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Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:53:30


1. January 8. Condemned: Criminal Origins for the 360.  I quite enjoyed this game, I'd say it took about 8-9 hours to beat on the default difficulty.  Good character development and motivation.  Levels were all just about the right length and the final level was satisfyingly different.  Good achievement distribution as well. 8.0

2. January 18. Sword of Hope II  for the Gameboy. Well, there is another franchise completed.  If I was between the ages of 8 and 17 in 1990 this game would have been my life for probably 8 months, and I would have enjoyed every minute of it.  But I'm no longer a young buck, and this is the 21st century. This is from a time when there were CRPG (Computer RPG), and that is exactly what this was.  Wrapping dungeons (you can go left or right forever), combined with random battels every step don't make for much fun.  That's the only challenge in the game, as you can't die, and you can pretty much teleport back to a homebase whenever you want.  In the 90's I'd give it an 8, these days I'd give it a 4.

3. January 25. Frontlines: Fuel of War for 360. FPS military shooter.  Set in 2025 you are taksed to fight the Chinese-Russian Alliance (over oil).  Nothing to complain about at all in this one.  There was one level that captured the feeling of Halo, many more that re-called Call of Duty.  8 Chapters with about 4-5 missions for each chapter.  Generous checkpointing and stingy achievements (for the off-line campaign at least.  I'd give it an 8/10.  Lenght? You could probably beat it in 6 hours on default difficulty if you are a proficient FPS player. 8.0

4. February 12. Enslaved for PS3. Had I played this game last year it would have been my runner-up for GOTY 2010 (for games released in 2010).  Ninja Theory applied the lessons they learned from Heavenly Sword (then learned even more by playing Uncharted 2).  This is essentially Uncharted 2 with slightly worse graphics and much better characters and story (it should be, it's based on the most popular work of Chinese fiction ever written).  Knocked off a half point for a few technical glitches. 9.5

5. February 26. Serious Sam II for XB. With all the talk about Bulletstorm and Duke Nukem Forever I began to think about why it was that Duke Nukem was popular in the first place.  When it was released it was popular, for the most part, because it was incredibly good looking.  Serious Sam also had the same thing going for it when it was released.  So I played Serious Sam 2 for the XB.  Very eastern-european is one descirption for it.  Dull and repetitive is another. 6.5.

6. March 3. Gun for XB. I didn't realize Neversoft had a game like this in them.  Too bad they'll likely never make a sequel, not that this story needed or could support one.  The story moved along nicely, the horse handled well, the dhooting was satisfying.  Not at all what I was expecting. 8.5.

7. March 3. Dragon Quest 5 for DS. Best JRPG I've ever played.  Story held together, enjoyable exploration, nice difficulty arc. 10.

8. April 1. Disaster Report for PS2.  I started playing this before the disaster in Japan, I swear it wasn't my fault.  This is an interesting game, and I mean exactly that, they present a lot of interesting styles of play that you won't have experienced elsewhere.  But it is flawed, and looked poor when it was released (almost a decade ago).  Short game (6 hours) but has plenty of replay for the completist. 7.5

9. April 2. Sonic and Sega All-Star Racing for PS3.  Best Kart Racer ever. Deep mechanics, fun, great music, graphics, fan-service. Fun as all hell, great multiplayer and single player.  LOTS to unlock. 10

10. April 11. Resident Evil 5 for PS3. Pretty much like RE4. Little too many bosses, and Ch.5 was lacking, but hte rest was excellent. 9

11. April 29. Killzone 2 for PS3. After some thought, I'm giving this one a 7.5.  It would have been an 8.5 or 9, but the pre-final boss was as cheap as I've seen anything in my years of gaming.  Once I got to the final boss I killed him almost immediately, but there is a fire fight that took me at least 4 hours to beat.  Did not try multiplayer. 7.5

12. May 12. Dark Sector for PS3. I had zero expectations for this game, but in the end found it mostly enjoyable.  This is RE4 with mediocre level design and a gimmick, which is this glaive (3-spoked razor boomerang).  There are some slight puzzle elements, but mostly this is a fairly challenging over-the-shoulder shooter.  There is a cover mechanism, but you'll never have need to use it.  Better than average sci-fi story, nice controls and graphics. 8.

13. May 22. Yakuza 4 for PS3. My favorite Yakuza yet, which is saying something.  So far it's my GOTY. 10.

14. May 30. Max Payne for PS2. For a ten-year old third-person-shooter this game held up tremendously well.  I think the PC version probably had "save anywhere" which certainly would have made this playthrough less frustrating.  The innovations in the game only just slightly outweighed the problems of this console port.  An important game, one worth playing, but I was glad to finish it. 7.

15. June 5. Dragon Quest 6 for DS. 46 hours.  I've beaten DQ 4,5 and 6 now.  I'd say I'd liked this one the least, even though it was the best made of the three.  7.5.

16. June 11. Brutal Legend for PS3. I really enjoyed this game. It was both sweet and funny in that animated movie kid of way. Top notch quality. 8.5.

17. July 9. The Godfather for XB. Top quality game. Thoroughly impressed with every aspect. 9.0

18. July 12. Nostalgia for DS. This is as about as modern of an implementation of a traditional JRPG I've ever seen. Nothing new, just insanely well designed. 8.0

19. July 13. The Warriors for XB. Another great game that captured the feeling of the film perfectly. A great brawler that keeps gameplay varied throughout. 8.5.

20. July 14. TimeSplitters 2 for XB. Holds up amazingly well for a game from 2002.  Some of thsi game is so much like Perfect Zero I wonder if some of the talent went back to Rare.  8.5.

21. July 31. Virtua Athlete 2000 for Dreamcast. 5.5.

22. August 23. Morrowind for XB. It freezes up, it takes forever to load, you beat most bosses by exploiting the environments (just like Oblivion) but what can you say other than "incredible"?  Docked a point for technical glitches. 9.0

Edited: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 01:34:18

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Joined: 2008-06-24
Fri, 31 Dec 2010 19:58:52
  • Red Dead Redemption: A good take on Rockstar's open world formula. Very well done western setting, with fun dialogue and good characters, if a bit cliche. Standard Rockstar fare, with small missions that slowly help to unfold the game's plot. Great music and detailed environments. Bad spanish VA, and has some pacing issues. Recommended if you're into the GTA formula or westerns, not so much if you're burned out on either. Took me 25 hours to complete.
  • Mirror's Edge: Very refreshing entry in the crowded action genre. Superb art direction, good platforming bits, however, level design is not consistent throughout the game, and by the end it becomes more a matter of trying to avoid an overwhelming number of enemies while fumbling towards the exit, instead of pure platforming, and the horrid combat system doesn't help one bit. Recommended for action fans, but it can be a tad frustrating. Took me around 10 hours because I fucked up a lot.
  • Darksiders: Good game, mixture of action with a lot of environmental puzzles of varied difficulties. It has amazing characters, balls to the wall action, epic battles, and an overall plot that plays things by the book and doesn't disappoint. Took me around 15 hours, but knowing your way around these types of games I'd wager it can be done in around 10.
  • Beyond Good and Evil: Adventure game with some action bits. It has a great lead character, good music, and an interesting plot that deflates by the end and leaves some important questions unanswered. Unfortunately, it has some serious camera issues that coupled with unimaginative and awkward stealth sections can bring down much of the enjoyment that the game can offer. Combat is offensively primitive, and puzzles are boring and not engaging. Took me 9 hours. It can be easily beaten in 8 or less.
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum: Impressive action adventure game set on the famed DC comics universe. Everyone who matters on the Batman mythos is here, along with memorable VA and good musical score; combat seems deceptively simple at first, but in time and with enough dedication, its elegance starts to show. There is a good number of gadgets at your disposal, and the last segments truly encourage you to experiment different ways of going through them. You can most of the times approach the game as a brawler, but that would be a mistake, since there are so many tactics available. It has plenty of stuff to do, unlock and discover, greatly extending its replay value, be that with challenge maps, Arkham chronicles records, patient tapes, or Riddler puzzles. Outstanding game, highly recommended. Took me around 15 to 17 hours to complete the main story, but I only did about 55% of everything available.
  • Braid: Puzzle game with throwbacks to classic platforming titles. Didn't like it. Found it pretentious and with puzzles that are often hard for the sake of being hard, and not always as logical as its developer claims. It has clever game mechanics, though, so anybody looking for a challenge might as well give this one a shot. I can see it's a good puzzler, but far from the masterpiece many think it is. Took me between 7 and 8 hours.
  • Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars: Very good point and click adventure game. Unlike most games on the genre, it has really down to earth puzzles that follow a logical pattern. Because of that it never gets frustrating. It has also a nicely written storyline, that unfortunately gets a bit shoddy by the very end. However, that barely effects the overall impression of the game. There's some fun, witty and varied dialogue, varied and interesting places, and some truly unforgettable characters. Art style is great, and still holds up well provided you play it on windowed mode. Everybody should try it, it can run on any PC.
  • Shadow Complex: Action sidescroller in the Metroidvania template. Fun game, quite short, but with enough secrets and hidden rooms to find that could surely extend its lenght way beyond the 6 hours it took me to beat it. Exploration is the hook in here, so there's not much more to add. Its generic story and even more generic characters (and über-generic final boss) are cringe-worthy but tolerable.
  • Trials HD: Bike game that shovesdown your throat a number of increasingly difficult tracks to beat and master (if you're willing to devote an ungodly amount of time to do so). The difficulty curve is steep but fair, until you reach the end of the hard tracks and the beginning of the extreme ones. It has minigames and tournaments to unlock, which are fun to try at least once. It can be very frustrating. Don't really know how long it took me. I guess over 15 hours.
  • Company of Heroes: Outstanding RTS game developed by Relic. Very fast paced action thanks to the way resources are handled. Not suited for people who like to turtle or play RTS games in a more passive or defensive way. Competent AI keeps you on your toes at all times. Plently of classes an vehicles to choose from, great sound design. Very recommended but it could be kind of hard for newcomers to the genre. Completed campaign in 27 hours.  
  • Defense Grid-The Awakening: Simply put, the best tower defense game out there. It provides a vast array of towers, enemies and maps, which have multiple ways of tackling the swarms of enemies coming at you. Once you beat a story chapter, a challenge unlocks with increased dfifficulty, adding to the replay value. It also has a good number of DLC maps to keep things going long after the main campaign has been finished. Highly recommended even if you're not familiar with the genre. Took me about 20 hours to clear the main story mode.
  • Oblivion: Perfect example of "the chase is better than the catch". The breadth of stuff to do in this game is staggering, but it also feels very much like a step back compared to Morrowind. Leveling system is completely fucked up, randomly generated dungeons and loot take away any satisfaction you could get from adventuring on your own on any of the myriad of hidden locations, voice acting is monotonous as hell, building design is boring except for the mindbending settings of the Shivering Isles. But even after all this drawbacks, the game still packs a nice punch. Quests are abundant, and some of the most interesting ones aren't even in the main storyline. At least it tries to wrap things up with grandiosity. It fails, but at least it tried. This playthrough took be well over 70 hours, but there's enough stuff in there to keep anybody busy for another hundred, at least. I still have The Shivering Isles to do almost in its entirety, so I'll be back soon to Cyrodiil, I guess.
  • StarCraft II: Like going back to familiar grounds or meeting again with an old friend. The core mechanics of the original SC are practically untouched. However, if there is a developer that can get away with RTS concepts that might seem anachronic, that's Blizzard. Harvesting resources, turtling and base management are never a hindrance to enjoy the game. As usual, the races are impressively balanced and fine-tuned. Unfortunately, I haven't touched the MP component of it yet. The SP campaign took me about 10 hours to complete.
  • Dragon Quest IX: I would've never thought a single game could shatter my preconceptions about the scope of handheld gaming. Until this one. The amount of content is staggering, and not only from the perspective of a portable game. There are literally hundreds of hours worth of stuff to do and see in here. I managed to beat the main story in 65 hours, but as I completed the first quest in the post-game and gained the ability to fly, I suddenly realized how little had I accomplished merely by beating the game. The real game starts after completing the main story.
  • Mafia II: Very good open world action/adventure game. It's very linear, and heavily plot focused, so don't try it out thinking of GTA or whatever. The city and its inhabitants are there for atmosphere and decoration, and they do a great job at it. It has a fairly good story, and some nicely done characters. Gunplay is so-so, and car handling is iffy. Nevertheless, the game provides a very good time. It can get a bit frustrating in some intense gunfights, but other than that it´s not too difficult. Took me about 13 hours.
  • Borderlands: Good FPS/RPG hybrid. It has a great art style, and lots and lots of gun loot to appeal even the whoriest of the loot whores, gunplay is very good as well. Unfortunately, it has an interface that could use some tweaking, quest structure is overly simplistic, and the GOTY DLC failed to activate thanks to it having that turd of a DRM called Securom, so I can't comment on that. Around 40 hours to beat doing a lot of sidequests.
  • Max Payne: Fun third person shooter with killer writing and amazing atmosphere besides nicely done characters. Gameplay is hit or miss since it relies too much in cheap shots at the player, but when it clicks, it can be a lot of fun. 10 hours.
  • Max Payne 2: Good, solid sequel. Plot seems to take a small dive compared to the first, but gameplay is tighter even though AI is still dumb. Not too fond of having to play with two different characters, but in the end it works out alright. Great credits song, BTW. Homer was right. 7 hours.
Edited: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 05:05:49
Country: EU
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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 18:18:04
  • Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Just finished the real last boss and finished all the levels (including a Wii-only boss rush mode) perfectly. From the makers of Galaxy and Galaxy 2. Jungle Beat is an inventive fun platformer with great emphasis on high score attack mode. If you are a fan of perfecting your run by collecting bananas without touching the ground and doing all kinds of stunts, go buy this now!

  • Donkey Kong Country Return

Completed the last level and collected all the puzzle pieces. Donkey Kong returns (pun intended) to a new side scrolling adventure. This time he has to retrieve his bana hoard from the evil Tiki's. The game is a 2D platformer, but updated for this gen. Having gorgeous graphics and awesome level design, with action taking place both in the fore and background. Giving this game a very lively feel, shit breaks, stuff collapse as you steer DK trough 8 world of action. The game is marred down somewhat by frustrating trial and error design. And there are too many rocket barrel and mine cart levels. But don't let this stop you, for overall Donkey Kong Country Returns is an excellent platformer.

  • Fragile

Is this game good. That is quite tricky to answer. The crappy battle system, with weapons that break for no reason are bad. But the atmosphere, story, characters, music are great. If you want to walk around and slowly take everything in, you will have a good time. Trying to play the game for the level design, challenge, bosses or battles, and you will hate it. Read my desciption in my thread, if you read it and hate the way it sounds back of. People that actually played 'Heavy Rain' have no excuse not to play it. The story in Fragile is actually good, the characters are actually competent and there is actual gameplay.

  • Super Scribblenauts

This game is awesome, no two ways about it. Sometimes the puzzles are easy, but you can summon a giant friendly purple singing Chthulu. That is all you need to know. One of the essential DS games. The puzzle challenges are quick and short, perfectly made for a portable system, it would not work on a console. Buy it.

  • Order of Ecclesia

Awesome Metroid like game, that is bogged down by RPG elements, stupid loot system and poor explanation of the deeper mechanics. The level design and character controls never reach the height of Super Metroid or Zero Missions, but hey neither did Other M. Shame we only get these games on the handhelds and not consoles.

Edited: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 20:56:40
The VG Press
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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:59:11
  • 1. God of War - Ghost of Sparta: Very much another God of War title. Works shocking well on the PSP. Also, story isn't so bad. Took about 3.5 hours to beat (was playing on easiest difficulty).
  • 2. Back to the Future - Episode 1: As per usual Telltale standard, quite good. Fits in quite well with the style of BTTF, even if some of the story premise is stupid. Also has a pretty major glitch about half way through which resulted in having to download another savegame to actually finish the game.
  • 3. Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker: Took a little while to beat thanks to the slightly awkward controls, but the story and characters were what really made it for me. Took around abouts 10 hours to beat the main story, and have plenty of side stuff to do (including the Monster Hunter stuff!).
  • 4. Gitaroo Man Lives: PSP version of Gitaroo Man, the debut game of iNiS. Quirky, has some great music, and just like Ouendan, it gets bastardly hard at the end. FUCK SAMBONE TRIO. Otherwise, fun!
  • 5. Dragon Age Origins (Cleared 19/02/11): After 25 hours of play over 15 or so months, finally got done with the PC version of the game (only DLC was the Stone Prisoner). Not as great as Baldurs Gate, but memorable enough in its own right - thanks to a great sense of humour admist a pretty dark world. With that being said, the last moments of the game are fucking riduclous - with a tonne of glitches and a boss that, if you haven't prepped a character in a certain way, makes it near impossible.
  • 6. Back to the Future - Episode 2 (Cleared 6/3/11): Much shorter and more straight forward than episode 1, and thankfully without any major glitches.
  • 7. Bulletstorm (Cleared 13/3/11): Quite a fun little arcadey shooter, but MAN the story and humour fall flat.
  • 8. Red Dead Redemption (Cleared 18/3/11): Probably my favourite Rockstar game. Storyline is quite interesting, and without any of the BULLSHIT mission design that ruins everything that Rockstar North do.
  • 9. Mirrors Edge (Cleared 27/3/11): For some reason, started it up and finished off the remaining levels I had. Decent enough, but fucking hell, first person platforming DOES. NOT. WORK.
  • 10. Fight Night Champion (Cleared 28/3/11): Probably the best boxing game ever. Mostly focused on the story (Champion mode), which is a lot more compelling than it really should be.
  • 11. Back to the Future - Episode 3 (Cleared 3/4/11): The strongest episode yet. Really dug the themes the game was going through.
  • 12. Yakuza 4 (Cleared 22/4/11): Damned good experience, taking close to 20 hours to complete. Doesn't quite have the same impact as 3, but still certainly a good enough game. Took just over a month to beat it too, which was nice.
  • 13. Assassins Creed Brotherhood (25/4/11): GOOD GOD, WHAT DID I MISS OUT ON!?
  • 14. The 3rd Birthday (27/4/11): Good looking game, but has possibly the most confusing story in a video game ever. Took around 6hrs to beat.
  • 15. Tomb Raider Legend (12/5/11): First Tomb Raider game to play and beat to story completion (84% overall), in 5hrs. Quite a good game, even if the story is okay and some of the puzzles a little obtuse.
  • 16. Back to the Future - Episode 4 (29/5/11): Kinda weak compared to the other episodes prior, and had to resort to others save games in order to finish the bloody thing. Can't wait to get this done.
  • 17. Portal 2 (29/5/11): Currently frontrunner for GOTY. Starts off kinda slow, but good god, it gets better.
  • 18. Mortal Kombat (29/5/11) - Completed story mode, attained most of the endings and cleared most of the challenge tower. Great fighting game with plentiful single player content.
  • 19. Disgaea Infinite (30/5/11) - The visual novel of Disgaea. Attained most of the 14 endings, though for fans only.
  • 20. Dead or Alive Dimensions (30/5/11) - Completed Story mode and unlocked every character. Great fighting game, and the reason to pick up a 3DS so far.
  • 21. Dragon Ball Evolution (8/6/11) - Cleared story mode, and attained nearly every character. Not running through the game again. Not worth it at all.
  • 22. Dead or Alive Paradise (15/6/11) - Utter trash. Do not play.
  • 23. Bastion (19/7/11) - Lengthy, yet satisfying downloadable.
  • 24. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (20/711) - Better than the last Harry Potter game, but that isn't saying much.
  • 25. Nier (4/8/11) - All four endings attained. Worth the 25 hour investment (and a bit more). Easily my favourite game of the last year.
  • 26. Gears of War 2 (9/8/11) - Still prefer Uncharted as a story, but game is bloody rad. Cannot wait for the sequel.
  • 27. inFamous 2 (1/9/11) - Better than the first. Moving and climbing in this game is unparalled.
  • 28. Gears of War 3 (28/9/11) - Pretty damned fun. Story started awesome, but kinda petered towards the end. Multiplayer is hella fun though.
  • 29. Batman: Arkham City (21/10/11) - Pretty great. Online pass issues aside, moving about the city is fantastic.
  • 30. Sonic Generations (6/11/11) - Aside from some shite levels (Seaside Hill/Crisis City) and the rather...short length, game's pretty solid. Has an amazing soundtrack.
  • 31. Saints Row: The Third (21/11/11) - Kinda short, as far as open world games go (finished in 8:43), and missing a chunk of content from Saints Row 2, but otherwise, a pretty damned crazy experience. Starts off realy rough, but gets better.
  • 32. Modern Warfare 3 (4/12/11) - Finished in about 4.5 hours, but really started to enjoy the game towards its conclusion and felt satisifed with how it all panned out.
  • 33. Sonic CD (31/12/11) - Finally came back to this after a few years. Really bloody great - the new version that's out now is worth the money.
Edited: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 08:59:14

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 04:00:37
  • Flower - Great easy-going game.  The chief critics complaint was that it was too short, but I'd argue it was almost too long. A few levels felt like rehashes of earlier ones and went a little too long. However, when the level design and scenery are on, they are perfect.
  • Valkyria Chronicles - Holy crap, this was an excellent game! Possibly the best strategy game I've ever played. There's just enough action mixed in with the strategy to give it a really fresh feel. Plus there are some very original battles and levels in the game, particularly during the the first 2/3 of the game. That would also be my only complaint - as the game goes on, the originality lessens and is replaced by increased difficulty.
  • Bulletstorm - Great shooter! Keeps things interesting by requiring the player to go after skill shots and be creative with how they kill, rather than just rely on headshots. Plus the characters are delighftully foul mouthed and vulgar. I can't remember the site but someone described it as "a juevenile game wrapped around a brilliant one, and that's pretty accurate. Plus the game's storyline is a good 12 hours long, ensuring a good meaty experience.
  • WWE All Stars - Good fan service for 80's and 90's wrestling fans, and decent gameplay. But the game ultimately feels rushed and limited by the gameplay options. Good for a weekend rental and maybe direhard wrestling fans but not worth a full price purchase.
  • Mortal Kombat - The series was never this good. Really I suppose that's not saying a whole lot, but this is by far and away the most fun I've ever had with an MK game, due in large part to story mode. The fighting is solid and the tower is an okay diversion, but the story mode gives this game a type of depth that no fighting game has ever had.
  • Marvel v. Capcom 3 - After beating the game with half a dozen characters I'm calling this one "finished." This game is sort of a mixed bag. The fighting is as fast and frantic as ever, and there's a good selection of characters here. Some of the character models just look too plastic though and while the balance issues aren't as bad as its predecessor they still exist. Still it's a good fighter and very good fan service. Marvel fans will be happy. Fighting fans are probably better off with Tatsunoko v. Capcom though.
  • Katamari Forever - Best Katamari game in years. They took the best of the old games and created some genuinally creative new ones. Gameplaywise there's nothing new here, but the levels are done well and the new graphic style works well. It's like seeing an old friend again tell a few new stories... and the same old ones he's been telling for years.
  • Red Dead Redemption - Loved it. As someone who has stayed away from the GTA series since Vice City, this game felt totally fresh, though I can certainly see why a lot of people would refer to this as GTA with horses. It's a great story though. Gets a bit repetitious as times I'll admit, but the open world was done amazingly well. So much stuff to discover. Not quite deserving of the 10's it got, but I'd still say this is one of the better games of this generation.
  • LA Noire - Great game, though I think a lot of critics are being very generous with their reviews. It's a mystery/adventure game that successfully incorporates some solid action features at a level never done before. The post-war streets of Los Angeles looks amazing and the mood is hit spot on. But an overly complex story coupled with some interview/interrogation sequences that require guessing at times hamper the core experience and keep the game from being an instance classic. The sequel (should it come along) however promises to be amazing.
  • Limbo - Piece of shit pretentious artsy game. Nice idea and maybe had the limits of manpower not been an issue it could have been better. But as it is stay away from it.
  • Costume Quest - Great little RPG. It's cut right out of the Mario RPG mold mixing elemments with action in the turn based battles, and then adds even more wit and a generous helping of sarcasm and bizareness. Kind of feels like a sequel to Earthbound or what you'd get if they mmade Calvin & Hobbes into a videogamme. At 6 hours it's a good length for what it is.
  • The Saboteur - How it didn't get 9's across the board is a mystery to me. Excellent story and characters. Combat is okay, bt if you play the game as a stealth game as it was sort of intended it works very well. Big improvement overall from the regularl sandbox formula styled games. Tough as nails too. Some of the missions require a lot of planning. Only real flaw is the driving which is actually a pretty big focus of the game. Other than that, outstanding.
  • RDR: Undead Nightmare - Fun twist on the whole sandbox genre. Switching up combat style to almost a Resident Evil style (original games of the series that is) really changes up the game. Plus it's John Marsten. Great character. Can't get too much of him.
  • Dragon Quest Monsters:  Joker 2 - Fun DQM game and the best they've made since the original. Fixes all the problems of DQM: Joker and builds on it. Pacing is a bit of a problem, and the game is unquestionably easy, but overall it's a very good game.
  • Shadows of the Damned - If you like Suda 51 games, then you know what you're getting here. The gameplay isn't bad, but it's pretty average.  Nothing special to speak of. However the story and characters and as delightfully twisted and fucked up as ever. That alone made it worth it for me.
  • Shantae - Good Metroidvania-esque 2-D adventure game. Biggest complaint is that it's too short. A few small additions could have added an extra 2 hours I think. Not enough incentivie to really track down some of the extra hidden items and such. Still it was a lot of fun. Good music and animations, and no one quite does 2-D gameplay like WayForward.
  • James Noir's Hollywood Crimes - Not as good of a puzzle collection as the Layton games, but good enough, and the overall story was actually very good full of some surprisingly good twists and turns.
Edited: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 00:58:47
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Wed, 05 Jan 2011 03:26:54

1. Dante's Inferno - Pretty cool game. Some freaky enemies and bosses, solid gameplay, and a neat story that makes me hope for a sequel. It just needed more variety in enemies.

2. Nier - A pretty "meh" game. I wouldn't say there's anything really horrible about it, it's just all quite bland. The music is pretty good though. The enemy variety is quite lacking. Combat is somewhat fun. Things do get a bit more interesting later on. The overall game world isn't that big. Thankfully there is a New Game + mode which lets you keep all your stats, items, etc. so trying to get all the achievements and seeing the multiple endings is much easier. Not a game I'd want to spend more then $30 on.

3. Lost Planet 2 - Oh man what a fantastic looking game this is, gorgeous visuals. One stage had you fighting your way across a rocky shoreline terrain at night with lightning, rain, and waves crashing up along the rocks with water streaming down your screen. It looked amazing. There was a really good variety of landscapes to fight in with snow, jungle, desert, underwater, and space stages. Very nice mix and they all looked great. Really good soundtrack to compliment the game as well. Such a shame to see some very frustrating aspects in this otherwise excellent game. Some dumb friendly AI made you feel like you had to do too much of the work in a couple areas where you had to run back and forth to do multiple tasks. Online is a lot of fun though and I'll certainly be playing this game a bunch more. Definitely worth $30.

4. Dead Space 2 - Yay! Just finished this game. There were some frustrating bits at the end like a seemingly endless amount of enemies in this one room in Chapter 13. Because I was backing out of the room to the previous room the enemies would constantly respawn. I had to stay in that room and finish them off all at once to clear them out. I also didn't care for the running away part near the end and the last boss in this game wasn't as good as the one in the first game. Still this was an excellent game with great production values and a terrific atmosphere. It further developed my appreciation for the franchise.

5. Demon's Souls - Excellent game. While it can be pretty tough and unforgiving it is very satisfying as well. It's kind of like a Diablo style of game with loot and stuff. The way the online is implemented is great. Other players can leave behind messages warning you, pointing you to hidden treasures, and hinting at enemies weaknesses. I was helped countless times from these. You can also check out blood pools left by other players which shows you a brief segment showing their final few seconds and how they died. Another cool feature is the World Tendency which runs along a spectrum from Pure White (Good) to Pure Black (Evil). This changes a bunch of various things in the game like enemy strength, souls given, etc. and also certain specific events can only be triggered given the state of the World Tendency. Very solid 9/10 game for sure.

6. Dragon Age: Awakening - A very enjoyable expansion pack to Dragon Age: Origins. A cool story and a decently long game, about 15 hours +. The new characters are ok but not as good as the original cast plus I don't think you can romance any of them. Some cool new enemies and quests to tackle. There's a good number of glitches though that hold the game back a little bit. Still it is a very solid addition and an 8/10.

7. Dark Void - A somewhat bland game in most aspects but also one that has it's charms and can be pretty fun to play. Enemies are mostly generic and the story is mostly uninspired. The gameplay though is fairly decent and flying around in a jetpack is quite fun. I enjoyed it a bit more then I thought I would and would recommend it as a nice bargin bin pick-up. 7/10

8. Brutal Legend - Excellent game. Awesome soundtrack, great voice-over work, and an all around blast to play. A steal for the $10 I paid for it. 8.5/10

Edited: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 00:15:06


Country: UN
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Wed, 05 Jan 2011 09:36:45

1. 5th of January.

Killzone 2: Err, I got the last badge. Does that count as finishing online? No, I'm not going to play it for the six years to get 100,000 points. Nyaa

2. 1st of February? Early February? Late January?

Klonoa: Insane story, hilarious voice acting. Slow start, decent middle, but excellent last couple of levels. And the extra level is as insane as the story!

3.: 17th of March

Killzone 3: The campagin that is. It was better than 2's campaign, but not all that great. Solid. Julian Assange/Hitler/Stalin/Lenin---what a cast!

4: 3rd of April

Crysis Warhead: How nice it is to play a first person shooter with actual FPS design! And with pacing too! Yes, it actually leads up to grandiose setpieces instead of trying to stick them anywhere so that they all end up being boring. The graphics are disappointing, the gameplay is surprisingly good. Nice surprise. Oh, and being a PC shooter you can actually have enemies above ground level---ones that move and fly around! And the on-rail sections are even fun. No on-rails sections with analogue sticks please. It's also funny that this EXPANSION pack is the same length as most modern FPS campaigns. Yeesh.

5: 17th of April.

Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure: It's Arkham Asylum all over again! Solid gameplay, shallow combat system, but absolutely top notch presentation. Of course being Arkham Asylum from last gen instead of there being annoying updates there's annoying controls and glitches. FFS dying, going back to a check point, getting back up to where you are only to fall through the fucking floor. Of a blimp. Hrm

6: 19th of May.


The first one! It's Yakuza, go read that twitter review!

7: 16th of June.

Babel: King of Blocks:

It explains how pyramids were really built. No slaves or UFOs were involved.

8th: soon after the above.

The 2D Adventures of Rotating Octopus:

It's great and you all suck for not trying it.

9th: 23rd if July.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood:

It goes from great to boring and back and forth, but it ends on a sweet note.

10th: Sometime in July.


Decent Worms game, but let down by slow down, loading and controls---oh, and a maximum of 4 worms per team. Wat.

11th: 31st of July.


Short but sweet.

12: 11th of August.

Swords & Soldiers:

Possibly the first RTS I have completed without cheats! Great stuff.

13 and 14: 23rd of August.

Beyond Good and Evil HD:

Held up very well on a second play through...maybe because it was a second play through several years later!


Terrible commentary. Great narration. Great game. Loved it.

15: 29th of August.

The Next Big Thing:

Good writing, good voice acting, and very solid adventure puzzles. Oh, the graphics are great too. Surprisingly fun.

16: 8th of September? Close enough.

Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse.

Flawed puzzles, though some great ones here and there. Wonderful humour saves it. I should list this as 5 games actually! Nyaa Hooray, I'm already up to 20!

17/21: 11th of September.

Hard Reset:

One of the best first person shooters of this generation. Or at least it could have been if it didn't end when things were getting really fantastic.

18/22 16th of September:

Altered Beast:

Well...that was interesting.

19/23: 13th of October:

Aliens: Infestation:

So many colons!

20/24: 18th of October:

Orcs Must Die!

And they do indeed. over 10,000 killed in one playthrough.

21/25: 25th of October.

Sideway: New York:

Disappointing, but still pretty good. Soundtrack needed to be better implemented, and so too did the gimmick of being on a wall.

22/26: 1st of November:


How to HDify something. Just make it a resolution mod!

24/28: 16th of November:

Little Meh Planet 2:

Disappointing compared to the original, but still great fun with two players.


Hooray for visual arts.

25/29: 3rd of December.

Serious Sam 3:

Yes, it's good. Go away Aspro. No, please come back Apro. Sad

26: 30: 16th of December.

Golden Axe:


31: Sometime before 2012.

Orcs Must Die! Lost Adventures.

DLC. I am ashamed.

Edited: Sun, 01 Jan 2012 11:03:44

Country: CY
Comments: 7370
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Joined: 2008-06-24
Wed, 05 Jan 2011 13:18:42
  1. Limbo (XBLA).  Have mixed feelings about the game.  I think I may try writing a review as it will force me to think about it some more.
  2. Plants vs Zombies (PC).  I finished the adventure mode.  I started replaying it immediately (sort of new game +) and I'm exploring the mini games, puzzle games and the wealth of content this game offers.  As far as I'm concerned though, this counts as a beaten gameWinkWink  ... edit: I actually ended up playing this game to death, getting all the trophies and even most of the achievements.  I ran out of things to do but I really hope there is a sequel.
  3. Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii).  Thoroughly enjoyed this wonderfully designed and executed 2D platformer by the gaming gods that are Retro.  Not much to add to what Iga has said except I didn't at all mind the barrel rocket and mine cart levels, in fact they were some of the most exciting ones for me.  Great game but I have had my fill for the time being and I don't see myself playing to get all the puzzle pieces and to do time challenges.
Edited: Thu, 12 May 2011 21:05:34


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The VG Press

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Sun, 09 Jan 2011 00:43:48

[01/07/11] Deadly Premonition -- I beat a Survival Horror game! Deadly Premonition is to Survival Horror as Red Dead Redemption is to Sand-Box Games. You think you know a genre well, but then something comes along that is so unique, so engaging and so... game changing. How can I possibly say this about a game IGN scored a 2/10? They simply did. not. get. it. It is MEANT to be quirky. It is meant to be cheesy. It is meant to be inappropriate. It is meant to be insanely twisted. It's all of these things and more! These flawed characters are flawed. These characters are characters. It's everything you'd expect from a small town folklore horror story, injected with humor and gore... sometimes at the same time. You'll start the game and say: "WTF? This sucks!" You'll end the game and say: "WTF? That was AWESOME!" You'll love some characters and their relationships. You'll be repelled by others and their depravity. Either way, you won't be able to look away 'til the credits roll! This was a budget title?! Priced for the Hobos, enjoyed by only the most Elite of gamers... You simply HAVE TO take a trip to Greenvale! Trust me on this one, you WON'T regret it!

[01/09/11] Enslaved: Odyssey to the West -- What an under-rated game! Part Uncharted. Part Heavenly Sword. Part Beyond Good and Evil. Part The Matrix. Part Prince of Persia. All good! Besides being HOT, the main character Monkey is even more fun than his animal counterparts! The way he climbs and his acrobatics are so much more animated than Drake or the Prince! The post-apocalyptic landscapes are as deserted as ever but --NEVER-- have they been THIS colorful! Ninja Theory excels at a few things: Bright and Beautiful color-schemes, Hauntingly REAL facial expressions and Stories that never fail to have VERY touching moments! Yes. The combat is simple. You CAN buy an Upgrade that color codes enemies, telegraphing what they are going to do, a-la Heavenly Sword. The combos are also very simple --BUT-- who you kill first, strategic "Take Downs" and using enemies weapons against them, all come into play too! I like the references to the classic Japanese Journey to the West, but its NOT shoved down your throat. A constant thrill-ride from beginning to end, this game will MAKE you want to press-forward 'til the very end! I played this game in two-days! I NEVER do that anymore! That should be a testament to how enjoyable it really is! My utter enjoyment of this game has gotten me extremely excited to see just what Ninja Theory can do with the Devil May Cry reboot! I've never been a huge fan of that series before; now I find I can hardly WAIT!

[01/11/11] Shadow Complex -- Wow! This game is almost BETTER than any retail game I've played in a while! It's true, I feel very guilty owning it and playing it, due to Orson Scott Card's contribution to it --BUT-- It's my video-game equivalent of Kryptonite. I have always had and will always HAVE a weakness for Metroid-Vania style games. More Metroid than even Other M, Shadow Complex has you gain skills slowly but steadily and has such upgrades as: A Backpack that gives you the ability to Climb, Grenades that Blow Up Certain doors (Morph Ball Bombs), A Thrust Pack (Double Jump Boots), Friction Dampers (Speed Boots), a Grappling Hook and Rockets... and the list goes on! One of the BEST innovations this game brings to this genre is the simple Flashlight; not only does it illuminate the dark --BUT-- if you shine it on certain objects, they will change color, indicating what weapon or gadget you need to get past that particular obstacle. TOTALLY INVALUABLE! As if the whole exploration aspect of the game wasn't addicting enough, there are also a bunch of REALLY fun achievements in the game, awarded for making enemies Scream, hitting them with headshots, using a melee attack, and on and on! The game gives you in-game updates when/if you beat your Live Friend's Achievements as you play! VERY COOL! I can TOTALLY see why many websites awarded this DOWNLOADABLE game, GOTY awards the year it came out! ...besides, the main character is voiced by Nolan North, that fact ALONE usually puts a game immediately into the running!

[01/23/11] Bayonetta -- What can be said about Bayonetta that hasn't been said before? Absolutely, positively one of the --BEST-- game experiences of this generation! Such creativity. Such --PERFECT-- controls. Sooo much to do; So much replayability! You've heard me say it a few times before, you'll hear me say it again: When a game is as well done as this one is, even if it is not the type of genre I normally take to, I just have to, HAVE TO respect it enough to finish it! First Shooters, then Sandbox Games, now I have a Stylish Action game under my belt! This game is just --THAT-- compelling! It certainly doesn't hurt that Bayonetta is the sexiest, sassiest character to come around in years and years and years! Gotta love the Capcom and Sega references and the classic gameplay segments interspersed throughout! I --LOVED-- this game, cannot wait to see more from Platinum Games and will wait as long as it takes to get my hands on the inevitable, sure to be incredible, Bayonetta 2!

[02/08/11] Fable III -- Really disappointed in Fable 3's ending. Half of the game is typical Fable, action-wise, MINUS a lot of the morality, game-changing factors. The second half is a TEDIOUS string of Quests and Kingdom Running Decisions, that has ONE HUGE, SERIOUS flaw: You are given ONE YEAR to amass enough money to defend an impending attack on Albion. Heaven help you if you've completed most of the side-quests by that point in the game, cause if you did, you'll find yourself running around aimlessly trying to pass time until your rent and profits from the homes and businesses you own give you cash. (You need to save $6,500,000.) As if the tedium isn't bad enough, THINGS GET WORSE: It's not entirely impossible or even that hard to make the money --BUT-- time passes in chunks. It goes from (something like) 292 days 'til the attack to 216 days 'til the attack... From 121 days 'til the attack to --FUCKIN'-- THE DAY OF THE ATTACK ! ! ! 121 days to THE. LAST. DAY. ? ! ? They don't give you a warning. They don't let you make preparations on that last day. If you have $6,400,000... TOO BAD! Game Saves. You're SCREWED. Thanks for playing for 20-odd hours...! WHAT. THE. FUCK? I think I am done with LionHead Games for a long while!

[02/27/11] CastleVania: Lords of Shadow -- So much more than a God of War clone, this game takes GoW3 and stomps it into the ground! It actually ties into the series a lot more than I ever thought it would, even after playing the first 20 hours of the game. I can't say how, as it would spoil a phenomenal ending, but it DOES fit into the whole mythos nicely and the Developers did a REALLY nice job wrapping it all up. Suffice to say, the Eclipse comes into play, the cataclysmic 1999 battle is referenced, there's a Slogra in there and the twist in the last few seconds of the ending, ENDING makes the ENTIRE experience worth while! Dramatic story-lines, a clever Snake reference, beautiful cut-scenes: Yeah, you could totally see Kojima's hand in there too! The actual developers are no slouch's either, as the painstakingly-detailed, incredibly diverse and totally organic environments are consistently JAW-DROPPING throughout! The puzzles are ingenious, the battles against the 2 (or more?) Colossi are truly EPIC and the whole fighting/combat/magic system is very well done, too. Could have been one of my top games of 2010 had I actually played it in 2010! As it is, I anxiously await the incoming DLC packs! The reboot of the CastleVania series for modern day consoles is a good as this series deserves!

[03/07/11] LIMBO -- I really shouldn't LOVE a game where you see a little boy dismembered, crushed, speared, drowned, electrocuted, disemboweled, shredded by a turret gun, etc, etc, etc... for all eternity, but I do! I loved the graphical style. I loved the mood. I loved the shock value. Play this game with someone who normally doesn't play video games... (Someone who is a well adjusted, non-desensitized member of society, that is!) ...and just watch them jump, squirm and wear a look of shock on his or her face the entire time you play. Probably the best puzzler I've played in years; not too easy, not too hard, tugs at your heart-strings while making you ponder your character's fate. One of the reasons I bought a 360 comes to a close! No regrets here!

[03/25/11] Mass Effect 2 -- Holy Crap! Where do I even begin?! I'll have to write this one later!

[04/05/11] Alan Wake -- Truly one of a kind. I don't think I've ever played a game on a console before that was this driven by the narrative -- Literally and Figuratively! Sure it plays like an over-the-shoulder, third-person shooter, but the game is only half of it. The way the story is delivered. The unbelievable lush, organic and realistic graphics, environment and physics. The brilliant use of light and the flashlight mechanic. The manuscript pages that not only flesh out what you may have seen already, but also foreshadow events yet to come. Everything just adds up to an unbelievable game. Sure, the enemies may not be terribly creative, being mostly miners, policemen, construction workers and such, but the poltergeist objects and the way you need to dispel the darkness before you can harm your foes: totally unique --AND-- literally, almost every battle you fight leaves you on the edge of your seat. Remedy really knows their stuff when it comes to convincing environments, gunplay and gameplay; even their trademark slow-mo effect is used JUST for dramatic effect here and doesn't overshadow everything else. Why don't they do more games? One of the most intriguing and unique experiences this generation. I'd write more, but immediately after finishing I jumped right into the DLC... which actually takes place after the ending, adds to the story and expands on some of the really great game mechanics introduced right at the end of the main game. DLC that's not just a cheap extension of the same exact gameplay recycled over again for a few bucks? NO?! Yes! ...and it's really, really good! Part game, part thriller novel. This novel thriller is absolutely one to experience!

[05/07/11] Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light -- I thoroughly enjoyed this game! Enix must be rubbing off on Square these days as this game comes across as almost a subtle melding of Dragon Quest and a classic Final Fantasy. It is lighthearted and meandering. It is pastel-y and almost has a story-book look to it. You have dozens of different Crowns that represent the FF or DQ style Job classes. Tiny bit of Altrades Abbey, smidgen of Final Fantasy Tactics when it comes to this crown system. You equip your characters with weapons, shields and armors, and --YES-- they are visually represented on the characters in-game. Loved it in DQIX, Loved it here! I've heard people complain about the inventory system, as magic is used by holding spell-books and you need to keep slots for your weapons and armor. You are limited to 15 slots per character. You REALLY need to choose a role for your character(s) and stick with it (until, at least, a better crown comes along)! You need to keep the spells and weapons that are appropriate to the job you are playing and think more strategically! In this respect the game almost has a puzzle-like feel to it; sometimes you REALLY need to consider some of the obscure crowns if you hope to survive certain quests, bosses and dungeons. The managing of you AP points (there are no MP in the game) also adds to this strategy/puzzle aspect. I think the game has a perfect difficulty level to it. It varies as it adds and takes away characters from your party. Some of the most challenging but FUN times were when ONE character had to go it alone! The End Boss (Chaos) and some of the events in the game almost make this seem like a reboot of the original game; I think the design, art-direction, gameplay-system and overall CHARM this game displays made it an over-all success in my eyes! Give it a try!

[06/17/11] Outland -- Wow! Easily one of the best down-loadable games ever! I would have paid for this game at retail, easily! Combining elements of Metroid, Prince of Persia and Ikaruga (You just have to play it to "get" it) combined with beautiful graphics and spot-on controls... This is one of those rare games that does almost NOTHING wrong and possesses your soul until you finish it! If I may make a suggestion, THIS should be the next "Game Club" game! The map is perfect, btw, and back-tracking was absolutely unnecessary, though it makes the game a little easier if you go back to find some of the hidden coin caches to purchase more life and magic upgrades! I don't think any other game in recent memory commanded more of my attention while playing and felt so rewarding to finish. It was challenging at times, for sure, but the whole switching colors on the fly, REALLY kept me on my toes and was BRILLIANTLY executed! Available now on both PSN and XBLA, no one has an excuse NOT to get it!

[06/25/11] Torchlight -- Ahhh! Loot! Love it, love it, love it! I find it amazing that a downloadable Diablo-style game is 100 times better than a retail one (Dungeon Siege III)...! The game is colorful, satisfying, fun to play and never-ending, if you want it to be! If it had online, it would almost be perfect, but I still appreciated it for what it was! I am DEFINITELY looking forward to what Runic is doing next and hope they add more of everything in Torchlight 2! I --WILL-- be first in line to get it, retail, online or whatever! Next up: Trenched: A Mechwarrior-style, Tower-defense meets LOOT game! Ahhh...!

[07/04/11] Shantae: Risky's Revenge -- You gotta love WayForward games! They are at the front lines in the fight to keep 2D pixel art alive! They are pretty well known for their franchise work such as Contra 4, or their Reboots, such as A Boy and His Blob, or even their cartoon conversions, as in Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Shantae, however, was a labor of love and a creation all their own! The series started very late in the life cycle of the original GameBoy Color, but even then the animation was silky smooth, the colors were well-done and the gameplay was spot-on! If you are lucky enough to have that game, hold onto it! It's production run was minimal and it's collectability is high! You HAVE TO appreciate Virtual Console-like systems as they often give series like this a second chance at life! Easy to distribute and cheap to the point where they make their developers a TON of profit, smaller studios can feasibly make enough money to move on to larger projects with better production values. This is what I have heard is happening with the Shantae series! Being one of the most-beloved DSi-Ware titles out there, and finding new life on the 3DS, WayForward is supposedly now working on a full-blown 3DS game. Why should you care? When I recently described Shantae as "Metroid if Samus was a Genie and turned into a Monkey rather than a Morph Ball" I meant it in all seriousness! If there's no Metroid-Vania on the horizon for the 3DS, then a new entry in the Shantae series will MORE than make up for it I clocked 5:30 hours on the game's clock, but the Activity Log on the 3DS shows me playing it for nearly double that time. Not bad for a DL'able game, and yet ANOTHER DL game that I would have gladly paid full retail price for! This game was a steal and if you have the means, you REALLY should check it out!

[07/08/11] Monster Tale -- This is from a relatively new Development Team comprised, primarily, of the former Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure guys. Like I said before, it's bright, it's colorful, and just like Henry Hatsworth, it makes VERY clever use of BOTH screens at once. The Touch Screen is your Monster, Chomp's, Lair. You send him there to regain health, but also to activate many items you'll find throughout the game. Maybe he'll read a scroll to gain intelligence. Maybe he'll eat a Turkey to gain Strength. These aren't just random stats though! He'll morph into different forms depending on the stats you raise! These forms also have elemental affinities that will be either weak or strong against other monsters too. Want Chomp to be a slugger? Raise him that way! Want him to stick around you more and defend you? Feed him the right stuff. These forms have levels. Chomp also develops traits that IF you master them, they can then be transferred to his other forms. Likewise, he'll gain skills, like transforming into a Torpedo or a Spike that kills foes above and below him. Master these, you can apply them to differing forms too! You also get Offensive items you can throw down into Chomp's Lair. Catapults and Racing Cars that zip along the edges of the playing field. Soccer Balls that rebound off all of the walls, the list goes on and on! Sometimes enemies or Interactive objects will appear in Chomp's Lair too! Do you need him more on the top screen fighting along side of you, or do you send him home to heal or help solve a puzzle? Yup, it's all part of the game! It's mind-boggling the extra depth that's been thrown into an already great Metroidian-style adventure! I haven't even mentioned the Skills the girl Ellie learns as SHE goes thru the game, yet! Mega-Blasters, Upgradeable Melee attacks, Mega-Man-X-Like Wall Climbing... Energy for Long Range shots gained by DOING melee attacks...! It's NUTS, but works sooo WELL! Throughout the course of the game, Ellie gets such a super-huge list of moves, it's enough to make a certain intergalactic Bounty Hunter blush with envy! Looking at the screenshots I wouldn't fault you for thinking this is a kid's game... FAR from it. This is just a great, great game in itself and one of the last TRULY GREAT games for the Legendary DS. With SUPER-creative titles like this one available on it, it's not hard to see why it's the best selling systems of all time!

[08/02/11] Bastion -- What would you do if you woke one morning to find life as you know it has come to an end? You have in your hands the power to restore the world back to the way it was before 'The Calamity' but do you want to? As you travel around the fragmented pieces of your former world, you learn about The Nature of Man, The Nature of War, who and what is Right or Wrong. Acceptable Losses? Innocence? The PEOPLE on both sides of a conflict... Embrace your enemies or take revenge? This game has it all and so much more. The game looks as if it would be an action-adventure, a-la Zelda, but that is not so. It actually is pure action. There are role-playing elements in the way you can equip certain Liquors to make you hit harder, take less damage or Leech life from your enemies, for example. You also level up to extend your life gauge and gain the ability to equip more augments. It all plays out like an action game though. Adding to this is the INCREDIBLY varied weapons you can choose from! Machete? Check! Giant hammer? Check! Bow and Arrow? Check! Machine Gun? Yup! You want a Mortar? Got it! The weapon load out you choose, along with the special attacks you can earn to go along with them dramatically changes the way you play the game. The developers REALLY went out of their way to allow you to play the game the way YOU want to play it! To further that, there are also (Angry) Gods to invoke. Each one you do makes the game a little bit harder. One makes the enemies faster. One makes them stronger. Another makes them unleash an explosive when you defeat them. Why would you want to do this? BESIDES tailoring the game exactly to your skill level, you mean? Well, when you invoke these gods, you are given more and more Experience Points and Fragments (money)! Such creativity in the gameplay is complemented PERFECTLY by real-time narration. The way in which it is done --REALLY-- makes it feel like the game is talking to YOU; like you are participating in a living story. This may have been done in certain types of games before, but not to this emotional effect! I really can't say enough good about this game, or Greg Kasavin's FANTASTIC writing, which, again, adds tremendously to the narration. Such creativity is NOT seen in retail releases these days which is really a shame. Rather than being a game for the Masses, Bastion feels, in more ways than one, like a game that was made JUST for you. Gameplay aside for a moment, there's even some heart-wrenching scenes in there that will leave a mark on your memory unlike any other game has before it. Absolutely a MUST PLAY game!

[08/07/11] DeathSpank -- Ah, DeathSpank, Dispenser of Justice, Vanquisher of Evil and Hero to the Downtrodden, how much did I love your game? Enough to beat it in a 24 hour period! Yes, it's a Diablo style, loot game, but it doesn't take itself nearly as seriously! Humor is the order of the day in DeathSpank! After all, a game with a Big Purple Thong as its logo, complete with a strategically placed Sword pointing to the sky...? Yeah. You --KNOW-- you are in for a good time! Over 100 sub-quests, ridiculously creative and FUNNY monsters to fight, and some of the best-one liners you've ever heard this side of, well, ME! This game is fun to play and will keep you laughing and interested from beginning to end. It's the PERFECT length, lasting about 9 hours IF you want to see everything... Best of all, the sequel is out already (it came out two months after the first) and picks up RIGHT where the first ends, so if you enjoy it, there's more ready and waiting for you! I'm playing parts one and two now to prepare myself for the third in the series "The Baconing." It's coming this summer! I can't wait! Yet another (series of) highly-recommended, Downloadable Game(s)!

[08/13/11] From Dust -- I LOVED this game, but even I have to admit, it was barely more than a pretty, terra-forming, tech-demo! Populous may have been its inspiration, but this game had no where near the same type of gameplay or objectives as Peter Molyneux's classic! This was really more of a puzzler. You had limited powers over the forces of Earth, Water and (Fire) Lava. Most of the game entailed moving around water or lava, directing your tribesman to Talismans and Stones of Power to build villages and protecting them from the Elements. Build the requisite number of Villages (only up to 4) survive long enough and move on to the next Portal. That was pretty much it! The organic nature of dealing with water and fire was EXTREMELY fun and the game had its VERY tense moments, but all in all it was over WAAAY too fast! Oddly enough, in a game that literally gives you the powers of a god and the ability to shape the world to your liking, you ARE NOT given an opportunity to do so until the VERY last level! On the last story stage, you are FINALLY given the ability to place the Earth where you want it, raise mountains, drain water or cause tsunami's, have volcanoes erupt or cause palm trees to grow... then it ends 5 minutes later! So much fun, but such a missed opportunity! Worth the $15 bucks --ONLY-- if you are VERY MUCH into God Games or Natural Wonders. Creatively fun, but ultimately unsatisfying... it's a shame to see this great potential wasted!

[08/14/11] Plants vs. Zombies -- The first game I recall being labelled as "casual." My opinion: "So what?" It's FUN, funny, colorful, and even though it's not the HARDEST game on the planet, it's still a good time! It's basically tower defense where you defend your home from a zombie invasion. They'll attack the front lawn; they'll attack your backyard, going as far as swimming thru your pool. They'll even try coming in thru your roof! Solar power is your resource you need to collect that powers your flowers by day or your mushrooms by night. There's a huge variety of flowers (Pea shooters, Money plants, Hypno-Shrooms, etc.) to fight a huge variety of Zombies (Football Zombie, Dude with a Bucket on his Head, Pole-Vaulter, etc). Choosing the right botany-weaponry is half the battle here, placement and maintaining your line the other. Even after the main campaign is done, there's STILL unlocked mini-games and a zen garden to tend to, should you want to extend your play-time. Really, there's no shame in playing this great, great game. I refer to this as a transitional game: It's one that a "casual" may play, but it will get them interested in playing the "real" stuff after! For a good time call Plants vs. Zombies!

[08/23/11] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn -- Comments coming later!

[09/03/11] inFAMOUS 2 -- Don't get me wrong, I did love i2, but there was so much potential that seemed to be wasted. The powers you get aren't that different than part One, 'cept for the handy-dandy transportation power they give you waaay too far into the game. The "morality" system is too elementary. Sucker Punch, for as talented as they are, they are still a pretty young developer and seem to not know how to handle giving players too many choices. The story-line is good, but it seemed like they were trying to "one-up" the big, shocking surprise in Part One. Sure, the ending was "shocking" (pun totally intended) but I was kind of expecting it too. Thanks to the "morality" system also, the characters you meet are pretty one-sided throughout the game, EXCEPT for one, weird role-reversal at the very end of the game that was kind of head-scratching. I liked the southern environment, but wished there was more variety. I liked how they included "Flood Town" and the threat it posed to Cole. I DID not like busy areas like the "Gas Works" as the busier the environs got, the more stuff Cole would uncontrollably "stick to" thanks to the disruptive/predictive climbing system in the game. It is unique, but it is also problematic. I did LOVE the game, though I am complaining a bit, but one last point of frustration: It almost seems like the Difficulty changed throughout the game from battle to battle. Sometimes Cole seemed appropriately super-human, other times though, one or two shots and he was dead! I would be god-like in some missions, then I would almost tear my hair out as I would die and die and die again from the very same enemies in the next. Odd. Finally, Zeke DOES redeem himself in this game, but is still an annoying character to a slight degree! Still recommend this game and part one, but I think I am actually more psyched to see what they will offer in Prototype 2, more so than caring if this series will continue or not. **It will!**

[10/30/11] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 -- One thing I can always count on to bring a smile to my face is the look on the face of a Dragon Quest Slime. Now, take that monster and throw in 299 more from 25 years worth of gaming history and you get Joker 2. Minimal (unimportant) plot sets the stage for what is effectively monster battle after monster battle. You Scout Monsters, You Level Monsters, You Breed Monsters. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Sounds boring? Nope! The true stars of any DQ game are the Monsters themselves and they are ALL here. No, Seriously! In the Credits, the game lists which game each and every one of the monsters comes from, from I to IX! You'll even get cameos from Rocket Slime! What's especially cool is the sense of scale of some of these creatures. You have 3 Slots to fill with monsters on your Fighting Team. A one space monsters is about the size of a human.  Two Space monsters gets to be pretty freaking huge! Three Spaces...? Those monsters take up several screens on the DS, are often Legendary Monsters and are (of course) the toughest to Recruit... but you'll want to! Every species of Demon. Every Material Monster. Every Dragon. Every BOSS and, most importantly, every SLIME... All of them are here, at your command... but born and bred with stats, skills and spells as you see fit! For fans, it's the ultimate homage. I believe, for everyone else, they'll STILL have fun! The excitement of seeing just what kind of monster you're going to get next is not limited to fans alone, but any real gamers at heart!

[12/10/11] Batman: Arkham City -- Wow! I'll write something later!

[12/15/11] Super Mario 3D Land -- Again, I'll write something later!

[12/24/11] Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater -- Since the days of the NES the name "Big Boss" has been equated with "Villian" in my mind. Tonight I have learned lessons of honor, bravery and duty, and above all, that yesterday's enemy can be tomorrow's friend. The world is not simply just black and white.

Edited: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 04:49:45
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Sat, 15 Jan 2011 19:10:38

The first game I have beaten in 2011 is  . . . Super Mario Galaxy 2! Grinning

Tomb Raider Underworld (360)

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)

Goldeneye 007 (Wii)

Uncharted 2 (PS3)

Crysis (PS3)

Edited: Wed, 28 Dec 2011 17:11:26

The VG Press

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 13:19:37

Dead Space 1 on easy/impossible grabbed all of the achievements.

Dead Space 2 finished Hardcore mode, only 3 achievements left before I'm complete with it. Sadly, they didn't give me the achievement for beating zealot mode, even though it's a lower difficulty than hardcore. :/

Edited: Sat, 12 Feb 2011 11:24:57
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Mon, 17 Jan 2011 22:12:57

Finished Games

  1. Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands
  2. Dead Rising 2
  3. LittleBigPlanet 2
  4. Red Dead Redemption
  5. Darksiders
  6. Mass Effect 2
  7. Resistance 2
  8. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  9. Super Mario Bros.
  10. Mafia 2
  11. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
  12. Portal
  13. Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels
  14. Portal 2
  15. Mortal Kombat
  16. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
  17. Vanquish
  18. Enslaved
  19. Prince of Persia Classic
  20. LA Noire
  21. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  22. Okamiden
  23. Outland
  24. Infamous 2
  25. Super Mario Land
  26. Resident Evil Mercenaries
  27. Fallout New Vegas
  28. Epic Mickey
  29. Deus Ex Human Revolution
  30. Pac Man Championship DX
  31. Bloodrayne Betrayal
  32. Zelda Four Swords
  33. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
  34. Dark Souls
  35. Batman Arkham City
  36. Uncharted 3
  37. Sonic Generations
  38. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
  39. Uncharted 2
  40. Legend of Zelda
  41. Zelda: Skyward Sword
  42. Zelda: OoT 3D
  43. Super Mario 3D Land
  44. Gears of War

100% Games

  1. Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands
  2. Darksiders
  3. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
  4. Fallout New Vegas
  5. Uncharted 2

Hours Played

  • Red Dead Redemption - 33 hrs
  • PoP FS - 10 hrs
  • Gran Turismo 5 - 12 hrs
  • Dead Rising 2 - 12 hrs
  • Littlebigplanet 2 - 61 hrs
  • Demos - 20 hrs
  • Darksiders - 22 hrs
  • Killzone 3 beta - 1 hr
  • Mass Effect 2 - 55 hours
  • Pacman Championship - 7 hrs
  • Back to the Future Episode 1 - 3 hr
  • Chrono Trigger - 3 hours
  • Pokemon White - 2 hours
  • Resistance 2 - 9 hours
  • Black Ops - 6 hours
  • Okamiden - 24 hours
  • Mafia 2 - 20 hours
  • Street Fighter 4 3D - 9 hours
  • Ghost Recon 3D - 5 hours
  • Castlevania LoS - 30 hours
  • Super Mario All Stars - 3 hours
  • BTTF Episode 2 - 3 hours
  • Portal - 3 hours
  • Portal 2 - 13 hours
  • Mortal Kombat - 34 hours
  • Sonic and Sega All Star Racing - 3 hours
  • Enslaved - 10 hours
  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light - 5 hours
  • Prince of Persia Classic - 1 hour
  • Vanquish - 9 hours
  • LA Noire - 28 hours
  • NBA 2k11 - 12 hours
  • Brutal Legend - 5 hours
  • Uncharted 2 - 11 hours
  • Infamous 2 - 22 hours
  • Dead Nation - 1 hour
  • Sonic 2 - 3 hours
  • Streets of Rage 2 - 1 hour
  • Zelda OoT 3D - 30 hours
  • Super Mario Land - 1 hour
  • Donkey Kong GB - 1 hour
  • Outland - 7 hours
  • Uncharted 3 beta - 18 hours
  • Resident Evil Mercenaries - 7 hours
  • Torchlight - 3 hours
  • Deus Ex - 12 hours
  • Fallout New Vegas - 117 hours
  • Epic Mickey - 25 hours
  • Deus Ex Human Revolution - 55 hours
  • Goldeneye - 3 hours
  • Undead Nightmare - 3 hours
  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - 45 hours
  • Mortal Kombat Kollection - 2 hour
  • Nyxquest - 1 hour
  • Bloodrayne Betrayal - 3 hours
  • Resident Evil 4 - 9 hours
  • Zelda Four Swords - 4 hours
  • Castlevania HD - 3 hours
  • Dark Souls - 80 hours
  • Batman Arkham City - 41 hours
  • Uncharted 3 - 25 hours
  • Sonic Generations - 8 hours
  • CoD MW3 - 9 hours
  • Legend of Zelda - 3 hours
  • Zelda Skyward Sword - 60 hours
  • Skyrim - 45 hours
  • Super Mario 3D Land - 6 hours
  • Gears of War - 6 hours
  • Halo CE Aniversary - 6 hours
  • Banjo Kazooie - 4 hours
  • Geometry Wars 2 - 1 hour
  • Gears of War 3 - 1 hour
  • Mario Kart 7 - 2 hours
  • Marvel Pinball - 2 hours

Total: 1149 hrs

Edited: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 18:43:59
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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 04:49:32

i beat marvel alliance 2 with 40% of the trophies then i returned it meh its not as good as the first one

finally got around to finishing Professor Layton and the Unwound Future i have no clue what took me so long but it proves to me more then ever that level 5 studios is one of the greatest dev's of all time

i have beaten bioshock 2 man its eaisly one of the greatest games this gen, music, story,characters all near perfect its a shame its a fps or i'd have  thought it was perfect

Edited: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 03:15:29
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Sat, 22 Jan 2011 14:04:32

1.) Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.  Not quite AC 2.5, more like 2.8.  It really close to a real sequel, with some improvements, like the awesome assassin recruits.  Seriously, these guys are freaking ninjas.   MP is spotty for me and the context sensitive buttons were kind of a hindrance at time.  MP is  a fun experience but the servers kept kickiing me out.  There was no big revelation at the end, but defintely a WTF moment any AC fan wouldn't want to miss.  I think I took about 25 hours to complete the main quest.

2.) Darksiders- Game club made me finish it.  Very enjoyable and the ending was awesome.

3.) Uncharted- My first completed PS3 game.  The action near the end was non stop and I loved it.  This game is a joy to play with a few control issues that got in the way from time to time.  I can't wait for 2, then 3.

4.) Killzone 3-  It ends kinda of in an abrupt manner, but the single player was fun, lengthy and provided a challenge.  The multiplayer was a blast as well, but maybe because I had you guys to play with Grinning  I hope to get some more mp time in with you guys before I sell this game.

5.)Uncharted 2.- I love this game, pretty much a perfect action game.  It goes down as one of the best games this gen with the greatest action sequence ever in a game.

6.) Bulletstorm-  "It's not that kind of party, stink finger!"  Credits roll on Bulletstorm.  Good, high adrenaline game.  I probably should have rented it because it doesn't have much in terms of replayability.

7.) Fallout: New Vegas.  Tons of glitches, but didn't stop me from enjoying this game.  If you loved Fallout3, then you should like this one as well.  Nothing revolutionaryt, just a lot of fun.  I actually liked the story more here.

8.)  Heavy Rain-  One of the best games this generation with a gripping story.   I've never played anything like it and I was completely immersed in it.  I was constantly rooting for the characters, even to the very end.  Even the littlest moments made me tense thanks to the gameplay and music and top production values throughout.  Don't miss Heavy Rain, one of the best videogame experiences this generation or any generation.

9.) Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare-If you're a fan of RDR, don't miss this.  It's freaking zombies in the old West!  It's just flat out action, no story and once it starts to get a little stale, it ends, right about at the ten hour mark.

10.) LA Noire- I wanted to wait till I got all of the achievements before I discussed this game.   I loved searching for clues, loved the atmosphere, loved the look of 1940's LA which is faithfully recreated.  Didn't care for some of the gameplay and choices made.   I wanted freedom to handle criminals how I pleased.  Do I want to chase them down? Do I want to fire a warning shot?  Nope, only during certain parts.  I also thought it was pretty weak that you got the same result in a case no matter what you did. It's certainly full of flaws?  So much for choices.   It's all very limiting.

So why go for he perfect score?  No fucking clue what possessed me to do so.   I'm just gonna say that if you get this, choose the PS3 versin. I didn't think switching discs would be a big deal, but it certainly was, especially when replaying cases.

11.) Angry Birds: Episode1-it's mindless, its fun, it's something I'll return to againa nd again on my iPhone.

12.) LIMBO

13.) Infamous

14.) God of War II

Edited: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 04:35:19
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Sun, 13 Feb 2011 23:52:52

Is there any point in playing Dead Rising single player?

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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 07:09:21

I updated my post. Read it and weep.

The VG Press
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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 08:39:34

"People that actually played 'Heavy Rain' have no excuse not to play it. The story in Fragile is actually good, the characters are actually competent and there is actual gameplay."


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Sat, 19 Feb 2011 10:20:12
aspro said:

Is there any point in playing Dead Rising single player?

Yeah, it's the only way to play the game.

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Mon, 21 Feb 2011 08:21:34

So I've been noticing quite a disturbing trend lately with my game completions. The fact that I've kinda needed to cheat in order to actually FINISH the bloody game.

Back to the Future Ep 1 I mention prior thanks to it being broken in one key area. And thanks to poor planning on my part, I had to use console commands to kill the (otherwise bloody annoying) final boss in Dragon Age.

I pray this does not continue.

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Mon, 21 Feb 2011 08:27:44
darthhomer said:
aspro said:

Is there any point in playing Dead Rising single player?

Yeah, it's the only way to play the game.

I'm an idiot, I thought you were talking about Left 4 Dead.

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