Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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Holy crap that House of the Dead trailer is fantastic.
Anyway Bioshock on Oct 21st for PS3,
New Killzone 2 multiplayer trailer
New RE5 trailer showing almost all old footage but a shot of what seems to be Sherry,
hope house of the dead doesn't get banned in the UK but it looks like it very well could after the precedent set by manhunt 2. it's a sad state of affairs
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I loved that whole "grindhouse" vibe they had going on with the House of the Dead: Overkill trailer. I love my lightgun style games so I'm certainly interested in this game. I really wish someone would make these kind of games for the 360.
House of the Dead is sounding totally awesome, and I'm not that big a light-gun fan. I'm definitely happy that Headstrong games are doing it, as that guarantee's a level of quality here and you can already see that it looks like an actual Wii game. Definitely looks better than Umbrella Chronicles so its got to be pretty enjoyable.
Here's my thoughts on a few points in the interview:
'IGN: What about the nunchuk. Can it be used for anything?
Neil: No, we wanted it to be accessible, but mainly we wanted to free up peoples hands for more guns. I can talk about that specifically in the future. '
Hmmm, that sounds to me like they may be designing this game to be played with 2 remotes, one in each hand, to simulate having two guns at a time.
'IGN: Tell us about the game's 3D engine. What kind of graphic effects are you able to achieve on Wii?
Neil: Well, we have a team that's very familiar with the hardware and is capable of getting everything out that it has to offer. '
'IGN: This game is looking great. Any final words for Wii fans looking forward to it?
Neil: It'll beat the shit out of grooming a horse.'
True that.
Hoi Where is GG? Did you guys scare him away.
Where is GG, the Hotel Dusk review is up...
Microsoft is going to sell Banjo Kazooie 3 for only $40:
Is that a sign that they have no confidence whatsoever in the 360 base being interested in this game or what? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it as I think all games should be no more than $40 new, but to only single out this one game....that's the impression I get.
You also get to download Banjo 1 on Live for free, if you preorder Banjo 3.
Thats not the only game to go for $40, Viva Pinata 2 will be 40 as well. I guess their more kid friendly games will go for $40. Oh who caresm its $40, thats awesome, all games should cost that.
I wonderered where your comment went. That's fucking ridiculous. Goddamned Gamespot and their fascist ToS.
Games should cost no more than $40
I completely agree with that. In fact, I buy very few games at $50-60 (usually only Nintendo's biggest titles). I'm very happy to see more games being released at $40 now. Tomb Raider Underworld for Wii and Samba De Amigo are both priced at $40 on, for instance.
The irony is, Rare was such a star with Nintendo that they could probably sell a million copies of each game at $80 on Wii, nevermind $40.
I wouldn't personally report any of you because I know you, BUT...
There are some words that you may or may not realize, people do find genuinely upsetting and derogatory.
Best friend of mine's little sister had a little boy by the name of Nolan who was born with Down Syndrome and many genetic imperfections because of it. She and her husband are honestly good people, refused to give up on their firstborn, despite the hardships they would face his entire life... Around his first birthday, they went to operate on a hole in his heart and he died on the operating table. I guarantee there is NOTHING more horrible that you can attend in your lifetime than a wake for an infant. Seeing a young mother destroyed by despair as she was, is something I will NEVER forget. Everytime I read the word "retarded" I can't help but be reminded of how cruelly some people can treat other human beings and the injustice that was served on his little life...
...and "Gay." What can I say? Again, it is a word that is overused and in derogatory ways, mostly by the throngs of early teen (fan)boys, who are young and stupid enough to not know any better. It gets tiring, seeing it used to constantly describe something as "bad" or "distasteful" or in the million other ways people put a negative spin on it. I'm not saying you have to agree with people who are gay, but they are not all "bad" or "distasteful" or most of the other negative things that are being associated with the word by the current teen generation.
I'm sorry guys, but when I hear words used like that even here... It saddens me and makes me think a tiny bit less of you (and I am not singling out Edge here alone AT ALL even though his was the one I quoted) and I get embarassed FOR you all that you can say those things and not realize the consequences of your words; that is NOT something that I would want to happen HERE of all places. I thought I left things like that behind at GameSpot...
OMG i just saw yakuza 2 on a to be released list of an online vendor ... never thought it'd be released in poor old europe. *tears of joy* i will get to play the sequel to one of my underrated gems on the ps2. soooo happy!
in other news persona 3 fes was also on that list but i don't know if i will buy the game again given that i haven't finished the original p3.
...but man Yakuza 2!!! yay!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
As a pop-linquist, I do see the usage of the words "retarded" and "gay" as separate entities in derogative quality. Given the only reason the word "retarded" was ever applied to mental developmental impairments was that it described the delay in education due to its root in describing delay, I see it as a cultural relation to the mentally impaired. However offensive it would be to call the developmental problems "mentally stupid" linguistically it's the same. That said, it's unnecessarily crass, though I hesitate to call it explicitly offensive. But I'm not in the kind of situation to relate.
On the "gay" side, the distinct usages are not rooted the same. It neutrally describes homosexuality, which isn't intrinsically a negative trait. The obvious assertion being that homosexuality makes you inferior in some way. Trying not to be offensive in my own right, a disability is by definition a developmental inferiority, though I understand how horrible it is to mock or make light of something they can't control.
My entomological rambling aside, it's odd how language is perceived. Words that ultimately do have an offensive quality on a personal level are somehow relegated to less crude than those without real meaning. What would most classify as more obscene language: "You're gay/retarded" or "You fucker"
Ultimately the former derides an entire minority of people while the latter is relatively meaningless.
I've taken pause at what I've considered boorish language, and that there are some who truly mean the underlying meaning that can be derived from it, I think it is important to understand that it exists to the point that it becomes apart of the vernacular itself such that the offense that may have originally been intended has dimished in the minds of those who use it to the point of a synonym for bad or dumb without the personal connection. For example, Cheapy D on the CAGcast explained a while back how he had to consciously stop using the word "gay" as a negative. I find it clear he was never intentionally slighting gay people yet it still joined his diction just by ubiquity. I guess I'm just saying take pause and point it out, but don't immediately think less of them because they truly may not have realised the implication.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI would consider "You're Gay" or "You're Retarded" as more offensive than "You're a Fucker."
Gay or Retarded did not start out as insults, perse. But to use them as if they are derogatory, makes something that was once nuetral or innocent into something that is bad or wrong, and is almost twice as bad...
You're a Fucker is without question an insult, has no other meaning and is a lot more overt...
Gay/Retard seems like an intentional insult, where Fucker seems like a word where someone has a limited vocabulary or no mental capacity or has trouble expressing his/her frustration in words... and, ultimately, I end up feeling bad for/sad for THEM, MORE than I am insulted...
One is bigotry one is stupidity... Know what I mean?
Now before I go and play Devil May Cry 4 I must say that I do agree that all games should be no more then $40. I mean the DS is probably the only system where I can buy games without worrying about my bank account. Can't say that about the other systems. $35 is definately the limit for a comfort zone for me, $40 isn't bad, though not perfect but far better then $60.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah I agree with you leo. Personally I see no reason to use those words at all along with other derogatory words. So I have no problem with places like Gamespot moderating those things. People can easily find other ways and words to get their point across.
Anyway on to the gaming front the Banjo Nuts & Bolts deal is awesome. I was already going to get the XBLA version of the original Banjo so this deal effectively makes Nuts & Bolts a $29.99 purchase for me. It's also pretty awesome that Viva Pinata will be another $39.99 game. I really enjoyed the first game and was looking forward to this one. Both games were already on my "to buy" list and that was when I was expecting them to be priced the same as regular games. This simply seals the deal.
Wow, that's a big surprise with Smash Court 3 tbh.
The up and comer.
That was my first thought too Foolz - how Monfils looked similar.
You do realise that I used it to insult a game, right? But apparantly the word itself is forbidden! Than I might ask why is it not sensored like the worlds class, shit, fuck etc? I guess some Gamespot mod likes the Bomberman act zero and was insulted because I called that game retarded?