As I found Viva Pinata!

Filled with fun!

You have Galaxy that's all you need for now.
Time to finish it my dear Leo.
P.S. did you ever finish MadWorld?
SteelAttack said:Sometimes it takes time to find that special game. Don't worry, you'll find it eventually.
As I found Viva Pinata!
Filled with fun!
I was addicted to Pocket Paradise for quite a while, so I can relate; that was the Winter (it gave me something to obsess over when my grandma was dying)...
I was thinking of trying Dawn of Discovery to get a simulation fix, but the thought of sitting in front of my TV for any extended time makes my skin crawl! I tend to be gravitating towards the play for 10 minutes at home, then go out, type of games (SFIV and BB).
I hate to say it but the humor in MadWorld was the only thing I really miss. I got to the Zombie Courtyard, got killed for my twentieth time and said: "Well, That's enough of that!"
As for the VC, just erased Mega Man 9 and Majora's Mask from my SD card. Played a bit of Swords and Soldiers...
Ever just get in a mood where you have ABSOLUTLEY no idea what it is you are looking for?
robio's idea of a zone out game isn't bad either. flower on the psn is a beautiful game, did you try it?
phantom_leo said:SteelAttack said:
I was addicted to Pocket Paradise for quite a while
This is a metaphor right?????
How do you get killed in the Zombie courtyard 20 times? Come on, once you try 3 times you can get by easily.
This thread needs pics of that Disinterested Translator dude.
Anyway yeah I get that feeling sometimes of looking through my games thinking I want to play something but I just don't know what.
I am always on the go, the only time I see my apartment is when I catch a few ZZZ's --SO-- even more important than my consoles to me are my portables. I always need a DSi, fully charged and ready to go when I need to travel. I always have one on me and one at home charging at. all. times. My own private Hell would be for me to be caught at any given moment in time without something in my possession to distract me from my own thoughts; usually a game system or a book.
Nintendo made a slight change in the DSi that has totally thrown a wrench into the way I play my portables though. I already said I need to have a charged system ready for when I travel and one that is always charging. The difference between the DS and the DSi, however is this: You could play a DS while it is charging and even after it's done; as long as it is plugged into a socket, the DS will draw it's power from the plug. This means until you unplug a DS from the wall, it is always fully charged and ready to go, no matter how long you have played it. The DSi --ALWAYS-- works off its battery, meaning plugged in or not, you are draining its battery when you are playing it!
I don't want to play the one I would normally be traveling with at home 'cause it will drain the battery for the next time I'll be going out, I don't want to play the one that is charging 'cause then IT won't be fully charged when the one I am travelling with is depleted. I know it all sounds anal and stupid and probably something I could get around by just managing the charging of the DSi better... but, seriously, I just don't have the time to ponder trivial things like that! ANYTHING that makes me want to play a game or system --LESS-- is poor design in my eyes.
"Wait a minute!" you may say "If you are always on the go and never home, why should it matter if you can/can't play a game while it is charging?" The answer is this: One of my favorite things to do at the end of a looong day is snuggle up under my covers, grab the DS and play 'til I'm about ready to fall asleep. Without realizing the design change that Nintendo made to the DSi, I sold my DS's when the DSi came out, meaning, my end of the day ritual abruptly came to an end.
With my indifference phase I've been in lately, my console games just DON'T seem to be cutting it. It's the DSi that's been getting the meaty games I WANT to play: Shin Megami: Devil Survivor and Knights in the Nightmare have been calling my name for weeks, but being generally busy during the day and not wanting to play the DSi at night has seriously cramped my style!
As sad as it my sound: THIS is one of the MAIN causes of my indifference lately! If I can't play the games I REALLY want to play, then nothing else is gonna do!
The solution: Ugh. Best Buy, 23rd and 6th, here I come! "May I get a Platinum DS, a copy of Grand Theft Auto: ChinaTown Wars and a Dragon Warrior V, please?" "Hello, GameStop guy? Can you hold a copy of Mega Man Starforce: Red Joker for me? Thanks! I'll be over in a few!"
There goes my drinking cash for the evening, but when I am snuggled up tonight with my bedroom aglow from the light of a DS, I think it'll make it worth it...
This --HAS TO-- break me out of my indifference! If this doesn't do it, nothing will!
This --BETTER-- be worth all the hype!
phantom_leo said:Yeah. After sooo many months of reading comments about GTA: CW here and seeing how highly it is rated everywhere else, I have broken down and decided to give it a chance...
This --BETTER-- be worth all the hype!
it is a game i thoroughly enjoyed and played through to completion with tons of drug trafficking and side missions along the way and i'm someone who's tried and hated every other GTA game.
it really is stupid engineering for the DSi to be using up the battery while plugged in. oftentimes when my DS runs out of battery, i just plug in and keep playing. i couldn't do that with a DSi? so stupid
phantom_leo said:Yeah. After sooo many months of reading comments about GTA: CW here and seeing how highly it is rated everywhere else, I have broken down and decided to give it a chance...
This --BETTER-- be worth all the hype!
Did you get it on the $20 amazon deal?
Yes, I finished inFamous. No, I didn't finish Prototype or Red Faction. Of the three, Red Faction was my favorite, but after finishing inFamous, it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth for Sandbox games:
Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Bionic Commando caught me for a tiny bit, but the gravel voice, dreads and Radioactive Walls released me quite quickly.
Fighting a two part battle in Valkyrie Profile, only to lose to the last person of the second battle after not being able to save certainly stained my plume black!
Suikoden Tierkreis' main characters voice-acting waaas sooo bad, I almost Van Gogh'ed myself to try and continue to play, but the game was so cookie-cutter vanilla, common-sense prevailed.
--I can totally assure everyone, the amount of enthusiasm I display when getting a new game is equal to the amount of disappointment I feel when I realize the game is nothing out of the ordinary.
--I have only Street Fighter IV for PS3 as of right now; with BlazBlue incoming later today. I have Knights in the Nightmare and Devil Survivor for the DSi. Punch-Out!! and Mario Galaxy still sit beside my Wii... but that's it!
--I don't know if it's the season making me not want to sit in front of a console at the moment or it's my gaming tastes that have just gone flat, but something needs to get my out of this rut!