Platinum Games wants you to be able to trust in
their quality. But not their PAL conversion
The Five: Punch-Out!!
Will the first new Punch-Out!! in 15 years be a K.O., or a LAME-O?
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I dont see the point of japan only games recently, not unless they are really low budget or niche. The japanese market is in decline and is so small. The UK is now actually the second largest game market in the world. And Europe is more important of course as a whole.
Not releasing this game overseas is like cutting yourself off from most of the world. Japanese horror has been more popular in the west with the horror movie remakes, the eye, dark water, grudge, ring etc.
Still coming to europe?!
Giancarlo works at a GameStop in Italy, and he’s told me that his computer system shows Fatal Frame IV with a May 30th, 2009 release. On top of that, the most recent Italian issue of GameStop’s mailer shows Fatal Frame IV as being localized, but with the name ‘Zero: A Japanese Ghost Story’.
Nielsen Corrects Survey Error, Shows Wii With A Bigger Share Of Playtime
Analysis firm Nielsen has corrected a mislabeled graph in its recent survey that led to widespread media reports that the Wii receives a smaller share of the total console userbase's playtime than the Xbox 360. Now corrected, it's clear the Wii actually receives a larger share, behind only the PlayStation 2.
Nielsen told online news site FastCompany that the correct percentages in terms of user minutes, factoring in the console install base, are actually as follows: PlayStation 2: 23.7%, Wii: 20.7%, Xbox 360: 18.2%, PlayStation 3: 9.0%, Xbox: 7.9%, and GameCube: 3.3%.
The company's "State of the Video Gamer" report touted continued and broadening demographics for the industry, and found increasing penetration of new platforms like mobile phones.
Grand-Slam Tennis 360/PS3 release dates announced.
EA SPORTS Grand Slam Tennis is being developed under the EA SPORTS brand by EA Canada in Vancouver, B.C. Designed first for the Wii, it ships to North American retailers on June 15th, one day earlier than the previously announced ship date. Worldwide it ships on June 26th with the exception of the United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Australia, where it ships on June 12th.
This fall, EA SPORTS Grand Slam Tennis will also be served up for the PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. With stunning realism, it will feature innovative control systems and robust online** capability. Classic matches from the past will be recreated, along with simulated dream match-ups that weren't possible before.
Finally official.
Not a bad idea, make it clear that the Wii version is the lead sku to make poor users feel loved, then milk it on all systems for cash with a slight delay. Use motionplus as an advantage on the system. I see this selling well, at least a million over 12 months.
How cute, you actually think you have any say in the matter
Okay all your points are moot.
You played nothing, than you post 3 awesome games. Wow, I only played Castlevania 3 once and Ski-Jumped twice with Wii-Fit. This all adds up to a whopping 16 minutes of play in 2 weeks. Last week I played nothing, NOTHING!! One point down.
About the PSP, I was thinking about the story ASK posted in the forums. So I could use your opinion for that. And quite frankly ASK has just got here and you have been here from almost the very beginning when we still were at 1up. So quite frankly I think you deserve to go first and you are only two hours ahead of me so you can be easily be planned in. Second point is dead!
Now the last point. I will post what the topics will be about tomorrow. I will even post links to the stories. So you will know what the topics will be about. So no problem there. So there goes the last point.
Oh and in 2 weeks Homer will return, so it will be difficult to plan the Euro guys in. So this is your best bet. Stop being a wuss and go for it. You will only become a man if you join are podcast.
Now what time are you available in the weekend? We might do it on Saturday depending on people's need.
Cool! It's cheap! I have 800 pts left...hmmm...I'm thinking about getting this.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
The game looks cool and is pretty cheap, but I really hate that annoying announcer chick. I'd probably buy it if there's an option to diable her yelling.
That cover is hilarious.
Not too keen on those raquettes, though, probably just get in the way. They're no hand cannon. 
I'm actually geting kinda interested in Rabbids.
What story are you guys talking about? The recent Sony PR statement on the DSi I posted in the forums?
And yeah, I do play the PSP a lot lately. I'm loving it. And you should check out Resistance Retribution for sure! I recommend Prinny as well. But I can understand why you haven't touched your PSP for awhile bugsonglass, there was a drought for a long time before RR and Prinny. So these two games were a breath of fresh air for me which got me into my PSP again. It also made me pick us some older games like Silent Hill Origins and even Tomb Raider Anniversary, which is PS2 perfect. Also, LocoRoco 2, Samurai Shodown Anthology, and Patapon 2 looks worthwhile.
And the biggest reason why I'm playing my PSP more is because I got rid of old DS Phat. That's really about it. If I had a DS Lite, I'd probably divide my playing time between two handhelds since the DS does have some cool new releases as well.
And what is this podcast thing? I guess I need to learn more on what you guys do here.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
For a minute there, I thought we were getting the EA Tennis game with Hewitt on the cover. That would make me RAGE. Gotta love Sega Australia.
...Also, that Rabbids stuff makes me both cry and be strangely optimistic about the game.
I prefer latenight, but times shouldn't matter much.
Please direct your attention to The Press Room. There should be a good 13 hours worth of listening for you, now get going!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOne of the site's forefathers.
The reason I posted that Rabbids Nintendo power pic was because it was larger and cleaner. You could actually see the screen. The page here has shrunk it down. If you grab the url from the properties and open it in a new window you can see the graphics. Not bad, too de-saturated in colour though.
I'm wondering about this Virtua tennis boxart though, no motionplus mention. Sega have been coy as to whether this game uses it and if its not on the box
I saw you in the GAF Dead Space thread, socking it to em
Good old Punk. I've seen quite a few Japanese horror movies including the Grudge which was disjointed but quite freaky with that woman. This game looks pretty cool, I really hope its released in the west though.
Phew, did the updates. lots of stuff. FFCC overworld seems huge, videos are steadily getting more zelda like.
Now for the Bioshock 2 trailer.
Are these renders or screens?
I see jaggies on the left building.
also need to make sure i'm ok hardware and software wise. i have skype, is that what we are on? i also have no recording software. another thing is my headset has not been working properly since my computer had its adventure with not recognising any plug and play devices. i can't seem able to use the mic on it but my cam has a built in mic which is decent and i know has worked on skype before, so maybe that's good enough.
Topics ... i guess we can discuss that in the pressroom thread in the forum.
GG i also had the very same question when i looked at the virtua tennis package. i was specifically looking for hints of motion + utilisation but couldn't find any. on the contrary, i was wondering if the motion plus would fit on the wiimote through tha racket shell since it has that protective thingy as well.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Silent Hill preview
All sorts of thoughts are racing through my head as I sit in a demo room at Konami's Manhattan Beach, California office is mid-March while waiting for company representatives to boot up the Wii action-horror game Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. I think, this title came out of nowhere -- a real surprise. Does that mean I should be worried? And then, well, it is developed by Climax, the same studio which did Origins for PSP and more recently the good-looking Overlord: Dark Legend for Wii. These guys seem to know what they're doing and they have demonstrated a certain respect for Nintendo's console, something of a rarity for a third-party. Hopefully they don't eff this one up because if it's an on-rails shooter, I don't think I'm going to be able to fake enthusiasm. Forty-five minutes later, I'm calling my editor, Mark Bozon on my cell phone. "Man, you're going to hate me," I say. "I just saw what could be the most impressive third-party game on Wii." There's nothing better than being unexpectedly blown away.
Bear in mind, I spent about 15 minutes with the game and my experience was eyes-on, not hands-on. Still I've been doing this for long enough to spot a quality project when I see one and Shattered Memories has incredible written all over it. The specifics will follow, but here are the footnotes: absolutely outstanding technology, superbly implemented controls, extremely moody atmosphere and smart design. Rarely do I walk away from a demo without any negatives, but the only thing I could come up with as I relayed my experience to Bozon on the phone was so trivial that that it was barely worth mentioning.
Wow, read the rest of the Silent Hill preview, sounds awesome.
Love the attitude of the developers too:
Sam Barlow: The second reason, the Wii as a platform gives developers the leeway to think outside the box and to be creative -- we can take risks that we couldn't on the more traditional "hardcore" platforms. That's due to the costs of 360/PS3 development and also the mindset of the user base. Some people on Wii have never played a horror game -- so they don't know what to expect, they don't know to expect the tired genre staples. Some people on Wii are lapsed gamers, returning to the medium -- so they want something fresh, they want to see things moved on. And then there's the gamers (still the majority of Wii owners) -- they know that the Wii has the ability to shake up established genres and franchises in the same way that the DS has done, so they're excited to try new things on Wii.
IGN: Finally, Wii fans have been burned before. Why should they be excited about this new Silent Hill?
Tomm Hulett: When the Wii was announced, we all heard about the great new things it could do for the core gamer. We were told it wouldn't be all music sims and exercise tutorials -- there were real games on the way too. It took a few years, but Silent Hill is here. This is the game you've been waiting years for. It's mature, it's tense, and it has everything you're looking for in a "real" survival horror game, because it is one. Oh, and it's not a rail shooter.
Sam Barlow: Come on -- everyone has imagined this game. Maybe not the particulars, but all Wii fans have wanted this game -- the flashlight horror game -- since they first got their console. This is the flashlight you've dreamed about. And then there's the story and the psychological stuff. This is amazing stuff and its right here on Wii. This is not breaking on PS3 and then being down-ported with waggle. This game was conceived as a Wii title. We're making this game because we want to play it, because we want to do things with story, with atmosphere that we can only do with this game. This one will be interesting, it will have the best flashlight ever seen and there are aspects of this game that will blow your mind.
Also, just watched the Bayonetta trailer
Okay I have posted so much stuff today worth commenting on. You suck if you dont post. Simple as.
10th April 2009
My name is Robert Neville, here on VGPress. It's been days since I've seen anyone in this city. I'm running out of food and my only company is a mangy dog I think is infected with the virus. He keeps coughing.
I think he licked zombie Steelo ballsacks a few days ago for water.
Everyone has disappeared, I think they are out in the quarantined zone called GSpot, set up by the evil government.
If they try and come back here I have my shotgun ready.
IS ANYBODY OUT HERE?! IS ANYBODY ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu