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Mario Kart Wednesday?
That's not fair. This particular game released at 40 euro which was fairly nice. I ordered it for 35 which is virtually half the price of a new game these days.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
DQXI ps4, 3ds and NX?!?!?!!??!?
It looks amazing on ps4. 2d version of DQ on the bottom screen of 3dd version. Which version is the NX getting?!?!?!?
The 2D, 3DS version of course.
Nintendo NX could be the first 'social VR' platform
I've never read such bullshit. Multiple smartphones sharing processing power?
Since when did you care about DQ, or has Robio accidentally logged into your account?
DQVIII is one of the best RPGs ever made.
NX is only being considered, not definite. It uses the Unreal engine. It means NX will be a bit more powerful than U, at least.
Unless they are just talking about the 3DS version running on the NX.
Plus they are adding new content all the time, even more is planned after the massive August update. You are getting more today if you buy the game then we got buying it on day 1.
Archie, time zones for Mario Kart?
Using the World Clock tell me how far behind or ahead are you from London Time?
Also, do you guys think a Saturday is better than a weekday for Mario Kart? It would solve the time zone problem, give more breathing room.
Or the option is still there for two, 1 hour slots on a single day but someone (else) would have to be ready to create a room or private match for the U.S crowd on a regular basis.
I found NX screens
Clearly we are starting a new era of EBO. On everything but One.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Dragon Quest XI and it'll be a standard RPG to boot. Right now I'm looking at getting the PS4 version, really wished they were making an Xbox One version although they could do that if they localize it outside of Japan. They damn well better release this outside of Japan.
I'm -5:00 hours GG.
That's pretty handy as you are bunched in with a whole lot of people. What times, your local times - are you more prepared to play at? The tester is Wednesday.
But I was thinking Saturday might be better for regular meets? I need some kind of consensus eventually. Then it will be easy, same time, same day each week.
Don't worry about me, you guys work out whatever time is good for you guys and I'll play whenever if I can but I make no promises.
Dragon Quest 11 looks really good. Reminds me of that Zelda game Nintendo has been teasing for years now.
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Somebody posted this badasss clip from the King Diamond/Slayer show I was at. I was 3rd row, actually somewhere in front of this camera...going nuts. This was a highlight of the entire show....Kerry King from Slayer coming out and jamming to "EVIL", the first song on Mercyful Fate's first album (King Diamond's main band).
Diamond was awesome....guy is like 55 years old and sounds like its still 1990.
Thanks to Rave and Iga
Rest of you, get on it.