Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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travo (23s)
Wow, after having no electricity in the house all day tuesday suddenly GGWeekly proves it's worth to me. Never miss a thing because of this place. Great updates guys
House of the dead looks like Umbrella chronicles or I should say vice versa. It's hard for me to get excited over another lightgun game, particularly one with zombies in it.
Force unleashed 7.5 from an official mag???? Oh no
RE5 trailer is great. Still a little too much deja vu though.
Too human is the most expensive game ever?
You coming back to the UK? I thought you were in greece these days? Manhunt 2 did eventually get passed, the US cut version that is. If madworld gets banned I am going to be pissed off royally.
Cool. Here in rip off land it will be $80-100
Yeah I just don't use the words at all. Although hearing the word retarded so much and talking to americans online so much you do start thinking with these words. In fact I was suprised from watching the King of Queens that the word gay is bandied about as a joke so much. Here it just wouldn't be considered acceptable to brand anything slightly funny or different as gay. But they do use the word, I think almost non-offensively. It's almost become teen/young people slang.
When people use the word retarded these days it's not to insult the retarded, they are just saying that it's a silly or stupid decision. The people here joke about being love buddies the whole time because we're completely comfortable with our sexuality and see absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality, so find no problem joking about it together.
I can definetely understand people being upset by it if they casually drop by, but I hear the actual word so much online, that like you it just feels tiring like a played out joke and not funny or offensive that much.
As for gamespot, if using a word is a suspending or banning offence then they should just use the censoring system. Otherwise to call a game retarded is just calling a game stupid and I find it personally stupid to suspend someone for that.
Banjo pics
Where did this come from? Looks allright but you definetely miss the zombies. It looks sparse. In Nintendo power they said they were aiming to get 100 onscreen zombies. Oh there is proper footage somewhere else but not great quality.
Better Chop till you drop footage. Stable frame rate. Needs better lighting no doubt. Gameplay wise this could be better than the 360 version. Visually in terms of zombie count this is looking anemic. Screens have shown 30 on screen enemies which looks cool. They are aiming for 100 as nintendo power said. 1up say that in the demo they saw, they only spotted 10. WTH?
homerun smash attacking the zombie. Dead Rising Wii looks a bit like RE4, nice 
MadWorld Leipzig Trailer. This game is awesome.
...I can't just let that one go. Torture
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHOLY FUCKING SHIT!
Well many of you guys probably wouldn't like me in real life then, because I spout off at will and generally don't give a fuck if anyone's offended. I think people go out of their way to be offended these days, at least here in the states. Thing's have become so politically correct that you can't say anything that someone might deem OFFENSIVE anymore.
I'm offended when people are offended.
I would like you.
I might just suggest in the nicest possible way now and then to tone it down. At which point you would just tell me to shut my limey mouth
Is Raven in today or are those updates from the ninjaman?
If I have a powercut on thursday feel free to post updates if I'm missing say from 11 am.
^^No it was Raven.
Bond DS
that's correct i am in greece. i am hoping to be coming back to the UK before too long but it will be at least another year or so before i go all out with applications for jobs and phd positions as my degree at the moment is progressing rather slowly (since i have to work full-time).
but i still buy most all of my games online predominantly from UK vendors such as play and blahdvd so i am directly affected by what gets released (and what doesn't) over there.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
But, but Dutch games are cheaper!
Ubisoft actually putting effort into a wii game?
Ah I see. Are games cheaper or more expensive over there?
Madworld pics
Here I am pining for a Space channel 5 wii game like the final boss in warioware wii and they go and insert ulala into Samba de amigo!
Sonic Unleashed wii screens.
Looks great actually.
My reaction after seeing the pics