Eurogamer's Virtual Console Roundup
Majora's Mask Mutherfucking 10/10 and some other games
Ubisoft: Rabbids Go Home for the hardcore
Influenced by Mario Galaxy/kart
Marvel vs Capcom 2 XBLA Achievements Leaked
Finally confirmed. Time to go for a ride.
Gamers Should Be Blamed
For The Pathetic Sales Of 'Chinatown Wars' And 'MadWorld'
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Only Zelda games are critisized for being like Zelda. If the box does not say "Zelda", then it is praised for being like Zelda. Case in point Okami
Nintendo to do better for Core gamers E3
I'll believe it when I see it. Shoot, I fully expect Pikmin 3 to turn out to be Pikmin: Olimar's Party Bash.
I dont know what is wrong with them. They know what we want at E3 (I hope) and yet they have fantastic E3 conferences and limp schlong ones randomly.
Yep that's one piece of the equation. PSP was a wasteland when the two GTA's came out (still isn't markedly better these days). I'm sure worldwide it'll hit 1 million by the end of three months. Japan is actually the wildcard here. GTA is one of the few western franchises that routinely sells well over there. I can't even venture a guess as to how this one will do there though.
watch this
... then this
i love it so much
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Assassin's Creed 2 is looking fantastic. Aside from the lame-tastic ending I totally loved the first game so this sequel is already firmly placed on my "to buy" list.
Didn't they say that every year and than what did we get last time?
I don't believe anything they say anymore. Whenever they say, "We haven't forgotten about core gamers," it's a half-hearted uncommitted promise.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Toy retailer Entertainment Earth is now accepting pre-orders for the "Collector's Edition" chess board, which is dripping with Mushroom Kingdom characters. The "most popular" Super Mario characters, we're told, including the ultra-popular Coin. They're the pawns, not the more appropriate-as-pawn Toad. The Super Mario Chess Collector's Edition set ships sometime in April.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Nice. That's pretty rad.
Shame I suck at Chess.
That said Nintendo really need a kick up the arse in regards to how they've handled third party support. Why the fuck doesn't America have Disaster, and why doesn't everyone but Japan have Fatal Frame etc.?
"Something, something. I suppose...
Claaap. Clap, clap. HEY!"
I love that game.
Sorry if I got you all worried
Anyways, new CC game, any of you played it? Worth picking up?
BTW Gamingeek, I liked that zelda "weirdo GC multiplayer game" lol or are you talking about the CC on GC?
Oh, and I managed to pick up a copy of Mad world last weekend! Only played the first level so far but man, thats just violence for the sake of it lol good fun
Someone at Gamespot actually mentioned Nielsen numbers in the latest Wii bash/defend/analyse thread. But then he actually said things that the Nielsen report did not say. I actually posted the Nielsen report, both the old faulty one and the new corrected one. So I knew that the guy was pulling numbers out of his arse. So I quoted the post, show the graph and to make matters worse I shown a report that the Wii had the greatest attach rate in 2008 of the 3 major consoles. Too bad that he could get away with it, most people never check the BS some posters sprout. But I am one of the guys doing the updates and I read the updates other people do. So in other words The VGPress is your cure to ignorance. Yeah that should be our slogan.
See thread here
Well, it released on the 19th, so that is not as bad as I thought. Since I don't have TV was this game marketed on MTV etc... (How was is marketed?).
I have to think by the end of April it'll be in the top 10. Right?
i read dvader's thread on gamespot and i couldn't believe the stuff people came up with for reasons not to play this game.
It's on a handheld. - Yeah well duh ... if vader is making a thread about how much he loves this game, and you know his stance on handheld games it should say something about it.
Graphics are bad - Godmode and ASK_story said this was their reason for dismissing the game. I cannot answer to this as i personally think it looks great. not just for a handheld gane, not just for a DS game. i love the way the game looks period. but if this is enough of a reason for somebody not to play this gem of a game ... good luck to them
Can't stomach the drug trade - Oh the irony. I guess this is a case of be careful what you wish for. To anyone who's played the game the drug trading aspect is the single most significant addition to the GTA formula and i have yet to see anyone (who's actually played the game) say anything bad about it. it's a video game for fuck's sake. killing prostitutes and running over pedestrians is ok ... but drugs - no mate i have to draw the line there.
then people derailed the thread by talking about whether vice city is better than san andreas.
this is beyond ridiculous. people please give me a legitimate reason why anyone over 18, especially people who profess they love GTA, should not play this game. Just one.
edit: it goes without saying that no one who actually played the game had anything negative to say. all the negative was people's lame excuses for not buying it
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu