Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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Tropic Thunder is an action comedy GG. Its about a huge big budget vietam movie starring three of the biggest actors in the world, the washed up big blockbuster action guy that can't act (Stiller), the big time comedian that is on drugs (Jack Black), and the 5 time Oscar winner who never goes out of character (Downey Jr). Downey's character undergoes a procedure to become black so he can play the role of the black sergeant in the movie, so the whole film he is playing an austrailian who is playing a black guy. The rookie director can't handle all the actors, they keep complaining so he follows the advice of the military advisor (Nolte) to actually send them into the jungle, with real guns and have them find their way home while they have secret cameras filming them. But there was a huge drug smuggling operation going on in the jungle so they run into real enemies even though they think its still a filiming of a movie.
can't help getting excited over chrono trigger DS. i have never in my life played the game and have heard tons of praise over and over. having said that i haven't finished an RPG (that didn't have mario in it) since forever but i have hopes that one will keep me interested
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
GAF hasn't 500'd on me. Perhaps the Too Human review didn't send it into meltdown...
Oh trust me. You'll LOVE Chrono Trigger.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileShoop da Whoop?
If I love the Golden Suns but hate grinding, do you think I'll enjoy Chrono Trigger?
It really is confusing as hell. I had to go online and use Google and IMDB to try to understand it. Even now, I don't completely understand it. The series ended a few episodes before it should have.
Steel, WATCH IT!
Well in terms with House of the Dead Wii it is all but confirmed. All the magazine writers at Gaf stated that it was a ground up brand new House of the Dead Wii game.
And Too Human will go the route of Shenmue. It's the most expensive game ever made (Shenmue being second) and unless it sells Call of Duty 4 numbers and establishes itself as a major gaming franchise then it'll be canned. Why do you think SEGA will never make another Shenmue despite the first selling over a million copies?
One of the site's forefathers.
Is ET 2 confirmed?!
A new HotD for wii? ooh.
There was a trailer on YouTube for the new HOTD (known as Overkill) which is the collaboration with Headstrong games. Neat.
What's hilarious is that a Sega America rep uploaded the video (apprently, anyway), and yet YouTube took it down. Wow.
Just saw the trailer for the new HOTD.
Wow. Colour me fucking impressed. If it keeps the Grindhouse-esque atmosphere throughout the game, then it could really shape up to be the best HOTD since 2.
Keak da Sneak?
Why you no have link?
Lol Homer, remember the comment I gave your blog at Gamespot about the game Bomberman act Zero? Where I said: Why so retarded? Well....
Since using the word "retarded" is a banning offense, why doens't GS just block the word like they do with all other "offensive" words? For instance, how they block "classic" and "style," and every curse word.
I was thinking the same thing. Homer said the following about Bomberman Act Zero: "Why so Serious?" I said in my comment: "Why so Serious? Or why so Retarded.? Or how about In Albania people are executed for lesser things!"
Yet they find the word retarded reason to ban me? If you must ban me do it for me insulting Albania and implying the developers should be executed. Gamespot mods are a funny bunch. Case in point Steel
I got suspended for using the words retarded and gay, at Gamespot.
But lets face it, Gamespot is both retarded and gay.
Anyway, is Dyack in denial or what? I'm sure Too Human has its moments, but wtf is this?:
"But what we're also seeing is for the people who don't like it, generally just don't get it. And it's because we've created something so innovative and different."
First off. I called it! House of the Dead is the new Wii game!
Second off. It seems that Luc Benard's pussy fit is rubbing off on other developers.
"Innovative and different"? Okay I know this happens in the market at times (Just look at Shenmue and the original Super Smash Bros.) but this is an extreme rarity. And overall this game didn't do much different at all. It was your standard action game with adventure and RPG elements. But yeah blaming the userbase that buys the games is always the way to go.
One of the site's forefathers.
Hmm well the OXM review of Force Unleashed isn't exactly horrible I was expecting perhaps a higher score. Still though I'll wait to see what other reviews have to say along with what experience I get from it from the demo before I make any decisions on it.