Little King’s Story was originally going to be..
....about a vegetable kingdom?
Ex-Nibris staffer reveals the smoke and mirrors
behind Sadness’ existence
Famitsu scans - Infinite Space, Inazuma Eleven 2
and Soul Bubbles’ Japanese makeover
Nintendo’s Denise Kaigler discusses
her first experience with Wii Music, Iwata’s GDC speech, core games (video interview)
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robio (4m)
but what do i know
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
leo. lifeforce. essence. draining.
vile. evil. fun. booby. game. killing. me.
one. last. attempt.
Sexiyama to the rescue
Sexyness is too powerful
Erotic Aphyxiation
sexi spin
Sexiyama Battlestation SEXWAGON!!!!
Sexyness is too powerful
Erotic Aphyxiation
sexi spin
I did not just fucking wake up to a shittonne of provocative pictures of a Japanese MMA fighter.Â
So yeah, Ghostbusters am exclusive to Sony in Europe. Atari is still publishing the game in NA, and will be releasing on everything. Reading up on the Kotaku story, people are PISSED - citing Sony pulling a "dick move". I'd imagine that if Microsoft did the same thing, there'd be less of that, and more praising. Fucking idiots.
Sucks for people who own a 360 down here. Let's hope that Activision aren't dicks and don't put region encoding in that game.
 It is funny how it little unity there is among the different gaming sects.  People should universally oppose things like this, but I'm sure there are some Sony people who were elated at this news, and I'm sure there were 360 people who were patting themselves on the back when GTA4 and Fallout 3 got exclusive stuff.
i. guess. this. is. the. end. for. me...
what's. this?
with. every. thrust I. AM. FEELING. STRONGER!
WAH-HA-HA-HA ! ! !
 Precisely that Rag.
Also, this new era of thrust loving Leo scares me.
Crap, beat me to it XD.  Now I have to figure out something else snarky to post...

Ah! Here we go
I'd be the opposite; too strongly to not.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYup. Back when he was a mod, I used to love what he wrote, both in the forums and in his blog, and I reallly admired the guy. His rants about the game industry were great reads! But as dvader mentioned, he changed quite noticeably when he stopped being a mod, and then he just goes berserk about political topics (mostly) in the RoF. Even on the [seemingly] rare occasions when he's not talking about politics, he still has way too much anger and condescension in his words. But politics seems to be the target of his obsession.
When I engaged him on the topic of theism, his responses to my large, time-sucking and thoughtful posts were short, many times irrelevant or fallacious, or just plain insulting. I just got fed up with him. Dutch_Mix and BladesOfAthena didn't help much, either. Those two are fine when we're not talking games, but politics (for DM) and religion (for both) are a different story. Dutch stated that Sarah Palin embodied his conservative values, so I asked him why he liked Palin... and he basically just referred me back to that first statement, as if I didn't want to inquire further. But seriously, I'm pretty sure that many of those "conservative values" are based on his religious views, and I wanted to discuss those, which is why I asked him a second time about Palin and values. And then Blades (who I don't actually have a problem with) referred me to a YouTube video from VenomFangX... who has been dubbed the Posterboy for Creationist Stupidity (PCS) and who seems to have psychological problems. I made a detailed response to the idiotic, shitty statements he made in the video (e.g. something like "I suspect people are atheists because they want to be immoral") and posted it in the RoF thread (the same one the rest of this religion discussion was going on in), and I don't get a serious response back.
At some point in that thread, Shame-us said that he thinks atheists are nuttier than JIF peanut butter. Why? Well, he compared us to Muslims, stating that at least they actually believe something about the origins of life/the universe/everything. Um, yeah, get back to me when atheists are committing mass murder because of "the beliefs of atheism" (there are none). Anyway, he insulted about five RoF members with that comment, as well as over a dozen people I know personally offline, including two of my best friends. Good for you, ass. Go ahead and use the "
" smiley after insulting me and a whole bunch of other people for no good reason. It just shows me how much respect for you I should lose.
I do have to make the caveat that I unintentionally offended those three by stating early on that having faith is delusional... or something like that. That's mostly why Dutch didn't want to talk with me more. But really, if faith is simply unsupported belief, then faith is not a smart thing to have, and that's what I meant.
Ugh... sorry for the rant or if I offended anyone here, or if I upset you, rrag. That conversation with Shame-us really got to me, and I still have pent-up animosity at him when I think about it.
On a lighter note, any PS3 owner with an interest in inFamous can download the demo from the Hong Kong PSN store. I will post impressions when I get a chance.
Thunderf00t FTW!
But seriously, if he's going to sink as low as to reference PCS, he may as well just go ahead and link to the banana.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile Time to create yet another account...
It's been pulled from the HK store.
Okay that's illogical. InFamous is no way in any form lighter than Spirituality. Infamous exist and has mass, thus weight.
My sensor's can't detect this "spirituality" you talk about and my logic circuits find the concept illogical. So my superior positronic brain concludes that it does not exist and therefore it has no mass. Thus Infamous is heavier than Spirituality.
I am a robot, so don't argue with my flawless logic human meatbag.Â