"People will, yeah, but not us, Peter, we want SSX. “We need to have something for that sports fan who might not necessarily be a sports gamer,†he concludes, “but who wants that 15-minute experience without having to struggle on how to use the controller.†Oh for fuck’s sake."
...Do I really even need to say anything? I mean really do I?
This makes me fucking sad...as well as the bullshit that EA canned the NBA Street games - which I've heard nothing BUT good things about.
Dammit EA, Fedor is not pleased
Thenw hy is he grinning?
Because he knows that he's going to kick someone's ass.
What are the two Japanese dudes in the back saying? They seem to be plotting something sinister....
You can kill Krauser quickly with your knife. That's how I did it.
yeah i only realised that on my second playthrough. just wait for him to uproach you and slash at him the moment he drops his guard. so much easier.
So when he breaks out the mutant arm on top of the spire you can just wait for him to approach you and slash him?
ravenprose said:
That's how I came across Animal Crossing. For a long time I didn't think I'd like it at all; it was way too cute, and there wasn't any set goals, high-score, or ending. But I decided to take a chance, and bought it. It was made by Nintendo, so how bad could it be? Well, as you guys already know, I ended up loving it! So yeah, sometimes it is worth taking a chance and trying something radically different. You might be surprised.
Me too, I had no idea what I was in for except that it was generally liked by a lot of people. I got it, for the first week or so I thought WTF? This is boring, then it got better. The game is based on a real calender and things open up the more you play it. It can be a very deceptive game. It's not necessarily a game you will sit down with for hours, it's a game you turn on everyday for half and hour to an hour to play. The best description I saw in a review was when they said it was like a diary you checked each day.
steelattack said:
True! Is the GC Harvest Moon worth getting?
It's a Wonderful Life is great, if you like the game you can sink in hours of farming goodness, upgrade your house and improve your farm.
Magical Melody is crappy.
steelattack said:
punk rebel ecks said:
Buy "The World Ends With You", Phoenix Wright games, "Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow", and "Mario Kart DS".
Oh yeah, man. TWEWY, the CV and the PW games are absolutely top of my list.
Mario Kart Wii is better than the DS one IMO. By a long shot. And I prefer both DS Castlevania games over the gba games. Visually they just own gba.
As for this best year in gaming chat I don't really remember individual years. Just overall periods when I've been happy and my happiest gaming period was probably during the N64 time with the Rare and Nintendo combo. You had nintendo doing several best games ever and Rare putting out a large selection of really high quality titles. Otherwise my best gaming time was the past when arcades used to have great scrolling beat em ups and shooters.
"Disaster: Day of Crisis is easily the best looking game currently available on Wii. With Cut-Scenes that would make even PLAYSTATION3 and Xbox360 owners pay attention, and by far the most detailed Character Models yet seen in a Wii title although occasional bystanders will lack variety this is a game riding high.
"The beauty of Disaster: Day of Crisis design comes with always wanting to see what's around the next corner, through the next door, or what will be the next disaster. Minor flaws do irritate and certain scenes seem to have cut corners, yet there is little in place to mar the overall experience. "
There's a shit ton of exploration everywhere, many stages have secret rooms filled with rare weapons and map pieces you'll need to collect to unlock the unbreakable weapons. Some secret rooms can only be found by using weapons/items you find in later stages, so if you want the really rare goodies, you have to revisit certain stages. Sometimes you'll have to control the Shinobi cat to fit into tiny obscure holes in walls to find stuff in. There's multiple routes to take to complete most of the levels.
Terrible cutscene? You mean the 4 second animation of a dude sheathing his sword after you've been detected? Starting over the beginning of the stage? Yeah, it starts you over at the SECTION of the stage, and all the items you've collected and guys you've killed remain intact, you just gotta run back to the area you were detected, which takes all of 1 minute.
But hey, even though Acquire created the fucking series, doesn't mean they know how to make a real tenchu game. They should obviously hire you, since you're an expert. If you want an "abomination" try playing Tenchu Z.
There is no hook because the game design has changed. It isn't needed anymore. There ARE areas you can get to that are up high, either by simply jumping or CLIMBING with a new climbing tool that you can find in some areas. Want to go up in the rafters when indoor areas? You just JUMP up there. The game tells you when you can. This works a hell of a lot better than having to select the grappling hook first, go into a first-person view, aim until the cursor turns red, and fire. You just hit the A button and you jump up. So you can focus on you know, STEALTH and QUICKLY get the hell out of the way to avoid an incoming enemy.
Exploration IS there. The levels may have been broken up into smaller areas, but within these areas there are still multiple ways to finish them and hidden items/places to find.
You don't start at the beginning of the stage when you get detected, by the way. You start at the beginning of the *AREA* you are in. All of the enemies you have killed remain dead, unless you die. If you are without certain items, you will die after being discovered the second time. However if you have a sword, you can fight against enemies. If you have smoke bombs, you can throw these down and escape back to the beginning of the area without the penalty of getting your shirt ripped, so in essence smoke bombs are like extra turns.
Please at least TRY this game before you write it off. Like I said earlier, I think the game design change is going to turn off some long-time fans. But it has been a really, really enjoyable game for me thus far and I have been playing Tenchu since the original came out in Japan.
-------------------------- END QUOTE
BTW thanks Dvader for the LBP impressions. Game sounds great, if I had a PS3 this would be a must buy. I really like the idea of User created content accesible by all. I wish games like Boom Blox and Elebits had this feature too, it would extend the life so much.
Speaking of Elebits I finally beat mission 27! The one with giant robots and buckets and snowmen? I had been stuck on that for months, maybe even a year. With all this talk about games yet to complete I had to stick it in. And I remembered what I love about it and what flaws it has. The slowdown can be atrocious, yet strangely the game is so addictive it never stops you from playing. Any sequel with a stable frigging framerate would automatcially be better than the original on the larger levels. You have to play each level several times to get the item locations memorised otherwise you will break your own thumb individually shooting the elebits. And the physics on the very large objects feels either too heavy or too light.
Still love the music, the addictive nature and the unprecendented interactivity and controls. I am on the final boss and them I can move on. Still stuck on batgirl in No More Heroes. Need a faq, I beat the shit out of her and yet my strikes are so weak it takes 10 years and then she pulls some random uber move out of her ass and wipes me out in a single blow.
So yeah I watched "Citizen Kane" for the first time early early this morning (or late late last night)...so other then the movie being very influencial for its time...why is it praised again?
You can kill Krauser quickly with your knife. That's how I did it.
yeah i only realised that on my second playthrough. just wait for him to uproach you and slash at him the moment he drops his guard. so much easier.
So when he breaks out the mutant arm on top of the spire you can just wait for him to approach you and slash him?
yes precisely. just wait for him with the left shoulder button pressed and slash at him the moment he drops his guard down. rince and repeat...
Will that work with the time limit?
BTW I just finished up an Elebits blog.
Yes on one of my playthrough is was running out of time, because I did not have heavy weapons like the broken butterfly or sniper. I always died because time was running short. The knife killed him faster than the bullets. It will work!
So yeah I watched "Citizen Kane" for the first time early early this morning (or late late last night)...so other then the movie being very influencial for its time...why is it praised again?
It influenced all the other movies that came after it. If you want to watch another classic check out Metropolis, one of the very first dystopian Science Fiction movie.
The 1980's anime? And yeah I know that "Citizen Kane" was very influencial (I could even see some of its influences even after almost 70 years) but still I don't see why this is said to be "The Greatest Film of All-Time". It's like referencing "Yi-Air-Kung Fu" as the greatest fighting game of all-time.
So yeah I watched "Citizen Kane" for the first time early early this morning (or late late last night)...so other then the movie being very influencial for its time...why is it praised again?
i never could get it myself either. i fell asleep the first time i tried watching it. then i forced myself to stay up and watch it. still can't see what's great about it. rosebud ... so what?
So yeah I watched "Citizen Kane" for the first time early early this morning (or late late last night)...so other then the movie being very influencial for its time...why is it praised again?
It influenced all the other movies that came after it. If you want to watch another classic check out Metropolis, one of the very first dystopian Science Fiction movie.
in my opinion. Metropolis = great. Citizen kane = not so great. but what do i know. the greatest movie i've ever seen ... like ever... is "la haine". has anyone seen it?
So yeah I watched "Citizen Kane" for the first time early early this morning (or late late last night)...so other then the movie being very influencial for its time...why is it praised again?
i never could get it myself either. i fell asleep the first time i tried watching it. then i forced myself to stay up and watch it. still can't see what's great about it. rosebud ... so what?
So yeah I watched "Citizen Kane" for the first time early early this morning (or late late last night)...so other then the movie being very influencial for its time...why is it praised again?
It influenced all the other movies that came after it. If you want to watch another classic check out Metropolis, one of the very first dystopian Science Fiction movie.
in my opinion. Metropolis = great. Citizen kane = not so great. but what do i know. the greatest movie i've ever seen ... like ever... is "la haine". has anyone seen it?
No I haven't seen that one Bugsy. I enjoy SciFi movies because you can see what kind of vision of the future people had back in the day. Even if the story itself is crap.
BTW the best movie ever is the Unusual Suspects, Memento and No Man's Land
punk rebel ecks said:
The 1980's anime? And yeah I know that "Citizen Kane" was very influencial (I could even see some of its influences even after almost 70 years) but still I don't see why this is said to be "The Greatest Film of All-Time". It's like referencing "Yi-Air-Kung Fu" as the greatest fighting game of all-time.
Dvader, I was just gonna post in your Litle big planet thread on GGD, but then the first 2 things I saw were Carnage and even worse Eviltaru and his gay cats and smileys....and just couldn't bring myself to.
The 1980's anime? And yeah I know that "Citizen Kane" was very influencial (I could even see some of its influences even after almost 70 years) but still I don't see why this is said to be "The Greatest Film of All-Time". It's like referencing "Yi-Air-Kung Fu" as the greatest fighting game of all-time.
Some people are stupid, plain and simple!
Pretty much. Movie goers are just like "hardcore gamers" they just follow the crowd and don't form their own opinions.
The 1980's anime? And yeah I know that "Citizen Kane" was very influencial (I could even see some of its influences even after almost 70 years) but still I don't see why this is said to be "The Greatest Film of All-Time". It's like referencing "Yi-Air-Kung Fu" as the greatest fighting game of all-time.
Some people are stupid, plain and simple!
Pretty much. Movie goers are just like "hardcore gamers" they just follow the crowd and don't form their own opinions.
Actually the best movie ever is a stupid claim, unless you have seen all the movies ever made.
i love sci-fi books and movies. at least the good ones. i have recently taken to reading a lot of william gibson (the man who coined the term cyberpunk) ... really good stuff.
i have seen no man's land ... very good and very poignant. La Haine is even more so. was made in the early to mid 90s (before vincent cassel was a superstar and when mattheu kassovitz was a director not an actor). very prophetic and very meaningful
i love sci-fi books and movies. at least the good ones. i have recently taken to reading a lot of william gibson (the man who coined the term cyberpunk) ... really good stuff.
i have seen no man's land ... very good and very poignant. La Haine is even more so. was made in the early to mid 90s (before vincent cassel was a superstar and when mattheu kassovitz was a director not an actor). very prophetic and very meaningful
The 1980's anime? And yeah I know that "Citizen Kane" was very influencial (I could even see some of its influences even after almost 70 years) but still I don't see why this is said to be "The Greatest Film of All-Time". It's like referencing "Yi-Air-Kung Fu" as the greatest fighting game of all-time.
Some people are stupid, plain and simple!
Pretty much. Movie goers are just like "hardcore gamers" they just follow the crowd and don't form their own opinions.
Actually the best movie ever is a stupid claim, unless you have seen all the movies ever made.
What are the two Japanese dudes in the back saying? They seem to be plotting something sinister....
So when he breaks out the mutant arm on top of the spire you can just wait for him to approach you and slash him?
Me too, I had no idea what I was in for except that it was generally liked by a lot of people. I got it, for the first week or so I thought WTF? This is boring, then it got better. The game is based on a real calender and things open up the more you play it. It can be a very deceptive game. It's not necessarily a game you will sit down with for hours, it's a game you turn on everyday for half and hour to an hour to play. The best description I saw in a review was when they said it was like a diary you checked each day.
It's a Wonderful Life is great, if you like the game you can sink in hours of farming goodness, upgrade your house and improve your farm.
Magical Melody is crappy.
Mario Kart Wii is better than the DS one IMO. By a long shot. And I prefer both DS Castlevania games over the gba games. Visually they just own gba.
As for this best year in gaming chat I don't really remember individual years. Just overall periods when I've been happy and my happiest gaming period was probably during the N64 time with the Rare and Nintendo combo. You had nintendo doing several best games ever and Rare putting out a large selection of really high quality titles. Otherwise my best gaming time was the past when arcades used to have great scrolling beat em ups and shooters.
Did some sunday updates.
Disaster review 86%
"Disaster: Day of Crisis is easily the best looking game currently available on Wii. With Cut-Scenes that would make even PLAYSTATION3 and Xbox360 owners pay attention, and by far the most detailed Character Models yet seen in a Wii title although occasional bystanders will lack variety this is a game riding high.
"The beauty of Disaster: Day of Crisis design comes with always wanting to see what's around the next corner, through the next door, or what will be the next disaster. Minor flaws do irritate and certain scenes seem to have cut corners, yet there is little in place to mar the overall experience. "
NeoGAF impressions, various
Terrible cutscene? You mean the 4 second animation of a dude sheathing his sword after you've been detected? Starting over the beginning of the stage? Yeah, it starts you over at the SECTION of the stage, and all the items you've collected and guys you've killed remain intact, you just gotta run back to the area you were detected, which takes all of 1 minute.
But hey, even though Acquire created the fucking series, doesn't mean they know how to make a real tenchu game. They should obviously hire you, since you're an expert. If you want an "abomination" try playing Tenchu Z.
There is no hook because the game design has changed. It isn't needed anymore. There ARE areas you can get to that are up high, either by simply jumping or CLIMBING with a new climbing tool that you can find in some areas. Want to go up in the rafters when indoor areas? You just JUMP up there. The game tells you when you can. This works a hell of a lot better than having to select the grappling hook first, go into a first-person view, aim until the cursor turns red, and fire. You just hit the A button and you jump up. So you can focus on you know, STEALTH and QUICKLY get the hell out of the way to avoid an incoming enemy.
Exploration IS there. The levels may have been broken up into smaller areas, but within these areas there are still multiple ways to finish them and hidden items/places to find.
You don't start at the beginning of the stage when you get detected, by the way. You start at the beginning of the *AREA* you are in. All of the enemies you have killed remain dead, unless you die. If you are without certain items, you will die after being discovered the second time. However if you have a sword, you can fight against enemies. If you have smoke bombs, you can throw these down and escape back to the beginning of the area without the penalty of getting your shirt ripped, so in essence smoke bombs are like extra turns.
Please at least TRY this game before you write it off. Like I said earlier, I think the game design change is going to turn off some long-time fans. But it has been a really, really enjoyable game for me thus far and I have been playing Tenchu since the original came out in Japan.
-------------------------- END QUOTE
BTW thanks Dvader for the LBP impressions. Game sounds great, if I had a PS3 this would be a must buy. I really like the idea of User created content accesible by all. I wish games like Boom Blox and Elebits had this feature too, it would extend the life so much.
Speaking of Elebits I finally beat mission 27! The one with giant robots and buckets and snowmen? I had been stuck on that for months, maybe even a year. With all this talk about games yet to complete I had to stick it in. And I remembered what I love about it and what flaws it has. The slowdown can be atrocious, yet strangely the game is so addictive it never stops you from playing. Any sequel with a stable frigging framerate would automatcially be better than the original on the larger levels. You have to play each level several times to get the item locations memorised otherwise you will break your own thumb individually shooting the elebits. And the physics on the very large objects feels either too heavy or too light.
Still love the music, the addictive nature and the unprecendented interactivity and controls. I am on the final boss and them I can move on. Still stuck on batgirl in No More Heroes. Need a faq, I beat the shit out of her and yet my strikes are so weak it takes 10 years and then she pulls some random uber move out of her ass and wipes me out in a single blow.
yes precisely. just wait for him with the left shoulder button pressed and slash at him the moment he drops his guard down. rince and repeat...
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Will that work with the time limit?
BTW I just finished up an Elebits blog.
So yeah I watched "Citizen Kane" for the first time early early this morning (or late late last night)...so other then the movie being very influencial for its time...why is it praised again?
One of the site's forefathers.
Yes on one of my playthrough is was running out of time, because I did not have heavy weapons like the broken butterfly or sniper. I always died because time was running short. The knife killed him faster than the bullets. It will work!
It influenced all the other movies that came after it. If you want to watch another classic check out Metropolis, one of the very first dystopian Science Fiction movie.
The 1980's anime? And yeah I know that "Citizen Kane" was very influencial (I could even see some of its influences even after almost 70 years) but still I don't see why this is said to be "The Greatest Film of All-Time". It's like referencing "Yi-Air-Kung Fu" as the greatest fighting game of all-time.
One of the site's forefathers.
i never could get it myself either. i fell asleep the first time i tried watching it. then i forced myself to stay up and watch it. still can't see what's great about it. rosebud ... so what?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
in my opinion. Metropolis = great. Citizen kane = not so great. but what do i know. the greatest movie i've ever seen ... like ever... is "la haine". has anyone seen it?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
But but but! It all started with teh sled!
One of the site's forefathers.
No I haven't seen that one Bugsy. I enjoy SciFi movies because you can see what kind of vision of the future people had back in the day. Even if the story itself is crap.
BTW the best movie ever is the Unusual Suspects, Memento and No Man's Land
Some people are stupid, plain and simple!
Dvader, I was just gonna post in your Litle big planet thread on GGD, but then the first 2 things I saw were Carnage and even worse Eviltaru and his gay cats and smileys....and just couldn't bring myself to.
Pretty much. Movie goers are just like "hardcore gamers" they just follow the crowd and don't form their own opinions.
One of the site's forefathers.
Actually the best movie ever is a stupid claim, unless you have seen all the movies ever made.
i love sci-fi books and movies. at least the good ones. i have recently taken to reading a lot of william gibson (the man who coined the term cyberpunk) ... really good stuff.
i have seen no man's land ... very good and very poignant. La Haine is even more so. was made in the early to mid 90s (before vincent cassel was a superstar and when mattheu kassovitz was a director not an actor). very prophetic and very meaningful
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Have you ever seen the show Captain Scarlet?
I have...twice.
One of the site's forefathers.