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Let's do this - What's your top 10 favorite games of all-time?
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 02:35:31
Come to think of it, did we ever do a thread like this?

Anyway, I'll begin. Here are my favorites. Also if you guys can, please list them in order! Happy

1. Chrono Cross
I don't know why, but I just love this game. It really is my favorite RPG of all-time. Although, I do acknowledge Chrono Trigger as the better RPG, I still prefer Chrono Cross. The story still makes no sense and is crazy. But it's still a great game.

2. Metroid Zero Mission
As I said in my blog, this is my favorite Metroid game ever. And I still play it today. Never get bored of it!

3. Zelda Ocarina of Time
I love all the Zeldas (well, except for Phantom Hourglass and the Philips CD-i stuff). But Ocarina of Time is probably the best one I've played. This is almost number one on my list but Chrono Cross and Metroid Zero Mission beat it out. But it's the best adventure game ever created.

4. Suikoden II
Usually JRPGs are crazy and have storylines that are ridiculous. But not Suikoden II. It has a down to earth story, characters I care about, and it's fun. Better than FFVII! Nyaa

5. Pokemon Puzzle League/Tetris Attack
True story. During my first year in college, instead of partying with friends or going out during my winter break, all I did was play this game! It was that addicting! I even bought a Gameboy Color with Pokemon Puzzle Challenge just so I can play it on the go! Even took it school, LOL!

6. New Super Mario Bros.
I think all the Super Mario games are masterpieces, but this one is my favorite. It's still fun everytime I play it. It's almost like "the best of Super Mario Bros." the game. It really does take the best parts of every Mario game and makes it new. That's why I love it!

7. Mega Man Powered Up
The original Mega Man was the first game I loved as a little rascal. And I was so excited when Capcom made this remake. It's still fun and the new characters make it even better! The Yellow Devil is still tough as hell!

8. Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright Series
I consider this series as a whole, minus Apollo Justice. This is my favorite series of all-time. I didn't think I'd love this series but I got hooked on it. Got insomnia because I didn't sleep just to play one more case!

9. No One Lives Forever 2
This is my favorite FPS. It's not like all the other FPSs out there today but it's designed cleverly and with more creativity. And Kate Archer is hot!

10. Company of Heroes
I upgraded my PC just to play this! I love RTSs and I wanted to play this so badly when it came out. It really is my favorite RTS ever.

There were a lot of others I wanted to list like Street Fighter IV, Dragon Quest VIII, and Shadow of the Colossus, but I think the ones I listed are the games that really impacted me the most. It was a tough list.
Edited: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 03:07:17


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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 03:56:45

01. Pac-Man (arcade)

02. Breakout (Atari 2600)

03. Donkey Kong (Arcade)

04. Dig Dug (Arcade/Atari 2600)

05. Space Invaders (Atari 2600)

06. Centepede (Arcade/Atari 2600)

07. Galaga (Arcade)

08. Super Mario World (SNES)

09. Q*Bert (Arcade/Atari 2600)

10. Pole Postition (Arcade)

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 05:23:41

Ravenprose said:

01. Pac-Man (arcade)

02. Breakout (Atari 2600)

03. Donkey Kong (Arcade)

04. Dig Dug (Arcade/Atari 2600)

05. Space Invaders (Atari 2600)

06. Centepede (Arcade/Atari 2600)

07. Galaga (Arcade)

08. Super Mario World (SNES)

09. Q*Bert (Arcade/Atari 2600)

10. Pole Postition (Arcade)

Look we found someone that traveled from the past.  Nyaa

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 05:28:10

Dvader said:

Look we found someone that traveled from the past.  Nyaa

 Nope, just a dinosaur. Happy

Edited: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 05:29:35

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 05:31:36
I can narrow it down to Ico, then about 20 other games.

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 05:40:18

Everytime I do a list like this I just have a ton of Zelda and MGS games all over the list so let just include them as franchises.

1. Zelda series - Majora's Mask would be my favorite, something about that game is magical. Then its a toss up between OoT and TP for the 2 spot. I dont know where I would put the others, maybe the original would sneak into my top 10.

2. Resident Evil 4 - I think it's the single most well designed, well paced action game that I have ever played.

3. MGS series - MGS4, MGS3 and MGS1 would all be in my top ten, MGS4 and MGS3 back to back probably in the top 5.

4. Metroid Prime - One of the best games of last gen, one of the best games ever.

5. Little Big Planet - This is a game I will be playing for a long time. I know in terms of actual game design and such Mario is the better platformer, but this game allows me to do so much more, its more than just a platformer.

6. Super Mario Galaxy - After plenty of thinking I have decided that Galaxy is the best mario game ever, and that I even like it more than SMB3.

7. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The ultimate sandbox game, it has so much to do, such a huge world, and its endlessly entertaining.

8. Super Mario Bros. 3 - The best NES game ever, the best 2D platformer ever. Screw you Mario World! Nyaa

9. Resident Evil 2 - Best old school RE game, I love everything about it.

10. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - The best of Sonic, nothing sense has really come close.

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 06:31:24
I have too much difficulty deciding "favourites" so instead, I'll give you my top rated which is close enough.

10     Super Smash Bros. Melee
120 hours can't be wrong!  My first played, most played, most loved GameCube game.  It took some time to get into, but it's well worth it.

9     Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I've never owned this game.  I've always considered it overrated.  Yet regardless, it is brilliant.  Innovations that survive to this day were introduced with the game, and managed to pull off a near impossible feat -- the transition to 3D.

8     Super Mario Bros.
That's the original.  As far as I can recall, this is the first videogame I ever played, and the first I'd recommend to anyone.  And I mean anyone, I don't care who you are, if you want to play a videogame, this is the game to play.  Due to speedruns, it holds my most beaten game by a massive margin, totalling in the hundreds.

7     Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Perhaps the only game I could ever consider timeless, A Link to the Past is almost magical.  This is the origin of the current Zelda formula, not Ocarina of Time.

6     GoldenEye 007
The impact of GoldenEye is undeniable, and for good reason.  They may as well have given up on the James Bond franchise at this point, because it had reached its peak.

5     Super Mario Bros. 3
Dvader said:

The best NES game ever, the best 2D platformer ever. Screw you Mario World! Nyaa

4     Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Miracle on Wii, I ought to dub it, because it's the 3D Zelda that made it worth it.  As seen before, I think very highly of Ocarina of Time, but also noted is the fact that I didn't think it actually improved on its predecessor as the 3D itself I didn't think acted as an improving factor.  Twilight Princess did this is all aspects.

3     Meteos
Personality in a puzzle game.  Taking a cue from Smash Bros, there's a lot of little things that add up to a monstrous game.

2     Perfect Dark
Yes, it's better than GoldenEye; no, it's not debatable.  The Combat Simulator is a brilliance not since duplicated.

1     Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Super Mario RPG is so incredibly perfect in every aspect, it's as if every game since is a feeble attempt to regain its past glory.  The greatness is beyond words.
Edited: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 06:32:37


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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 06:36:17
Hmm, every single game on my list is published by Nintendo.  Crap, Pachter was right LOL.  I'll give some honorable mentions, then (in no particular order):

-Baten Kaitos Origins
-Resident Evil 4
-New Super Mario Bros.
-Super Mario World
-Donkey Kong Country 2
-Street Fighter 2: Turbo
-Ogre Battle 64
-Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
-All-Star Baseball 2000
Edited: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 06:40:10


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 06:55:31

Dvader said:

6. Super Mario Galaxy - After plenty of thinking I have decided that Galaxy is the best mario game ever, and that I even like it more than SMB3.

 Agreed, there is a easy way to figure this out. Can you still remember the levels? I can vividly remember most levels in Galaxy, while it is more difficult to remember specific levels in Bros 3 and World! That's because Galaxy has crazy levels, that makes remembering them easily. 

Dvader said:

8. Super Mario Bros. 3 - The best NES game ever, the best 2D platformer ever. Screw you Mario World! Nyaa

 Wrong World > Bros 3. It's a fact

Vader you never played Yoshi's Island?!

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 07:29:09
Iga_Bobovic said:
Dvader said:

6. Super Mario Galaxy - After plenty of thinking I have decided that Galaxy is the best mario game ever, and that I even like it more than SMB3.

 Agreed, there is a easy way to figure this out. Can you still remember the levels? I can vividly remember most levels in Galaxy, while it is more difficult to remember specific levels in Bros 3 and World! That's because Galaxy has crazy levels, that makes remembering them easily. 

 I could map out the entire game of Super Mario RPG.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 07:37:20

Yodariquo said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
Dvader said:

6. Super Mario Galaxy - After plenty of thinking I have decided that Galaxy is the best mario game ever, and that I even like it more than SMB3.

 Agreed, there is a easy way to figure this out. Can you still remember the levels? I can vividly remember most levels in Galaxy, while it is more difficult to remember specific levels in Bros 3 and World! That's because Galaxy has crazy levels, that makes remembering them easily. 

 I could map out the entire game of Super Mario RPG.

 Again that's why it's probably your favorite game.

I still need to play that game.

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 09:17:47
  1. Resident Evil 4 (Wii) - Perfect controls, perfect pacing.
  2. Yakuza (PS2) - Best Environmental Immersion
  3. Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2) - RPG for grown-ups.
  4. Darkwatch (PS2) - Fun shooter with novel art and character design.
  5. Burnout 3 (XB) - Arcade racing at it's finest.
  6. MVP 2005 (XB) - Baseball at the highest level.
  7. Tetris (GB)
  8. River Raid (Atari 2600) - Great visuals and sound design.
  9. Unreal Tournament (PC) - Best one-liners and sniping ever.
  10. Soul Calibur (DC) - Perfect control, rewarded mastery.
  11. No More Heroes (Wii) - Video game as art.
  12. Super Mario RPG (SNES) - RPG for kids.

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 12:01:57
No particular order other than the order in which i remembered them now, just a dozen or so games that i obsessed over at various time periods during my time as a gamer.

Resident Evil 4 (GC-PS2-Wii)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
Metroid Prime (GC)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii-GC)
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Sreet Fighter II (Arcade)
Wonder Boy II - Monster Land (Arcade)
Picross DS (DS)
Tetris (GB)
Advance Wars (GBA)
River Raid (2600)
Shinobi (Arcade)
Animal Crossing (DS-Wii)


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 15:46:32

Oh let's see....

Heroes of Might and Magic III (PC) - About every 3 or 4 years I come back to this game and I play nothing else for months at a time.  Best strategy game ever.

Quest For Glory series (PC - series) - Great blend of point and click adventure and RPG. Good portion of my teen years was spent with this series.

Super Mario World (SNES) - Sorry SMB3 fans, this is the best 2-D game of the series. Can you ride a dinosaur in SMB 3? Nope.  Can you go to the secret Star World in SMB3? Nope.  Just a bunch of gay ass costumes.  

Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) - Best traditional jRPG ever made, and honestly I don't think it'll ever be topped.  Everything from characters, to story, to pacing, to monsters was just done perfectly. Nothing was mind blowing, but nothing was flawed either. Plus, one of the best open worlds you'll ever get to explore.

Harvest Moon (series) - No other series sucked as much time away from me.  It introduced me to the world of niche gaming.  I love it.  Regardless of how frustrated I get with some iterations of the games, this will always be my favorite series.

EverQuest (PC) - This was a tough call, but I can't deny that from 1999 to 2001 this was THE game.  Hundreds of hours were spent with this game.  It was simultaneously social and very solitary.  I'll never play an MMORPG again, but frankly none other could live up to the fun I had with this one.

Resident Evil 4 (GC) - I went into this begrudgingly buying it because of all the good reviews, but didn't have a genuine interest in the series. It ended up being the best action game I've ever played.

Street Fighter Alpha I & II (arcade) - I was a Street Fighter junkie, but when I was in college these were the versions that were out and the ones that got most of my time.  First time I was ever in tournaments was with Alpha.  Loved it.  Still prefer it to any of the other SF series.

Final Fantasy IV (SNES) - This was the game that sold me on buying a SNES and the 16 bit game I would play and replay more than any other.  Even bought a Celtic version of its soundtrack called FFIV: Celtic Moon.  

Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) - I can tell you the exact moment I realized how great this game was. I was in a battle with like 8 Calculators (weird character class with mohawks that attacked with math).  It was a back and forth battle that went on for 30 minutes until they finally wiped me out.  Despite spending all that time on one battle and losing, I didn't mind because it was so much fun.  

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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 15:47:11

Only TEN...?! I could make a list of my top 100...!

In no particular order:

(1) Metroid Prime.

(2) Super Metroid.

(3) CastleVania: Symphony of the Night.
(4) Ogre Battle 64.

(5) Vagrant Story.

(6) The World Ends With You.

(7) Disgaea 3.

(Cool Metal Gear Solid 4.

(9) Street Fighter 4.

(10) Panzer Dragoon: Zwei or Orta.

Honorable Mentions:

--Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

--Little King's Story


--Super Mario Galaxy

--SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millenium

--Contra 3: The Alien Wars

--CastleVania 3: Dracula's Curse

--Chrono Trigger

--Phantasy Star Online

--Road Rash 3DO

Edited: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 15:52:01
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 15:59:04
1. Super Mario World

2. Quest for Glory 3

3. Interstate '76

4. Half-Life 2

5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

6. Oblivion

7. Lumines

8. Tekken Tag Tournament

9. Grand Theft Auto III

10. Demon's Souls

Honorable Mentions:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Persona 4
Grand Theft Auto 4
Fallout 3
Super Mario Galaxy
FFX (I know a lot of people hate this one.  I don't care.  I spent 150ish hours with it.)
Edited: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:09:45
Now Playing: King's Bounty, Demon's Souls, BF1943
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:09:13
1. StarCraft.
Everything else.
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:11:39

This is starting to give me flashbacks of the top 40 games of all time we did on GGD. RE4 was deemed #1 game of all time for those who never saw it.  And Steel's beloved StarCraft made it in around #39 if I recall correctly.    


My mistake. It was Top 50 games, and Starcraft was 49.

Edited: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:13:21
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 16:21:35
Yeah, that list was shit. ;_;
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Wed, 02 Sep 2009 18:05:15

SteelAttack said:
Yeah, that list was shit. ;_;

RE4 was #1, therefore it was not. Nyaa

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