Metroid Other M 1up Interview
Takes place between Super and Fusion, will have Adam in it, action and exploration are in
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E3: Wii Zelda next year
Miyamoto confirms new Zelda is almost ready
Legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto has told a round table event at E3 that a new Zelda game will be revealed soon and hopefully released in 2010.
The invite-only event, which CVG attended, saw Miyamoto tell the gathering press that a new Zelda is "quite far into development". He also confirmed it would use Wii MotionPlus and artwork from the game was even on display.
"We really wanted to announce a Zelda game for Wii here at this year's E3," said Miyamoto. "But we've already shown you a Zelda on Wii, and rather than try to think of something to bring here to show you we really wanted to focus on actual game development."
There was a 'no photograghy' rule at the behind-closed-doors event so don't expect to see pics any time soon. You'll have to do with this discription instead.
The artwork featured Link with a new character who was a smaller, white-coloured character that looked a bit like a Zora from previous Zelda titles, says Official Nintendo Magazine. "It really does - I hope - prove to you that we are quite far into development of the title," he said.
"We hope to bring it to you next year. It may take a little longer," he added. Next year IT IS then. We'll hold you to that Miyamoto.
The guy who gave it to me said there was actually a trailer there, but yeah I couldn't see it either.
Fuck, doing the updates now. I just read that Nintendo and Monolith (now owned by them) are making Monado?
Okay finished updates, there are more but I'm so tired.
So FF 14 is a MMORPG PC/PS3 title? Uh.
Look at this from New Super mario bros:
Looks like the Monolith thing is just a rumour/guess.
From IGNs description it has Korean subs? So its a Korean game?
The overworld is impressive, like IGN says, the details are there and the environment is huge. The graphics otherwise aren't technically amazing or anything but I love the style, its very reminiscent of late PS2 era FF games.
WTF is this?!
"For everyone that doesn't know what this is: It's a first party, Nintendo developed RPG, made with the help of the legendary Yasumi Matsuno, creator of Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XII and Tactics Ogre."
Ass-side Chronicles IGN preview
I called it, the shakey cam Cloverfiled style is crap and will put off your aim and possibly blind you too.
It's still very early for both of these games, and I'll give Darkside Chronicles the benefit of the doubt, but after playing the latest Resident Evil light gun game on Wii I've got to say I'm simply not impressed. While other titles are bringing hilarious scripts and over the top violence (Overkill) teamed with limb dismemberment and a deeper, darker story (Dead Space), Darkside Chronicles still feels like a laggy, jittery, "not quite there" light gun offering similar to Umbrella Chronicles, but oddly… a little worse?
This can't be. It's E3 build issues. We've seen this before.
Unfortunately there's a downside to this hands-on, and it comes when you actually boil down the game's engine and take a realistic look at the gampeplay. I love Resident Evil, but it's obvious that this game is being developed by a smaller team, or one without a proper budget, or is just being rushed out the door. The game's scripted camera has a serious case of the shaky cam – way, way more than the first RE shooter – and the framerate was poor enough where random booth-goers were mentioning it out loud as they walked by. Harsh. As a result, the aiming reticule is just as choppy (if not a bit more) than the first game, so any and all precision found in titles like Extraction, House of the Dead, Ghost Squad, the Nintendo offerings in Link's Crossbow Training and Wii Play, and nearly every other shooter I can think of isn't found. It's simply not running at an optimal framerate, and the already-stiff cursor is suffering because of it.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Dear retarded journalists,
Where are the FFCC: the Crystal Bearers hands-on?
God it's freaking information overload this morning. . . help.
Pile in everyone!
It's pretty funny how Nintendo turned that whole conference around in the last 10 minutes. They had lulled everyone in boredom with Wii Fit Plus, more about Wii Sports Resort, and Iwata talking about the Wii Vitality. . . and then BIGBADABOOM! That was so part of the plan. They wanted everyone to be near bored to tears so that the big announcements seemed even bigger.
I said that all Higgins talked about was balls and her response was:
I hate they way they drop this bomb and then walk off like nothing happened and tell us nothing about it.
Any monkey could see that the camera was going to ruin a game based on accuracy. Its jittery and ghosting too.
Lionhead man not worried about players having "unhealthy" bonds with virtual boy
68 CommentsPeter Molyneux has discussed the "very, very careful" precautions Lionhead has taken to make sure that players don't have "inappropriate" relationships with its new virtual boy, Milo.
As revealed in the Microsoft E3 press conference, Milo uses the new Project Natal tech to recognise players and even hold a conversation.
"The reason we chose to [create Milo] is because it's amazing when you play the game and it'll remind you of your childhood," Molyneux told us. "It's almost impossible to form an inappropriate relationship... it's just not something that's possible to do within the game.
"I don't think people will do that. I think people will find it amazing and charming," he said.
Elaborating, Molyneux added: "What I don't want to happen is like sometimes in The Sims you can trap someone in a room and they can die. That sort of stuff is just not really where we want to go.
"I know our temptation is to go to the darker side but what we found with Fable is that very, very few people actually did it," he said.
Molyneux hopes to launch Milo - full title 'Milo and Kate' - alongside Natal next year.
Well, there go half the sales
Famitsu scores
Infinite Space (jap. 'Mugen Kouro') (NDS, Sega): 9 / 9 / 8 / 8 - (34/40)
Majo ni Naru (NDS, Tryfirst): 6 / 6 / 7 / 6 - (25/40)
Onore no Shinzuru Michi o Yuke (PSP, From Software): 9 / 8 / 8 / 9 - (34/40)
Yup, Onore no what-the-hell-is-this-game scored as well as Infinite space.
Tony Hawk doesn't think too much of the new Xbox 360 motion-sensing camera and will happily stick to his plastic skateboard thank you very much.
"We actually tried to get [Tony Hawk: Ride] running with a camera, but it wasn't accurate enough," Hawk told MTV Multiplayer. "Plus you can't really do ollies, grabs and flips when you're just standing on nothing."
Hawk's board peripheral has in-built accelerometers as well as sensors that judge hand and foot movement off of the deck. Players aren't required to match moves exactly, but tricks like manuals (wheelies) and 180 spins can be fully recreated in living rooms.