Pachter thinks Nintendo should continue making hardware
comments on amiibo success
Super Smash Bros. - King K. Rool's Kostume
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robio (5m)
I don't understand why RE5 & RE6 sold that much better than Revelations. Do people think Revelations is a fucking lightgun game or something?
Um...that's cool, but that's not really what I said. LOL
I said the games on Wii U have been a step up over the Wii versions in most cases.
I think so....but maybe not.
The reviews will probably be better, but I think it'll be because its now COOL again to play horror games (thanks in part to Zombi U) and the addition of extra weapons. Reviewers know the general public did NOT agree with them on this game, so they will attempt to save face.
They should have patched in some more melee weapons into Zombi U in 2013.
Online co-op would be fun too, if they made it more difficult.
Every fucking time I unplug the console or the power goes out, the sound and video settings return to default. So you have to manually go back into settings and select the color bit you want & turn surround sound back on.
This is fucking retarded. Why doesn't it save this to memory like every other system of the past 15 years?
EDGE!!! RE2 remake is being pitched to capcom by the devs today! They tweeted the report they have to convince the higher ups to do the game. They have tons of Twitter support from fans. This has to happen.
Finishing up witcher 3, not sure why they saved all the majormoments and boss battles for the last few hours. You know there was 100 hours or so to spread those moments around.
The last few hours have been really sweet.
What devs? Inside Capcom? Aren't they busy doing RE7?
Yeah, one thathandled REHD
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I commented in this video just now. Basically IMO this game needs Mikami directing and it needs his vision to be done up perfectly the way REmake was. Otherwise, the devs will bend to the higher ups at Capcom and turn it into another 3rd-person shooter set in RE2 environments. Personally, that's not what I want...I want a PERFECTION of the original vision. Like REmake.
So just an HD version of the old design? meh
RE4 style remake, yeah.
So you want them to turn it into RE6? Because that's what they will do if they do a "RE4 style remake".
Do it.
Playing Splatoon now, if anyone would like to join me
Tittyfuck tittyfuck tittyfuck......1...2...3.
Just a test, thanks.
Ah wtf, I just finished.
R.I.P. Roddy "Rowdy" Piper.
Happy National Orgasm Day.
Who's he? EDIT: Oh...a wrestler. That sucks man.
Because they knew if the ending sucked I'd have cost them millions of sales with my review.
Ep 69 is up:
0:00:23 Sixty Nine
Trademark Banter
0:01:50 Tom's PC Problems
0:04:35 The New Wave: Splatoon, Rocket League, Mario Kart 8
0:06:02 Phil's Metallica Roadie Story
0:07:28 Back to The New Wave: Rocket League Specifically
0:09:02 The New Wave: Something's Happening Here - An Opening for Nintendo?
0:11:34 The Witcher 3 Update (still same topic?)
0:13:14 Creative Vision or Hubris?
0:18:18 Back to Witcher 3
0:21:18 Phil Foggets Torchlight's Name
0:22:54 Tom's Game Pricing Rant
0:30:57 Steam game Updates W.T.F?
0:33:16 Commentators Changing their Accent When they go to the Mainstream
0:37:32 Soccer Player Injures His Back on Bachelorette
0:39:52 Ouya is Dead
0:39:56 Street Fighter 5 Beta Sucks
0:40:01 Podcast Plagiarism Strikes Again Exhibit 001 and 002
Life Is Strange Episode 4
0:42:50 Tom's Impressions
0:49:25 Benefits of Episodic Gaming
First Impressions
00:56:13 Duskers (Alpha), and Tim Keenan is now an Honorary Australian
Final Thoughts (Scores Ahoy)
01:14:35 Her Story (ZERO SPOILERS)
Bonus Content
01:53:10 Rocket League Update
01:54:51 Drive Club
01:59:17 Splatoon (Unauthorized Content)