Gamepro Grand Slam Tennis review
"So lace up your white sneaks, grab a Gatorade, and plug in the Wii MotionPlus for the most realistic living room tennis to date!"
Conduit VGChartz review
", the final product may not have warranted the impossible hype, but the Conduit is a very high-quality shooter that’s not to be missed by any self-respecting action gamer."
THQ confirms poor Deadly Creatures sales
"we have great Wii technology there now and so we're developing other games -- stay tuned for the announcements "
Miyamoto speaks in Nintendo Power
On Zelda: “I don’t think it’s going to be that radically different.”
Gamespy review Overlord Dark Legend
Great controls and an all new story make this fun even if you've played the other Overlords.
1up preview Ace Prosecutor
Edgeworth possesses the ability to use "logic" to put together clues and deduce facts
Zentendo Conduit review
"An outstanding effort for an independent third party. It raises the bar for graphics, controls, and online gameplay for FPS on the Wii"
Kombo Conduit review
"The Conduit is the best Wii FPS. Just get ready some minor problems here and there that really detract from the overall experience and keep the game from greatness"
Examiner Conduit review
"a new first-person shooter for the Wii that is actually amazingly well done for the console."
Josh Barnett interview
Talks about Fedor, Castlevania, Games, manga, anime and does a Ultimate Warrior impersanation
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Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
why not wait for KOF XII? and get it for ps3 so i can play you biatch
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah, that's custom in the KoF franchise. I believe the end boss in 98 is Orochi (Chris, I mean), but ever since 94 all bosses were unbelievably cheap. Omega Rugal and Goenitz deserve special mentions.
Well, I loved 98, and at 10 bucks it's a nice grab. But I do plan on getting KOFXII.
Oh yeah "SNK Boss Syndrome" is in effect here. I played through in Ultimate Mode and got Omega Rugal as the end boss so it might be different depending on what mode you play. I'll definitely be getting KoF XII as well.
I also grabbed Kodu today as it's now available. It's in the Community Games section for 400 points/$5. I haven't tried it yet but will mess around with it a bit later.
I did not make any assumptions. Archie said it so herself
I am always right. I did not argue taste, I found Archie's economic excuse weak. Like a fat American saying to a Ethiopian that he's hungry!
The fact of the matter is that Archie reason for not having OK is simply because he prefers other games. Nothing wrong with that.
Maybe we are looking for it from different directions, you know like in politics with the left-right thing.
Yes, if you admitted you were wrong from the start we would not have this debate. But then again that's what a forum is for!
P.S. you don't actually make a list now, do you? If so, I will have to revoke your Hobo license.
I did takes his word for it, I based my argument on his words!
Yep, I gave up on that. So guess who our second female member is?! Yeah, it's you!
I actually make a list...
Well, me and Archie are actually the 2nd and 3rd members after you, considering how much of a CUNT you are, it would be hard to classify you as a male one.
Am I in that list?
No, I am like.....
I can be a dick, but you listen to me anyways. Because you know I am right!
What?! That's not the hobo way. That would be buying things that happen to be reduced in price. Hobo do not concern themselves with petty things like hype and plans.
But you are not a hobo, you are Leo!
Actually, I listen to you and do the opposite. Like, when you were spraying shorts about Excitebots, I didn't buy it. I've found that course of action makes me a better, happier person.
So Square Enix confirmed their mystery game:
Guys check out this video
Cursed Mountain Developer Diary
It has some new footage and the producer talks through it. Worth watching IMO.
What?! I do not even have Excitebots. I think you have me confused with Leo!