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Legend of Zelda: ALBW thread. Reviews in, MASTERPIECE.
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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:32:16

I remember GTA games had fold-out paper maps (don't know if the current ones do).  As well as Mafia


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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 15:01:32
Red Dead Redemption was the last game I remember coming with a map (special editions aside).
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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 15:18:51
robio said:
Red Dead Redemption was the last game I remember coming with a map (special editions aside).

yeah and Bully.  I guess all the Rockstar "open world" games.


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Sun, 01 Dec 2013 22:57:32

just beat the game. 3ds says it took me little over 14 hours, with no fast travel or pegasus shoes. Speaking of which, where the hell are the shoes? They're the coolest item in alttp, nd here I beat the game without finding them? Also, the lst part of the game seems to set things up for another large chapter. And then it just ends. Lame.

edit: looked the boots up... Stupid obvious stuff. Also realized i haven't upgraded any weapons and I beat the ge without dying...

Edited: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 23:09:16
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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 04:35:28
SupremeAC said:

just beat the game. 3ds says it took me little over 14 hours, with no fast travel or pegasus shoes. Speaking of which, where the hell are the shoes? They're the coolest item in alttp, nd here I beat the game without finding them? Also, the lst part of the game seems to set things up for another large chapter. And then it just ends. Lame.

edit: looked the boots up... Stupid obvious stuff. Also realized i haven't upgraded any weapons and I beat the ge without dying...

You played the whole game without the shoes? Thats totally a raven moment? Is he the one that misses obvious items...I forgot who that happens too.

I dont even remember where I got them.

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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 08:06:09
Dvader said:

You played the whole game without the shoes? Thats totally a raven moment? Is he the one that misses obvious items...I forgot who that happens too.

I dont even remember where I got them.

I just figured I'd get them in some dungeon.  You know, like EVERY OTHER ITEM IN THE WHOLE FRANCHISE.  I apparently missed out on some other stuff too.  I missed the 4th master ore (not in a dungeon), and I still have another vacant spot in my gear menu.

It's because of those things (and how the grand finale unfolds), that I thought there would be more 'game' left.  And then it just ends in a completely unsatisfactory manner.  I won't talk too much about it, since I don't know who's still playing and I don't want to spoil anything.

Edited: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 08:48:00
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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 12:40:32
Dvader said:

You played the whole game without the shoes? Thats totally a raven moment? Is he the one that misses obvious items...I forgot who that happens too.

I dont even remember where I got them.

Aspro moment.

I now has the game!

My preciousss


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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:50:25
bugsonglass said:
Dvader said:

You played the whole game without the shoes? Thats totally a raven moment? Is he the one that misses obvious items...I forgot who that happens too.

I dont even remember where I got them.

Aspro moment.

I now has the game!

My preciousss

To call an aspro moment a raven moment, might be the greatest aspro moment of them all! Hang your head in shame Vader!

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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:57:37

I just love this game. I hardly do any dungeons, just go my merry way exploring shit. I love those optional dungeons that you find that test your traversal skills. I love the fact that pretty much all the map is open to me and I can explore freely. There is a lot to find. Did a ton of minigame. I found the pegasus boots on my own, bitch! Also love the fact that I can do all the dungeons in any order I want.

I finished two dungeons in Lorule. Bought all items except one. Will buy when I have money. Upgraded plenty of weapons. Not sure about the item renting stuff. I rather find those items on my own.

Also this game has full analog control. Mario 3D Land/World eat your heart out!

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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:24:56
Iga_Bobovic said:

Also this game has full analog control. Mario 3D Land/World eat your heart out!

And yet the hookshot only works in 8 directions.  For some reason I found that to be annoying  indecision

What do the weapon upgrades do?  Do they just become more powerfull?

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Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:11:37
SupremeAC said:

And yet the hookshot only works in 8 directions.  For some reason I found that to be annoying  indecision

What do the weapon upgrades do?  Do they just become more powerfull?

I only saw the upgrade to the Tornado rod and it appeared more powerful and had a larger range.


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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:55:23
SupremeAC said:

And yet the hookshot only works in 8 directions.  For some reason I found that to be annoying  indecision

What do the weapon upgrades do?  Do they just become more powerfull?

Yes but like all Zelda games you get all these upgrades in a game that is already way too easy.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 05:30:46

I do owe raven an apology, I had an aspro moment.

Finished the last dungeon for me which was on death mountain. Fantastic dungeon. I also found the trial combat tower, awesome. I only have 3 more heart pieces to finish getting all hearts. Only 9 more of the squid things. I should 100% the game by tomorrow. Then to start hero mode.

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Wed, 04 Dec 2013 08:33:08
Dvader said:

Yes but like all Zelda games you get all these upgrades in a game that is already way too easy.

Agreed.  I was just being curious.

Dvader said:

I do owe raven an apology, I had an aspro moment.

Finished the last dungeon for me which was on death mountain. Fantastic dungeon. I also found the trial combat tower, awesome. I only have 3 more heart pieces to finish getting all hearts. Only 9 more of the squid things. I should 100% the game by tomorrow. Then to start hero mode.

I played the game for an hour or two yesterday and found all the missing gear (man, that last one is so obscure and goofy, I can't believe it's actually a piece of gear  Nyaa ), most of the Maiamai's, and a couple of heart pieces.  I think I still need about 9 pieces.

I don't think I'll bother with hero mode myself.  I still have SM3DLand as a free download waiting for me, ME3 to continue, and I'd like to buy SM3DWorld in time for christmas.

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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 19:12:20

Finished the game WOW what a final battle!!! Why couldn't the rest of the bosses be this interesting. Total epic ending. I 100% the game, took me 18 hours.

I really liked the ending, supreme why do you think it was open ended? That was as closed as a story gets.

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Fri, 06 Dec 2013 21:34:39

Finished two dungeons. The order you do the dungeons does matter. Some spoiler talk here, so watch it....

Spoiler talk.

The ice dungeon was a clever dungeon, that took me a while to figure out. The enemies are harder there, I think if I did this dungoen first, without my special blue armour that halves all damage, it would be that much harder. Also the upgraded fire rod helpes too.

The desert area had some head scratchers too. I am doing that now. The bosses are a bit of a dissapointment. After the awesomeness that was Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, these are somewhat lamer. They are usually a big version of enemies you see in the dungeon. Besides Kefka, I mean Yuga, I hardly remember any of them.

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Fri, 06 Dec 2013 22:19:40
Dvader said:

Finished the game WOW what a final battle!!! Why couldn't the rest of the bosses be this interesting. Total epic ending. I 100% the game, took me 18 hours.

I really liked the ending, supreme why do you think it was open ended? That was as closed as a story gets.

I never said it was an open ending. I said it seemed to build up to even more game, and then they just wrapped all loose ties up in a couple of minutes.  spoilers: I mean really, ganon didn't crop up in the game at all save for some namedropping. I figured he'd break loose from that wimp Yuga once I beat him. But no, that battle was 'it'. And when zelda and link walk up to the triforce? Most naive bit in a zleda game, you're just WAITING for someone to crop up and do something evil. Worst of all, the whole game could have been made redundant if hilda just gave zelda a tour of her kingdom and then had just sent her off to the sanctuary. Nothibg you did in the whole game achieved anything. It was just one hige side track.

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Sun, 08 Dec 2013 04:09:14

I am so impressed with the Ice Dungeon, by far the trickiest so far.  It was also very lengthy, maybe an hour in length.  I'm still missing the boots and power gloves, but only have about three dungeons left to explore.   I do love exploring.  That's one good thing about having all of the items right there, it entices me to explore.

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Sun, 08 Dec 2013 06:03:34
travo said:

I am so impressed with the Ice Dungeon, by far the trickiest so far.  It was also very lengthy, maybe an hour in length.  I'm still missing the boots and power gloves, but only have about three dungeons left to explore.   I do love exploring.  That's one good thing about having all of the items right there, it entices me to explore.

Best dungeon in the game.

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Sun, 08 Dec 2013 17:16:55

Finished the game yesterday. Wow at the final battle, just wow. Why the hell did they wait until the final battle to make an awesome boss battle?? Why? Did not 100% it, I was missing some stuff. Like the big treasure chest in the dark dungeon and the bug net. After reading a walkthrough, I finally figured out to get that treasure chest in the dark dungeon. I would have never gotten it otherwise. What an obscure puzzle. The bug net, I am ashamed that I never figured it out. For gods sake the dude has a bee suit! Well at least I found the pegasus boots on my own. Will play some more before giving my judgment of the game. I will tell you this, it is the best paced Zelda game is years. Nintendo please stop putting helpers in 3D Zelda games. They slown down the pace.

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