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Legend of Zelda: ALBW thread. Reviews in, MASTERPIECE.
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Wed, 22 Jan 2014 06:13:51
Can't do LttP in absolutely any order, but you have a fair bit of freedom in the Dark World collecting the crystals.


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Wed, 22 Jan 2014 06:19:42
You also can get items outside of dungeons as well.  Sword upgrades, boomerang upgrades, Ice Rod, Magic Cape, Cane of Byrna, Bombos, Ether, Quake, Magic Dust.  There may actually be more items you get outside of dungeons that in them.


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Wed, 28 May 2014 16:02:01

So I was playing Zelda ALBW last night.

They shouldn't have to, but it always seems to the case: that every once in a while Nintendo come along and remind you of just why you keep buying their games and systems and this is one of those moments. It wouldn't exist in it's current form, it it wasn't for their unique hardware and the unique ideas that spring to life because of them.

Platform aside, this is Nintendo doing what they do best. They're perenially accused of relying on nostalgia, but to Nintendo nostalgia isn't a bad thing, it's a powerful and deftly wielded skill making a game that sings to your child heart and your adult one. It says a lot that I can go from playing this AAA massive open world fancy graphics Assasins Creed, down to some 60 man team top down SNES style game - and the SNES one is better.

That charm, that indefinable charm that runs throughout the best Nintendo games... it's there in abundance. The one thing I was worried about was the wall melding painting gimmick - then even in the first instance it's used intelligently in a puzzle form way. Never in my life did I expect to be playing a bonafide sequel to A Link to The Past. For the childhood me, for the current one, this game is like a dream come true.

And By God that audio!!!???

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Wed, 02 Sep 2015 20:46:23

I beat my first Lorule dungeon (Dark Palace).  I found it a bit cryptic and difficult to be quite honest.  Took me quite a bit of time as well.

Now time for some light relief (Mario Kart Cool.


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Sun, 06 Sep 2015 06:57:31

Finished a second dungeon (Thieves' Hideout).  Compared to Dark Palace this one seemed very small and straight forward.  I made swift work of it.  Still sweet but a bit disappointing.  Will try to do one more dungeon later today.

edit: Finished one more.  The Sand Palace or whatever the sand dungeon is called.  I had just picked up the sand rod after rescuing the sage in the previous dungeon so I thought I'd put it to good use.  Awesome dungeon, one of the best so far for me.  Wish I could play on but it's time to put the 3DS down, have some lunch and do some work.

Edited: Sun, 06 Sep 2015 10:51:50


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Mon, 07 Sep 2015 18:07:31

Finished the Ice Dungeon today.  Quite possibly the best one yet.  Incredibly well designed.  Loved how you get the key for the boss chamber just seconds after entering the dungeon but you don't actually get to see the door until quite a while later.  Just two sages to rescue now.  Loving this game so far.


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Wed, 09 Sep 2015 07:33:19

I really like this game, and solidifies that while 2d Zelda is and mostly can be dope (the DS zeldas not withstanding), 3d zeldas come with way too much boredom fuel with admittedly well designed dungeons for my liking.

The game does a great job exploring the different possibilities for that wall shifting mechanic, and plays nicely with the different tools at your disposal. The dungeons lack that visual advantage that the 3d games obviously have, and by its nature since it's Zelda, the puzzles aren't hard, but a lot of them do feel clever. And what Nintendo usually does very well is pace and rhythm for their gameplay, and the pace overall of Link Between Worlds is on point. The fact that this company with some of the greatest creators under one roof needs to go back to a fucking 20 year old game to do any of this shit is frustrating, as I didn't really need a glorified remake of Link to the Past, albeit one that plays this well.

But that's Nintendo I guess.

Oh and the 3d aspect of the game adds nothing of fucking value to the experience than a cheap parlor trick. Because that's what 3d is, and it blows.

Edited: Wed, 09 Sep 2015 07:34:48

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Wed, 09 Sep 2015 11:44:53
Gagan said:

Oh and the 3d aspect of the game adds nothing of fucking value to the experience than a cheap parlor trick. Because that's what 3d is, and it blows.

Personally I love the 3D effect.  It gives everything a more natural look in my opinion.  I always leave it on.

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Wed, 09 Sep 2015 14:33:51
SupremeAC said:
Gagan said:

Oh and the 3d aspect of the game adds nothing of fucking value to the experience than a cheap parlor trick. Because that's what 3d is, and it blows.

Personally I love the 3D effect.  It gives everything a more natural look in my opinion.  I always leave it on.

Agree with sup.  I love how this game looks.  It looks adorable and like no other game before (or since).  Love how tactile everything feels and how the colours are so shiny in 3D.  I always keep the 3D notch to the top while playing this.  That's enough for me, who gives a shit if it adds anything to the gameplay or not?  


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Wed, 09 Sep 2015 15:06:57

Have now completed all the Lorule dungeons and rescued all the sages.  Also played four or five tombs/mini dungeons with nice puzzles usually rewarding you with a chest.  Did a few side quests: took milk to the stranded man on the mountain etc.  I think I still have tons to do/discover.  I still have no fast shoes.  And I still don't know how to get the Maiais which are high up on trees and on columns etc.  Also I'm not sure if/how I'm supposed to move those columns with faces on them.

Tempted to go to the castle to play the final boss and then go back to look for more things to do afterwards.


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