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SupremeAC (6m)
A Nintendo console is always ridiculed and never appreciated during its time but years later people say they always loved it. In a few years peope will speak about the U with the same reverence they speak about the Dreamcast.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Dreamcast was awesome. Sega at their best. Nintendos Wii U games have also been top quality, the standards they've maintained over so many years now is quite extraordinary when you consider it.
Anyhow the Splatoon update is out next Thursday and I've tentatively finalized the first VGPress Splathour for the Saturday next week. It would be cool if some people bought the game before that. We do have 8 players though someone needs to let Coopersville know we're doing this.
Check the thread my sig links to - it's a very friendly time for North Americans.
You in for next Saturday's Splathour? It's 15:00 your local time.
Will there be rum?
Yeah, despite me going on about how saturday would make more sense, I can say that with a very high probability, I won't be able to make it next saturday.
I wish!
What means a great deal to me is that despite selling piss-poor numbers of consoles with the U, Nintendo have really been on fire with the games. They have gone up in my estimation this generation not down. Instead of cutting corners and thinking "pff it will sell a lot less than previous entries anyway", they are pulling all the stops releasing top game after top game, some of them the definitive entries in long running franchises. So, no I'm sorry, the WiiU is not "epic fail". Nintendo shot themselves in the foot in a number of ways but it is far from "epic fail". What is epic fail is people not giving it a chance. Cutting off their nose to spite their face by denying themselves the joy of playing so many great games this generation just because they are on a Nintendo console. That is epic fail.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You know what would be extremely weird? The WiiU not receiving a new main Zelda title
It could happen...
Yes, it looks more and more likely. It would be very disappointing. Same goes for Metroid except they had the sense to not even announce that whereas they mouthed off about Zelda.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
OMG. I feel the exact same way.
What am I becoming?
I never liked the Dreamcast. Worst controller ever.
EA undecided on the return of annual Need For Speed
This is well and good and all, but I don't give a flying fuck. What have the brains at EA decided about some better franchises they own, such as:
Huh huh huh???!
Totally true Bugs, the games have generally been awesome and mostly a step up over what they were on the Wii. BUT.....I wouldn't praise them any more or less than usual for it just because their console isn't doing well. If they were releasing crap games, then they would be REALLY fucking themselves for the future because then, even the people who have bought their latest console would be like "Really Nintendo? You gave me crap software on your last machine and now you want me to buy a slight upgrade AGAIN? Go fuck yourself" and then they really would be in a SEGA like situation going forward. Losing hearts and minds.
If anything when you have a console that bombs, its more important than ever to deliver on the games. At least then when everyone looks back you can AT LEAST say "Yeah it wasn't as good as I hoped BUT the games were amazing".
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This is pretty crazy to see on other machines. I still feel TO THIS DAY that Zombi U uses the Gamepad better than any other game on the console. It really feels like you NEED the Gamepad and feels like a part of the game...even Nintendo's own games don't have that feeling of NEEDING the Gamepad, even if they do in fact require it. That said, obviously any game's controls can be re-worked into something different so I'm sure it will play just fine on a normal pad (like any other game on the Wii U...which is why Nintendo should have dropped the Gamepad, cut the price and focused on a normal controller but oh well).
The biggest complaint I had with this game was the lack of weapon variety. So that's awesome they're adding some new ones into the mix. I will have to pick up the PS4 version just for trophy support alone.
Fucking Rare Replay Collection this Tuesday!
I'm going to have to delve deep into that sonsabitch. Looks like my Xbone will be getting some serious playtime finally. Glad to hear they may add more games eventually too. Wizards & Warriors please!
I agree with you, Edge. As weak as the Wii was, that system had some major, kick ass games. That's why the U is a disappointment. Where are the games? If Nintendo has given up on the U, then why shouldn't we?
But if the Splathour were on that day and time regularly, would you be able to partake?
EA owns Freedom Fighters? Not IO?
I'll be interested to see what the websites who rated Zombi U as a 5/10 game - re-review it as. I think there will be a lot of:
"I can use a normal controller now, 8/10!" nonsense.
- Resident Evil 5 : 6,9 million
- Resident Evil 6 : 6,3 million
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate : 3,9 million
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 : 1,4 million