Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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A word of warning. I once brought the complete volume of Haruhi Suzumiya DVD and de subs where much worse than the fansubs. So you might have to watch it on the internet again
. But you should not feel guilty, because you arlready brought it.
P.S. got my TV back, I am going to own you guys in Smash. Prepare to die.
I got them from ebay so there is a good chance that it's fake anyhow. Guilt is off me though, I buy as a trusting consumer.
...That only makes me want the 1:1 0_o
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileMe too, that guy would be able to beat Yoda, Vader, Obiwan and Sidious in a swordfight and it will take him 10 seconds combined
Show you how to paper-mockup
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI love the way you do your paper mock ups Yo.
I think that design though veers too close to website design and less of newspaper design. If we have reviews for instance as a newspaper we have to rate out of 5 stars. And we would have to have like a headline under the review. The tabs at the top are a good idea, but they look too tabby
They should blend in like that crappy mock up I did. The mailbox should be changed to the outline of an envelope that again, blends in to give a newspaper look, when you mouse over it, it can change color or something. The banner looks cool, but you have white space either side, so if we copy the Daily Planet look, we can have our worldly logo in the middle and sit the words either side to fill that space for a better look.
We need a space that updates the date every day as in: Friday the 15th August 2008
And make fake stuff to adorn the front to make it look more newspaperish. Like a price in cents, some copyright blurb, a static horizontal jpg of something which alludes to content we don't have like a traffic update, weather news, politics etc.
Just to pick up on Edgecrusher's point.
"Games like Conduit, Madworld, Deadly Creatures, etc... need to turn out to be really amazing. "
I think that the Conduit will be an okay game, maybe an 8 game or slightly above. I don't see the game as being massively successful. It really depends on the finished product and the publisher who takes the project on and whether they blow it out in marketing terms. I think they are fighting against being an unknown quantity and against this perception that all the best FPS devs are on other platforms. Which they are.
Deadly creatures is too weird and off the wall of a concept to do too wel, they will find it hard conveying to the audience the style of game that it is. Do you remember when it was first announced and we were all like "WTF?"
Madworld I think is just too niche of a game to be wildly succesful. I might even suggest colouring it up for sales and losing its artistic visual integrity. There were a couple of previews that suggested that the game might become repetitive. I think they need to work the story really carefully and intensely to make the violence more acceptable. i hear that the main characters family have been taken hostage, the game needs a more noirish Max payne vibe to it as some previews suggested that it was a little like smash tv.
I think that the big games need to start showing up and being really successful like FFCC and Monster Hunter 3. Hell, even red steel 2 if they didn't burn all the goodwill they had at launch with their rushed wares.
I'm not really surprised that the price-drop on the 20GB 360 SKU had no effect because with the 60GB SKU on it's way and the rumours of price-drops on all the SKU's in Sept. For anyone who even remotely follows gaming news it makes little sense to get a 360 now unless you absolutely need it right now.
I'm really looking forward to Monster Hunter 3. I never played the others so I want to see what all the fuss is about although it seems it's much more popular in Japan then elsewhere. Hopefully it won't be long until it hits NA.
Hai guys! I'll be leaving again this weekend for teh wedding! Can I count on you IGA to handle my package
of news?
Both your idea's are put into the collective. From all these ideas the best design will arise, hopefully. The next blog should be about structure and function. And the next after that you guys can argue about the art.
Damn you! I will handle your package and the news. If we ever meet, you will see a flying triangle!
P.S. I liked your Fedor avatar better.
How long is this damn game!! I am on chapter 9 of Hotel Dusk, I want to finish it now so I can send it away in the mail, I have till 5.
Anyone check out the new Force Unleased video? I seen it on Marketplace but it's probably on PSN as well. It's like 300MB and it looks freakin' awesome. I can't wait for it to come out Sept. 16th.
You need to savour it like a fine wine or a particularly good hooker.
This is the only Monster Hunter 3 footage from 10 months ago:
The harbour looks particularly impressive. I'm on the capcom boards a lot and Capcom say that they want to grow the brand in the west so its inevitable that the game will get localised for the west.
Just remember, you promised us nuptial videos.
I was super hyped but my anticipation has dropped a shade. I was looking forward to seeing what Euphoria could bring to gaming, after witnessing it firsthand in GTA IV it doesn't really bring anything consequential to gaming for my money. I understand the concept, I even like it that they react to physics and that the animation changes according to what's happening. It just seems like a lot of faff was made about something which really doesn't seem to make much of difference to my end experience vs the way animation has worked in the past.
Still, hyped about star wars though
What the hell is this CORE game and who is making it?
EDIT: I just watched the trailer, it looks better than spyborgs. So this was a cancelled Xbox game in the style of psychonaughts? Who is making this?
Batman vs Sam Fisher? Is Mortal Kombat vs DC now being vs Splinter cell?
KORE by snapdragon games
SnapDragon Games is a full-service game development company located in Hamburg, Germany.
Our team brings together experienced industry veterans as well as talented new blood to explore new areas of excitement and fun in the games we make. If you have seen games like The 7th Guest, Driver, GTA San Andreas and Heavenly Sword, then you have seen some parts of our work.
What a fantastic story, bravo Hotel Dusk. Game is average but story and characters are top notch. Why can't most games get writing this good?
Because story and gameplay can contradict. Why would Link trudge through 9 dungeons, when he can just go imediately after Gannon. Sure they explain it with 6 medallions and stuff, but why dus not Gannon keep the medallions for himself, making it impossible for Link to finish the game. The reason why they do it is because gameplay wise 9 dungeons is awesome, while story wise is does not make sense.
Rhetorical question but good answer.
Tomb Raider Underworld Wii Screens
Tomb Raider Underworld DS Screens