Gamebrit review Boom Blox Bash Party
'Buy Boom Blox, and let yourself have a lot of fun.'
Tiger Woods 10 Wii Crispygamer review
Improved far more than the other versions
Crispygamer reviews Staff of Kings
"Memorable moments, surprises & tons of unlockables"
Bionic Commando Rearmed Patch Incoming
Adds Trophies and Gameplay Tweaks
More of LucasArts classics could be on their way.
More liek LucasFarts, amirite? Put down that shovel, GG. I was only joking. No! NO!
Wii being used to help doctors.
No, this has nothing to do with Trauma Series.
Infinity Ward rejects MMO styled system for MW.
Can they handle Activision pressure?
Shigeru Miyamoto E3 2009 Interview
Miyamoto enjoys working on two Mario games at once, as it allows him to share ideas between the two...and Nintendo loves making games for traditional gamers
Little Kings Story video interview
The Producer plays with a toy firetruck
Let's Tap TVG review
"Let's Tap is a compendium of pure mini-game joy."
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Clearly the PS3 version is better.
Ok and I can say blah blah blah same weird obsession of wanting games on the wii when it can be so much better on an HD console.
I dont agree that all games should be on more powerful systems, I just feel that some games benefit greatly for it and this one is such a clear example of that I dont understand how anyone cant see it. Rogue Squadron 2 was about graphics as much as anything else. One of the reasons it was such a big deal was cause it was STUNNING to look at when it launched with the GC, lucky for us it was an awesome game as well. They tried a sequel a few years latter and it was a big disappointment, that wow factor was gone, the gameplay tried to mix to many styles and it ended up being meh all around. The RS games are not deep, they are rather basic arcade style flight games, its not X-Wing. Making a new RS on the Wii is no different than making a 3rd RS game on the GC. Why would you want to see that, there is no where else to go with it. And all the wiimote contols you guys mention do not seem better than normal sticks and buttons for this type of game. Steering a ship with IR will have so much lag to it, wont be good (when you point to a part of the screen you will have to wait for the ship to move to that position, it wont work well with a wiimote. It can be one to one cause then you have a magic ship.)
The idea of a RS game on the Wii bores me. Now tell me I will be able to experience Hoth, Endor, Yavin, Cloud City, etc with the graphics on the PS3 and I will be interested for sure. Hundreds of ships flying around in battle looking as good if not better than the movies. They could probably have multiple captial ships fighting one another in real time as you are doing your missions. Make it online, have it so that everyone in your squad is a human. Have squad on squad combat. I am getting excited just thinking about it. I want a SW space combat game on my PS3!!! (and no Battlefont unless they completely overhaul the ship combat)
(you got your topic for tomorrow.
Wow look at that.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Leo, Sexiyama is going to fight for the UFC.
You are able to see him in person if you wish!
All aboard the SEXWAGON
22 Days and counting before the SEXWAGON comes to America
I just ordered Resident Evil 5 for 360, should have it next week I hope.
I will rape this game a new A-hole just to annoy Vader
Let's get Edgecrusher in on the act.
You know this is a fun idea, doing devils advocate, adversarial threads on games where people have disagreements.
Like this:
Geek vs Vader (Rogue Squadron) Why Dvader sucks hairy balls thread
In the middle of the updates now. This is nice boxart:
Ugh, did 39 updates today.
This is huge:
Activision boss: "We might have to stop supporting Sony"
"I'm getting concerned about Sony; the PlayStation 3 is losing a bit of momentum and they don't make it easy for me to support the platform. It's expensive to develop for the console, and the Wii and the Xbox are just selling better. Games generate a better return on invested capital on the Xbox than on the PlayStation," he told The Times.
The price of the console seems to be the main sticking point. "They have to cut the price, because if they don't, the attach rates [the number of games each console owner buys] are likely to slow. If we are being realistic, we might have to stop supporting Sony. When we look at 2010 and 2011, we might want to consider if we support the console - and the PSP [portable] too."
Ouch. When the world's biggest third-party publisher comes right out and says stuff like that, there's something wrong.
He warns that he will “generate better returns on invested capital” on the Wii and the Microsoft console.
Bioware talks Wii development
Speaking to IndustryGamers as part of a larger, wide-ranging interview, BioWare's Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk briefly touched upon the idea of broadening their audience. BioWare's games have been epic in scope and we asked the duo if their role-playing games would be a good fit for the Nintendo Wii audience.
Muzyka responded, "I think the question we'd ask is, 'What is the Wii audience looking for, and what would we want to deliver that has emotionally powerful narrative?' And that probably wouldn't be exactly the same as everything else we do; we did a DS game and that was already very different from what we've done before, and the PC-only SKUs we did years ago were very different than the ones we've done for console... They're all different from one another.
If we did a Wii game I think we'd approach it with the target audience in mind first and the vision of delivering an emotionally powerful narrative and go back to our basics in terms of some of the pillars of gameplay we'd like to bring to bear – exploration, progression, customization, conflict, story, narrative, and characters. How do we adapt that to the platform? That's how we'd approach it. The interface design on the Wii is very different from the other platforms, and that's really an opportunity because you can actually tell different kinds of stories and convey a different type of narrative. In the end the players are all human regardless of platform and they all want to feel something powerful and engaging. As a developer, you just need to really adapt and customize depending on the platform."
We further pushed him on the subject and asked if we might see a Wii game from BioWare soon. He continued, "We'd be intrigued by the idea of developing on Wii but we have nothing to announce right now. We do have some unannounced projects that we're not ready to talk about yet, and they are different from some things we've done in the past... Our goal, really long-term, is to broaden our base and continue to differentiate and have diversity of choice on different platforms, because we know there are different audiences on platforms like mobile and Wii, and different geographic markets and distribution and business models. It's exciting, but you can't do all things at one time."
Our guess is we'll see something sooner rather than later from BioWare on the Wii. With an installed base of more than 50 million, the Wii's just too huge to ignore, and considering that EA owns BioWare, we think it's even more likely that BioWare will adhere to the publisher's multiplatform stance and deliver something for Wii in the near future.
Bizaare Creations: Recent Racing games aren't selling It was interesting that in the presentation you mentioned there hasn’t been a massive hit in the racing genre previously. I thought they were doing okay…
BW: I’m not going to mention numbers but not really, with the exception of Mario Kart, which has done very well because it’s a Mario Kart game. That is the exception rather than the rule. But generally titles, I won’t name any names, more recent titles that were really good, critically acclaimed and we all played them, they didn’t sell as well as can be expected. I know sales is one thing, but sales are reflective of people who are interested in the concept and interested in what they want to play. So if it’s not selling then the developers are doing something wrong and pushing it in the wrong area. We totally rebooted with Blur. All of these things we think are wrong; we’re trying to fix them.
Anybody out there?
LOL look at this:
Blog entry by Tom Bramwell 7 comments
19th 2009
This morning we received a tip-off from our colleagues at that they had encountered substantial differences in Wii MotionPlus performance on their Wii debug review kit and their retail Wii console. Obviously this set off alarm bells - Kristan Reed had reviewed Grand Slam Tennis on a Wii debug kit.
With the gravity of that in mind, I went out and bought a boxed copy of Grand Slam Tennis and a WMP and hotfooted it round to Kristan's, where we both tested it out. Our German friends were absolutely right: there's a substantial, immediately noticeable difference between the responsiveness playing the game on a retail Wii.
As a result, I'm immediately withdrawing Eurogamer's Grand Slam Tennis review until we will publish a new review based purely on retail console play. The existing text will remain online with big whopping signposts on it that highlight the above, and once the replacement review is published, it will redirect to that.
Furthermore, while Virtua Tennis 2009 was reviewed on a retail Wii without issue, the text published today makes numerous references to Grand Slam Tennis, so until such time as the EA game is reappraised, I'm also withdrawing the VT review.
Both the new Grand Slam Tennis review and an updated Virtua Tennis 2009 review will be published on Monday.
I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to EA Sports for the original GST review, which was clearly not representative of the product. EA has not asked us to withdraw it, nor issue this retraction, but I believe both are the right thing to do. I must also apologise to you, our patient readers, if you were misled by the mistake.
For the record, the mistake - 'catastrophe' is probably a good word, actually - was down to out-of-date firmware on our Wii debug machine, which neither our EA contacts or us apparently knew anything about. This meant that Wii MotionPlus only worked to a diminished degree during our review process. We had received the game and WMP accessory direct from EA, and reviewed GST in good faith.
We will clearly be extremely mindful of this possibility in future and be drawing up additional safeguards internally to prevent a repeat.
Once again, I'm very sorry for our mistake.
Tom Bramwell
Do it then. Buy it. Now.
And racing games sell poorly? No shit. Perhaps if developers did something to get them out from the stagnant pit they are into, and started crafting more exciting experiences, they would sell somewhat better. I'm going to start supporting more the genre as a whole this year and the next one, but they better deliver some quality shit. I plan on getting Forza 3, GT5, NFS Shift and a couple of wheels for 360 and PS3.
And Mario Kart is to racers what Brawl is to Virtua Fighter or Tekken or Street Fighter. So spare me that shit.
Welcome to how I felt 3 and a half years ago.
If I bought a racer would get Burnout Paradise, second hand.
I don't get this one, please explain
on racing games, maybe people's tastes are shifting in such ways that the genre on the whole will become a lot more niche as time goes on. many games which are reviewed really well don't do well in retail. maybe there are just too many of them being made and since it's not the kind of game that one will just play through in 10 hours and move on even genre enthusiasts don't need to buy so many of them. they are also becoming sort of homogenised and a lot of them don't offer distinct gaming experiences
on burnout paradise, gg it's already very cheap. maybe 15 quid for the standard edition and 18 for the one which includes the expansion. personally i found myself wishing i could choose events like in previous burnouts as opposed to driving around town looking for them but it's nice still.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
That dropped review from Eurogamer is something else huh? Nice to see them own up to it instead of just sweeping it under the door and pretending like it didn't happen. Reminds me of when Gamespot had a similar incident but didn't retract the review.
Remember last year when Gamespot posted an abysmal 5 or 5.5 rating for Lost Winds? The game was scoring in the 80% range nearly everywhere, and then Gamespot came along and put out the lone genuinally bad review for it. Later on, other editors actually apologized for the review in the forums explaining that it was this particular reviewers first review and he hadn't quite learned how to review yet, but had since gotten better. They never went full way to retract the score or review however which I never understood.
So anyway good for Eurogamer to be willing to take a second look at the game. Should be interesting to read the next one. Does kind of make you wonder how often this may happen for sites that don't review off of retail versions.