Natal could have trouble with black people?
Crapped out with N'Gai, of all people.
1Up Itagaki dev interview.
It seems that Itagaki only gives interviews to Mielke.
Prince of Persia producer explains Wii choices
Why was there no Wii version?
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii) 1up Review
The new MotionPlus add-on adds a whole new level of realism to golf videogames. A-
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travo (5m)
Not to mention its not even set on a HALO world anymore regardless! Its on fucking Earth; shouldn't it be called Earth: ODST?
Some of you may be offended by that. Some of you will say: "Well duh! We already knew that!"
...but I was secretly a little bit excited at the prospect of it for a little while. I would love to play Patapon 1 & 2, Loco Roco 1 & 2, CastleVania: Dracula X, Valkyrie Profile, Jeanne d'Arc, The Prinny Game... etc, etc...
...figuring now would be my chance! Yeah. The price is prohibitive to some; it didn't bother me...
...but then I read THIS article where it states: "The battery life is equivalent with the current models meaning approximately 3 to 6 hours for gameplay and approximately 3 to 5 hours for playing back videos."
What. The. Fuck?
Forgiving the Oops! How are we gonna let gamers get the old games on this thing problem... You're telling me THAT'S the best Sony could do battery wise?! On a solid-state portable...?
It's like Sony really, really WANTS to fail this generation! REALLY!
Boo! How dare you bypass Nintendo's security measures just so you can play games outside your territory! I'm calling Nintendo right now, and report your dishonorable criminal activities! Boo!
Oh, and . . .
Oh wow.
That's disappointing, that really is.
Hey, he's European. If anything, he should be ALLOWED to do that.
Angel: *Whistling while walking about* Sweet a dumpster!
Angel: I wonder what games I can find in here!
Angel: In we go!
Angel: I cant wait to tell Leo about this dumpster!
Angel: Yeah! I found Prototype, score!
I was half considering the PSP Go. The price wasn't my issue as much as the digital only distribution, but it's starting to sound like there's something in place for it. And now that there's finally enough games on the PSP that makes me think that it'd be worth the purchase. But that battery life is a joke. 6 hours max? That's just weak. They've had 4 years to tweak the battery life for this system and they can do no better than that? Ridiculous.
i would think that since the UMD drive is a thing of the past that would allow more playtime on the battery since it's more economical to run games on flash memory than on the UMD. oh well.
for me there is also the issue of PSN purchuses not being available in my country here, so i don't know if sony are stupid enough to be selling that machine here unless they do something about that.
i liked the look of the psp go and for a while considered it but ultimately i see no reason to change my psp 1000
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Okay I just imported MadWorld and No More Heroes from videogamesplus and I payed only 60 Euro's with shipping cost's.
Bloody version and 60HZ version here I come. Of course I could play the PAL version, but I have higher standers than you hobo's
firstly ... i hate you.
*tries to think of a comeback* ... bloody version is not the real (as in japanese) version of NMH, so there you go.
i hope they charge you at customs too, though i doubt it. i was usually ok from videogamesplus as far as customs were concerned.
don't be thinking of getting muramasa, or tatsu v capcom any sooner than the rest of us hobos either
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Wow, never thought about that one. Yeah importing Muramasa is a good idea, if I still have money left. (I might buy Wii Sport Resort and Tiger Woods, which would deplete all my money)
No worries I will make a Wii Homebrew thread soon, so you can also import the games you want.
I thougth you had no money!
It was my birthday, so I got money. Still 100 Euro left!
What happens if you want to repair it now? Or if you want to update the firmware?
Sony is doing this UMD replacement service for existing games you own on UMD I hear. I think the price is too much, but the battery life, well it is bad but I would play it at home mainly anyway.
Considering how cheap those games are to buy here in europe, you actually lost out
Be careful with MadWorld. When I played it I think it required me to do a system update on my Wii. Not 100% sure if that was the game I played, but I'm pretty sure it was MadWorld.