Metroid Other M 1up Interview
Takes place between Super and Fusion, will have Adam in it, action and exploration are in
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One of the site's forefathers.
Oh wow. Silent HIll.
I was going to watch a few minutes of the walkthrough, ended up watching all 3 parts! 'Nough said.
Hmm, looks like it could actually be pretty cool.
Here's the video.
One of the site's forefathers.
Forza 3 is actually the only xbox exclusive which would have been a day 1 purchase for me and though i may have to settle for GT5 (and was pleased to see it shown) i would get F3 instead, given any choice (based on personal experience with the first forza and GT4). more games would be of interest though if i had (or was getting a 360), like shadow complex, the halo games, splinter cell etc
Nintendo showed lots of games i want and they really had the opportunity to send it out of the park if they showed a few more (which we know they have) instead of wii vitality thingy and wii shake your ass. But no complaints about: new super mario bros 2 (online would have been interesting but oh well), super mario galaxy 2 (only a big WOW), metroid gaiden (a big WTF followed by a big WOW), golden sun 3 (at last), mario and luigi 3 (good to have a release date). i think sports resort will be good too. and personally i trust the technology in motion plus more than i trust motion tracking cameras at this stage though natal and PSeye+wand look promising too. the big disappointment was the complete lack of Zelda and Pikmin 3. also as GG pointed out they could have used a lot of 3rd party games both for their benefit (to make their show better) and to be more supportive of those developers/publishers. red steel 2, monster hunter 3, rabbids go home should have all been shown.
Sony just opened the floodgates with game titles and i'm sure i'll forget many but even though the show went too long and was more than a little flat at times i was very pleased with the games i saw. psp go looks fun but i will stay with my psp fat since i have no major complains (ie it plays the games, it's good enough). New metal gear solid, new resident evil, gran turismo mobile, little big planet mobile are all must haves. i seem to recall more but they're slipping my mind now. ps3 showing wasn't shabby either, except, having played uncharted, and tried ass creed makes me a lot less interested in the sequels than i would be if i were just looking at them (because they look beautiful). also have no interest in that massive multiplayer war game. nor any interest in a new MMO FF. everything else was cool though. GT5, GoW3, Last Guardian, FFXIII etc are nice to see. the DIY racing game also has potential i guess.
overall a good set of presentations
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
PS3 motion controller:

Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilePlayed Uncharted 2 beta, played with Argianas, great times. Co-op is short but so sweet. It was simple stuff, not many co-op moments just barriers all players need to be at to cross and a moment where one aids the other to reach a high spot. Other than that its just killing a bunch of enemies.
Competitive was really good, its almost a tactical shooter. You need to use cover, stay hidden, take good shots. The best players use height to their advantage so I started to climb every thing I saw, so many places to get to on these maps. Once I found a got spot high on the map I was taking out people everywhere. One match I only died once. It kind of reminded me of MGO without the weirdness.
On Uncharted 2 as a whole, its a stunner visually to be sure. Maybe I have not played Uncharted in a while but it felt slower to me. Still very sticky in terms of cover.
Miyamoto Regrets Not Showing Pikmin 3 at E3
“I’m sorry. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to expand the team size very much, because we’ve been working on so many different games that we’ve shown off at the show. So the team is working very hard, but it’s a bit of a small team. “Of course [there are more than two people working on the game]. The basic work that they’ve been doing quite nicely. Yeah [it's a new game], and my basic idea is that the sense of the depth of the game and the simplicity of the control will all be there.”
-- Miyamoto
Looks pretty good. Time for Lair 2!
Dun dun dun.
Link may be broken...
Compared to what? Natal firstly blew it out of the water, secondly a lot of the ideas they had we've already seen. They showed no finished unit, no software, no nothing. This was like wheeling out the lab guys (they literally had a trolly) to show what they've been experimenting on. And you need two of these things plus a camera. Which is no different than having two wii remote and two motionplus units. And Motionplus is out in weeks with proper software, not a vague Spring 2010 (the new X-mas) with no software.
After Natal and Motionplus, its hard for me to get excited about another me too move.
Now onto SILENT HILL Shattered memories. As a Silent hill noob, just wow, that 3 part IGN walkthrough. The thing that strikes me is that its completely seamless, which makes the game completely immersive. The lack of light and control method coupled with a filter and some fantastic music give off a really oppresive atmophere. Those pink creatures scared the shit out of me. It's not a game about empowering you to take out the hordes of the undead. It actually looks like the real evolution of (survival) horror. And the transformation of the world was incredible.
Along with Red Steel 2, this is the game of the show for me.
IGN » Games » Wii » {TBA?} Kingdom Hearts Wii
{TBA?} Kingdom Hearts Wii Videos (Wii)
The third chapter in the mash-up adventure of Square-Enix and Disney.
Just watched the NSMB Wii trailer. Looks more fun now, still, it should be a DS game. You know what they should have done? Remember when we first saw Super Paper Mario videos? And we thought it was awesome mario platform gameplay with THOSE visuals? Yeah that is what it should be.
" I haven't had a chance to see the fan reaction to New Super Mario Bros. Wii, but around the E3 show floor most of the IGN editors are only…sort of excited. That isn't to say they aren't interested in playing it – it's just visually not quite "pushing" Nintendo's system to the limit, and obviously is a bigger brother to the Nintendo DS engine and concepts. Same look, same style, four players, on Wii, and full price? It isn't exactly a stunner at first sight.
After about a half hour with the game though, I can't wait for more. It's fun as hell to play."
Oh wow.
Golden Sun trailer
How long have we been waiting for this one? I never thought it would happen. I still want the er...... gamecube Golden Sun game that was rumoured.
This is the JRPG that apparently looks quite good. Will watch it now.
Oh it does look good. Completely suprising to me that they are making a game like this. Looks (in a good way) like a Dreamcast RPG only better. Hit the HQ option.