Hyrule Warriors Legends - European limited edition unboxing
Holy shit, what is that special item? A giant compass??
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travo (3m)
Awesome game music.
Awesome game music KoF '96 edition.
Trash Head
Arashi no Saxophone
Awesome game music KoF mix.
Guitar to Omega to Rugal '95
HAL to Bass to Melody '95
Awesome game music.
Awesome game music.
Moonlit Wilderness
Awesome game music, Sparkster edition.
Steel Works
Boss Battle 1
Boss Battle 2
Awesome game music.
Final Fight - Bay Area
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Boss Battle
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - Battle Theme
Well, terrorists have finally managed to blow something up here in Belgium, the so-called capitol of Europe (although I suspect that's something only us Belgians call it). 2 explosions in the departure hall of our larges airport, as well as something (few details at the moment) involving the subway in our capitol. It's still unclear how many victims there are.
What do these assholes hope to gain by doing this shit? That people decide enough is enough, rise up and completely destroy them? I just don't get it. War usually has some kind of point or goal, whether we agree with it or not. This stuff seems to have none, other than "we follow a different religion so you must die....and you must die slowly as we pick off your innocent people little by little".
^They need to get laid or get high. I am not being funny.
Well you know, we had our fun during the crusades. Muslims jut got lucky that the most advanced thing we had back then were crossbows and pikes. Also, it hasn't been claimed, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's some kind of retalliation for us finally catching that one guy that was involved in the terrorist attacks in Paris, but who chickened out and didn't blow himself up.
Stay put and stay safe.
Thanks, but I'm just going to go on as I always do. I don't use public transport or have to be in the center of any city, I'll be fine.
Even then...I don't think the crusaders were blowing themselves up. They did some fucked up shit, but they weren't THAT loony. They basically just stuck to going from country to country and telling everyone they need to convert to christianity or die. And the people they affected the most were Europeans moreso than Muslims. After all, nobody in Europe was Christian before being told they had no choice. Then you had Muslims trying to force their way into Europe through Portugal and France, so there's always been this friction.
These guys now though...we live in a modern world with advanced tech...this shit can't go on in today's world. How long before these assholes fly a bunch of drones into a city with bio-war agents on them? Or a nuke? We'll see how tolerant people are then.
It's not me being tolerant, it's me being a realist. There's no stoping this. The real danger is when it escalates to the point where we're talking mass murder, stuff like you mentionned at the end of your post. But even then, what will the world do? The people doing this are highly volatile, they don't stick in one place. It's not like you can toss a nuke on them and be over with it. Talking with them isn't an option either, since they don't want anything that's reasonable to negotiate.
I mean... seriously losers. These idiots need to disocover life.
As always I blame the narcisism of the internet and celebrity culture.
Good to see people remain steadfast in these trying times and not give in to fear.
The world would be a better place if all those young extremists had spent more time fawning over Alexis Texas instead of idolizing their martyrs.
Damn man. That sucks a dick. And I hate that I'm so jaded now that as soon as I saw the news about the bombing my first thought was, "Trump is going to get another 2% in the polls."
The saddest thing is that I find myself no longer shocked by such events.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu