EA interview - Dead Space extraction
Challenges from a hardware standpoint but there were bonuses that we got from moving to the Wii
FACT: Wii Cures Parkinsons Disease
Ali to return to ring after playing Wii Sports
Gamecentral Halo 3 ODST review
"What was meant as a fun but inessential budget game has become a more cynical exploitation of the Halo audience."
PSPgo features built-in interactive ESRB guide
you know, so parents can monitor what their kids are playing
Zombie Panic in Wonderland trailer, screens
lots and lots of screenshots
Resident Evil 5 Director's Cut?
Jill actress says she recored new voice work for RE5DC
BlazBlue Update/Sequel Announced
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift features new characters and more.
1up review TMNT SMash up
B- " you get a good Ninja Turtle fighter using a proven engine"
DS Extraction Aussie Nintendo review
"Dead Space Extraction is an extremely enjoyable game"
Skateboarders Become Neon Tetris Blocks
YouTube video proves some ppl have too much money and time.
XBLA Hits $5 Games
Street Fighter II, 3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures, and Brain Challenge
WiiWare Game No-one Cares About Will Use Motion +
Rage of Gladiator, Punch Out clone.
PAL Nintendo download Friday
Tales of monkey island 2, you me and the cubes and more
Third DLC Release Coming for Red Faction
New mode featuring walkers from the single-player campaign.
Photos of Dante's Inferno $200 Cheque
Includes warning, "This check is as real as the consequences of cashing it"
Order by:
Sure, and if it was about a dolphin fighting aliens you would be all over it.
Go back to Sonic, Hobo!
"the sequel, due to arrive on your Wii early next year, focuses much more heavily on adventure and exploration. You'll be checking out sunken ships, trying to find treasure and not only encountering sharks and salt water crocodiles again, but actually having to evade attacks from them this time around as well.
As you find treasure and other salvageable objects underwater, you can sell it back at the nearby Nine Ball Island and use the money to develop your own reefs (to attract fish) or add fish to your personal aquarium which other people can come and visit.
You can also befriend a dolphin at the island and teach it various tricks. Once the dolphin earns your trust you can take it with you on dives and even hold onto it to gain extra speed while swimming around. And the fish-love doesn't end there. You also have the ability to determine if some fish are ill and use a special tranquilliser to zap sick ones with healing energy like some sort of underwater messiah. Yes, it's a strange little game.
Endless Ocean 2 will also allow you dive with a friend via Wi-Fi, using Wii Speak to talk to each other as you swim around and explore the huge underwater environments, tunnels and caves. It's nice to see another game that makes use of Wii Speak and this could be an ideal title for it.
It seems that Endless Ocean 2 is attempting to keep its peaceful, serene mood but also attract more traditional gamers with the option of more exploration and dangerous missions. If they can strike the balance right and not lose the chilled out appeal of the first title then this could be a worthy follow up."
Are on a scale of -10 to -5?
I think Steel is like that athlete, he has internal testes 
(I never really read the Civil War story, but it seems to be a pretty good basis for the game.)
The game starts in Latveria where Nick Fury leads a small team of heroes on a mission to destroy Lucia von Barda's Castle because she is supposedly lending aid to super villains, which is viewed as an act of terrorism against the United States.
You succeed in Blowing up her castle, killing her in the process (not really) and shutting down her weapons development there. You learn that this was not a government approved mission though. Fury manipulated the heroes into going. Fury TRIED to get the OK from the government but they basically said "No, we've been providing funding to Latveria, Lucia is an ally of the US; we'll settle this diplomatically."
Cyborg Lucia then leads a terror attack against New York City (!) with a bunch of Super Villains; although she is stopped pretty quickly, it gets the government thinking about having heroes register with the government: (1)For proper training, (2)To become part of a Super Army for the government, and (3)To reveal their identities, so tabs can be kept on them so incidents like Latveria don't happen again.
While the government is trying to pass this Super Human Registration Act (SRA) a Super Hero Reality Show has yet another incident in Connecticut. 611 people are killed in an explosion on live, national television by the villain Nitro as well as almost every member of the team of heroes that was part of the show. Speedball is blown 500 miles away from the explosion (and eventually becomes Penance as a result).
This immediately gives the government the popular vote to pass the SRA and divides the Super Hero community in two: Iron Man leads the heroes in support of Registration and Captain America goes fugitive, protecting the Freedom of the heroes and people of the United States, leading the Anti-Registration heroes.
The bulk of the game is played out in the SRA and anti-SRA heroes going on missions against each other to try and thwart the other sides plans. I am playing on the anti-reg side with Captain America, leading a team of X-Men (Storm, Jean Grey, Iceman and Wolverine). The pro-reg side adds to it's army by implanting nanites in super villains (Venom and Green Goblin, for example)... It's from there (the nanite Villains going rogue... again) that sets up the stage for the Third and final act of the game. This is where I am in the story now.
The characters are limited to 4 super attacks now. You no longer find equipment to wear now; instead you can wear team-affecting Boosts. All of the Heroes upgrading is handled automatically, but you CAN shut this off and customize them slightly. You can basically rearrange how much power goes to what attack and play with their levels, affecting somewhat the extra abilities of each attack. (Does Wolverines lunge knock it's target down, for example.)
The Fusions are cool. There are Three types: Clearing, Targeted and Guided. Clearing is kinda a smart-bomb for a limited area that you can expand by tapping X. Targeted targets one enemy, tapping X powers it up. Guided has you controlling 2 heroes and the area of effect of the fusion for a few seconds. There's something like 266 variations of these fusions. What you have to realize though is A LOT of them are palette swaps, meaning Iceman and Storm produce a White, Ice Tornado that you can direct, for example, while Iceman and Jean Grey produce a Purple, Telekinetic Tornado that you can direct.
Even though the powers and leveling of the heroes is simplified a bit, the equipment system is all but gone (I mean, c'mon though, in the grand scheme of Super Heroes, did it make sense to have Psychic Boots and Fire Belts anyway...?) and the Fusions are somewhat recycled, the game succeeds in the ONE most important area of all: IT. IS. FUN!
The graphics are good (even if they're not totally next-gen), the branching conversation trees that actually lead to stat buffs for the teams are cool to tinker with... The FMV is pretty bad for such a high profile, high budget game... but like I said everything else aside it is FUN. For me, that is ALL I am looking for in a game right now, so it is enough! I would rate it about an 8/10 at this point and have no regrets in buying/playing it at all.
OXM reviews:
NHL 10 (Xbox 360, Microsoft): 9,0
NHL 2K10 (Xbox 360, Take-Two): 7,0
Batman : Arkham Asylum (Xbox 360, Eidos): 9,0
Need For Speed: Shift (Xbox 360, EA): 9,0
Dirt 2 (Xbox 360, Codemasters): 9,0
Wolfenstein (Xbox 360, Activision): 7,5
The Beatles: Rock Band (Xbox 360, EA): 8,0
Guitar Hero 5 (Xbox 360, Activision): 9,5
Section 8 (Xbox 360, Southpeak Games): 7,5
Darkest Of Days (Xbox 360, Valcon Games): 6,5
Raven Squad (Xbox 360, Evolved Games): 6,0
Pinball Hall Of Fame : The Williams Collection (Xbox 360, Crave): 8,0
Defense Grid : The Awakening (Xbox XBLA, Hidden Path): 8,5
Raiden IV (Xbox 360 XBLA, UFO): 6,0
Ion Assault (Xbox 360 XBLA, Microsoft): 7,0
Rainbow Islands : Towering Adventure (Xbox XBLA, Taito): 6,0
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Part 2 (Xbox 360 XBLA, Warner): 4,5
Puzzle Bobble Live (Xbox 360 XBLA, Taito): 7,5
Invincible Tiger : The Legend Of Han Tao (Xbox 360 XBLA, Namco Bandai): 6,0
GameInformer reviews:
Need For Speed Shift (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 8 / 8,5
Wolfenstein (PS3/Xbox 360, Activision): 7,25 / 7
Dirt 2 (PS3/Xbox 360, Codemasters): 8,5 / 8,5
Guitar Hero 5 (PS3/Xbox 360/Wii, Activision): 8,5 / 8,5
NHL 2K10 (PS3/Xbox 360/Wii, Take-Two): 5,5
Heros Over Europe (PS3/Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 6,5
Wet (PS3/Xbox 360, Bethesda): 7,5 / 7,5
Section 8 (Xbox 360, SouthPeak Games): 6,5 / 6
NHL 10 (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 9,25 / 9 **Spiel des Monats**
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii, Ignition): 7,75 / 7
Metroid Trilogy (Wii, Nintendo): 9 / 7
Dead Space Extraction (Wii, EA): 7 / 8,75
Scribblenauts (NDS, Warner): 8,75 / 7,75
Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story (NDS, Nintendo): 8,75 / 8,75
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (NDS, Square Enix): Days 8 / 8
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (NDS, Level 5): 8,25 / 8
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (PSP, Atlus): 8 / 8
Soul Calibur Broken Destiny (PSP, Bandai Namco): 7,5 / 8
I like the idea of Dragon Quest anything so I'll pay attention to whatever news SE provides to us about this game. But I got to say I'm not overly impressed with any of the downloadable games that SE has provided us. Life as a King and Life as a Darklord have been okay games. Nothing phenominal though. And their tower defense games were crap.
Then again those were Final Fantasy games. Maybe sticking DQ in front of it will make it better. Hope so. But for only 500 points, I'm not getting my hopes up too high.
Yeah. I'm so bored.
"Teatime, developer of adult Love Death series, is bringing Tech48's face tracking camera tech to Love Death 4. What's more, the game will detect shapes.
This cannot end well.
It's not yet known how this shape recognition tech will be employed in the game, but the pictured example seems to indicate that you-know-what will play an important part. (It always does!)
Just think if these wizards used their power for good. Cure for cancer, the ability to microwave metal and in-game boner recognition. Oh wait."
One of the site's forefathers.
I dont know about being no where near as good, RE5 pretty much sticks close to the formula and I feel that RE5 has tons more built in replay value. Still my GOTY so far.
BOB is wearing a DRESS. Trannimal Crossing.
I went nuts on turnips this week. So check your prices daily or face my grapes of wrath!
More pics in the thread.
Awesome looking room.
I agree with Edge. It just doesn't have that spirit of invention or creativity. The setpieces and pacing in RE4 are in a class of their own compared to RE5. But like Edge says, I find it very, very solid and enjoyable for what it is. It's a work man like sequel for me though.
I still think RE5 has some pretty damn amazing setpieces. And playing the entire game in co-op is freaking awesome. Having each chapter broken down in sections with grades for each gives you a goal for every area in the game. Its an excellent game to speed run, when me and skylock did that run it was a blast to figure out how to almost break the game. The hard mode is actually HARD. The mercenaries mode is flat out better than RE4.
In terms of just playing to finish the game once, yeah RE4 is definetely the better game, but I think RE5 offers so much more on top of just playing to beat it. Frankly when you compare anything to RE4 its a letdown, but compare RE5 to other action games, it's easily in the top group of this generation. Most games just don't offer the amount of content and quality gameplay that RE5 does.
I don't do speed runs or challenge for rankings, or enjoy Mercenaries (I barely played it on RE4 either) and offline co-op is weirdo off angle splitscreen on 360. The main problem is that RE5 isn't a universe, well they haven't created an environment that is compelling enough to want to jump back into. I feel apathetic about replaying it.
I can go back and play RE4 and it sucks you in for hours at a time, its varied and gripping and the pace is pitch perfect. In RE5 it can be slow, it can be fast, it can be frequently frustrating, it can be dull. It doesn't really look or feel enough like RE. It's like a solid action game that struggles to define itself in any meaningful way.
All they had to do was bring back a big boobed Ashley and all would be forgiven.
No hating on this week's Nintendo's downloadable offerings. We've got You, Me and the Cubes!!! Come on that game looks fantastic.
First of all it's a known fact that anytime cubes are in a game you've got pure gold. Need I remind you of Tetris and BoxLife?? Brilliant I tell you! And this will be the next phase of brilliance. Rescuing people from falling off of cubes. Gonna be huge I tell you.
Yeah I agree with dvader. I found RE5 to really be a fantastic game and online did a lot to up the fun factor and replayability.
It's like Mario 128, on a cube.