Interview: 5TH CELL Talks ScribbleIGN talks shop with creator Jeremiah Slaczka, and chat about the Warner Bros. deal, the current state of the game, and Iga_Bobovic
Scribblenauts Gets a PublisherBalance your DS budget now. It's officially "on" for one of the most innovative and ambitious games on the Iga_Bobovic
Nice to see Punch Out is getting some strong reviews. I suspect the aggregate score will be around 8.5. And on the other side of the spectrum, damn shame about Bionic Commando. Got a 6 on EDGE, which granted is EDGE and not an untypical score for what ends up being a good game. But I've read just one too many middling previews about that game. Very rare to see mixed opinions in a preview so my expectation are pretty damned low.
*sigh* I stopped listening to Edge. Their reviews are crazy and unreasonable at times. They gave God of War 2 a 7, Killzone 2 a 8, and MGS4 a 8.
So in Edge's terms, a Bionic Commando being a 6 is probably translated to a 8 or higher everywhere else, which is what I expected of this game. Not a 9 or 10, but about a 8.
Nice to see Punch Out is getting some strong reviews. I suspect the aggregate score will be around 8.5. And on the other side of the spectrum, damn shame about Bionic Commando. Got a 6 on EDGE, which granted is EDGE and not an untypical score for what ends up being a good game. But I've read just one too many middling previews about that game. Very rare to see mixed opinions in a preview so my expectation are pretty damned low.
*sigh* I stopped listening to Edge. Their reviews are crazy and unreasonable at times. They gave God of War 2 a 7, Killzone 2 a 8, and MGS4 a 8.
So in Edge's terms, a Bionic Commando being a 6 is probably translated to a 8 or higher everywhere else, which is what I expected of this game. Not a 9 or 10, but about a 8.
No way does the aggregate score make it to the eights. Too many previews are describing the controls as "hit or miss." I have a feeling that in the end it's going to be one of those games that depends on the level design. Some levels will play well and be awesome. Others will be a complete mess and be the source of many broken controllers.
Hands-on impressions of the Booby game now in my topic!**
**Ha, ha! It almost sounds as if I had my hands on some Boobies! Ha, ha! That's both funny and gross at the same time! Ewww, Boobies! Mmmm, Boobies!Maybe I should seek some professional help?**
Not only was it a hell of a lot of work, but my neighbours probably thought I was nuts as I spent half an hour picking 2 quarts of dandelion blossoms from the park.
Not only was it a hell of a lot of work, but my neighbours probably thought I was nuts as I spent half an hour picking 2 quarts of dandelion blossoms from the park.
Not only was it a hell of a lot of work, but my neighbours probably thought I was nuts as I spent half an hour picking 2 quarts of dandelion blossoms from the park.
Hope it turns out well. I've had dandelion wine before but I got to say it was horrific. THen again the winery I got it from seems to specialize in making the worst wines ever created.
I wouldn't want to eat the raw flowers because of the texture, but you can batter them to make fritters. The leaves of the dandelion plant can be eaten as salad, and you can dry/crush the roots to make a coffee substitute.
robio said:
Hope it turns out well. I've had dandelion wine before but I got to say it was horrific. THen again the winery I got it from seems to specialize in making the worst wines ever created.
I don't drink so it's pretty much just for my parents anyway. My city (or maybe province?) recently made it illegal to spray public places with pesticides, and I have a huge park behind my house that is full of dandelions. Picking the ones above didn't even make a dent. So basically I was just talking to my dad about how dandelions are actually edible and all the health benefits, next thing I know I'm out picking a shopping bag full of petals
Right now there is a big vat on the kitchen counter... 4 quarts water, 2 quarts dandelions, and some lemon/lime/orange juice. It basically smells like dish soap so I dunno how it will turn out either.
Pikmin 3?
i will be so happy if that is so
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Edgy is alive!
You rang milord?
I'm retiring for the evening so you will have to rely on the houseboy.
Steel. Where are you!
What if it's Tiger Woods 2010?
(I like dashing people's hopes, LOL!) J/K
Hope it's Pikmin 3. Miyamoto needs to do something like that. Nintendo needs to do something like that. Wii need it.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
*sigh* I stopped listening to Edge. Their reviews are crazy and unreasonable at times. They gave God of War 2 a 7, Killzone 2 a 8, and MGS4 a 8.
So in Edge's terms, a Bionic Commando being a 6 is probably translated to a 8 or higher everywhere else, which is what I expected of this game. Not a 9 or 10, but about a 8.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
If you want to dash someone's hope, it would be helpful not to choose a game that is going to be totally awesome.
P.S. you are probably right it is going to be Tiger Woods PGA tour 2010.
No way does the aggregate score make it to the eights. Too many previews are describing the controls as "hit or miss." I have a feeling that in the end it's going to be one of those games that depends on the level design. Some levels will play well and be awesome. Others will be a complete mess and be the source of many broken controllers.
**Ha, ha! It almost sounds as if I had my hands on some Boobies! Ha, ha! That's both funny and gross at the same time! Ewww, Boobies! Mmmm, Boobies! Maybe I should seek some professional help?**
Wouldn't be a problem with me. I like the Tiger Woods games.
Not only was it a hell of a lot of work, but my neighbours probably thought I was nuts as I spent half an hour picking 2 quarts of dandelion blossoms from the park.
Can they be eaten as is?
Okay, I am going to watch Wolverine.
If I don't come back, Stalin you do the updates.
Have fun...
Hope it turns out well. I've had dandelion wine before but I got to say it was horrific. THen again the winery I got it from seems to specialize in making the worst wines ever created.
I wouldn't want to eat the raw flowers because of the texture, but you can batter them to make fritters. The leaves of the dandelion plant can be eaten as salad, and you can dry/crush the roots to make a coffee substitute.
I don't drink so it's pretty much just for my parents anyway. My city (or maybe province?) recently made it illegal to spray public places with pesticides, and I have a huge park behind my house that is full of dandelions. Picking the ones above didn't even make a dent. So basically I was just talking to my dad about how dandelions are actually edible and all the health benefits, next thing I know I'm out picking a shopping bag full of petals
Right now there is a big vat on the kitchen counter... 4 quarts water, 2 quarts dandelions, and some lemon/lime/orange juice. It basically smells like dish soap so I dunno how it will turn out either.
Not quite!