Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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really glad you enjoyed hotel dusk, at least in terms of story. i can't wait to play what that team does next (wii game right?).
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Arrrgh! I want to know what this new game from Epic will be but things that explode and the hint of a kickass female sidekick sounds good already. Hopefully it won't be too long until we see what this game will be.
The new Tomb Raider game is looking very nice. I'll be going with the 360 version myself but the one on the Wii is looking quite nice as well.
There are impressions of TR at GS, I assume from the lead versions, PS3/360. Interesting what they are doing with the Wii but no thanks, I will play it on the PS3.
If you're talking about Ocarina of Time, your example really isn't a good instance of gameplay and a good story conflicting. Link wasn't trying to get the medallions... he was either trying to solve some regional problem that involved the temples, in the process awakening a sage, or he was trying to awaken/rescue a sage outright. The medallions were only symbols that showed which sages Link had awakened and that they were there to aid him when he needed them (but on second thought, if it weren't for the fact that this was a video game, no medallions would be needed, so you could have a case here... just not the one you were talking about). As for the first three dungeons, Ganondorf wasn't able to get the Stones himself, so he used Link to get them.
But using the same game, here's what actually doesn't make sense (besides the paradoxical time travel stuff): the game is designed so that you visit the dungeons in a particular order--however, this causes dungeons later in the game to be unconquerable without items from previous dungeons, while items from later dungeons aren't required for previous dungeons to be conquered. This wouldn't be the case if the story and gameplay didn't "contradict" each other.
Joker in this game = Lame.
One of the site's forefathers.
Who keeps Googling to get to my blog? >_>
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileGoogling it? Interesting.
I thought we were designing something based on a newspaper, not a website, Yo.
It's an interactive novel damnit.
It does have a fantastic story. That's why I referenced it when I breaking down gamespot's Halo 3 review. This is a great story that can rival a novel, not a story to rival a popcorn flick. Did you see the special ending? Can you imagine a sequel where Kyle Hyde makes his way to new york to confront these gangsters and find that missing person?
Now I eargely await the Dvader review
CING are partly responsible for Kings Story, along with Marvelous interactive.
No thanks in general. Tomb raider..... pfffft.
Good updates Iga.
Again this is the kind of crap that pisses me off by Capcom:
"but the prospect of a WiiWare - or even Wii retail - version of Bionic Commando Re-armed was never truly discussed"
Never even discussed. Seriously it takes some "special" kind of bullshit thinking to do retarded things like this. It's like in boardrooms around the world executives have never even heard of the most popular platform in the world.
Elebits DS trailer, it looks okay for a 2-D game. Elebits is such a unique game and they've basically taken the art and made your typical gba style top down game. It looks cool for a DS game but that's not elebits. This is elebits:
Kore, just watched the new videos and gameplay footage, this looks better than spyborgs, has no one else checked it out?
Force unleashed wii screen
IGN: Nice. So when plotting out a game, do you have specific teams in specific areas, or do you have multiple teams spanning regions, or even multiple teams within one region? What's the breakdown?
Walsh: There are teams within each region, so for example the PS2 Force Unleashed was done in Brisbane, while the Wii version was done in Melbourne, and the PSP was done in Adelaide.
IGN: Ok wow! So anyone freaking out that the PS2 and Wii versions are just quick ports know the real story. Full teams for each, different regions of the world…
Interesting they are doing two more wii games after clone wars and force unleashed and using motion plus for next years titles. And talking with lucasarts about it. Very interesting.
How I wish I were a metroid right now.
Why is batman constantly beating up sam fisher?
GG did you see the KORE gameplay video?
The good news is that it seems to be a pure platformer, jumping and swinging are the focus in the videos.
But the controls and camera need to improve. The controls seems way to twitchy and you can see the player almost fall to death. The camera is also in my opinion changes direction way to much. I get nervous just by watching the game. Needs a more Galaxy like camera.
1up show with dead space and COD5
More KORE footage here, every video i see i like this game more and more. There is a giant gorilla robot in this video with nice reflections. It showcases some of the zany voicework and tim burtonesque atmosphere.
Sim city creator wii vid.
Yeah I've watched every video out there I think, the trailer, the ingame footage and the voice work one I linked above. I can't really tell if the control is twitchy without playing it. It all seems great to me, as I'm comparing it to spyborgs initial showing. The voice work trailer indicates that there might be a lot of collecting though. The game has rayman stylised visuals and some nic detail on some characters, it looks like it uses specular mapping like mario galaxy had on some surfaces. More platformers are a good thing.
Order up is getting some pretty decent reviews, not AAA but it looks like its worth picking up when it gets cheaper, or renting at least.
Does anyone else hate these Packie missions? They are rubbish and irritating. He always asks you to steal a car for his buddies, drive 20 miles listening to his crap then shoot everything. And you usually fail for stupid reasons, for instance he dies, oh I have to be responsible for his healthbar too now? Oh what's that? The camera is fucked and the controls are too slow? Oh what? You pop me out of a cutscene with half a second to respond to a cop in my face with a machine gun and suddenly my life is half gone?
The worst thing is that they put you back to where the mission was first issued if you retry and you can't just jump in a cab to go to the destination as you have to drive Packie and this buddies to the start point of a mission. It's infuriating. I'm stuck on this Heat mission, bank robbery and it's the only mission availible. I've been pissing about just shooting cops just praying to god that someone will call me on the phone and give me an alternative mission. I even went bowling with Roman (WTF are the point of dates and stuff?) Then Kate criticised my outfit. Damn it I want to put a bullet in Packie's forehead.
Well I guess my eyes are better than yours
. I also had trouble with the grappling part, sometimes she grappled things outside of view. I think the camera needs a bit more work. More intelligent tracking and not changing angles so fast. I thik that's the reason the movement seems twitchy. A camera can influence the control in a platformer.
The voice work trailer was funny as hell, I feel like the collecting thing is a tongue in cheek reference to the old N64 style platforming, where you had to collect all sorts of things. The videos show Galaxy-like from A to B platforming, so my guess all the items will be your reward at the end of the level.
Wii is turning out to be like the N64, with respect to 3D platformers. You have Galaxy, Mushroom Men, KORE and Spyborgs.
Aha music style video:
Unfortunately there is no good quality version of the special ending and that's poor because you can't read the text. Sorry Dvader
Did you manage to open Mia's wishbox?
I like variety in my platformers so I hope that it's not just simple jumping about and occasionally bashing an enemy in. I want some decent puzzles too.
Variety in platformers come from level design and mini games, like for example the manta ray and rolling on Steels testicle level in Galaxy. Man, I hope they rip of the planetoid level design in some of these 3D platformers. Speaking of Galaxy GG you never did a review of that game, what would you have given it?
The "top secret" video of the new Bionic Commando game you get access to when you get BCR looks pretty awesome so I'm really pumped for the game but now this guy Judd says that they have a "fucking ace" up their sleeve to show at TGS. Oh man now I'm super pumped. I can't wait to see what is. When is TGS anyway?