Gamebrit review Boom Blox Bash Party
'Buy Boom Blox, and let yourself have a lot of fun.'
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Improved far more than the other versions
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robio (2m) Archangel3371 (4m)
Both MK and Brawl are SHIT. Want me to be any more clear?
Ok, I'll try to explain. They don't belong in the same genre. Taking many features from both the racing and fighting genres, both franchises ended up crafting a whole different beast altogether, with their own sled of strenghts and weaknesses. That is not a bad thing in itself, because it shows Nintendo's strive to reimagine established genres and adding their own spin to them. They are not inferior or equal or superior, just a different take on those genres.
They are still SHIT, though.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Like I suspected your comparison was indeed shit.
Virtua Fighter is a totally different beast than Street Fighter. So is Virtual Fighter not in the same genre either? Same for racers, there are so many different kind of racers. Arcade racers, futuristic racers, rally, sims, etc. Saying Kart is different from other racers is completely retarded, because the other racers are totally different among themselves too.
The setting of the games is irrelevant. The moment you insert the luck factor in detriment of skill (please note, I'm NOT saying that neither Brawl or MK are shallow or need no skill) you change the scope of the game definitely. In VF AND SF, the only thing that determines who wins and who loses is skill. In Brawl, you can always count with luck, the moving arena or external factors making your opponents lose, or a stray powerup coming your way. That makes Brawl so different from the other fighters that I mentioned.
Same goes for MK. Even purebred arcade racers like Out Run or Cruis'n share the same mindset. Skill is pivotal to winning. Not a fucking blue shell or a stray banana peel at the end of the race.
By that logic, Excitebots is in the same league as Gran Turismo. You can race. Great line of reasoning there.
GG wins the internet
I see Steel's point about the racing and fighting genres (but wtf, Smash is not shit). But Iga did throw a really good counterargument. In the end of the day what genre would you put those games into, they do fit into those genres. But i also feel we here should be smart enough to realize when we are speaking about the more traditional games in those genres. Like when someone starts talking about technical fighting games dont bring up Smash. When someone is speaking about traditional racing (you know with real cars and stuff) dont bring up Kart.
the other games are: Let's Catch. (No, but i will still get let's tap)
Cocoto's Platform (errm ... No)
Smash N64 (i never played it but the more recent iterations made this redundant right? - so most likely No)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I actually like what Eurogamer have done, when they make a mistake they put their hands up and let it be known. Very nice to see that. I would love to get Burnout Paradise but I just ordered RE5 and Fallout 3 and Bash Party are next up I think.
That happened with Lost Winds? Phew, completely over my head there.
You do realise that you can turn the items off, right? In the tournament scene that is what they usually do! But even if we do count random factors, what about Power Stone? That game has some random things happening. In wrestling games (if you want to count that as fighting games) usually some random chair or ladder, or whatever appears that can give you advantage.
Racing games have even more examples. WipeOut has weapons, you can loose in Burnout by crashing against the traffic. Extreme G had weapons, heck even staying on the track needed some luck.
I am not saying that Brawl is the same kind of game as Virtua Fighter. No I am not, just like I am saying that Virtua Fighter is not the same kind of game as Street Fighter or Power Stone is not the same kind of fighter as Tekken. Or Bushido Blade is the same kind of fighter as Soul Calibur.
This is how I see it
genre fighters (game were you have opponents of equal strength fighting each other)
sub genre
2D fighters (SF, KoF, MK, etc.)
3D fighters (Virtua Fighter, Tekken, DoA)
3D arena fighters (Power Stone)
Smash like fighters (Smash, Small arms, the new Turtle games)
genre racing games
Sim games (GTA, Forza 3)
Arcade games (Burnout)
F1 games
Rally games
Futuristic games (F-Zero, WipeOut)
Kart games (Mario Kart, Diddy Kong)
I still can't see how Smash and Kart are so different that they need to be singled out.
No they are not in the same league, Excitebots actually sounds fun!
I understand it, my feelings have changed on games before the more I played it. Games are anywhere between 5 and 60 hrs. You have a limited time to play them, other games that need reviewing. I think that other than short games you have to use reviews as a general guide more than anything else.
It's Bizaare talking about their Blur game, the main trick is that they've inserted a lot of Mario kart into the design. They reckon its an adult mario kart. So I think that's where they are getting this stuff from. The realistic racers aren't selling as well as they once were so they turned to mario kart and took inspiration (literally) they have said this.
BTW, I just wanted to make clear, I was only joking when I said: Blah blah. That's why I put the smiley and I am still really tired.
Had a butt clenchingly long review today too. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I will try and get a coherent reply in that thread over the weekend.
I think it would be fun to do trial threads like Judge Judy or something. Pick a game, RE5 for instance, or Phantom Hourglass. Get two opposing sides, an impartial jury (who hasn't played the game) put forward points and see who wins the argument. Would take something we all lack though: effort
You are right they don't bring up Kart, but they don't bring up F-Zero or a F1 game either.
Watch out with using the term technical, becuase traditional games like Mortal Kombat are anything but technical. Heck many games that are traditional can be button mashed to victory. Something that is almost impossible to do in Brawl.
MadWorld and No More Heroes get!
GG, I sliced a guy in half in No More Heroes and I saw blood! And MadWorld is full screen. Haha, bootmii FTW.
Now where the hell is Little King's Story!