Platinum Games wants you to be able to trust in
their quality. But not their PAL conversion
The Five: Punch-Out!!
Will the first new Punch-Out!! in 15 years be a K.O., or a LAME-O?
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Mr Miyagi told me to wax off that news. Bad mojo.
It's like Excitefighter.
Yeah I saw that. It has to come westwards eventually right? No reason it wouldn't.
Great news. After everyone ragged on Capcom after the Spyborgs unveiling (I think that is when I joined Ask Capcom) they had to change the art direction. I've been asking Sven whether it was going to age up and change the art style and morph into something better. Great, great news. Hope its sci fi and a little bit violent, sort of like Madworld with realistic graphics and less blood. And some platforming.
Cover in Darkside Chronicles? Nice, could be like Disaster/Time Crisis. It does add a new dynamic to rail shooters, as you have to time your attacks, reloads etc. Hope its not too gearsy though.
Would you want it that big? Bigger means more asses and arguing. I'd like say 10-20 more great gamespot guys we all know and love.
Me and Iga would need a cut. Who else would post all your news?
I would rebel and set up a site with the enemy. Me and Jeff G. Giant
I know his username is flying phoenix but I cant remember how its written so I can message him.
These are pics from the Japanese Monster Hunter G commercial
K, just did it.
I think it's fair to say that EA and Eurocom are using their whole ass to make Dead Space: Extraction a scary game that stands on its own as it guides you along.
There have been a lot of questions about Dead Space on Nintendo's console -- primarily "How will it look?" -- and this demo addressed many of them. So, with that said, how did it look? Really good. To put it bluntly, it looks like ... Dead Space. Sounds like it, too
There were points when the dev "driving" the demo ran out of ammo -- just as players are likely to do -- which gave him a chance to show off melee attacks. They're performed by "slashing" with the Nunchuk and seemed effective enough to knock enemies back, if not damage them.
The game is already looking extremely promising and I was dissapointed that I didn’t get to actually play it. Dead Space Extraction is set for release this Fall exclusively on the Wii.
I cut some extracts out from 3 previews
Saboteur PSM preview
Skim through!
It's the antidote to the WW2 malaise that has been setting in since Call of Duty 3 highlighted how generic the genre has become.
Saboteur puts a new spin on old themes, making them feel fresh and different.
The team found inspiration in quirky French film Amelie, the Indiana Jones movies, and the Parkour-lead game Assassin's Creed.
Sensibly, Pandemic made the choice early on to shun historical accuracy in favour of slick gameplay and a great story.
You'll meet Nazi storm-troopers kitted out with beyond-WW2 weaponry, and unfeasibly hi-tech Zeppelins that chase you across the rooftops. Realistic? No. Fun? Yes.
All the Nazi controlled areas of the game are rendered in black and white, whereas the liberated regions all buzz with vibrant colours.
De Blob???????
The action itself is a pleasing mish-mash of Freedom Fighters, GTA and Assassin's Creed. For the most part, Saboteur is a shooter.
There are elements of stealth and melee, but they take more of a backseat.
Although this is a Pandemic game, it doesn't run on the same engine as Mercs 2 - the emphasis is on using the environment instead of detonating it, so the up-close detail is more impressive.
When you're in Paris, you can climb any building and race across the rooftops. Climbable ledges are highlighted in yellow (very Mirror's Edge),
The mission structure's more focused than most open-world games too.
It's a great illustration of how Pandemic gives you freedom to explore your surroundings, but will always point you towards the next objective or try and hook you up with a side-quest.
There's an escalation system too, which seems identical to GTA's 'Wanted level'. To escape your pursuers, you have to get outside the red, circular zone that appears on your radar - yeah, just like GTA IV.
It won't have online multi-player or co-operative play.
No multi-player? No endless brown fields? No battle-chatter? Saboteur certainly won't be welcome in the WW2 shooter Gentleman's Club. No. This is the kind of shooter you'd find smoking a Gallois cigarette in a stylish Parisiene cabaret, and that's precisely why it looks so promising.
Bugs, I thought of you:
I know it's just as easy as < marquee >, but for some reason it's still amazing. Good work on the new homepage.
I also see room for a new site feature: Articles/Editorials. From time to time, we get really high-quality new threads in the forum that are basically a page worth of opinion writing about the gaming industry as a whole, or some broad topic... I think it would really raise the site to a whole new level (and help contribute to the newspaper theme
Yeah, the new home page is very nice. However, the "Join" button is waaay too small. I can hardly see it, and I'm afraid newcomers won't know how to create an account.
Stop abusing the
Yeah, Yarcofin!
Actually, no. Marquee is not part of the XHTML spec which means one, it won't validate, and two it's not supported by all browsers.
It's actually much trickier once you factor in h aving to keep it from having a gap before repeating.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileDamn what I fine game so far.
8 hours? You mean 1am my time?
One of the site's forefathers.
Yes, can you make it!
You must!
It rules. I have a new home page.
Finally indicted for taking that Brazilian hostage
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile