Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
Cave Story blog updat
Cave Story ‘very done’, Pixel interview coming soon to Nintendo Channel
Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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I doubt it could ever be your thing, really. The game has "anti-GG" wrtitten all over it,
and there's nothing wrong about that. I always thought you would find it too conservative, slow, and full of cringe-inducing cliches. Good to know you tried it at least.
I am renting it today again so I can finish it this week. Oh, and I haz Wii again! Have second floor! My grass is getting better!
Yeah I played through the first game and didn't like it then, but now I'm really feeling it. It's like my kryptonite. I would rather play Mass Effect which is like Gears like shooting but with so much gravy on top, story, rpg elements, some vehicles, a compelling world. At least its energised me to push through Mass Effect.
To me, a game like Gears is like everything that is wrong with next gen gaming, kind of like a been here, seen that, push the graphics etc. My brother loves it to death but even he said that it was exactly the same as the first. He has the steel tin box.
You can see the kind of games I like, threads on Soul Bubbles and Rhythm Heaven/ Paradise. Just something different.

Europe sees Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10/Grand Slam Tennis MotionPlus bundles, North America only gets Tiger Woods bundleGamesPress
Where is Dvader?!
NewEgg - Animal Crossing: City Folk/WiiSpeak bundle dealApril 21st, 2009
Grab yours here (thanks Sikboy!)
PS3 game Ryu ga Gotoku 3 (Yakuza 3) has managed to break even and the recently released DS RPG 7th Dragon has sold well, said Kawagoe. However, fellow DS RPGs Shining Force Feather and World Destruction have not met company expectations.
Kawagoe also said that Sega's titles were receiving a better reception from European critics than those in the States, although he acknowledged that MadWorld's generally positive reviews hadn't translated into high sales. NPD reports [via Gamasutra] that March sales in the US were just 66,000.
He also said that the company's licensing department is hoping to extend Sega's IP into broader media platforms, noting the television anime adaptation of Valkyria Chronicles.
Sega's big title of the event was Puyo Puyo 7, the latest entry in the falling object puzzle series. Bayonetta also received one of its first live play demonstrations and End of Eternity, a futuristic RPG collaboration between tri-Ace and Sega, due for release on PS3 and Xbox 360 this winter, was unveiled.
The rest of the line-up, shown in a video compilation, featured a number of handheld titles, mainly for DS, including Sonic Chronicles, which was released in Europe and the States late last year.
How saturated is the DS market with damn JRPGs???? It's so stupid at this point, there is one every damn minute.
Updates done
This one is for Vader
DLC coming for Halo Wars. Sweet. It sounds like it should be pretty cool. I'm looking forward to checking it out.
Super Robot Taisen K
Can't wait for this one, I've had it pre-ordered forever -- but it won't sell.
The Dementium developer talking about the "lack" of sales for GTA Chinatown is pretty entertaining. I was waiting for him to snap at any time and start smaching shit up.
How come? Is it cute?
What is cute?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFU travo for stealing my thunder in my own ExciteBots Topic!
Yeah! Well! I posted the review again anyway!
A guy goes out drinkin on freakin' tuesday and comes back to find his topic hijacked!
*strips naked and dives face first into nearest wall*
Lego Rock Band ??
Lego Rock Band ?!
Lego Rock Band !!
god yes my prayers have been answered!!!!!
As is gears is cute. GG is not. hence gears is anti-gg. i think this is what foolz meant
This is the best post ever. Travo gets a FU ... and he didn't even post in the EEEEXXXXXCCCCCIIIIIIITTTTEEEEE thread. it was robio! thanks for the b-day wishes buddy.
*jumps in pool to rescue naked leo*
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu niece would love this. Her B-day is coming up so this looks good. And she loves horses!
And no, I'm not buying it for myself, LOL! But it'll be embarrassing buying this at Gamestop or Best Buy, especially since there's a cute girl working at BB! Actually, maybe she'll think I'm sensitive because I'm a man for buying gifts like this for my niece?
Ah whatever, she's way to good for me anyway. Seriously, she's pretty cute!
And what in the hey is God of Trendy?
And Lego Rock Band? As if they didn't make money enough! What kind of songs are they going to have, kid songs like "Itsy Bitsy Spider," or "Ol' McDonald had a farm?"
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
No, she will think you are horrible for buying such crap for you niece
Maybe she has self esteem issues. Heck go to her and tell her about your niece and ask her for advice. At least you will get conversation going. And if she says something like: "I don't known much about games", you could reply "that makes two of us I don't much about girl games too". Then you could ask her about what kind of games she would be interested about.
Or, you could try the Bas Rutten method.
Walk up to her and pull out your member and say: "You see this? What you're going to do about it?!".
I have no clue! Found the title awesome and the art style interesting, so I posted it.
I thought maybe it was Steels when I saw it
I think he's coming at it from the perspective of a very small developer with very small sales.
I don't like shooting people online. Offline in single player or among friends, sure. I usually test out the online modes in some shooters just out of curiosity. Plus there is the problem of having no hard drive and no wireless and the console being miles away from the router. So basically I can't get my 360 online. Shame as I would run their demo service into the ground.
That's not a wall, it's Steelos massive ASS.
Seriously I need some help with this. There is this girl that works at a local business and I have seen her about 4 times. And she's like.... she just.... I think I'm lovesick. I've been wanting to ask her out but firstly she is so gorgeous I keep thinking that she must already have a boyfriend anyway. But the problem is more the front office. It's like the size of a closet and when I talk to her there are like people sitting 3 feet behind me, another staff member on her immediate left and people trapsing about the place. She keeps me up at night, not in a dirty way you pervs. But just thinking about her. I feel like I know her, bizaarely like someone you grew up living next door to and went to school with. It's tearing me up!