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The Witcher 3 thread
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Mon, 22 Jun 2015 01:30:47

I'm not even close to finishing it. I haven't been able to spend nearly as much time as I wanted to with it and then E3 happened.


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Mon, 22 Jun 2015 01:51:00
Dvader give up on it? He was further along than me for awhile.


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Mon, 22 Jun 2015 04:57:52
edgecrusher said:
Dvader give up on it? He was further along than me for awhile.

Haven't played it in a week, mid game break. I'm probably not halfway through but I had to stop. I'll beat batman then resume.

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Mon, 22 Jun 2015 06:20:04
Dvader said:

Haven't played it in a week, mid game break. I'm probably not halfway through but I had to stop. I'll beat batman then resume.

I gave up on most of the side quests once I got to Skellige. If you just stick to the mandatory side quests (the ones that actually effect the story) its not too bad. The game is way too long to do EVERYTHING.

SPOILERS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got past the big fight at the stronghold...holy shit that was the best part of the game. I thought that would be the end, but nope....still not done.


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Mon, 22 Jun 2015 23:57:21

Just finished Witcher 3!

Not sure what my playtime was, but it was long...almost too long. I found the last area to drag on a bit, and the endgame left me with questions and was a bit strange. All in all it was a great game, but I can't say I liked it more than the first two titles.

8.8 Rating from me.


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Tue, 23 Jun 2015 00:05:58

Edge, go to inventory and press r2.  Your play time should show up at the bottom.

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Tue, 23 Jun 2015 00:08:26
travo said:

Edge, go to inventory and press r2.  Your play time should show up at the bottom.

Oh really? Will check it out the next time I pop it in.


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Tue, 23 Jun 2015 02:27:24

After you're done with Skellige how much is left? With such a weirdly composed story it's hard to tell. I'm afraid I probably need to finish it before I post the review.

P.S. How good is it that for the English dub of the Viking area most people have Irish accents. I wonder if that choice was made with the history of Ireland in mind.

Edited: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 02:27:45

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Tue, 23 Jun 2015 02:34:20

After Skellige, you have a battle at Kaer Mohlen then eight to ten hours after that.

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Tue, 23 Jun 2015 02:53:45
Foolz said:

After you're done with Skellige how much is left? With such a weirdly composed story it's hard to tell. I'm afraid I probably need to finish it before I post the review.

P.S. How good is it that for the English dub of the Viking area most people have Irish accents. I wonder if that choice was made with the history of Ireland in mind.

They used Irish voice actors because all they wanted for payment was beer.


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Tue, 23 Jun 2015 02:56:29
edgecrusher said:

They used Irish voice actors because all they wanted for payment was beer.


I'd question whether many of them were actually Irish, though...

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Sun, 30 Aug 2015 17:30:30

Is this game going to start getting DLC packs etc?  Actual ones with new story content, not silly ones like bits of armour or weapons.

The reason I ask is I will gradually (very very gradually) start collecting games for a prospective PS4.  So far there are two which I want (this and Bloodborne) but have decided that I will be wating for GOTY versions of this blockbuster mega-production types of games as I am in no hurry to play them.

I'm pretty sure Bloodborne will be getting DLC so I will definitely wait on that one.


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Sun, 30 Aug 2015 18:01:42

Not sure but geez, there's soooo much content already.  You won't even need any DLC.

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Sun, 30 Aug 2015 18:04:49

Yes, it's getting a tremendous DLC story pack eventually.

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Sun, 30 Aug 2015 18:06:56
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Sun, 30 Aug 2015 18:34:24

That's awesome!!  Will wait for GOTY editions Grinning


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sat, 21 Nov 2015 05:20:06

Got back to this game, juggling it with FO4 and ofc RL. I am 60 hours in, still in Novigrad at Lv 17 and I feel there is still so much to do and see it boggles the mind. I truly like the gameworld here, even though it is unlikely any other quest will reach the highs of the Red Baron. Stumbling upon a small hut in the middle of the forest and finding the corpses of a family, without any explanation or quest related to it, those kinds of small details surprise you and catch you off guard. Did a bunch of treasure hunting quests and crafted my Feline gear set, swords included, which was a nice upgrade to the griffin set I had been rocking so far. Combat is starting to feel easy even on BBB so I have started to do some quests way above my level, but unfortunately all that does is making enemies damage sponges. I am preparing myself to go to Skellige.

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Sun, 22 Nov 2015 20:20:21

Oh shit, and now I discovered that after all, Gwent was actually fun to play. Reminds me of the fun times I had with Triple Triad back in FF8's day. You know, when a minigame makes you stop all other progress in the actual game. Pity I missed one special card from a character that won't show up anymore.

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Mon, 14 Dec 2015 11:05:58

Finally got around to this, and while the patches have improved the movement, it's not where I'd want it, he seems to be more finnicky as opposed to sluggish, and well the combat mechanics themselves aren't very good. But good god is the world design top notch, it's been a joy to play for the most part. I don't tend to usually like many games where I don't dig the mechanics, but The Witcher does a lot of shit right as far as how it handles the setting, exploration, monster contracts, and I can't say I'm not invested in the story for once this year. I been mostly listening to other shit (podcasts, music, whatever) during most video games this year, but actually have decided to pay attention to The Witcher 3.

I've made adjustments to the hud to make it feel like the Morrowind days back when you just ran around to look for stuff, and not follow a bread crumb trial. Death marches for me I worry is going to do the RPG thing, start off rough (mostly because I can't take any hits, and I can't think of a shittier parry system) and then become a cake walk later.

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Mon, 14 Dec 2015 11:13:55

That's exactly what it does. But it means you can basically ignore combat, which is actually a plus.

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