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Iga goes all out, plays 9 games at once
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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 07:09:05
Iga_Bobovic said:

Wrong again, I see a pattern here.

I did play Order of Ecclesia, quite alot. I deceided to do the write up today, because the previous two took long enough and it was getting late. Stay tuned.

Well you did not give me that information. Its not my fault you like some puzzle game over one of the best portable Castlevania games.

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 07:17:54
aspro said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

... Ask (BTW where the hell is this crazy fellow?!) ..

Unlike ...OTHERS... Ask actually told us before he went away that he was going to spend less time on gaming forums and gaming itself and spend more time toward his career and personal life.  He said he'd still be checking in, but not as much as he used to.

And I wish he'd check in a little more often, but kudos to him for being polite enough to let us know what was going on.  I started Fragile, did not really give it a good chance, but I'll be interested if you agree with me in any way about the FUCKED UP controls in that game.  To get it to work effectively you'd have to attach the wii to a miner's helmet.

Whoever negged me for that comment, get a sense of humor. That was done purely to provoke GG into appearing.  And if you negged me for saying I miss ASK then fuck you. (and if you missed the humor in what I just said then I don't understand at all how you are capable of even reading this).

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 08:15:43
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Wrong again, I see a pattern here.

I did play Order of Ecclesia, quite alot. I deceided to do the write up today, because the previous two took long enough and it was getting late. Stay tuned.

Well you did not give me that information. Its not my fault you like some puzzle game over one of the best portable Castlevania games.

It is not my fault you jumped to conclusions. And calling Super Scribblenauts 'some puzzle game' is just plain wrong. Please name one game that does what Scribblenauts does. However calling all Castlevania games since SoTN inferior Super Metroid clones would be accurate (still would make the games complete and utterly awesome though).

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 09:01:50
aspro said:

          Whoever negged me for that comment, get a sense of humor. That was done purely to provoke GG into appearing.  And if you negged me for saying I miss ASK then fuck you. (and if you missed the humor in what I just said then I don't understand at all how you are capable of even reading this).

Calm down, you're sounding like GG. Nyaa

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 09:07:28

Fair enough LOL

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Sun, 06 Feb 2011 17:22:09


Edited: Wed, 29 May 2013 02:51:47
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Sun, 06 Feb 2011 17:22:57

I miss Ask too!

He would've gotten my point in my Marketing Topic immediately!

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Mon, 07 Feb 2011 04:40:23


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Mon, 07 Feb 2011 05:20:47

Your inane bickering bored me, so I negged you all.


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Mon, 07 Feb 2011 08:16:54
SteelAttack said:

Your inane bickering bored me, so I negged you all.


Bad man. I fixed what I could.

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Mon, 07 Feb 2011 10:21:52

Maybe it was GG who gave you the negative mark. If so, job well done, Aspro.

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Mon, 07 Feb 2011 17:16:42
aspro said:

          Bad man. I fixed what I could.

Hrm. You won this time, but I will return with another evil scheme.


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Mon, 07 Feb 2011 17:44:23
phantom_leo said:

Hold on...

aspro said:

Whoever negged me for that comment, get a sense of humor. That was done purely to provoke GG into appearing.  And if you negged me for saying I miss ASK then fuck you. (and if you missed the humor in what I just said then I don't understand at all how you are capable of even reading this).

NOW it's a GG post!

Is it just me or does that kitty have saggy boobies?


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Tue, 08 Feb 2011 01:45:52

Nope, you both have saggy boobs!

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 20:18:28

Okay back on topic.

I will write my first and final impressions of Order of Ecclesia. I was sick lately so I could not be bothered to write down some impressions. Now it is over, so let's get it on

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.

Most of you have played this game so I won't go in detail how the glyph system works. I will just explain what works and what does not work and why. First let start  with the graphics.

The graphics kinda look GBA-ish. The main character kinda looks like zero suit Samus graphic quality wise. They did not bother to give Shanoa a face. Same is true for the enemies. You know, if I did not know any better, I would say that IGA is recycling sprites from his older games. Some of the backgrounds do stuff that were not possible on the GBA, but really the graphics are not up to the standards of other DS games. But whatever did not bother me in the slightest. It was not ugly or anything. I did like the music, was whistling some themes after playing the game.

The combat is good, trying out the glyphs and transforming in other creatures is cool. Sure some are as usefull as trying to kill a elephat by throwing paper at its shadow, but some are pretty cool. There is even one that allows you to go supersonic. Also you can combine some glyphs to get cool results, it is a shame that there are many duplicates here. Some combinates, just have a stupid light blast. Could they not think of something? Pretty lazy if you ask me.

Behind the gameplay there is a pretty deep RPG system. The problem is that nothing is explained. The interface clearly sucks. What do all these stats mean, sure Strength, Defense and Luck are straight forward, but the rest? About the glyphs, why can't I easily see what the secondary glyph's stat's are? Also the various elemental weaknesses and stats are not explained in the game at all. Armour system fails also, because you do not know what all these stats are, so how can you choose correctly? There is also a loot system, I fucking hate it. So one villager wants to make a medicine and for that I need a Mandrake root. I get the root by killing the Mandrake creature, and he will drop it, if you are lucky. I know where it is, but now I have to start wacking the same enemy over and over again until he drops his loot. That is just boring, the only skill it reguires is not slipping into a coma. The same is true for getting some of the glyphs. Stealing some from your enemy cool, just wait until it cast its spell and voila you have it. But wacking the same enemy over and over again hoping to get a glyph is boring. This really slows down the game alot. In Zelda if you want something you get it, no fussing around hoping you get lucky. The levelling system is sufficient although the bosses were though I never had to grind. Grinding sucks.

About the bosses, they are good, but a little cheap. They usually have attacks that are impossible to dodge until it is burned in your memory. But once you figure it out they die quickly. I was able to beat Dracula in 10 seconds without taking damage. Also annoying that the game does not give you a bosses healthbar or they get redder in colour like in Zelda and Metroid. You never know how close to death they are until they actually die. That is a bit annoying.

The level design is a bit mixed. Some levels are Metroid lite. With branching paths, but some levels are just straight lines for goodness sake. Some levels reminded me of Demon's Quest. The game lacks the complexity of Zero Missions level design. No sequence breaking like in that game. Also Samus is just much more flexible in her moves. She has less weapons, but each weapon has more uses. The last castle level actually has branching paths. It is glorious. Also games like this work better on consoles to be honest. Too bad Iga will never get the budget.

You know, there were some discussions about Metroidvania vs Actionvania. I like the level design from the Metroidvania, just drop the fucking loot and leveling system. Would be much better like that. Overall a excellent game, but it is no Super Scribblenauts. Or Zero Missions for that matter.

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Wed, 09 Feb 2011 20:39:03

Okay some more info about Fragile and Super Scribblenauts.


In battles your weapon will break randomly, for no reason. Sometimes after your very first battle after you just bought an expensive weapon. But no worries you say, will just buy a new one! Only the merchant appears randomly, so if he does not show up, you are fucked.

Super Scribblenauts:

There is a challenge mode. Some levels after you finish them have a silver crown. Play them again and you enter a challenge mode. You have to finish the level 3 times in a row, but you can't use the same words. forcing you to think of new ways to solve your problems. I will finish this game 100%

Also I played Jam with the Band.

You start in a music store and have to play Smoke on the Water. Unlike Phythm Paradise I did okay. Then I had to sing 'We are the Champions' by Queen. The game would analyse what type of music is best suited for my voice. The results where inconclusive, damn my robotic godly voice.

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Sat, 12 Feb 2011 20:02:55

Okay I played Blast Works again.

Tried the single campaign first. I did it on Rookie difficulty and finished the first campaign. The first campaign is with baloons and windmill and stuff.

The second campaign was a more military looking level with helicopters and even ground vehicles like humvee's and tanks atacking you. This one was much more difficult, there are five campaigns in total.

The of course I tried the editor. You can make enemies, levels and even your own ship (take that LBP) with weapons and all. Then tried the level editor, you can do black and with graphics, Virtual Boy style red and black graphics and wireframes. Does not seem that you are able to do a whole lot though. But there is no tutorial.

Okay let's play some of the user generated content on disc. The first level is a bathtub level with rubber duckies and stuff. Then there is a ice cave level which was meh and finally there is a black and white level. This one was pretty clever. It took place inside a house and you were attacked by paper planes, staplers, origami crane (the bird) and it ended with scissors as the boss. The level even had parts where it scrolled vertically and had awesome power-ups. My first impressions were wrong. the game creation is acually pretty flexible.

Wow check this out. You have X-wing ships, mario 1-1 and airship levels, heck even a sonic level. Vader is going to freak out. The downloading works as follows, you log in and use you Wii system number. Then you pick the things you want to download, they are put in a queue. Then it is simple turning on your Wii and downloading everything you put in a queue. Think of it like this, before you go to sleep you just pick all the things you want to download on your PC. Then you wake up, start up the game and download all the things with a push of a button. Not as streamlined as LBP, but not too bad either.

Hey look at tha, on the linked site there are also tutorials.

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Sun, 13 Feb 2011 01:37:54

It downloads them to your WIi so you only have to download once and not every time you want to play them? Better system than LBP. Nyaa

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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 06:31:33

So bottom line on Fragile please.

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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 06:39:58
aspro said:

So bottom line on Fragile please.

I already written up a ton, but in short again

+Atmospheric lonely sad atmosphere


+story and writing



-battle system

-some level design is a bit uninspiring.

There it is. You decide if the game is worth it, it is something I will never forget, I can tell you that.

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