Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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Are they aware Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide are?
I know Australia is big, but still...
Oh, and Melbourne respresent.
Hopefully it's a pure platformer like Galaxy and not a "3D Side-Scroller" like Jak and Daxter.
One of the site's forefathers.
Everything looks better than Spyborgs.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilePunk check the video, you see platforming similar to the Sunshine void levels. It is a pure 3D platformer so far as I can tell. But what do you mean with "3D Side-Scroller". I never plaid Jax and Daxter.
It seemed pointless reviewing it when everyone and his dog has done a review. I tend to review the niche games which other people may not have heard of or had the chance to play, hence my reviews of games like endless ocean, elebits or hotel dusk. Also, I was suspended from GSpot when galaxy hit and then left while my mario galaxy thread was still going.
I probably would have given the game a 9.8. It has frequent moments that illicit supreme squeals of gamer joy. Sometimes playing it is like having a sensitive part of your brain twanged that you never knew existed before.
September right?
You should get a job there.
^^GG out of curiosity have you ever given a game a 10?
I saw the special ending of Hotel Dusk, on youtube just fine GG, thankd for the links anyway. Review up later in the week, I am going to write a few on some games I have been playing.
So Bionic Commando, anyone have it, its EXCELLENT. Its pure old school gaming perfection. I never played the original so I am shocked at the adventure elements. Buy it!!!
Just looked at the Kore video, it looks good its just that after Galaxy this game looks so generic 3D platformer like. I don't know, I think I have been spoiled.
You guys do know that it would just be much nicer if you put one link to the GT coverage of SW rather than 100 separate links.
Anyway game looks fantastic.
Yeah Bionic Commando: Rearmed is an excellent game in general and remake in particular. I loved the original so this game really brought back some fond memories as well as making a few new ones. I just finished my first playthrough and will get alot more game time from it as I try to improve my leaderboard scores for both the regular game and the many bonus challenge levels not to mention playing higher difficulties and going for more of the achievements. This game is easily worth the $10.
Yeah, same here. It looks like they're using the Legend engine on Wii again. The next-gen version's production values are so much better that, even though the Wii version will have slightly funner controls, its just not enough to offset the difference.
SteelAttack. Testament was awesome! Best show I've seen since Pantera's Extreme Steel 2001 tour. They came out just fucking guns blazing, and ripped through an insane set for like 2 hours. The pit was nuts. Started out with stuff off of The Legacy and The New Order, then a bunch of killer tunes from Damnation and The Gathering, then back and forth between old classics and new shit. Totally badass.
They sounded incredible. Great energy.
I've been thinking a little and now that the site is expanding at all we should really try and think of what drove us out of sites like Gamespot, 1up, and Neogaf in the first place and what we should do to be different and make a name for ourselves.
I mean if we are going to invite more people how's modding going to work?
Are we just going to go by community consensus? Should we be rough on the fanboys and morons? Should we be passive? Should we invite a lot of people or justa little to start some sort of "prime posters only" thing?
One of the site's forefathers.
I didn't leave GameSpot. I'm here for the news and for discussing things with people I became fond of over there.
For keeping track of my game collection and for adding upcoming games to lists, I still go to GameSpot. For viewing reviews and scores, I go to GameSpot (I guess I should start checking more places, though).
1up was going to be my place to go for discussion with ex-GameSpotters, but since I'm getting that here, my 1up account is idle. But as for things I dislike about it... the forum "structure" sucks.
I'll design their webpage.
Without the binds of corporate regulation, it's rather simple. Say what you want to them, whether it's harsh or not, and if someone's making trouble, we'll deal with them. It's not hard to point out who's just trying to bother people.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileNope, but I only started rating games one by one a few years into gamespot to keep track. If I were to give a game a 10 it would either be mario 64 or Ocarina of time. Even though I prefer Majora to Ocarina. For their time, those games were revolutionary but also considering the tech and this sort of pioneering age of 3-d games. Well most games were pretty shoddy. For a team to get a game so perfectly right and in Ocarina's case, so all encompassing and huge, it's just a massive acheivement of technical skill, coupled with an inherent and natural understanding of what makes a great and engaging game.
I can understand that. This game looks like a platformer in the vein of banjo or rayman. Not much can match galaxy but it still looks solid and fun to me. Platformers used to be my favourite genre so I'm all for them.
I'm not sure it's as simple as that. Do we vote on who we want to kick out? Do we just leave it to someone with modding powers? What happens if there is argument between say one of our prime posters and someone new (who we perhaps also know) but it's between them. But they are both causing a bad atmosphere. I think there would need to be some form of modding or just 1 person with some sense. But then even trolls have friends and those friends are going to be pissed if their buddy is kicked out and then we turn into gamespot.
Dvader, you want these?
I know Iga posted the link but did anyone actually check out this wiiware game by the original developers of De Blob?
Sharpen your weapons: “Swords & Soldiers” is coming!

Ronimo Games announces their studio and the first competitive strategy game for Wii Ware: Swords & Soldiers.
UTRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS – August 15, 2008 – The developers of the original version of “de Blob” announce their new game studio Ronimo Games and their first title: Swords & Soldiers.
Ronimo Games is founded by seven developers in Utrecht, the Netherlands. As students the team was responsible for the original pc game “de Blob”. Being an innovative and fun game, “de Blob” became popular on the internet and was eventually picked up by THQ. The publisher bought the IP and will soon release the new version of “de Blob” for Nintendo Wii.
Fabian Akker, one of the co-founders: “de Blob was the eye opener for us, that we can make cool games and function as a good team. The game definitely gave us the opportunity to start our own company”.
The team is developing a new game for Wii Ware: Swords & Soldiers. Swords & Soldiers is a sidescrolling real time strategy game, in which three distinct factions battle for the powers of the gods. The game will feature a single player campaign and a competitive splitscreen multiplayer mode as well as several other game modes. Three screenshots are included with this press release.
Akker: “We always dreamed of designing an RTS and when Wii Ware came out we immediately figured that this was our chance.”
Swords & Soldiers will be the first competitive strategy game on Wii Ware and is scheduled for European, Australian and American release in Q4 2008.
About Ronimo Games
Ronimo games is a new developer, founded by the original creators of “de Blob” in October 2007. The team focusses on creating innovative games for a broad audience. The studio became a Nintendo licensed developer in spring 2008 and is currently working on their first Wii Ware title: Swords & Soldiers. For more information on Ronimo Games and its products visit
About “de Blob”
“de Blob” started as a student game project for the city of Utrecht, in which the player rolls through the city as a giant alien paintball, painting the streets and buildings. THQ bought the IP and is currently working on a new version of the game for Nintendo Wii. For more information and a free download of the original “de Blob” visit For more information on the new THQ version of “de Blob” visit
Exactly. What if a poster like Carnage comes in here?
Also Cap vs Tat on Wii? Holy Shit! Well I just wished that it was in HD, but ehh I'm kinda glad that's on the Wii because I LOVE the art-style. Hopefully a Western release?
One of the site's forefathers.
Glad? I doubt it will ever be released on the Wii and certainly not in the West. I think it is a typo.
What is a Tatsunoko?
Hey guys. Yep, I'm still alive.
I don't have much time to read the entire "Future" Blog, but I'll say this:
What kind of "Theme" does IGN have? What kind of theme does GameSpot have? Kotaku?
Right. The most successful sites out there don't have a certain "look"...
GS has it's community. IGN has it's organization and exclusive reviews. Kotaku has it's up to the minute news.
If you want this site to be successful, the NUMBER ONE, MOST IMPORTANT thing that MUST be changed is ORGANIZATION.
It must be clean. It should be colorful to match the personalities of the people that post here. Above ALL, the primary focus MUST BE organizing things so people feel comfortable joining in conversations they have interest in, or FINDING things to talk about they are interested in.
GG said a few pages back that I don't come here all that often. That's NOT true at all. I check in on you guys practically daily. It's just that when there are 7 pages of discussion about anime I've never even heard of, it makes me feel like I am interrupting a PRIVATE conversation, NOT participating in an open, gaming forum, so 90% of the time, I don't even bother posting anything... And I KNOW you all! Imagine someone new coming here. They'd take one look at the off-topic discussion and be like: "WTF are they talking about?" and then leave. NOT GOOD. It's not condusive to a gaining members on a fledgling site!
Now, I am not saying there's anything wrong with WHAT you guys are talking about. That's what makes IC what it is. I am just saying it needs to be more structured, so people can join in conversations that are already established about subjects they can relate to, start new topics of conversation without them getting lost in 18 other pages of side conversation and having a way to easily FIND everything when people return.