Little King’s Story was originally going to be..
....about a vegetable kingdom?
Ex-Nibris staffer reveals the smoke and mirrors
behind Sadness’ existence
Famitsu scans - Infinite Space, Inazuma Eleven 2
and Soul Bubbles’ Japanese makeover
Nintendo’s Denise Kaigler discusses
her first experience with Wii Music, Iwata’s GDC speech, core games (video interview)
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Archangel3371 (3m)
New week, you know the drill!
What have you guys (we really need to get some girls over here) been playing?
My cousins visited, so I played some co-op Galaxy, World of Goo and Gunstar Heroes. So much fun. Played a little Zack and Wiki and some Castlevania 3. I am still stuck on the same level, but I am getting better. I shall finish the game, that much is certain. The question is when!
Guys you all know the Triangle Choke, right? But I bet you never heard of a Inverted Triangle Choke! Yeah you heard I right, a Inverted Triangle Choke.
See the picture
But wait there is more.
Check out the video!Â
Inverse Triangle Choke Video
P.S. the guy is choked unconscious! Submission on the year.
From the Destructoid Preview:
You know what I like about Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier? I like that it makes no apologies at all about what it is or what it does. None at all.
Hell, look at the title. Could it be shorter? Sure. But it's not going to change for you. The game itself, despite being on the DS, does nothing with the touchscreen or any other features except the good ol' buttons. And 3D visuals? Nope. Why be bothered with that when 2D is easier and has worked forever. Even the in-game characters are crass and nonsensical, and they don't care what you think.
See? No apologies. But we like it anyway. Read on to see what we dig about Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier in our preview.
Juggies and Juggles.
That's how I'd describe Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier in two words: juggies and juggles.
If there was ever a game that you could charge with sexual harassment, it would be this title. You might expect that from Japan, but maybe not in a DS sci-fi fantasy RPG. But it's in there. The game starts off by following a futuristic, perverted cowboy named Haken Browning and his well-endowed robo-babe Aschen Brodel. I think it takes about one minute before the first breast joke breaks the ice. Hell, Aschen's power potential isn't even fully unlocked until the top half of her chest is fully exposed. Tasteless? Maybe. Hilarious? Absolutely.
It doesn't stop there. This RPG has as many innuendos as your typical RPG does low-level slimes. And the perverted talk comes easy to Haken as just about everyone he meets has ridiculous boobs. There's more busty party members to come as well as busty enemies, busty bosses...hell, even busty shopkeepers. Of course, Haken does not hesitate to try to put the moves on each and every one of the members of the female cast in between decisive battles and travel destinations. I can only image that the localization team at Atlus had a field day with this one. A tip of the cowboy hat to the team there.
Let's just say this: I'm only about 5 hours in this game, but as a red-blooded male gamer in his prime, I've laughed my ass off dozens of times already. But, as Haken says in the game, it's "not all fun and dames."
I'll be honest: after seeing the flat 2D map screens in the beginning, I wasn't expecting much innovation from this role-playing game
I was already thinking that funny dialogue wasn't going to carry this
game. I quickly learned that this isn't just some mindless turn-based
affair, though. The battles are insane. And so much fun.
The goal here is to juggle your enemies, just like you would in a fighting game. Each character has a COM meter. With this meter at 100%, you can pull off all the "skills" you've dropped into a preset list by pressing the A button. Mash it five times and you'll execute the five skills placed on your list. Press it twice and you'll do two. You unlock more skills as the game progresses, and you're free to use any of them at any time.
The real fun comes in how these moves are executed. Once the button is pressed, your enemy is launched into the air and hit repeatedly. Should you hit the A button again with the exact required timing, the first skill is "cancelled out" and a second one is started, chaining the attacks together. You can actually go through all of your skills, and then send another party member in to continue the chain. The goal here is to chain as many hits as possible (and take off as much damage as possible) with good button press timings. Right now I have four characters in my party, and I've chained all of them in a row successfully for 127 consecutive hits and 33,940 points of damage. And I laughed maniacally through the whole chain execution.
On top of all of this battle insanity is a super meter that fills up as you land hits and keep your opponents juggled. Once full, you can trigger an over-the-top super move for each character that is so crazy that you'll just have to laugh at it. What's great is that it can be thrown into the above mentioned chains, letting you inflict serious damage. The charm of these attack lies in the fantastic presentation. You'll get full-blown animated sequences playing over the damage that is going on in the background. There's close-ups of boobs bouncing, thousands of bullets flying, and beams of anime light shining everywhere. Serious gaming sensory overload here.
The rest:
Aside from juggies and juggles, is the rest of the game good? I think so. So far the game seems pretty linear, though there's a cool sci-fi twist to it all. And I think I saw some Gnosis from the Xenosaga series as enemies!
It's still too early to judge, though, so look for our review next month for the full details. But so far? We're really digging Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier.
I rented Wolverine played three hours, finished the first two levels. Those that played the demo pretty much have an idea how the whole game is. At least there are a good variety of enemy times, some that require a different approach. There are some basic puzzles, block moving, etc. The combat is fun but a bit to simple, its kind of not their fault, you are Wolverine so all you got are your claws, so any weapon variety is out the window. There too few moves, I already unlocked almost all of them and its all really basic slash attacks. Its a cool game it does Wolverine proud but so far its a bit repetitive, its GoW lite. Solid rental.
While I like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine I dont care for the movie tie in for the rest of the characters. I fought Sabretooth, but it didn't feel like a fight against Sabretooth, it felt like a boss fight against Liev Schreiber in a trenchcoat.
Is it as bloody as everyone is making it out too be?
Also, I has been playing Guitar Hero Metallica. Good stuff.
And yes, I am a mainstream whore.
My week and weekend has been spent on a lot of retro gaming. My wife's birthday is in two weeks and we're throwing a big 80's themed birthday party for her. One of the things we're doing is a contest with a bunch of 80's games that I downloaded on the VC. So I'm playing these games and running the high scores up as high as I can.
Dig-Dug, Donkey Kong Jr., Donkey Kong 3 are all very solid and just about as good as they ever were in the arcade. Elevator Action has been a disappointment, but to be honest I'm not sure just how good this game was in the arcade. I remember liking it but I only played it once or twice. And of course I picked up Pac-Man which was a pretty mediocre home version. I was a little mad at first, but then I remembered that bad Pac-Man console ports were what the 80's were all about (anyone old enough to remember the Atari 2600 version will back me up here).
Also, in honor of the upcoming Punch-Out Wii I downloaded the NES version. All was going good until Soda Popinski who gave me some trouble. Finally got by him but now I'm stuck again at my old nemesis Mr. Sandman. This guy gave me more trouble than any other boxer in the game... and apparently that hasn't changed.
Calculus >>>>> Video gamesÂ
Well, that's how my week went, and the next two weeks too. Yay!
You know what'll aid you in your calculus?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile There's so many half-naked men in sexual positions groaning and thrusting that you'd think the place would be crawling with girls.
Played a little bit of Resident Evil: The Umbrella chronicles, just the first stage, and I really dig it.
Played some Banjo-Tooie and I am liking it good enough. It's my first time playing it so it's all new to me which is cool.
Picked up Dead or Alive 4 this weekend. I got it at Blockbuster and they were charging $40 for it. Oh well it was in the original case so at least it wasn't in a lousy platinum hits case and I totally love the game so it was worth it.
I played a fair amount of Gears of War 2 online. Finally got the Hoard the Horde, Icy Dead People, and Trial by, and on Fire achievements. Woo hoo! The first two were to beat all 50 Horde levels on any map and to do the same on any Snowblind map so got a team together and played it all on a Snowblind map to get two birds with one stone. The third achievement was just to survive the first 10 Horde levels as a team on each of the Combustible maps. Horde mode kicks so much ass.
Made a real effort to finish Super Mario RPG on the VC, only for the final boss to change form and give me a beating. This game is so much worse than the paper marios for having so many of the characteristics of jrpgs which i hate namely unless you play the game with a guide or walkthrough (apart from getting stuck a couple of times) you end up missing all of the best weapons and items which are essential to finishing the game (if you don't want to spend an extra 30 hours leveling up). so yeah this has been a little disappointing but i wanted to play it in anticipation of mario & luigi 3.
Picked up Punch-Out and have been enjoying it more than any previous NES game i got on the VC. and it's the first NES game i have felt compelled to actually play after trying once.
Played Super Mario Bros on the GBA and/or Rhythm Heaven DS in bed before sleep
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The only weapons I could see you overlooking are the Lazy Shell and Peach's Frying Pan, neither of which are essential to completing the game, and the Frying Pan isn't at all hidden.

Nothing in any hidden boxes are that important, though Red Essences are nice.
The best equipment are rewards, such as the Jynx Belt for beating Jynx, and the Attack Scarf for 30+ bounces in a Super Jump and aren't things tucked away in a corner.  You get the Super Suit for 100+ bounces, which is as far as I know the only thing I've never completed in the game.
Is there something specific I'm missing here?
If you mean characteristics of JRPGs such as depth and fun, I agree, they did take that out of the subsequent Paper Mario games
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAnyway, it was a pretty lengthy blog. I don't think I can write it again. Just wondering what happened.
And yeah, I feel that the Wolverine game, although pretty good is still a movie tie-in game, and I don't think I'd ever spent $60 for a movie tie-in game. Wait six months and it'll be a bargain bin item for sure. Velvet Assassin is another bargain bin worthy game. Interested in that although the animation and combat looked choppy and clunky.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
wow. i missed all of those. the main thing though is the deffensive lazy shell lack of which makes smithy a nightmare. and i can't go back to get it now. maybe i'm playing it all wrong, i mean my guys are level 28 - 29 which should really make it not so hard. i didn't die once in the entire game (which i would see as an indication of doing something right) and then suddenly i can't beat the last boss.
i've been using mario, mallow and bowser. geno and peach were useless when i found them so i just kinda never used them. (this happened to me in fire emblem too where i worked with the good characters instead of developing the initially useless ones and as a result i couldn't beat the last level there either). my best defensive spell is mallow's HP rain which is not much use against smithy as it only heals one of my characters. maybe i should try experimenting some more with different items and characters etc.
no way did i enjoy this anywhere near as much as either of the paper marios (nor the mario & luigis). platforming in isomorphic perspective is an exercise in frustration
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
And Little Kings Story a 9/10.
Faith restored
I took HOTD over to a friends house and the three of us played it from start to end. The guy has had a wii for like a year and a half and only has Wii Sports and Play.
I tell you guys. This game is brilliant fun if you want to laugh for a few hours with a bunch of guys. They loved it, we were laughing our asses off. It's so easy to get into instantly. If for instance I had brought over Madworld they would spend 40 minutes just trying to get the controls down.
There's definetely something to be said for certain games being great for a party atmosphere. They were upgrading weapons and trying for combos and getting cash. So fun.
i love that screen
or is it chinatown wars?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Pennywise on GAF has posted some Indy Staff of Kings links
Airplane Off-Screen Gameplay
Chinatown Off-Screen Gameplay #1
Chinatown Off-Screen Gameplay #1
The first DS shots
Wii Screens:
Psp Screens: