Deathspank from ex Lucasarts dev
Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert reveals his first core game in over 15 years
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Including the Endless Ocean "experience" video
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gamingeek (6m)
Nope they're wrong! It says right on best buy "excludes preorders". No unreleased games.
Yeah, preorders are excluded but IGN says that you can. I wonder what they mean by that and how you can do it.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Well that sucks if you can't do pre-orders. It's still a good deal for those who are a little behind on their game purchases.
With all the games I want to get over the next few months plus a PS3 I need all the money I can get plus I don't use the GBA port on my DS Lite so that's why I'll trade it in or sell it to get a DSi.
1. Halo: ODST
2. Splinter Cell Conviction
3. GTA: Ballad of Gay Tony
4. Left 4 Dead 2
5. Forza 3
1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
2. Red Steel 2
3. Muramasa
4. Silent Hill
5. Resident Evil DSC or Dead Space, which ever you like
1. Uncharted 2
2. Ratchet and Clank ACIT
3. Demon Souls
4. Katamari Forever
5. Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma
GT5 is obviously on that list if it magically comes out.
The best I would have to say is the 360, I think its solid from top to bottom with good variety. Wii is last, Mario will be awesome, RS2 could be great, but the rest will appeal to a few people.
PS3 in the middle, I think they have potentially the best game of the fall with Uncharted 2. I think they might have the best Ratchet game with ACIT. But after those two its hard to find games, they need GT5 to make a huge impact.
Sweet. I spent 500 points getting the Web Browser for the Wii so now that it's free I'll be able to pick a NES game with those points at the end of October. There's still a number of NES titles I wouldn't mind getting. Thankyou Nintendo.
Wow their are only 2 new IPs in here. Muramasa and Demon Souls. Well you could count Crystal Chronicles and Red Steel 2, I guess.
Is FF Crystal coming out this year, I highly doubt it. GS has it for 12/26 and no game comes out on 12/26 (and made up dates are usually sooner than actual dates). Oh and RS2 is next year now?
Yes, Crystal is coming end this year. Well they can still delay it, but for now it's on. Yep RS2 is 2010, was in the news.
P.S. are you not looking forward to Rabids? Looks like it could be fun.
really? that is awesome. i'd have never thought they'd return the points to anyone who bought it. that's very good of them. i thought they'd just make it free for the johnny-come-latelys (and for the early birds who got it when it was still on trial) and screw over anyone who paid for it.
maybe use some more points to get something more playable than a NES game though.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Check the thread. Tons of stuff there.
Yeah I hope its not like a 6 hr game. But to do an adventure game on DS on the scale of Okami, that would be quite the commitment. Not that it cant be done but usually that kind of effort normally shifts the game into: should be on consoles territory.
I kinda dont want any exclusive Dsi games as a lite owner. The cameras are useless so its basically only using the SD card. Nintendo need to release an SDcard adapter for the lite so we can all play these things.
The hell?
Oh, read your other post. Still, the Dsi games would have to be really compelling. Like a DSi exclusive NSMB or Metroid.
Ok then switch those two games.
No I am not looking forward to Rabids. It will need great word of mouth to get me interested.
I checked your top 5 list again, it's like:
360 = Mainstream
Wii = niche
PS3 = in between
That GTA: Gay Tony trailer is FAB-O-LOUS!!
Damn I wish I could play that.
So Okamiden sounds cool, hopefully its the portable Zelda game I want for the DS.
Did 45 updates today.
I have to shower now. I put off showering to finish them.
Now I have to go scrape my groin with a scouring brush.
I just want to have more competent dungeons. The first one had just one Zelda quality dungeon!
i will be very pissed off if they do not announce a ps3 release for the lost and the damned and the ballad of gay tony soon after everyone that has a 360 buys it.
these stupid exclusivity deals are the worst thing this generation
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu