6,000 Copies of Call of Duty: MW3 Stolen in Truck Robbery
How much funnier would this be if it was copies of GTA?
dailytech.com news
Nintendo to Transform Time Square into Mario Land
And Leo will there!! Maybe? Please?
tgdaily.com news
Steam Forums Down After Getting Hacked
So Steam forumites, make yourself at home.
1up.com news
Watch the Phoenix Wright Movie Trailer
HOLD IT! This trailer is actually FUCKIN. AWESOME!
1up.com media
Rayman Origins (A-) Review
Rayman Origins is The Best 2D Platformer Not Called Mario.
1up.com impressions
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (A-) Review
Skyrim Spans 16 Square Miles of RPG Excellence!
1up.com impressions
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (A) Review
The best HD rerelease you'll see this year.
1up.com impressions
Super Mario 3D Land (B+) Review
Like his new Tanooki suit, Mario's latest game is fun, but it never truly soars.
1up.com impressions
PSP UMD Passport Program Announced For Vita
Register your old PSP game and pay for it again
nerdreactor.com news
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travo (3m)
Wouldn't that make sense though, that an entire level in DKC would have more polygons than a single room in Metroid? I still think Metroid Prime 3 is the most impressive looking Wii game on the whole, with the size of the worlds and what they were able to do with them. Just from looking at it with the human eye. Also the Galaxy games, but the worlds are smaller with many times not much in the background.
Uncharted 1 is easily the worst one. You have no clue what awaits you.
...speaking of which...
Where HAS Steel been lately?
Just a friendly service announcement:
Just a little over FOUR DAYS TO SKYRIM.
Just a little under 168 HOURS 'TIL SUPER MARIO 3D LAND.
...and a tiny bit less than 20160 MINUTES UNTIL SKYWARD SWORD.
*That is all!*
*Thanks for the cameo Gamespot Evil Smiley!*
And gameplay too given that it looks like it doesn't suck.
Not that anyone's counting!
By room they probably mean between the loading sections/doors which is all the game renders at a given time outside glimpses of what's beyond in certain spots. But yeah they should have probably clarified a few more details further to make the comparison stand better.
Glad you got MotoHeroz, great little game.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Pretty much what Travo and Vader have said. UC1 is rough as all hell, but stick with it, because the next game is going to be worth it.
Been playing:
Okabu. Just as annoying, but a bit more fun in the latter levels.
Played a little bit of Dark Souls and a little bit of Little Big Planet over the weekend.
Can't wait for Zelda
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Ahhhhh Sonic fanboys once again show they are some of the most reasonable on earth. Last night I posted a quick review of the game on Amazon.com. This morning my review was given 5 marks for being unhelpful, and have gotten half a dozen comments from people saying I'm wrong and in some cases I'm just stupid.
You didn't like Metroid Prime 3?
I'm playing Donkey Kong Country Retro, and God Of War 3. With a few matches of Gears 3 online thrown in for good measure.
I played a few hours of GOW 3 when it 1st came out, but after playing through the enhanced versions of the 1st two games in the PS3 Collection I was burnt out on the series, so I stopped. Picking it back up now it feels really good and looks beautiful. Doesn't seem to be much of an improvement gameplay-wise, but its definitely just as good, for sure.
Some screenshots of Real Racing 2. It looks better in motion though, since the car reflections and shines and such are dynamic and look good while in static screenshots they might just appear like washed out coloring or something. And of course the tracks zip by so you don't notice the worse graphics here and there. Anyway, it looks more or less like a high resolution - imageshack resized from iPad's native 1024 x 768 - PS2 game. It's a really neat game, I love the controls and it just feels awesome to weave through the 16 opponents in that first person view. I never thought I'd ever be spending so much with with an iOS game of all things.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.