GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Characters you won't see in Scribblenauts OMG Iga_Bobovic
[] Fragile Info Iga_Bobovic
[] Bonus Round - Ep: 306 Part 1: A Change of Interface Iga_Bobovic
[] C.O.P.: The Recruit more footage, tentative release date Iga_Bobovic
[] Official Nintendo Magazine - review scores Iga_Bobovic
[] High Voltage discusses Left 4 Dead/The Grinder similarities Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands-on StarCraft II Iga_Bobovic
[] Darksiders Exclusive Turmoil Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] City of Heroes Launch Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] StarCraft II Multiplayer Interview Part 2 Iga_Bobovic
[] StarCraft II Multiplayer Interview Part 1 Iga_Bobovic
[] Sudden Attack Video Iga_Bobovic
[] StarCraft II Multiplayer Mayhem Fighting off the press and computer alike with Zerg rushes and Terran firepower. Iga_Bobovic
[] Just Cause 2: Know Your Grapple A look at all the ridiculously cool stuff you can do in JC2. Iga_Bobovic
[] Halo: Reach May Use Natal Is a motion-controlled Master Chief coming next fall? Iga_Bobovic
[] July 4th LBP Costume Iga_Bobovic
[] Face Button Punches DLC In Fight Night Round 4? Development team investigating the possibility. Iga_Bobovic
[] Blood of Bahamut Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Dragon Quest IX Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands on NGSigma 2 Kinder gamingeek
[] PSP Go price based on new hardware "premium" Price tag isn't aimed at protecting retailers or covering R&D costs, says SCEE president gamingeek
[] New Fragile IGN Screens gamingeek
[] Cing NOM Interview ""We are involved in a number of projects at the moment associated with Nintendo. Nothing that we can talk about right now" gamingeek
[] EA - putting Dead Space on Wii is a risk "I think Dead Space: Extraction is a gamble. It's a calculated risk" gamingeek
[] PS3 to get NXE overhaul? gamingeek
[] HOME to become essential to all games gamingeek
[] Hitman 5 plot details gamingeek
PS3 slim and price cut this fall So says the rumour mill gamingeek
Rumor: PSP Mobile phone coming gamingeek
[] Eidos making Hitman 5 gamingeek
GTA Chinatown wars nears 600k sold gamingeek
[] Muramas Gamestop pre-order bonus Art book gamingeek
[] Destructoid's Best of 2009... So Far. Leo Approved List! phantom_leo
[] Three DLC packs for Red Faction First due out in mid-August Iga_Bobovic
[] Aliens vs. Predator Eurogamer Preview Iga_Bobovic
[] Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Eurogamer Review 7/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] No LAN for StarCraft II Blizzard focuses on Battle.Net. Iga_Bobovic
[] Edge of Twilight Images Iga_Bobovic
[] Splinter Cell Conviction video Iga_Bobovic
[] Hulu Blocks PS3 Owners No more streaming videos? Iga_Bobovic
[] Vandal Hearts PSN Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince IGN Review HD versions 7.7 Iga_Bobovic
[] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince IGN Review PSP version 4.3 Iga_Bobovic
[] Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince IGN Review DS version 4.3 Iga_Bobovic
[] Genghis Khan IGN Review Another 16-bit strategy title hits VC. 6.0 Iga_Bobovic
[] Wii Sports Resort a Hit in Japan Wii Motion Plus debut off to big start in Nintendo's home country. Iga_Bobovic
[] EDGE mag Time Extend: Majora's Mask Long before MEGATON!!! there was TRIFORCE!!! Nintendo rumours have always been fuelled by hope as much as by hype, and 1999 was no different... gamingeek
[] id creates third dedicated development team gamingeek
[] Capcom Hints at New Onimusha gamingeek
[] Rare: No one truly knows us Peter to the rescue! gamingeek
[] Fable 3 confirmed? gamingeek
[] Xbox 360 to slip to third place by 2015 gamingeek
[] SEGA aren't done with mature Wii content "House of the Dead: Overkill was a profitable title for us." gamingeek
[] 100 million used games traded in US. Whoa. SteelAttack
Gears of War novel to hit streets July 28th. Second one. SteelAttack
[] LIVE activity for the past week. Halo 3 and CoD top chart. SteelAttack
[] XBLA KoF 98 tomorrow. 800 MS points! SteelAttack
[] Fable II Knothole Island cheaper. Until next monday. SteelAttack
[] NPD: Female gamers on the rise Ownership, usage and frequency figures jump, particularly among console gamers. gamingeek
[] Monolith's Upcoming First-Person Action Game FEAR 2 makers gamingeek
[] Head-To-Head: Prototype gamingeek
[] Shatter: Hands-on and Mind-blown Breakout was only the beginning. gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Dawn of Discovery I also liked the bit where I was complimented for delivering herb-tribute to the king, which sounds like some kind of drug-dealing slang. gamingeek
[] Carmack: EA held Wolf RPG back gamingeek
[] End of Eternity trailer gamingeek
[] Dreamkiller, a new FPS on PC and 360 From Mindware gamingeek
[] Night flying in Wii Sports resort gamingeek
[] Conduit Kotaku review Pleasantly surprised to find The Conduit to be a solid shooter that offers just enough in its single-player campaign to keep me playing to the end and enough multiplayer gamingeek
Gamepro Grand Slam Tennis review "So lace up your white sneaks, grab a Gatorade, and plug in the Wii MotionPlus for the most realistic living room tennis to date!" gamingeek
[] Giantbomb video interview Wii Sports resort gamingeek
[] Conduit Gaming Age review "Definitely check out the Conduit if you get a chance, and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I did." gamingeek
[] Golden Axe (Arcade) - Japanese Virtual Console Gameplay gamingeek
NPD Wii adult ownership rising Research shows gamingeek
Conduit VGChartz review ", the final product may not have warranted the impossible hype, but the Conduit is a very high-quality shooter that’s not to be missed by any self-respecting action gamer." gamingeek
[] Madworld Soundtrack out today gamingeek
[] Conduit NWR review "Hopefully High Voltage will learn from The Conduit's shortcomings for their next game, but for now, Wii owners will have to settle for something very good instead of truly great." gamingeek
[] Dead Space Extraction NA Boxart Woman with open mouth gamingeek
[] IGN Nintendo podcast summary For those too lazy to listen gamingeek
[] IGN Nintendo podcast Talks Conduit review wars gamingeek
[] Sony Patents Newer Emotion Engine Emulation Tech BC a'comin? darthhomer
[] Blizzard's Rob Pardo How the world's most successful studio makes games. Iga_Bobovic
[] Warrior Epic Eurogamer Review 5/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] Time Gentlemen, Please! Eurogamer Review 9/10 Iga_Bobovic
[] Club Nintendo Platinum and Gold Rewards Announced Epic Fail aspro73
[] Dawn of Discovery Launch Trailer Now I want a PC. This looks badass gamingeek
[] Wii Sports resort NOM review 94% "If sword combat in Zelda ends up like this it'll be great" gamingeek
[] Square Enix game confirmed Final Fantasy Gaiden: Four Warriors of Light gamingeek
[] Cursed Mountain Developer Diary VIDEO gamingeek
Monster Hunter 3's online hub Details inside gamingeek
Namco Bandai Introduces God Eater PSP: Monster Hunter in a futuristic tableau. gamingeek
[] Damnation devs laid off gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare 2 Video Preview gamingeek
[] Only one Sony PS3 title tops a million U.S What is it? It's Resistance gamingeek
[] PS3 Slim made in Taiwan It's a coming gamingeek
[] The Conduit Gameinformer review 7/10 gamingeek
[] Engadget motionplus impressions Video gamingeek
[] Joystiq Conduit review gamingeek
Conduit Gaming Bits Review gamingeek
[] Conduit Giant Bomb Review gamingeek
Conduit Extreme Gamer Review gamingeek
Conduit sells 100k first week? gamingeek
[] Cursed Mountain boxart gamingeek
[] Rune factory 3 Famitsu scans gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 famitsu scans 1/7/09 gamingeek
[] More Arc Rise Fantasia screens gamingeek
[] Never confirmed Brutal Legend Wii cancelled? If inside sources are to be believed, the Wii version of Brutal Legend has been cancelled due to quality issues. gamingeek
THQ confirms poor Deadly Creatures sales "we have great Wii technology there now and so we're developing other games -- stay tuned for the announcements " gamingeek
Overlord: Dark Legend Gamepro review 3/5 gamingeek
[] Tiger Woods 10 - Destructoid review The end result of all of this is a ridiculously addicting game that also just happens to be a technological achievement, forever changing the genre. gamingeek
[] SEGA talk multiplatform motion control gamingeek
[] The Making of: Pitfall! for the Atari 2600 VCS Ravenprose
[] Interactive Ads Heading to Xbox Live "Microsoft to enhance marketing potential on its console." Ravenprose
[] China's "gold farming ban" misinterpreted Bans buying real with virtual, not vice versa Iga_Bobovic
[] Metanet finally shows Robotology WTF?! Iga_Bobovic
[] Call of Juarez gametrailers Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Afrika Hippopotamus Gameplay Iga_Bobovic
[] Overgrowth Cat House Timelapse Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] Batman: Arkham Asylum Behind the Scenes of Arkham Asylum Iga_Bobovic
[] Batman: Arkham Asylum Behind the Scenes of Arkham Asylum Iga_Bobovic
[] Infinite Space Japanese Battle Lesson Vol. 1 Iga_Bobovic
[] Xbox Live Silverlight Ads to be 'Organic' "Microsoft saying the upcoming promotions won't interfere with your experience." Ravenprose
[] Shattered Horizon Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Shattered Horizon Beta News Space FPS seeking testers now. Iga_Bobovic
[] IGN King of Fighters '98 XBLA Review 7.6 Ravenprose
[] Natural Selection 2 Video Teaser Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] Cheers and Tears: First-Person Shooters The best and worst in the Xbox 360 library. Iga_Bobovic
[] Heroes Over Europe Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Details Iga_Bobovic
[] The Future of Networked Game Design "Xbox Live is changing everything and Big Brother is watching." Ravenprose
[] Dissidia Final Fantasy Video Firion Montage Iga_Bobovic
[] Super Hind Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! Stage 4 Footage Iga_Bobovic
[] Professor Layton Joins Smash Bros.? The top hat hero gets the invite to Brawl -- but it's not what you think. Iga_Bobovic
[] Treasure World IGN Review 7.5 Iga_Bobovic
[] The Top 25 Nintendo DS Games According to IGN Iga_Bobovic
[] The Top 15 WiiWare Games Iga_Bobovic
[] Tatsunoko vs Capcom Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Worst Wii Bundles Ever RUBBER DUCKY Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo Buys TV Show And so begins Nintendo's world domination. Iga_Bobovic
[] New RE Darkside Chronicles pics ...what's that fapping noise? gamingeek
Max and the Magic Marker pics gamingeek
Nintendo has 2 more motionplus games Rumoured for 2009 release gamingeek
[] RE Darkside Chronicles trailer Japan Expo trailer gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2: Massive interview Answers Ubi forum questions gamingeek
[] Marvellous might Port Wii Catalogue to PS3/360 Murasama. HD. Nao. darthhomer
[] Microsoft sued over XBL Company could be forced to settle out of court on a case Sony has already conceded to gamingeek
[] 1,300 Xbox 360s Stolen by Canadians Archie is stocking up on replacements gamingeek
[] Tekken 6 Eurogamer preview gamingeek
[] Gundam battlefield images gamingeek
[] Tales of Monkey Island: Screaming Narwhal - trailer gamingeek
[] Trauma Team interview Siliconera gamingeek
Miyamoto speaks in Nintendo Power On Zelda: “I don’t think it’s going to be that radically different.” gamingeek
The Grinder Interview Talks enemies and more gamingeek
Gamespy review Overlord Dark Legend Great controls and an all new story make this fun even if you've played the other Overlords. gamingeek
Euro Conduit trailer shows multiplayer gamingeek
[] Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga - US Debut Trailer gamingeek
[] Dragon Quest IX - Japanese Welcome to Dragon Quest Trailer gamingeek
[] Dragon Quest IX - Japanese TV Spot: Making Of gamingeek
[] 1UP's Game Night with TMNT: Smash-Up And Turtles in Time remake videos gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 - E3 09: Nintendo Channel Interview gamingeek
[] Soul Bubbles - Jap Bubble Play Trailer BUY THIS GAME A-HOLES gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers - E3 09: Nintendo Channel Interview gamingeek
[] Minna no Theater Wii - Japanese TV Spot gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy CC: My Life as a Darklord - Japanese Mari Yaguchi Gameplay gamingeek
[] Marvel Land - Japanese Virtual Console Gameplay gamingeek
[] Little King's Story Goes Gold Americans: The King is back! gamingeek
Vote for Tatsukono vs Capcom characters Capcom planning something cool gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 is complete Yahoo Iga_Bobovic
[] Chronos Twins DX - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo of Europe says Wii Sports Resort.... will be the biggest Wii launch of the year, big TV/print/theater campaign in the works Iga_Bobovic
[] Monster Hunter 3 - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Rune Factory 3 - more screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Extreme Escape: 9 hour 9 People 9 doors screens Boobies Iga_Bobovic
Japan - game market falls 25% i n first half of 2009 Iga_Bobovic
[] Infinite Space heads west next spring 2010 release for Platinum's DS space RPG. Iga_Bobovic
[] L4D2 pre-orders twice that of original Some fans evidently not cheesed off. Iga_Bobovic
[] Fez due on XBLA in "early 2010" Another from the IGF class of 2008. Iga_Bobovic
[] Frozenbyte: Trine project "a big mess" Dev talks pricing, PSN date and XBLA. Iga_Bobovic
[] Hanabi festival stuffs Wii/DSiWare/VC Mario Calculator! Mario Clock! Iga_Bobovic
[] Resident Evil Archives Eurogamer Review 8/10  Hobo redeemed Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Trine 8-10 Iga_Bobovic
[] Personality Crisis Eurogamer Article Conversations with MMO role-players Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands/on Left 4 Dead 2 Iga_Bobovic
[] Alpha Protocol Developer Diary 4 Iga_Bobovic
[] Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Momiji Gameplay Iga_Bobovic
[] GameTrailers TV Episode 216 - Chapter 4 Iga_Bobovic
[] GameTrailers TV Episode 216 - Chapter 3 Iga_Bobovic
[] GameTrailers TV Episode 216 - Chapter 2 Iga_Bobovic
[] GameTrailers TV Episode 216 - Chapter 1 Iga_Bobovic
[] BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger GT Review Iga_Bobovic
[] Natural Selection 2 Video The Onos Trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] America's Army 3 IGN Review You're in the Army now, and loving it. Iga_Bobovic
[] ArmA II IGN Review Proving that a game can be both brilliant and awful all at the same time. Iga_Bobovic
[] Worms 2: Armageddon Review 8.5 Iga_Bobovic
[] Gears of War 2 Evolved The Dark Corners DLC, the fourth title update, and more. Iga_Bobovic
[] Captain Blood Screens Iga_Bobovic
[] Sailing the Seven Seas with Captain Blood An action packed take on a notorious pirate. Iga_Bobovic
[] Crackdown 2: Get Ready for a Beat Down A new breed of superhero has come to Pacific City. And the infected citizens are going to kick his ass. Iga_Bobovic
[] Rumor: Rabbids in TMNT Smash A Rabbid dressed as Sam Fisher, as well as a Rabbid in a cheerleader outfit. gamingeek
[] DJ Hero Video Iga_Bobovic
[] Bioshock 2 Multiplayer Can this formerly solitary shooter become a multiplayer hit? Iga_Bobovic
[] Rock Band DLC Showdown The track that deserves your cash. Iga_Bobovic
[] Steambot Chronicles Review Atlus and Irem bring their Bumpy Trot to the PSP with less than stellar results. 6.0 Iga_Bobovic
[] Ashes Cricket 2009 IGN First Look As England look to reclaim the Ashes from the Aussies, Codemasters shows off its big-hitting Wii cricket sim. Iga_Bobovic
[] Top 25 Best Wii Games accprding to IGN Iga_Bobovic
[] Sky Crawlers Screenshots Iga_Bobovic
[] Sky Crawlers Flies to America Official: The Ace Combat team's stunning arcade flight simulator is on its way to the states courtesy of Xseed Games. Iga_Bobovic
[] GTA Chinatown wars $20 on Amazon TODAY ONLY gamingeek
[] New Monster Hunter 3 video Shows snow areas, airship battles and more gamingeek
1up preview Ace Prosecutor Edgeworth possesses the ability to use "logic" to put together clues and deduce facts gamingeek
[] Dante's Inferno - actual gameplay footage gamingeek
[] Valve still snubbing PS3 Doug Lombardi explains the company's stance on PS3 gamingeek
[] Judge Accuses Microsoft Of Courtroom Shenanigans In Ongoing Xbox Live Suit gamingeek
Heroes over Europe screens gamingeek
[] PS Store update gamingeek
Conduit for £18 Order at Zavvi gamingeek
Zentendo Conduit review "An outstanding effort for an independent third party. It raises the bar for graphics, controls, and online gameplay for FPS on the Wii" gamingeek
Muramasa: The Demon Blade - 'hero' trailer gamingeek
[] Miyamoto on Zelda Wii graphics gamingeek
Soul Bubbles Japan What's changed? gamingeek
Kombo Conduit review "The Conduit is the best Wii FPS. Just get ready some minor problems here and there that really detract from the overall experience and keep the game from greatness" gamingeek
[] Miyamoto talks Zelda Wii Highlighting the things that are important within the Zelda franchise--the actions that Link can take gamingeek
[] Miyamoto talks NSMB "We really didn't think about designing the courses or levels for multiplayer. They're designed for that single-player experience" gamingeek
[] Muramasa: The Demon Blade - Character Trailer gamingeek
[] Cliffy B explains bald space marines gamingeek
[] Little Kings Story character classes VIDEO gamingeek
X-Play Conduit video review gamingeek
[] Conduit at amazon $40 gamingeek
Nintendo blocking homebrew Online background checks running gamingeek
[] Wii Sports resort sells through 85% Nunchuk and motionplus sales boosted gamingeek
[] Miyamoto talks Mario Galaxy 2 Time slow feature. gamingeek
Examiner Conduit review "a new first-person shooter for the Wii that is actually amazingly well done for the console." gamingeek
[] Overlord Dark Legend NWR review "Overlord: Dark Legend is damn fine game when all is said and done" gamingeek
Josh Barnett interview Talks about Fedor, Castlevania, Games, manga, anime and does a Ultimate Warrior impersanation Iga_Bobovic
[] Miyamoto says 'wait' for a new Kid Icarus Iga_Bobovic
[] Arc Rise Fantasia - more screens Iga_Bobovic
2D Boy - WiiWare accounts for 60% of World of Goo sales Iga_Bobovic
Blood of Bahamut - Ifrit trailer Iga_Bobovic
[] Article: Depth Charges 3D displays promise an exciting future, but the present is more sobering. Iga_Bobovic
[] Gaikai: Cloud Computing Gameplay That Works? Eurogamer versus gaming over IP: round two. Iga_Bobovic
[] TMNT Smash Up Footage 4 Player Gameplay Footage Iga_Bobovic
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Joined: 2008-07-01
Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:08:27

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Foolz said:

Glad to hear that OK was profitable. Happy

It's crazy that Archie and Steel don't have it, though. They would both absolutely love it.

Well it's not really the fact that I wouldn't love it, it's just that more games are higher up on the food chain for me. It all boils down to an economics issue.

But yet, you want to buy games like Remake Wii version and Umbrella Chronicles. Sorry this economic excuse won't fly with me! It's a taste issue. As in, you have crappy hobo taste, admit it!


LOL Yeah because I want those games more then I want something else. Say I have $35 and assume I can get either REmake Wii or Overkill with it. I prefer to get REmake with not because I don't think I wouldn't want Overkill just that I'm more interested in RE and since I only have a certain amount of cash to spend then that makes it an economics issue for me. It's not rocket science. Nyaa


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:09:09

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Foolz said:

Glad to hear that OK was profitable. Happy

It's crazy that Archie and Steel don't have it, though. They would both absolutely love it.

Well it's not really the fact that I wouldn't love it, it's just that more games are higher up on the food chain for me. It all boils down to an economics issue.

But yet, you want to buy games like Remake Wii version and Umbrella Chronicles. Sorry this economic excuse won't fly with me! It's a taste issue. As in, you have crappy hobo taste, admit it!

Because they appeal more to him, and he can't buy them all. So in the end, it's all a matter of priorities. There's no economic excuse.

You are just rewording the thing is said hobo 2!

The VG Press
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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:11:18

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Archangel3371 said:

Yeah The Last Remnant got some not so kind reviews. The 360 version got a 6.5 from GS while the PC one got a 8.0. They said that all-in-all there is a great game in there that was brought down by some ugly texture pop-in and frame-rate issues. I installed the game on my HDD and while there is texture pop-in it's actually quite minimal and I have yet to encounter any frane-rate issues. I've only played a few hours of it but it does seem pretty good so far.

Oh I didn't know that. SE making PC versions better.

Bleh. If I stomached Mass Effect's ungodly amount of texture loading on screen and hair-raising framerates, I can deal with TLR just fine.

I never really noticed.


Yeah it's much less harsh then Mass Effect ever was.


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:12:53

Archangel3371 said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Foolz said:

Glad to hear that OK was profitable. Happy

It's crazy that Archie and Steel don't have it, though. They would both absolutely love it.

Well it's not really the fact that I wouldn't love it, it's just that more games are higher up on the food chain for me. It all boils down to an economics issue.

But yet, you want to buy games like Remake Wii version and Umbrella Chronicles. Sorry this economic excuse won't fly with me! It's a taste issue. As in, you have crappy hobo taste, admit it!

LOL Yeah because I want those games more then I want something else. Say I have $35 and assume I can get either REmake Wii or Overkill with it. I prefer to get REmake with not because I don't think I wouldn't want Overkill just that I'm more interested in RE and since I only have a certain amount of cash to spend then that makes it an economics issue for me. It's not rocket science. Nyaa

Actually wrong. You have $35 you buy Overkill and Remake (Gamecube version) for $5 on ebay or something. There is no reason to buy the Wii version. There problem solved.

The VG Press
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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:14:40

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Foolz said:

Glad to hear that OK was profitable. Happy

It's crazy that Archie and Steel don't have it, though. They would both absolutely love it.

Well it's not really the fact that I wouldn't love it, it's just that more games are higher up on the food chain for me. It all boils down to an economics issue.

But yet, you want to buy games like Remake Wii version and Umbrella Chronicles. Sorry this economic excuse won't fly with me! It's a taste issue. As in, you have crappy hobo taste, admit it!

LOL Yeah because I want those games more then I want something else. Say I have $35 and assume I can get either REmake Wii or Overkill with it. I prefer to get REmake with not because I don't think I wouldn't want Overkill just that I'm more interested in RE and since I only have a certain amount of cash to spend then that makes it an economics issue for me. It's not rocket science. Nyaa

Actually wrong. You have $35 you buy Overkill and Remake (Gamecube version) for $5 on ebay or something. There is no reason to buy the Wii version. There problem solved.


Nope. I'd rather have the Wii version due to a number of personal preferences. Nyaa


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:16:10

Archangel3371 said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Foolz said:

Glad to hear that OK was profitable. Happy

It's crazy that Archie and Steel don't have it, though. They would both absolutely love it.

Well it's not really the fact that I wouldn't love it, it's just that more games are higher up on the food chain for me. It all boils down to an economics issue.

But yet, you want to buy games like Remake Wii version and Umbrella Chronicles. Sorry this economic excuse won't fly with me! It's a taste issue. As in, you have crappy hobo taste, admit it!

LOL Yeah because I want those games more then I want something else. Say I have $35 and assume I can get either REmake Wii or Overkill with it. I prefer to get REmake with not because I don't think I wouldn't want Overkill just that I'm more interested in RE and since I only have a certain amount of cash to spend then that makes it an economics issue for me. It's not rocket science. Nyaa

Actually wrong. You have $35 you buy Overkill and Remake (Gamecube version) for $5 on ebay or something. There is no reason to buy the Wii version. There problem solved.

Nope. I'd rather have the Wii version due to a number of personal preferences. Nyaa

Yes, again we get back to the taste issue. See? Nothing to do with economics.

Edited: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:16:37
The VG Press
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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:18:44

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Foolz said:

Glad to hear that OK was profitable. Happy

It's crazy that Archie and Steel don't have it, though. They would both absolutely love it.

Well it's not really the fact that I wouldn't love it, it's just that more games are higher up on the food chain for me. It all boils down to an economics issue.

But yet, you want to buy games like Remake Wii version and Umbrella Chronicles. Sorry this economic excuse won't fly with me! It's a taste issue. As in, you have crappy hobo taste, admit it!

LOL Yeah because I want those games more then I want something else. Say I have $35 and assume I can get either REmake Wii or Overkill with it. I prefer to get REmake with not because I don't think I wouldn't want Overkill just that I'm more interested in RE and since I only have a certain amount of cash to spend then that makes it an economics issue for me. It's not rocket science. Nyaa

Actually wrong. You have $35 you buy Overkill and Remake (Gamecube version) for $5 on ebay or something. There is no reason to buy the Wii version. There problem solved.

Nope. I'd rather have the Wii version due to a number of personal preferences. Nyaa

Yes, again we get back to the taste issue. See? Nothing to do with economics.


Nope. The Wii version still is $35 so it's still an economics issue albeit a tasteful one. Nyaa


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:23:07
Iga, I honestly fail to see how it's not an economic issue when games cost money to buy them.
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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:23:41

So I'm quite sad about Overlord 2. It started off well with an A- from 1up but most of the other reviews I've seen give it a 6.0, say that its more action orientated, didn't fix the problems of the first and might be worse than the first.

Dark Legend turned out okay, a 7.5 ish game most places, but they made it a breeze to walk through with no challenge. Damn.

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:30:25

Yeah too bad about Overlord 2. I'll probably just rent it for now. Depending on how much I like the game I may purchase it later when it's on sale. I have way too many other games to get right now anyways. I'll be grabbing Blazblue either tomorrow or Friday then The King of Fighters XII then Gears of War 2: Dark Corners at the end of this month.


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:51:21

Presenting E204, which contains Edge’s review of E3 2009 and the technology that will define the next generation of games, due in UK shops on July 3.

Subscribers are receiving their copies right now, featuring a spectacular alternative cover of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. We visited Tokyo-based Grasshopper Manufacture to talk with Suda 51 about his plan for Travis Touchdown’s return and the game’s future on Wii.

The bulk of the magazine features in-depth reports on the games of E3, though, along with an interview with Peter Molyneux about Milo And Kate, the Natal-powered game that puts his comment to us in our E200 feature about what games would look like in 2016 into perspective. “I think there’s going to be a new franchise, and that franchise will redefine the way we play computer games,” he told us, and perhaps Milo And Kate is what he was talking about.

Elsewhere, we meet Brutal Legend and Day Of The Tentacle creator Tim Schafer to talk about his history and future in videogames, Tigon Studios’ Ian Stevens to talk about the problem with licensed games and the creators of iPhone game favourite Zen Bound.

Reviewed: Prototype, ArmA 2, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, The Conduit, Battlefield 1943: Pacfic, Indiana Jones And The Staff Of Kings, Overlord II, Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood, Fight Night: Round 4, Red Faction Guerrilla, Killing Floor, Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero, Another Code R, Bonsai Barber

Ah Suda.

"It's like taking a shit," says Goichi Suda, Grasshopper Manafacture CEO, as he relaxes on his (office) seat. We blink first. "A lot of things influenced No More Heroes - things I saw, or heard, and something that came from inside. Something that needed to be eliminated from my body, like waste. That's why I created No More Heroes.
Edge goes on to write about how his colleagues are smirking and his translator becomes hesitant. "...No More Heroes 2? New taking-a-shit."

Suda claims the AI has been improved and enemies will now attack depending on their class and weapon, being ranged or more up in your face. They say the dual beam katana is pretty and the animation is suitably awesome with "effortless style". "It's a spectacle as much as a slaughter."

On secondary playable characters: They'll each have their own style and cool factor. Will Travis be overshadowed? Hardly. "He gets to pilot a giant robot! This lets you fight on a larger scale - there will be plenty more variety as well."

The game's city has been scaled back a little bit, improved visually with motion blue and HDR lighting. Suda says it's closer to the game he wanted to deliver originally. Edge says the city is a lot more lively and the streets more populated. He describes it as one-and-a-half times the original.

Regarding mini games: "The reason that I put these elements in is that it's a challenge to make a game," says Suda, "and so I want too make the player feel challenges to even play the game... Travis has to work..." it's a principle that, according to Suda, permeates his games.

On No More Heroes as a franchise: "I think this is the last NMH that is going to be developed on Wii. To expand NMH to new possibilities, we need a new platform. Wii is a great platform, but we've done everything we can with it now."

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:57:20
Next NMH for PS360? I guess it all depends on how well does NMH2 sell in order to justify the ramp up in development costs.

Oh, maybe Suda was talking about that elusive WiiHD.
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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:09:11

SteelAttack said:
Next NMH for PS360? I guess it all depends on how well does NMH2 sell in order to justify the ramp up in development costs.

Oh, maybe Suda was talking about that elusive WiiHD.

He wants to work on Natal, check the japan E3 story I posted.

I hope NMH2 is a cool game. If it's still a fun but deeply flawed experience then no, he hasn't done all he can on that system. If it has a city as detailed and enjoyable as GTA with combat and graphics better than Ninja Gaiden Black, then yeah, move on. If he puts out another technically flawed game with copious job tedium with muddy graphics and frame drops then, Christ, you haven't done all you can do SUDA.

I'm a little dubious on how well he can do motion controls with Natal or the PS3 controller. In NMH it's basic control with a single gestural swipe at the end. Despite Motionplus being announced a year ago, he still can't get decent support in NMH2. How is he going to go from that to full on 1:1 combat in a NMH game?

And with Natal specifically, how do you actually move in the game with no stick?

Speaking of 1:1 swordplay have you guys actually seen it in Wii Sports Resort? Not the one on one stadium fighting but the other mode. It has you moving about a chibi style fantasy landscape fighting enemies that come at you. It's on rails, but its a tantalising look at how the next Zelda could work.

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:20:29

SteelAttack said:
Iga, I  fail

Yes you do Steel, yes you do.

It's not a economic issue, because Archie buys  a ton of games. If he wanted he could buy HoTDOK now!

But why does he not buy it, because he has tons of games he wants to buy first. This is a taste issue, he thinks other games are better for him.

Even if he had more money, he might still not buy it because he could still buy something else, or he simply has no time to play it because he would be swamped in games.

Don't come with a economic excuse if you buy tons of games. Even the ones that are not critically received!

Archangel3371 said:

Nope. The Wii version still is $35 so it's still an economics issue albeit a tasteful one. Nyaa

Now you are arguing for the sake of arguing. Congratulations Archie, you are our first female member!

Edited: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:21:54
The VG Press
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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:50:21

gamingeek said:

Speaking of 1:1 swordplay have you guys actually seen it in Wii Sports Resort? Not the one on one stadium fighting but the other mode. It has you moving about a chibi style fantasy landscape fighting enemies that come at you. It's on rails, but its a tantalising look at how the next Zelda could work.

i think during E3 when asked about zelda, miyamoto said something like "think about Zelda while you're playing the fencing and archery games in sports resort", so yeah you are right there.


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:56:39

Iga_Bobovic said:

It's not a economic issue, because Archie buys  a ton of games. If he wanted he could buy HoTDOK now!

But why does he not buy it, because he has tons of games he wants to buy first. This is a taste issue, he thinks other games are better for him.

Even if he had more money, he might still not buy it because he could still buy something else, or he simply has no time to play it because he would be swamped in games.

Don't come with a economic excuse if you buy tons of games. Even the ones that are not critically received!

It is an economic issue because if he had any more money, he could afford to buy it, as well as the games that interest him more. Look! I can make broad assumptions as well!

But even if you were right (which you're not), and it all boiled down to taste, why are you arguing over such an issue? Why argue taste?

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 16:00:28

Iga_Bobovic said:
Archangel3371 said:

Nope. The Wii version still is $35 so it's still an economics issue albeit a tasteful one. Nyaa

Now you are arguing for the sake of arguing. Congratulations Archie, you are our first female member!

And that wipes away all hopes of expanding our audience to a female crowd.

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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 16:12:30

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

It's not a economic issue, because Archie buys  a ton of games. If he wanted he could buy HoTDOK now!

But why does he not buy it, because he has tons of games he wants to buy first. This is a taste issue, he thinks other games are better for him.

Even if he had more money, he might still not buy it because he could still buy something else, or he simply has no time to play it because he would be swamped in games.

Don't come with a economic excuse if you buy tons of games. Even the ones that are not critically received!

It is an economic issue because if he had any more money, he could afford
to buy it, as well as the games that interest him more. Look! I can make
broad assumptions as well!

But even if you were right (which you're not), and it all boiled down to taste, why are you arguing over such an issue? Why argue taste?


Indeed I would but alas I don't have the required funds to reach it on my list. Perhaps it's both though but you're right, what's the whole point of all this anyway. I never started this pointless petty argument. I simply responded as to why I haven't purchased Overkill and like I've said countless times it's not that I wouldn't like it or I think it's no good it's simply there are other games I'd rather get first so that's where I budget my money towards. Sure a list of games is ordered in taste but it still boils down to how much money you have to spend on those games. I think some people just want to overcomplicate things just for the sake of doing so. Nyaa


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 16:26:04

Archangel3371 said:

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

It's not a economic issue, because Archie buys  a ton of games. If he wanted he could buy HoTDOK now!

But why does he not buy it, because he has tons of games he wants to buy first. This is a taste issue, he thinks other games are better for him.

Even if he had more money, he might still not buy it because he could still buy something else, or he simply has no time to play it because he would be swamped in games.

Don't come with a economic excuse if you buy tons of games. Even the ones that are not critically received!

It is an economic issue because if he had any more money, he could afford
to buy it, as well as the games that interest him more. Look! I can make
broad assumptions as well!

But even if you were right (which you're not), and it all boiled down to taste, why are you arguing over such an issue? Why argue taste?

Indeed I would but alas I don't have the required funds to reach it on my list. Perhaps it's both though but you're right, what's the whole point of all this anyway. I never started this pointless petty argument. I simply responded as to why I haven't purchased Overkill and like I've said countless times it's not that I wouldn't like it or I think it's no good it's simply there are other games I'd rather get first so that's where I budget my money towards. Sure a list of games is ordered in taste but it still boils down to how much money you have to spend on those games. I think some people just want to overcomplicate things just for the sake of doing so. Nyaa

guys calm down.  let's play and let play.  i don't think anyone is masochistic enough to buy games they would enjoy less over games they would enjoy more.  iga buddy you need to take archie's word that he has the wii there to play nintendo games and resident evil games and everything else is very very low on his priority list even if he acknowledges the fact that he'd enjoy it if he had the money left to get it


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Wed, 01 Jul 2009 16:29:21

bugsonglass said:

guys calm down.


LOL <3 you man. Nyaa

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