EA interview - Dead Space extraction
Challenges from a hardware standpoint but there were bonuses that we got from moving to the Wii
FACT: Wii Cures Parkinsons Disease
Ali to return to ring after playing Wii Sports
Gamecentral Halo 3 ODST review
"What was meant as a fun but inessential budget game has become a more cynical exploitation of the Halo audience."
PSPgo features built-in interactive ESRB guide
you know, so parents can monitor what their kids are playing
Zombie Panic in Wonderland trailer, screens
lots and lots of screenshots
Resident Evil 5 Director's Cut?
Jill actress says she recored new voice work for RE5DC
BlazBlue Update/Sequel Announced
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift features new characters and more.
1up review TMNT SMash up
B- " you get a good Ninja Turtle fighter using a proven engine"
DS Extraction Aussie Nintendo review
"Dead Space Extraction is an extremely enjoyable game"
Skateboarders Become Neon Tetris Blocks
YouTube video proves some ppl have too much money and time.
XBLA Hits $5 Games
Street Fighter II, 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures, and Brain Challenge
WiiWare Game No-one Cares About Will Use Motion +
Rage of Gladiator, Punch Out clone.
PAL Nintendo download Friday
Tales of monkey island 2, you me and the cubes and more
Third DLC Release Coming for Red Faction
New mode featuring walkers from the single-player campaign.
Photos of Dante's Inferno $200 Cheque
Includes warning, "This check is as real as the consequences of cashing it"
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robio (7s)
Love Death 4! The game that visually monitors your Wang!
Your wangs rate on a scale of 1 - 10.
Me and Steel on the other hand...
Still playing/loving this:
Sheep...? Carnage...?
I'm working on trying to clean up some of my backlog before this years holiday rush of games. I finished Infinite Undiscovery. It was an ok game. Not as nice looking as the other 360 RPG's and the way they handled accessing your inventory during battles is a total pain in the ass. It doesn't pause the action so you can end up getting your ass kicked when trying to heal or revive your party members. Some areas where the saves aren't spread out adequately can lead to some frustratingly long sequences of fighting your way through tough enemies. A somewhat interesting story, fast-paced real-time battle system, and lots of tinkering making stuff make it a decent game though.
Started playing Culdcept Saga. While the graphics are quite average it sure a great card battling game. Lots and lots of cards to aquire, a pretty challenging AI, and some good strategy make this a very enjoyable game. Story mode is very vanilla but it's ok at least. I'm not sure how many people play this online but browsing through the forums it looks like there are still a few.
It also makes me appreciate Dracula X Chronicles more since I haven't touched it for awhile. Mostly because it was so damn hard. But since I unlocked these and finally beat that darn stage 5, I'm getting into it again!
Also playing Mario & Luigi 3 of course. And checking out Braid again off and on.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
i've been playing Mario & Luigi 3 and little else. i'm almost at the end
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Started the weekend by completing the tenth mission on Dawn of War. I'm in a nice groove now, and have most KB shortcuts under my belt now, so battles and early-to-midway skirmish progression are more dynamic now.
And Valkyria Chronicles last night and today. I'm on chapter 5 right now, stuck in a battle through the woods that ends up with a nice mexican standoff with an empire General in a tank nicknamed "Lupus". This game blooms with depth, strategy, and small stuff that makes for a great time to delve into. Checking out your squad member's biographies lets you learn valuable information about their advantages and disadvantages in the battlefield, skirmish mode is great to build experience and try out different tactics and unit combinations, and the glossary is thoroughly enjoyable.
Both games have enough intricacies to keep me busy for the remainder of the year, probably.
Edit: Made a japanese PSN account and downloaded the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 demo, but haven't got the time to play it.
Has anyone played Castlevania Chronicles for the PS1? Is it any good? I'm thinking about snagging this off of PSN. It's only $7 so why not, right?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
The story of your gaming life.
Just beat Resident Evil 5. You know, after my initial hate of the game it does get a lot better once you get into it. Its still nowhere near as good as RE4, and it really doesn't feel like RE much anymore and I don't like the art direction as a RE game....but its a solid game for what they did with it.
Still playing Little Kings Story which is awesome and much harder than I thought it was going to be. It really reminds me of some of the great old Super Nintendo era games for some reason.
Starting Batman tonight which should be killer.
Then tried to play Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, but couldn't se any way to save and got sick of it.
So, I'm now playing Earthbound for the SNES, this is where I'll be for the rest of the month.
Mrs. Aspro is playing that now. It has Vyse in it from Skies of Arcadia, so that's cool.