Seems like that huh, I play what I know I will love, this year its been like a buffet for me. IBest year in gaming in a long time.
I usually dont care to talk about what I dont like, I dont see the point, sadly it seems that I am the opposite of most forum folk who love to trash games more than praise them.
Vader where is your sense of adventure? Trying stuff you think you won't like could really broaden your horizon's. Try gaming outside your comfort zone for once.
dvader said:
Hmm, good point. Well Brawl is mostly remixes of classics so its a kind of unfair but yeah Brawl has better and way more music. But this is right there.
But LBP has lincensed music correct? The one song that was removed was from a Somalian performer, correct? At least for remixes you still have to do work, plus the Brawl theme with translations when you finish the Subspace Emisary was just Epic.
I play a ton of different games, probably more than anyone here. I generally own and talk about my favorites which are normally those games I knew I would love in the first place. This year I tried PixelJunk Monsters a tower building game, not for me. I played Puzzle Quest which turns out I love.
And yes LBP has lots of licensed music. Well whatever its great.
You really should try the Ubisoft Wii-games. Sure they are crap, but at least the reviews should be entertaining. All the 90+ Reviews are getting boring, time to review horsez 2 Vader.
I do think about that sometimes. I look at my reviews and I am like "damn everything is so high scoring" I wonder if I inflate scores but no, a lot of times I am near the average, sometimes higher sometimes lower. Its just that I play only the best game. Now everyonce and a while its nice to get a reality check by playing something crappy, like Sonic 06, yikes. This year I bought Rise of the Kasai used, I heard it was ok, BLEH, I cant even play it. And those games I mentioned aren't really bad bad, I can't imagine the shit like Horzes or Petz. So remember guys, we are playing what is actually a small percentage of games, the majority are crap, its just that we dont play them.
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Edit: 5 hours into Vesperia! Love it! Love the music!
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Yeah I'd really like to get a PS3 soon to. I've been really itching for one for awhile, ever since MGS4 came out, but all these other great games keep me from saving up any significant amount of funds up. Yeah I'm weak. Of course things keep getting cheaper so if Sony does another pricecut soon I'd probably be able to scoop one up.
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Edit: 5 hours into Vesperia! Love it! Love the music!
And you are also discovering the forgotten treasures of the Gamecube.
P.S. Man is hear awesome things about the new Castlevania. After totally completing all the Metroid games, maybe it is time to start Castlevania. There are 3 DS games and 2 GBA one, correct? What is the order from crappiest to best?
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Edit: 5 hours into Vesperia! Love it! Love the music!
Since I started gaming (which was essentially as early as when I physically was capable of doing so), this year is probably the least I've ever played.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Definately better then last year and the year before that (aka the crapage).
steelattack said:
archangel3371 said:
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Edit: 5 hours into Vesperia! Love it! Love the music!
Buy "The World Ends With You", Phoenix Wright games, "Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow", and "Mario Kart DS".
Same here dude. No, really. I'm not playing anything 'new'. I'm still playing through GTA and Burnout Paradise for crying out loud!
I personally think that there are almost too many games being released considering the relative length of these games. If games were like movies we could digest all of these titles because they would be cheaper and shorter. And preferably on a console that could play all games. Instead we have to pick and choose a few expensive games because no one can afford to get them at the prices they sell them at and no one has the time to play them all either. What is wrong with this picture?
iga_bobovic said:
You are missing something, it is called a sense of humour.
I found it funny.
dvader said:
GG no Sonic Chronicles yet. THANK you for that RE5 interview it was incredible! Yeah the wii part sucked, I am shocked that they are not making any other RE side games, like a UC2. But there is so much more info in there, new extra modes, a plan for the story beyond RE5, 30+ hours of content. I am so excited for RE5.
On the podcast, so am I the only guy playing new games. Anyone play LBP, Dead Space, Wario Land, Mega Man 9, Wipeout HD, Resistance 2... I have played all that. How about 360, any of you got Fable 2, how about any Far Cry 2. I dont want to be the only guy asked questions about current games, I would like a discussion.
Archie and Edge play a lot, they need to get on the podcast. I really don't see what the hell capcoms problem is. REUC came out like a year ago now and they don't have a RE project in the works despite that title and RE4 port both selling over a million? Their response was to look around and see what other kind of zombie type shit they could port as quickly and as cheaply as possible? And they came up with REmake, RE0 and Dead Rising? That's seriously lame. You would have thought that they would have something brewing in the background, even a follow up to UC. But I suppose there is House of the Dead Overkill for that. I'm still waiting to see what developers can truly come up in a RE game to use the unique wii features. Hell, even motionplus. Or a tilting chainsaw, physics controls etc.
RE5 looks cool though, hyper detail in some of those visuals. Not sure I like either of the leads so far. The africa setting somehow still seems odd to me and the gameplay does looks exceedingly similar. Wesker looks cool as hell though. I would like to see a RE game where you could play as Wesker like in Heroes when Sylar sort of becomes good.
foolz said:
that actually makes Disaster sound even more awesome. And according to the wii channel it comes out here today.
This sounds like GOTY to me: "the section where you run towards an incoming tidal wave to save a perilously positioned dog."
Look at the French ad!!!
I feel like getting this for the entertainment and flogging it on ebay.
The best thing to come out of France since... err...
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Edit: 5 hours into Vesperia! Love it! Love the music!
And you are also discovering the forgotten treasures of the Gamecube.
P.S. Man is hear awesome things about the new Castlevania. After totally completing all the Metroid games, maybe it is time to start Castlevania. There are 3 DS games and 2 GBA one, correct? What is the order from crappiest to best?
3 DS and 3GBA. IMO, worst (still really good though) would be either Harmony of Dissonace (GBA) or Portrait of Ruin (DS). Then Circle of the Moon (was that the name? GBA), then Aria of Sorrow (GBA), then Dawn of Sorrow (DS) was the best until this one which from the sound of it is maybe the best post SOTN CV game.
"People will, yeah, but not us, Peter, we want SSX. “We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer,” he concludes, “but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller.” Oh for fuck’s sake."
...Do I really even need to say anything? I mean really do I?
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Edit: 5 hours into Vesperia! Love it! Love the music!
And you are also discovering the forgotten treasures of the Gamecube.
P.S. Man is hear awesome things about the new Castlevania. After totally completing all the Metroid games, maybe it is time to start Castlevania. There are 3 DS games and 2 GBA one, correct? What is the order from crappiest to best?
3 GBA and now 3 DS. I haven't played Order of Ecclesia yet so i will put the other 5 in order crappiest to best:
1. Circle of the Moon (GBA) ... it's still a great game and probably the best GBA launch game, but was overshadowed by the 2 that followed.
2. Portrait of Ruin (DS) ... the two player switching mechanic was an interesting experiment but best left as that. Very nice environments though.
3. Harmony of Dissonance (GBA) ... great game, but a little too easy
4. Aria of Sorrow (GBA) ... a minor masterpiece
5. Dawn of Sorrow (DS) ... another minor masterpiece.
Order of Ecclesia is getting ace reviews so far so i imagine it's another very solid title.
"People will, yeah, but not us, Peter, we want SSX. “We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer,” he concludes, “but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller.” Oh for fuck’s sake."
...Do I really even need to say anything? I mean really do I?
This makes me fucking well as the bullshit that EA canned the NBA Street games - which I've heard nothing BUT good things about.
And I can join in on the Aria of Sorrow love? Easily one of the best GBA games...
"People will, yeah, but not us, Peter, we want SSX. “We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer,” he concludes, “but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller.” Oh for fuck’s sake."
...Do I really even need to say anything? I mean really do I?
This makes me fucking well as the bullshit that EA canned the NBA Street games - which I've heard nothing BUT good things about.
3 GBA and now 3 DS. I haven't played Order of Ecclesia yet so i will put the other 5 in order crappiest to best:
1. Circle of the Moon (GBA) ... it's still a great game and probably the best GBA launch game, but was overshadowed by the 2 that followed.
2. Portrait of Ruin (DS) ... the two player switching mechanic was an interesting experiment but best left as that. Very nice environments though.
3. Harmony of Dissonance (GBA) ... great game, but a little too easy
4. Aria of Sorrow (GBA) ... a minor masterpiece
5. Dawn of Sorrow (DS) ... another minor masterpiece.
Okay you and Vader like the Sorrow games the best. So I will buy CoM, PoR and HoD first. Well eventually, probaby in 2009 when I have money!
there is a double-pack of Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow which was going for $20 in the US. Look for that as the individually packed ones are very rare now. As is Circle of the Moon. The DS games are easier to find I think even Dawn of Sorrow had become very rare at one point but i think there have been further pressings.
"People will, yeah, but not us, Peter, we want SSX. “We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer,” he concludes, “but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller.” Oh for fuck’s sake."
...Do I really even need to say anything? I mean really do I?
This makes me fucking well as the bullshit that EA canned the NBA Street games - which I've heard nothing BUT good things about.
"People will, yeah, but not us, Peter, we want SSX. “We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer,” he concludes, “but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller.” Oh for fuck’s sake."
...Do I really even need to say anything? I mean really do I?
This makes me fucking well as the bullshit that EA canned the NBA Street games - which I've heard nothing BUT good things about.
Dammit EA, Fedor is not pleased
Thenw hy is he grinning?
Because he knows that he's going to kick someone's ass.
I do think about that sometimes. I look at my reviews and I am like "damn everything is so high scoring" I wonder if I inflate scores but no, a lot of times I am near the average, sometimes higher sometimes lower. Its just that I play only the best game. Now everyonce and a while its nice to get a reality check by playing something crappy, like Sonic 06, yikes. This year I bought Rise of the Kasai used, I heard it was ok, BLEH, I cant even play it. And those games I mentioned aren't really bad bad, I can't imagine the shit like Horzes or Petz. So remember guys, we are playing what is actually a small percentage of games, the majority are crap, its just that we dont play them.
In all my years as a gamer this is probably the best year I've ever had.
Dittooooo. And if all these awesome titles (many of which I'm still waiting to pick up, since I haven't seen them around yet) weren't enough, I have a DS coming my way shortly, and come years end I'll (probably) finally take the plunge for a PS3, with all its great exclusives.
Edit: 5 hours into Vesperia! Love it! Love the music!
Yeah I'd really like to get a PS3 soon to. I've been really itching for one for awhile, ever since MGS4 came out, but all these other great games keep me from saving up any significant amount of funds up. Yeah I'm weak.
Of course things keep getting cheaper so if Sony does another pricecut soon I'd probably be able to scoop one up.
And you are also discovering the forgotten treasures of the Gamecube.
P.S. Man is hear awesome things about the new Castlevania. After totally completing all the Metroid games, maybe it is time to start Castlevania. There are 3 DS games and 2 GBA one, correct? What is the order from crappiest to best?
True! Is the GC Harvest Moon worth getting?
Since I started gaming (which was essentially as early as when I physically was capable of doing so), this year is probably the least I've ever played.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileDefinately better then last year and the year before that (aka the crapage).
Buy "The World Ends With You", Phoenix Wright games, "Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow", and "Mario Kart DS".
One of the site's forefathers.
Oh yeah, man. TWEWY, the CV and the PW games are absolutely top of my list.
The best thing to come out of France since... err...
3 DS and 3GBA. IMO, worst (still really good though) would be either Harmony of Dissonace (GBA) or Portrait of Ruin (DS). Then Circle of the Moon (was that the name? GBA), then Aria of Sorrow (GBA), then Dawn of Sorrow (DS) was the best until this one which from the sound of it is maybe the best post SOTN CV game.
So yeah, just recorded the podcast.
Twas a lot of fun.
Moore on SSX and Future of Sports Games:
"People will, yeah, but not us, Peter, we want SSX. “We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer,” he concludes, “but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller.” Oh for fuck’s sake."
...Do I really even need to say anything? I mean really do I?
One of the site's forefathers.
3 GBA and now 3 DS. I haven't played Order of Ecclesia yet so i will put the other 5 in order crappiest to best:
1. Circle of the Moon (GBA) ... it's still a great game and probably the best GBA launch game, but was overshadowed by the 2 that followed.
2. Portrait of Ruin (DS) ... the two player switching mechanic was an interesting experiment but best left as that. Very nice environments though.
3. Harmony of Dissonance (GBA) ... great game, but a little too easy
4. Aria of Sorrow (GBA) ... a minor masterpiece
5. Dawn of Sorrow (DS) ... another minor masterpiece.
Order of Ecclesia is getting ace reviews so far so i imagine it's another very solid title.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Okay you and Vader like the Sorrow games the best. So I will buy CoM, PoR and HoD first. Well eventually, probaby in 2009 when I have money!
This makes me fucking well as the bullshit that EA canned the NBA Street games - which I've heard nothing BUT good things about.
And I can join in on the Aria of Sorrow love? Easily one of the best GBA games...
Dammit EA, Fedor is not pleased
there is a double-pack of Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow which was going for $20 in the US. Look for that as the individually packed ones are very rare now. As is Circle of the Moon. The DS games are easier to find I think even Dawn of Sorrow had become very rare at one point but i think there have been further pressings.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Thenw hy is he grinning?
Because he knows that he's going to kick someone's ass.