Forum > Gaming Discussion > Do you guys think the lack of originality should be a big deal in a final review score?
Do you guys think the lack of originality should be a big deal in a final review score?
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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 08:03:48
X-Play's review of Darksiders irked me a bit. The reviewer gave it a 2/5 just because they thought the game wasn't original. The editor still admitted the game is good, but still gave it a low score.

I really don't like the way some editors review games like this. Although originality is important, is it really that big of a deal to determine the final review score, especially if the game is good?

Check out what Richard Roeper said in his review of Avatar saying:

"We're not here for the plot, we're here for the cool-ass CGI/motion capture/movie magic, and for 2 1/2 hours, this movie never disappoints." -- Richard Roeper

Fill-in Darksiders for Avatar and you can say this:

"We're not playing this game for the plot, we're playing it for the cool-ass graphics, art design, and gameplay magic for 15 hours, this game never disappoints."

It's just not Darksiders. I can think about many games that got docked off some points because the editor expected the Citizen Kane of video games. JRPGs have this rap sometimes. We all know that most JRPGs feel like recycled remakes of the past, it's still no reason to botch a score to a otherwise good game just because it lacks originality. Like Nostalgia or Sands of Destruction for the DS. These games are solid, well-made, and high quality JRPGs for the DS. But some reviews have butchered it just because it did nothing new. Since when was niche JRPGs reviewed for the masses? If it's good for the fanbase it's made for, shouldn't it be reviewed with fans in mind?

Anyway, what do you guys think?
Edited: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 08:11:07


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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 08:57:23
i always take reviews (scores especially) with a pinch of salt.  obviously i think originality matters and games should be praised for offering it but you can't expect it from every game.  i think most people would score a fun and polished but derivative game around the 8 mark if all the other issues were minor


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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 09:15:49

Just because a game isn't original doesn't mean its not good and vice versa.

What I do hate is when reviews like this tend to give crappy reviews, begrudgingly agree that the game is good, then 2/5 it for some stupid asinine reason.

You've really got to be wary of these sites which give scores out of 5 as well.

I mean yes, a game which is original gets plus points from me and one that isn't wont get those points, but if its good you wouldn't dock it points either.

Edited: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 09:16:48

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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 09:42:15
It can. But shouldn't automatically. It comes down to for me if the lack of originality makes the game less enjoyable or engaging, but that can naturally swing the other way as well, and you don't see people very often knocking off points for that.

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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 18:47:36
In the end it is completely about how it effects the game. If the game is still excellent it doesn't matter if it is not original. If the game is boring and plays off of aspects of other games, if you feel you could play many other games just like it that are so much better then yes it effects the score.
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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 19:05:39
I think I can put it best this way: If something is new, it's more forgivable if the implementation is imperfect.  Thereby making something derivative isn't negative unless it's sub-par in comparison, in which case there's little reason to be playing.


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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 20:11:29

The first Uncharted was the most derivative game I ever played but it was also close to perfect.  I take superior execution over innovation ever single time.

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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 20:32:09

I'll go with the consesus here and agree with that a lack of originality can be overlooked if the execution is good.  I'll point to Dragon Quest VIII as my example.  There wasn't really a single innovative idea in the game, but it was put together so well with a good story, interesting characters, great art design, and good music that you had to love it.

I'll make an exception here, in that there are some genres that have just been beaten down so badly with the same gameplay that even with the most polished execution the game can still end up just being bad.  Just look at the most recent on-rail shooters for the Wii.  Probably some of the best looking games ever made, but its hard to want to play them.  

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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 20:51:02

aspro said:

The first Uncharted was the most derivative game I ever played but it was also close to perfect.  I take superior execution over innovation ever single time.

But that's like eating the same delicious burger every day.

Eventually, even after a few months of daily scoffing you got to try some other cuisines to see what's good. Sure you may have many off tasting dishes, but you may discover a new taste sensation.

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Fri, 15 Jan 2010 22:26:47

Yeah I don't think that lack of originality should affect a game's review. If it's a good game then it's a good game.


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Sat, 16 Jan 2010 00:20:30
Just the fact of something being unoriginal shouldn't hurt the score a lot if the game is well crafted. Maybe they should say if you are tired of "x" in a game pass this by but if you are looking for more grab it.  I think people do expect some type of advancement, moreso for sequels but maybe it also has to do with people's perception of the market saturation - thinking more of that dead space extraction game.

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Sat, 16 Jan 2010 00:31:27

I think originality should count for something. If a game is very derivative, to a point you can actually see things happening kilometres (not using the imperial system) away it will simple be not as fun. But on the other hand, just because it is new, does not make it fun. 

I say a 'perfect' game is ground breaking and polished. For example Ocarina of Time. It was polished to an insane degree and it was very innovative. So there are games that can do both and the highest score should be reserved for those. 

So in short a derivative game should never get a perfect score. A innovative game that is not fun and polished should never get a perfect score either. Only the special few should get a perfect score.

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Sat, 16 Jan 2010 12:17:33
There is a comparitive aspect to reviewing a game. If a game is very derivative and yet a lesser experience of the game is blatantly copies, I can see one coming away with feelings like: why should I bother playing this when I can play game X instead?

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Sat, 16 Jan 2010 19:54:07

gamingeek said:

aspro said:

The first Uncharted was the most derivative game I ever played but it was also close to perfect.  I take superior execution over innovation ever single time.

But that's like eating the same delicious burger every day.

Eventually, even after a few months of daily scoffing you got to try some other cuisines to see what's good. Sure you may have many off tasting dishes, but you may discover a new taste sensation.

 Superior execution is so rarely seen that it is an innovation though.  I mean, there were probably 50-70 FPS games that came out last year, probably less than 5 were "Excellent"  I'd buy those 5 over The Conduit* which had innovative controls.

*Disclaimer, I actually did but The Conduit, but did not buy Halo ODST or CODMW2.

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Sat, 16 Jan 2010 21:31:05
Nothing about Conduit was innovative. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 did controls better a year earlier. 

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