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Legend of Zelda: ALBW thread. Reviews in, MASTERPIECE.
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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:42:11

Excellent reviews!!!!! I can't wait!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:45:46

McShae is on gaf saying this is the third best Zelda of all time, almost on par to ALTTP

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:59:43

...and that's something to be proud of?

"We're Number 3! Woo!"

I find that slightly disappointing. It kinda breaks the streak of Nintendo putting out the best versions of their series on the 3DS. They've been on a roll lately. I'm sure it is still amazing, but I wanted to hear it was --BETTER-- than ALttP!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:43:06
Gameinformer said:

When Nintendo announced that it was returning to A Link to the Past’s version of Hyrule for A Link Between Worlds, I expected a nice, nostalgic homage to the SNES classic. I didn’t think it would blow me away. I was wrong. This isn’t just a tribute; as amazing as A Link to the Past is, I can’t think of a single thing A Link Between Worlds doesn’t do better.

CVG said:

A Link Between Worlds feels like a perfect storm for the series; a swirling whirlpool of nostalgia along with disruptive ideas and twists on the familiar 2D gameplay. In many ways it's the definitive handheld Zelda, with players able to obtain the items that they want, explore with no restraints and build their own hero without any of the overbearing hand-holding that's hampered the series in recent years.

It makes you remember just how thrilling the old Zelda adventures used to be, and then shows you how the format can still surprise and enthral decades after its inception.


it's the rest of ALBW which truly shines. Along with some of the best music I've ever heard in a game, its intelligent dungeon design, incredible use of 3D and the merge mechanic - which will constantly trick and challenge your mind - and the numerous nods to the entire series meant I thought my heart would burst from my chest in joy. This deserves its place among the great Zelda games of yesteryear.



Without a doubt, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is currently the greatest game you can experience on the 3DS. Much like the legendary Master Sword that features throughout the series, this game is beautifully crafted and offers a superbly streamlined and timeless gameplay experience.

Nintendo has made all the right changes to the gameplay formula, resulting in a game that is always incredibly good fun to play. Long-time fans will certainly get a kick out of its nostalgic presentation, while all players will appreciate its impeccable design and superb usage of the 3DS's touch screen.

Eiji Aonuma and his team at Nintendo set themselves the unenviable challenge of creating the perfect Legend of Zelda game; with A Link Between Worlds, they may well have achieved just that.

IGN said:

Between Worlds recaptures the spirit of adventure that gave the early games Zelda their potency, and lays out a vision for Zelda games still to come. It invites them - and us, the long-term fans - to let go of conventions that may have been comforting, but were ultimately holding us back. It’s at once intensely nostalgic and powerfully novel, unpatronising and cerebral. As a Zelda fan, I couldn’t wish for much more.

Gamesradar said:

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds takes you back to the rich, dual world of A Link to the Past, and brings interesting gameplay elements, outstanding 3D visuals, and challenging puzzles to make a fantastic Zelda title. If you've played the SNES classic, you might find the remade overworld a bit too familiar, but with Ravio's item rental system, tight dungeon design, and addictive overworld distractions, A Link Between Worlds stands strong on its own merits. This is definitely an adventure that every 3DS owner needs to play.

NWR said:

A lot of folks consider Link to the Past to be the greatest Zelda game, if not the greatest game of all time. A Link Between Worlds matches that masterpiece every step of the way, creating one of the finest Zelda games since Link to the Past.

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:55:36

I'd buy it, but I know I'd never finish it.

Edited: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:05:46

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:09:35

Hard to explain how I feel.  I'm at the same time hugely excited by the anticipation but also worried and kind of anxious at the prospect of facing a truly non-linear, non-handholding Zelda.  Will I be up to the challenege?  Can't wait to find out.  


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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:30:14

So there is no chance that Mario gets better scores right? I think Mario will be closer to 90 than 95.

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:41:55
bugsonglass said:

Hard to explain how I feel.  I'm at the same time hugely excited by the anticipation but also worried and kind of anxious at the prospect of facing a truly non-linear, non-handholding Zelda.  Will I be up to the challenege?  Can't wait to find out.

Ummm... Bugsie, you just completely butt-ravaged DARK SOULS... How could you not be up to the challenge of a ZELDA game?!

You silly!


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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:47:28
phantom_leo said:
bugsonglass said:

Hard to explain how I feel.  I'm at the same time hugely excited by the anticipation but also worried and kind of anxious at the prospect of facing a truly non-linear, non-handholding Zelda.  Will I be up to the challenege?  Can't wait to find out.

Ummm... Bugsie, you just completely butt-ravaged DARK SOULS... How could you not be up to the challenge of a ZELDA game?!

You silly!


This sounds a different kind of difficult.  With Dark Souls I've learned to handle the "shit I keep dying" kind of difficult.  This could be the "shit I haven't got the foggiest where to go or what to do next"!  That's something I don't always know how to deal with (without looking up for solutions online)


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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 21:50:27

Well then, PREPARE TO DIE!


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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:16:51

Finally, FINALLY!  A Zelda DS game worth waiting for!  I'm so excited because I'm going on a trip to the mountains during Thanksgiving and am looking forward in putting some time into this.  Yep, Mario can definitely wait till Christmas.

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:28:40
phantom_leo said:

Well then, PREPARE TO DIE!


Dying is the easy part wink


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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:30:41
bugsonglass said:

Dying is the easy part wink

The game has some goggles that tells you what to do. Its dummy proof. Not calling you a dummy... maybe I am. Nyaa

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:37:26
Dvader said:
bugsonglass said:

Dying is the easy part wink

The game has some goggles that tells you what to do. Its dummy proof. Not calling you a dummy... maybe I am. Nyaa

*looks for red-eye orb in inventory*


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:42:43

WTF is this, from the Gamereactor review

First, the dungeons are shorter than they normally are in a typical console Zelda title, taking around 20 minutes to complete--a reasonable amount of time for the gamer on the go.

20 minute dungeons?! Forget it, this game sucks. Nyaa

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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 11:37:57
Dvader said:

WTF is this, from the Gamereactor review

First, the dungeons are shorter than they normally are in a typical console Zelda title, taking around 20 minutes to complete--a reasonable amount of time for the gamer on the go.

20 minute dungeons?! Forget it, this game sucks. Nyaa

Horseshit, no way I believe that.

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Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:04:29

I think I've decided that once I complete LegoCity UnderCover (which should be today), I'm going to spend some time preparing with this with Link to the Past to try and refamiliarize myself with the world. I don't think I've played that game in at least 15 years so I'd say I'm due.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:59:11
gamingeek said:

Horseshit, no way I believe that.

Correct. Zelda lengths are always overstimated, so the dungeons must be 10 minutes long.

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Sat, 16 Nov 2013 02:05:50
Foolz said:

Correct. Zelda lengths are always overstimated, so the dungeons must be 10 minutes long.

Not the way I play Zelda games. Nyaa

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