Mario Tennis Ultra Smash - video review
Are you a Ballboy or an Assman? impressions
Resident Evil 6 Remaster coming to Xbone and PS4
Just when you think Capcom has pulled their head out of their ass news
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robio (1m)
Yeah Valkyria looks great. About time SEGA smartens up and brings it back to consoles/PC. I reckon that's gonna be a damn fine game.
So after too much Fallout 4, for some reason I decided to try out Super Mario Bros Wii. I guess I had already played through the first world at some point because I'm on 2-1. This game is kind of fucking tough. I'm slightly annoyed playing it. Are there any infinite lives cheats or anything? I just wanna blast through it before I play the U title.
I don't think there were any tricks like that but the game was pretty generous with giving out free lives. In fact that was one of the main criticisms of the game. Too easy to get extra lives and it hurt the overall challenge of the game.
Re6 coming to new consoles. Capcom gives what the people want, lol.
Speaking of RE read this making of RE in a magazine. Mikami was thrust into this big project, he was to update sweet home. So he wanted it to be first person but the limitations of ps made him go prerendered. So that lead to the tank controls. One of the heads of capcom played it and said "we can't put the capcom name on this shit!" They almost scrapped it but they had put tons of money into it.
Mikami worked 18 hour days to get it done. When it was a success he got promoted to producer which pissed him off cause he wanted to direct RE2 so he and kamiya would fight about it.
He hated re2 so he scrapped it. That became re1.5. Kamiya thanks him cause he said that game was a piece of crap and the crazy crunch lead to the cool ideas like the zapping system
Hmm, the Gamecocks have been so disappointing this year. At least there's Clemson, I suppose.
I'll buy Resident Evil 6 again for the Xbox One, I really enjoyed that game.
You are such a man whore.
Yes, yes I am.
Don't lie, you'll buy it for the PS4 as well.
I already bought this remastered version of RE6 on Steam a while back. It really is quite a bit better than the PS360 versions.
I really should get around to playing Valkyria chronicles.
I agree.
Stop switching words around and making fun of Vader.
I agree.
GG did you buy that Neo wipeout U game?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm getting this day one, but it isn't due till somewhere in december.
Day one for me as well. Is there online racing for it? Do we all have a potential new game to play together?
It has online play, but there hasn't been any mention of friend lists or how the matchmaking will happen.
Well, I have been playing FO4, and I just learned the missions you get from stupid Preston are infinite, so I'd better get moving my arse to Diamond City next time I play it. I started getting new settlers thanks to the beacon, I'm curious as to how close could I get to build a proper small town instead of a big fortress. There's even an option to build stands to sell weapons and stuff. I finally cleared a mission with super mutants, it was hard but manageable, I only need to avoid their stupid one shot RPG kills.
Also The Witcher 3. I am finally ready to move to Skellige, even though I still have a few sidequests to clear before that in Novigrad. Plotwise, this game has a ton of stuff to keep tabs with, in many different fronts. It's always a nice surprise to bump into someone from the previous games. I started playing and building my Gwent deck. So far I have beaten all of the innkeeps in Velen, and will try my luck at Novigrad for some more rare cards. I thought I had missed one but I think I didn't. I also became Velen's fistfight champion woo!
In RL, I achieved Gold 1 rank in bith solo and team 3v3, and reached Silver 3 in 2v2s.