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Iga goes all out, plays 9 games at once
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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 06:48:03

I read your other posts, I just wondered if you had played any more of it (enough for a final judgement).

I'll give it another try one of these days, I love the art-style

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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 06:57:19
Foolz said:

It downloads them to your WIi so you only have to download once and not every time you want to play them? Better system than LBP. Nyaa

I downloaded a bunch.

If you are logged in, you just add all the game to your queue. Just a button press. Then you start the game and just download them all. There are downloaded and kept under the user level tag.

So first I tried the 1-1 Mario level. Of course the ship I had chosen was the X-wing. The level looked good, you could shoot ?-blocks and they would spawn coins, mushrooms, etc. They would kill you on contact. It is more a concept level, but it looks good. Bit quiet though, not much sound.

The sonic level was even more concept, just a few screens and it ended. The airship level was good gameplay wise. Lot's of stuff that you can dodge. It looked a bit simple, but hey it was a proper level.

Then there was a Magma zone level, this one was pretty big and you fought dragons. Lot's of stuff happening on screen, I did not complete that level yet. Then there was a startgate level. Very cool with cool music. You start scrolling to the left, then you meet a warpgate. That thing warps out ships, planets, everything. Here you scroll back.

The dureXcore and Demon's den level was filled with enemies and it was a cool level. The final one tha I played was Roboteer. This one even had a story. It start with text while you are flying, then you do the first level. This one has waves that look exactly as the waves in Muramasa. You know when you fight the Octopus. Then after you finish you get a transition screen. This screen just shows the new level name. I actually died here by crashing my ship into something. The second part took place in the skies.

When the levels are downloaded, they are kept under the user levels. One problem though, I do not know how to delete some of them.

Edited: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 06:58:20
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Mon, 14 Feb 2011 08:40:14

It's officially better than LBP then!

Edited: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 08:40:29

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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:50:08

Okay I played some more Blastworks.

I finished the awesome Roboteer level. Man, first sea, then air and mountains. Sometimes it scrolls fast, other times it is slow. Then a boss fight in  forest, a city level and finally fight against a machine. Which was a giant Cogwheel, that was bullet heel. But I beat it with my trusty X-wing. Awesome.

I got a bit further in the second campaign. But the second boss killed me, way to many bullets, my

Finally figured out how to delete levels. The Sonic level was the first thing I deleted, because it was just a demo not a level. You can open up the levels in the editor and change them. I found that I have a doctor Robotnic enemy in my editor. So I can build a level with lots of robotniks.

It is clear BlastWorks > LBP and it was released earlier. LBP is an inferior copy. Foolz agrees. Vader were is your God now?

Edited: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:51:02
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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:52:28

Again not the same, keep trying all you want doesn't change the fact that you DONT have instant in game access to millions of levels. You still need to go to the computer and select whatever few levels you want to play, then wait for them to download then you can try them. Plus what kind of game is that, it can't do 1% of what LBP is capable of. Oh and how is the co-op... oh...

(I am sure its a fine game, stop attacking LBP and I stop attacking this game no one has ever heard of.)

Edited: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:55:14
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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:56:55

Yes, but you download the level and you do it just once and you can even change them if you want. And I can have instant access. Just turn on your laptop while you are playing the Wii.

And there is 4 player co-op.

Face it Blastworks was first, but because if had no marketing push and was on the Wii it was ignored.

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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 15:59:15
Dvader said:

(I am sure its a fine game, stop attacking LBP and I stop attacking this game no one has ever heard of.)

What fun would that be? Plus Foolz started it and it is a surefire way to get you to respond.

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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:00:12
Iga_Bobovic said:

Yes, but you download the level and you do it just once and you can even change them if you want. And I can have instant access. Just turn on your laptop while you are playing the Wii.

And there is 4 player co-op.

Face it Blastworks was first, but because if had no marketing push and was on the Wii it was ignored.

There is co-op on a Wii, wait offline right. If not,crap...

The laptop thing sucks come on. And really how many times do you play a level twice. In LBP I hardly ever do, its about trying out as many different levels as possible so that download just once is pointless, I only want to play it once and move on.

Anyway what year did this come out?

Edited: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:00:44
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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:01:13
Iga_Bobovic said:

What fun would that be? Plus Foolz started it and it is a surefire way to get you to respond.

Its so true. I felt compelled to come online for no reason. Nyaa

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Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:11:52
Dvader said:

There is co-op on a Wii, wait offline right. If not,crap...

Yeah of course offline. Come'on it's the Wii. It's a miracle they got that far with the online functionality, being on the Wii and all. Plus is a small 3rd party, they were not sponsored by Nintendo in any way.

Dvader said:

The laptop thing sucks come on. And really how many times do you play a level twice. In LBP I hardly ever do, its about trying out as many different levels as possible so that download just once is pointless, I only want to play it once and move on.

Anyway what year did this come out?

Multiple times, because the levels are actually hard. Some levels were easy, like the Sonic and Mario level. The rest was hard.

And the game was released June 10 2008. LBP was released October 2008.

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Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:30:38

Okay I finished all the games right now except Wii Sports Resort. Will write impressions tomorrow. The games I will be talking about are Blastworks (finished), Anno (finished), Gunstar (finished), Rhythm Heaven (gave up), Jam with the Band (gave up)

Edited: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:31:30
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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 07:30:55

Time to write up impressions.

Rhythm Paradise

I just can't do this. The game, I cannot play. I do not have the Rhythm. The game is like Warioware games, but the minigames are rhythm based. It should be fun, but I am incapable of playing it. I can't even finish the second level. I gave up on this game.

Jam with the Band

Well another rhythm game and yet another failure on my part. This game begins simple where you play a song by only hitting one button. Kinda like guitar hero with one button and no guitar, but the complexity soon ramps up. The second level is four buttons use and it end where all the buttons on the DS are used, including the d-pad and shoulder buttons. I began failing at the four buttons stage, maybe I should not have play the F-zero medley, because I had to hit the buttons so hard, it felt like my finger could drop off any second. It kinda feels like a giant QTE. I had no fun with it so I just quit.

But I learned my lesson, no more Rhythm games of any kind for me. Better for me to find out now after wasting 15 euros in total instead of buying bunch of plastic instruments and waste 200 euros.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 09:23:27

Gunstar Future Heroes

Like mentioned before it is a step back compared to the original. The weapon variety is simply not there. Each character has only 3 weapons and that is it. Not like the original where you could combine weapons to get new results. The level design is more varied, you now have top down helicopter level, a mode 7 rotating maze level and so on, but those levels are simply not as fun as the normal walk, jump and blast everything in sight levels. Also sometimes it is hard to see what is hitting you on the smalls screen. Sometimes a super tiny bullet hits you or a wall and then it explodes. Sometimes it is difficult to track what is causing the damage. Maybe bullet hell shooters are more suited for the big screen. In my opinion the original was very good, but not a great game. This sequel is just good.

I did finish the game although it was on easy, but there is no shame on playing Treasure games on easy.

Blastworks Search Destroy and Trade

Ahh, the game Vader is so envious about. The LBP killer. I finally finished the stupid campaign. The game has 5 campaigns, each having 3 levels that all end with a boss fight. The unigue hook of this game is that when you kill enemies they fall of the screen. If you touch them, they will get stuck on your ship. Their weapons firing of automatically. Sometimes you are this huge mess of different machinery filling the screen with bullets and killing everything. Heck the game even slows down if you fill the screen.

There are some drawbacks, sometimes it is hard, nay, impossible to see where your ship is at. And sometimes the screen is full with enemies and bullets. And if you carry all the other machinery and enemies with you, good luck. Sometimes you are hit without even realizing what killed you. Especially the final campaign has these situation. Each campaign has a different theme and enemies, and like LBP, they are all made with the editor that comes with the game. The first theme is windmills, second is military ground based, third theme is water boat based, fourth is sky flying island based and fifth is space based.

Even the levels within the campaign show good variety. Let's take campaign 5 the space themed level as an example. The first takes place on the moon, with dune buggies and so on, the second takes place on a tube like construct in space, kinda like a hyper gate, with lots of turrets that are attacked to the tube. The final one is a futuristic Martian city, with flying saucers and little green man. I played on easy and the difficulty was manageable, until I got to the last campaign. That it got ridiculous, the screen was filled with enemies, some of which had shields, the bosses filled the screen with bullets and so on. I was simply overwhelmed. Practice does make perfect, so slowly and surely I got further. Then I lost patience. The problem is that you start with 2 lives. You get more if you get enough points, but I needed more. When you finish an campaign and go on to the next, your lives are brought over. So I started from campaign 1 and by the time I got to campaign 5, I had about 20 lives. Once I got to the third level of campaign 5 (I never got so far, the boss of the second level was how far I got before), I had so many enemies attached to my ship that I went from 20 lives to 90+ within a single level. I had so many lives that I beat the final boss, my just standing in front of him and blasting away. I lost like 6 lives.

After finishing the game you unlock Tumiki Fighter. That is like the spiritual prequel to blastworks. Originally a free PC game, with the same hook as Blastworks. Stuff get attached to your plane and you can create your own levels. I checked again online to see if you can still download levels and parts, and yes it is still online, but the community is dead. There are no new levels added within the 2 months or so. I think to few people brought this game. Maybe it will be rare sometime in the future.

Overal is is an good shooter. The campaign is fun for a little while, but honestly I had more fun with the user created levels. Like Gunstar Future Heroes a good game, not great, not even very good, just good.

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 09:51:10

Now with the rhythm games and the shooters finally out of the way, I can finally focus on Anno: Create a new World

Where should I start, well let's start with the controls. They are awesome. You point with you wiimote and use the nunchuck to move around. Think sim city, the wiimote is your mouse and the nunchuck is used to pan the view around. Why do we not have more sim city like games and RTS on the Wii? The controls work dammit.

The campaign slowly and surely explains how everything work. I think sometimes to slowly. It is not until the 6th chapter (out of 7) until you actually get to fight. Before that it is all Sim city on many islands. The presentation is a bit cheap though, the cutscenes are all static screens with voice overs with accents that will not even fool Vader and sometimes the advice givers should shut their whore mouth. Yes, I know the people need more clothes, give me some fucking time I am building stuff here!

The complexity is low and that is good. The game is accessible. But there is too little depth. When I loose money I can't get to a screen that shows me why I am loosing money. There is no way to figure that out. Hospitals, Rat catchers, fire fighter have an area of influence, but there is never a screen where I can see easily what areas are covered and what not. Also you can increase the level of the people livng there. You start with settles, then they can become colonist then citizens, patricians and finally aristocrats. To increase the levels you need to build stuff. Like a church must be in the area, they need clothes, they need spices and so on. When the conditions are met, the level is increased and you can tax them more (not a game for Republicans)

This is all fine and dandy, but the depth is not there. Let's say you start building new houses, new houses means more people, which in turn means more food, clothes, spices and so on needed. But you can't see how much food/clothes/spices/etc you are producing versus how much your people are consuming. Which in practise means you are minding your own business, until you hear you people need more food/clothes/whatever, so you quickly drop what you are doing and start building a weaving mill/fisherman house/pig farm/whatever. Then when it is solved you might get yet another problem. Which is annoying because you cannot predict any of it, because you have no data. If you knew that there was an inbalance growing between producing food and consuming food, then I could take measures, but this way I just go from one problem to the next. And hopefully you have enough money when the problem rears its ugly head, otherwise you are screwed.  It is more problem solving than planning stuff out.

A shame really for it could be a very good game, a great game even, but like the others before it is just good.

Edited: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 10:05:29
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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 10:03:37

Well now I can put all my attention to Wii Sports Resort.

This game is sooo much fun.

I already reached pro level with sword fighting. I was undefeated for so long, but once you lose once, the other losses follow fast. Just ask Fedor. Kinda annoying how many points you lose, but it is what it is. Table Tennis is also so much fun, but it is getting really difficult. Man one weird dude was hitting slice shots all the time. Man, did I lose bad.

Also the Mii's are awesome. I had a bycicle face, a monkey, the one eyed freaks from Dispicle Me and so many more. Anyone that prefers the Xbox avatars to this are out of their fucking minds.

A question I have earned a lot of stamps, where can I see my collection?

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Fri, 05 Aug 2011 14:05:12
Iga_Bobovic said:

Time to write up impressions.

Rhythm Paradise

I just can't do this. The game, I cannot play. I do not have the Rhythm. The game is like Warioware games, but the minigames are rhythm based. It should be fun, but I am incapable of playing it. I can't even finish the second level. I gave up on this game.

What's wrong with you and Robio Hrm

Anno is awesome.

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Sat, 06 Aug 2011 21:34:56
I finally figured out where to see the stamps, thanks for the help guys.

Also played more of the game, you do really work up a sweat. Did some archery and will need more practice, but it is fun and hitting the bulls eye is an awesome feeling. Sword cutting is fun and the sword game where you fight dozens of enemy is very addictive. The 3 point shoot is simple, but really has the just one more time feeling. I think I have more fun with this game than all the other 8, especially if we count in multiplayer.  
gamingeek said:

What's wrong with you and Robio Hrm

Anno is awesome.

Me and Robio have no rhythm, judge us not for we are disabled in a certain way. Hmm, maybe we can park at the disabled spot.

And Anno is not awesome, maybe the PC version is, but this one no way. I explained my reasons.
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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 12:16:28

You are a penis.

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 18:02:20

Don't make fun of disabled persons, it is very rude.

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