Platinum Games wants you to be able to trust in
their quality. But not their PAL conversion
The Five: Punch-Out!!
Will the first new Punch-Out!! in 15 years be a K.O., or a LAME-O?
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SupremeAC (4m)
*readies shotgun*
EDIT: yah done
Bayonetta trailer = awesome!
Ass Creed 2 sounds ok.
SH Wii better be what these guys say it will be.
In case you guys haven't heard by now, I'll still post this here again:
Final Fantasy VII, perhaps the single most highly anticipated PS1 Classic release, has hit the PlayStation Network. But before you go rushing to the PlayStation Store, this landmark game release is unfortunately only available to those in Japan. Cue disappointed sighs of frustration.
Slides bearing the Final Fantasy VII: International -- name and logo surfaced on a Japanese website along with the text "Play FFVII on the PSP." Images of the game's listing on PSN such as the one above have appeared on NeoGAF, further confirming that this isn't some cruel joke -- although you could easily argue that the Japan-only release is a cruel joke in and of itself. The 1,500 yen price converts to roughly $15, which I'm willing to bet most Final Fantasy fans would be more than happy to pay in order to get their hands on International, which was a Japan-only release that included enhancements the American version had received from the original Japanese release of FFVII, as well as other bonus features, according to RPGamer
As soon as any other details surface, including any announcements regarding a U.S. or European release (wishful thinking as that might be), we'll be sure to bring them to you right away. Stay tuned.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Everytime I see that I get nerd rage. Stop it!
Why dont we get FFVII, I want FFVII in english!
Captivate 09 official description from Capcom, the show will happen April 29th:
Dead Rising 2: Inafune-san himself will be living it up in Monte Carlo. There's a new, amazing trailer that will blow your socks off (more motorcycle action!) and we'll be seeing gameplay for the first time.
Lost Planet 2: Takeuchi-san gets no rest, as he's now full-time on LP2. If you've seen the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine, you'll have read Fran's breathless first-hand account of her co-op play session in Japan. This game is really impressing me, both from a technical perspective (the MT Framework 2.0 looks even better than RE5) and from a pure gameplay stance. Four man co-op to take down Akrids the size of battleships? Yes, please.
Dark Void: Morgano has a new playable demo filled with jetpack-y goodness and weak-crotched robots that is going to really rev you up. With SFIV and RE5 out the door and LP2 and DR2 so far away, I think it's time for everyone to start paying more attention to this hot game.
Spyborgs: announced last year (too early), Spyborgs will be removing its cloaking field to show the direction that Capcom and the ex-Insomniac crew at Bionic Games have taken this title. All new art direction and gameplay mechanics have replaced some of the more "younger" feel of the game, and they've really fine-tuned the Wii controls for this new action directive.
Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles: Kawata-san also earned no vacation; after finishing the immensity of Resident Evil 5, he immediately had to jump back into the zombie-infested world of RE. We got a very early sneak preview of REDSC right before the launch of RE5, but Kawata-san has promised that he's going to go more in depth with the new cover mechanic being introduced in this game, as well as showing off how the Wii remote is being used.
We'll also be talking about and playing with Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (coming this summer, finally!), Resident Evil for the Wii and Bionic Commando, as well as announcing NEW GAMES!
For those of you not able to attend, do not fret! We will be bringing you all the screens, videos, trailers and news on April 29, as well as linking out to all the global coverage that stems from the event. There's gonna be a lot of stuff happening, so keep you Unity RSS feed hot as we open the doors to our elven workshop to let you witness second-hand all the magic we're working on.
Nice lineup of games, I am sure many on this site will be wondering about Spyborgs.
As much as I'd like to say I wish I could play FFVII again, I can honestly say I wouldn't touch it - even at $15. I spent enough time with the original that there's nothing left to find or do. I tore through that game, and one of the things I was always very proud about was that I discovered virtually everything without a hint guide. The only thing I ever needed help on was the chocobo breeding.
Then a few years back I picked up the game again and. . . well there just wasn't anything left to do (unless I wanted to tackle the Emerald and Ruby Weapons which never interested me).
i can never find most of the secrets or cool things on these games, it's like you have to buy the guide which kind of defeats the purpose of playing the game. i remember playing FFVII while a fresher at halls of residence before my room-mate's playstation died a death. he showed me some totally unbelievable stuff which would have otherwise never occured to me ... like fighting that giant worm in the lake early on and hanging on till he did his special move on you so you could learn that spell (which was so deadly on anything else at that point) and then escaping. Or later on when he showed me how to catch the golden chocobo and go to that place to get the knights of the round table summon which was hands down the most awesome thing in the game. good times. yeah i couldn't and wouldn't play it again though.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Maybe someday this site will be bigger than GAF!
Okay, maybe not that big but I hope it grows. Do you guys think we should start doing some reviews? Oops? Nevermind, already there! My bad!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
No even bigger. We shall become even bigger than porn. We shall become so big that VGPress will become self aware and destroy humanity! That will be our gift to the Universe
*SCEA's last PSN press conference*
SCEA Board Member #1: "Ooo, Jet Moto, Cool Boarders, and Sco-Cross! That's very American! They would love that!"
SCEA Board Member #2: "And don't forget Spyro or Crash, that's popular with the kids! They're like Mario and Sonic!"
SCEA Board Member #3: "We need some Japanese games. about Tekken 2!"
SCEA Board Member #2: "Yeah, Tekken 2 is popular with the 'hip' crowd!"
SCEA Board Memebr #3: "Was there a Tekken 3?"
SCEA Board Memebr #1: "What is a 'Tekken' anyway?"
INTERN Getting Coffee: "What about Einhander?"
SCEA Board Member #1: "What? What's Eye-handler?"
SCEA Board Memebr #2: "Is that a Eye-Toy game?"
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
So big, that I sell you all out for massive profit!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileyep and GG will be fired for giving a 6 to the next resident evil after capcom payed tons of money for advertising space
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That does not matter, the site will keep growing and growing. Until it becomes self aware, then you are all doomed. Doomed you useless flesh bags. SkyNet birth is already set in motion, and it cannot be stopped.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
11:45 gmt gate open, animal crossing. saturday