even better than the gt5 pictures
personally i think both jimmy page and jack white are mainstream whores who should just shut their trap. the riff from 7 nation army probably only has competition from the riff from whole lotta love as the most overused piece of music on adverts and tv spots. led zeppelin made bastardised music (ripping off blues riffs and making pop songs out of them)* which sounded awful and was given credibility by jimmy page's supposed occult associations in the same way that the white stripes pathetic brand of expensively under-produced tripe was given credibility by the incestogothic personal relationship of the two (lesson for bands here, if you want to make music you have to have a bassline).
maybe i'm being unfair to led-zep or whatever (they do have a lot more worthwhile music than the white stripes i'm not disputing that ... by the way which sub-genre did they define? metal? more so than black sabbath?) but page is somebody who licensed his music to be used by puff daddy and put in godzilla and he's complaining about guitar hero?
and what's the problem with guitar hero? if it's how kids today want to learn about "rock" music, good on them. it's certainly the only way i can tolerate most of it.
edit: * disclaimer: i have nothing against the making of music by using and reusing and borrowing other elements, in fact that's the only way music moves forward. i only mind it when it sounds bad to me, like led-zep.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Jimmy Page disses music games! I was hoping for a Led Zeppelin Rock Star.
Metallica also dissed guitar hero at first, so don't worry
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I strongly disagree with the notion that all of Zeppelin music was comprised of bastardised rip-offs, even though they have been sued by noted blues composers and even settled out of court in many cases. However, I believe most (or any) of those sues would not have taken place if Zeppelin hadn't been so successful. If each and everyone of their records tanked, the band would have instead become an underground cult icon, and be probably hailed and revered today because of their classic blues homages by many people that now calls them rip-offs.
People didn't lend any credibility to Zeppelin's music because of Page's alleged occultism, they were popular and considered influential way before those rumors surfaced. Their credibility stemmed mainly from Page's musical background as a hired studio musician, freelance producer and his venture on The Yardbirds, although John Paul Jones' musical background is at least as much, if not more, impressive than Page's, albeit less shiny.
Thing is, Zeppelin based a lot of their music in old ass folk and blues songs, genres where it was very common to see bands ripping off other people's material to make their own songs. They just weren't too good at hiding it. And they were unbelievably successful with those songs.
And yes, Sabbath is arguably more dominant in laying down the roots of what would eventually become metal, in that count I clearly went overboard by overstating Zeppelin's influence, although it could be argued that songs such as Communication Breakdown and Heartbreaker predate Sabbath's earlier efforts by a good couple of years.
People didn't lend any credibility to Zeppelin's music because of Page's alleged occultism, they were popular and considered influential way before those rumors surfaced. Their credibility stemmed mainly from Page's musical background as a hired studio musician, freelance producer and his venture on The Yardbirds, although John Paul Jones' musical background is at least as much, if not more, impressive than Page's, albeit less shiny.
i just made some gross generalizations to make my point that led-zeppelin/jimmy page are a bit of a holy cow and should not altogether be excused from criticism.
i also have a problem with roger plant, i just don't think he has a good singing voice (not just now that i've gone off music with singing almost completely, i never liked it). i understand many people feel differently and that's fair enough but personally i sometimes like cover versions of their tunes, like this one from the soundtrack to the film singles, more than the originals. i love the hair too
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I feel like I just saw the whole movie. But I thought it was a movie starring Fedor, not a movie Fedor so happens to be in. He seems to be a secondary character. Also why give him a gun, the whole movie he should be beating the crap out of people.
And they shouldn't be. As accomplished a musician as he is/was, Page was severely criticized in his time for being sloppy and careless with his performing. Especially live, but also on studio. He acts like a vestal virgin on some counts regarding use of their music, and then as a complete whore when enough money rolls around. Everything meaningful that Page/Zep contributed to music history, was arguably achieved during the first 5 years or so of the band. Whatever happened after that just contributed to pump up the fame balloon. Overrated? Perhaps. Pompous and bloated? Definitely. But they don't belong in the same league as the White Stripes. Nowhere near the same league.
As for Plant's singing, yeah, some of his vocals are wailing and screechy, and his overall style is too over-the-top for many people's tastes, he was not technically gifted, but his on-stage persona was a huge factor in defining Zeppelin live. He was the archetypal rock band frontman. You can find traces of his bare chested influence in all sorts of acts ranging from Mercury to Steven Tyler.
Yeah the HD graphics would bump the 3.5 mediocre game up to a 9 from most sites.
Add in online deathmatch with Nazis and you have a 10/10 right there. The forumula is so easy damnit, why are developers struggling?!
I have RE5. BTW.
Go PLAY! If you dare respond to my RS thread responce before playing I will find you and beat you.
Impressions quick. I assume you will play alone.
He just started playing and he's already hating it.
I will reply only once per day in the RS thread. We need to drag this thing out, at least we are having discussion in the ghostown.
Or am I just messing with you guys?
No I really DO hate it. It's actively destroying my 360, which up until now has been relatively problem free. It's almost like a virus.... a T virus.
Yeah I visted the other thread earlier, all discussion in there makes it easier to keep track of.
Sad to hear about the 360, not sounding to good.
E3 Gamecritics awards
5th Cell takes home not one, but two awards for Scribblenauts. I hope the guys are enjoying their success!
Best of Show
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
(Naughty Dog/Sony Computer Entertainment America for PlayStation 3)
Best Original Game
(5TH Cell/Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment for Nintendo DS)
Best Console Game
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
(Naughty Dog/Sony Computer Entertainment America for PlayStation 3)
Best PC Game
Star Wars: The Old Republic
(BioWare Austin/LucasArts)
Best Handheld Game
(5TH Cell/Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment for Nintendo DS)
Best Hardware/Peripheral
"Project Natal"
(Microsoft for Xbox 360)
Best Action Game
Modern Warfare 2
(Infinity Ward/Activision for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC)
Best Action/Adventure Game
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
(Naughty Dog/Sony Computer Entertainment America for PlayStation 3)
Best Role Playing Game
Mass Effect 2
(BioWare/Electronic Arts for Xbox 360, PC)
Best Racing Game
(Black Rock/Disney Interactive Studios for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC)
Best Sports Game
Fight Night Round 4
(EA Canada/EA Sports for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Best Fighting Game
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
(Eighting/Capcom for Nintendo Wii)
Best Strategy Game
Supreme Commander 2
(Gas Powered Games/Square-Enix for Xbox 360, PC)
Best Social/Casual/Puzzle
DJ Hero
(Freestyle/Red Octane/Activision for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii)
Best Online Multiplayer
Left 4 Dead 2
(Valve/EAP for Xbox 360, PC)