GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Man Stabbed With a Replica Master Sword in Domestic Fight They're such hardcore fans, even a flower pot was smashed news robio
[] Second Son Will Have 26 GB DL Size Would take me two months to download. news aspro
Naughty Dog Amazed No-One Has Found Their Hints Petville Pets? What could it mean? news aspro
[] Cortana on Windows Phone She's Siri-ess. news aspro
[] Game Under Podcast Ep. 42 EDF! EDF! EDF! editorial impressions media news aspro
[] Broderbund Private Collection Donated to Library 1,500 pieces of software, including almost the entire Broderbund library and large collections of software from its competitors. news aspro
[] Newell Doing Reddit AMA Today Starting soon. news aspro
[] Xbox Games for Gold March Games Are... Dungeon Defenders (?) and Civ Rev. news aspro
Fez Dated for Sony Platforms March 25 news aspro
Titanfall Leaks Maps, game modes, and more news aspro
[] Big Layoffs hit Eidos Montreal gamingeek
[] US Retailer RadioShack to Close 1,100 Stores Sales dropped 19% last year. news aspro
[] Editorial: Valve has just started the PC games race to zero By lettign developers set their own prices. editorial news aspro
[] PC Gamer Reviews Walking Dead 2.2 88/100 "characters worth caring about again, and real repercussions for the rest of its season" impressions aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Stick of Truth 8/10 "finicky combat system, a lack of challenge and few reasons to remain in South Park once the story is done" impressions aspro
[] Steamworld Dig Hits PS4/ Vita in 2 Weeks "a game with substance, challenge and no little charm" news aspro
[] Ginatbomb Reviews Stick of Truth 5/5 "a licensed game done exactly right" impressions aspro
[] Hatsune Miku on Vita in North America Today $30. news aspro
[] South Park: The Stick of Truth (7.0) Good Review Blame Canada! impressions phantom_leo
[] Renegade Kid could bring Moon Chronicles to Wii U "if the 3DS version is a runaway hit so we could afford to invest in a complete visual upgrade to take advantage of the increased graphical power offered by the Wii U." gamingeek
[] Explore the Seinfeld apartment in Oculus Rift Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! gamingeek
[] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 studio boss: "One must be blind or stupid to give it a 4/10" gamingeek
[] Platinum defends making Bayonetta 2 on Wii U "Bayonetta 2 would not exist without Nintendo white knighting that project" gamingeek
[] Japanese prime minister says Japan can learn from Nintendo Japan to be governed by smartphones? gamingeek
[] Retro on DKC:TF difficulty, returning to Metroid "There's a lot of people in the studio left over from Metroid Prime that are very passionate about Metroid... If the fans keep asking, then maybe we'll answer" gamingeek
[] RUMOR - Info on Sledgehammer's Call of Duty project Futuristic like Titanfall gamingeek
[]  Family Tennis SP hitting Wii U on March 12th Japan - Family Fishing 3D hitting 3DS gamingeek
[] PS4 Hits 6 Million Sold news aspro
[] Newell Fails to Show Up for AMA on 3/3 Trolling. news aspro
[] Guacamelee Super Turbo Edition for PS4, One, and... Wii U!!!! Wii U got a game! news Dvader
[] Onlive returns with new service pay £9.99 a month to play games you own! SupremeAC
WOW! MGS GZ direct feed gameplay video! That lighting!!! That Snake ass! :P media news Dvader
[] Destructoid MGS GZ preview. Super replayable. impressions Dvader
[] Eurogamer MGS Ground Zeros preview. More love. impressions Dvader
[] Japan: PS4 sales drop, but still leads gamingeek
[] Gamespot MGS GZ preview, 9 hours 30% complete. Tons of stuff to do in the base. impressions Dvader
[] Eurogamer awards first perfect score to iOS game 'Threes!' It is flawed and broken and perfect and you must start playing it today. impressions SupremeAC
[] Retro doesn't think about hardware "Watching this whole debate going on right now...I don't give it a whole lot of thought just because I'm concentrating on making a fun, great game" gamingeek
[] Amy Henning has left Naughty Dog?! Was directing Uncharted 4, no change to the games schedule. news Dvader
[] Watch Dogs coming May 27 to EVERYTHING. Except Wii U. news Dvader
[] Jack Tretton steps down as SCEA CEO. HOLY SHIT. news Dvader
Watch_Dogs engine wasn't initially running on Wii U "We have our studio in Bucharest working on it, and we wanted that team to have the time to explore the GamePad and be able to have fun with it and see how far they could push it." gamingeek
Amazon Sells Out of Mario Kart 8 Preorders in 2 Days That's got to be some welcome news for Nintendo robio
[] Gigantic Army rekindles memories of Cybernator All over my face gamingeek
[] Dragon Age 3 trailer!! WOW!!! DA3 vs Witcher 3, who will win? media Dvader
[] Watch Dogs to have 8 player open world multiplayer. Revealed on twitter?! news Dvader
[] Why Watch Dogs was delayed. To polish it up. And Wii U version on pause, probably forever. news Dvader
[] Bloomberg: MS Hopes Titanfall Robots Can Save the Xbox One "Xbox One, started strong with some 3 million sold around the world from its Nov. 22 launch to the new year. Since then, though, the consoles have piled up on store shelves" gamingeek
[] Watch Dogs Only 960p On Xbox One, 4K On PC Graphics Heavily Downgraded gamingeek
[] Azure Striker: Gunvolt -- Hands On -- Must see for Mega Man fans!! Keiji Inafune's new 3DS side-scroller. impressions phantom_leo
Twitch Broadcasting for PS Vita Recently the current Twitch “viewing” app crossed the mark of  mobile devices. This shows the popularity of the service among mobile users, even more so because the current app doesn’t allow editorial news italkgame
The final years of Irrational.  How it all went down. news Dvader
[] The Denpa Men 3 Promo Video It is the Promo video for the 3rd Denpa Men game media Nintyfan17
[] Last of Us Movie to be Produced by Sam Raimi No word if Bruce Campbell will cameo news robio
[] 200 people made DKC TP Including 25 Monster games staff gamingeek
Bomba: UK Xbox One price in freefall Down from £430 to £350 gamingeek
[] The 20 JRPGs you Must Play Good List 'til you get to Ni No Pooni! editorial phantom_leo
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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 20:17:07
Dvader said:

Amy Henning kicked out of Naughty Dog! WOAH! She was directing Uncharted 4 and today she was "forced out" of Naughty Dog.

Numerous trusted sources close to Naughty Dog have verified Hennig’s departure from the studio. She was writing and leading development of Uncharted PS4. Her final day at the studio was Monday, March 3.

Sources claim Hennig was “forced out” by The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, and explained that Uncharted may now come under their control.

Update: Sony has verified Amy Hennig's departure. A representative told IGN, "We can confirm that Amy Hennig has left Naughty Dog. Amy has made significant contributions to the game industry and we appreciate all she has done for Naughty Dog. The development timeline of Uncharted will not be impacted."

WTF happened? She MADE Naughty Dog, before Uncharted they were just the Jak guys, no one cared about them.

Make a new Legacy of Kain!


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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 23:05:33

Guacamelee Super Turbo Edition for PS4, One, and...

YAY!!! It's coming to the Wii U!!! Glad I held off on getting a copy of the game on the PS3, especially now that I see there's so much DLC.

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Wed, 05 Mar 2014 23:07:48

Oh and I don't know if anyone else has really cared or paid attention, but a few reviews are starting to trickle out for The Witch and the Hundred Knight have started to come out. . . and they are not pretty. Makes me sad in the pants.

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 00:58:55
robio said:

Oh and I don't know if anyone else has really cared or paid attention, but a few reviews are starting to trickle out for The Witch and the Hundred Knight have started to come out. . . and they are not pretty. Makes me sad in the pants.

NIS games never score well, but I tend to love them anyway.  Happy

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:36:07
Dvader said:

Naughty Dog of the Crash days was long removed by the time of the PS3. They had only done Jak games for like 7 years or so and then they made Uncharted and they went from just a studio to the best game developer not named Nintendo.

A few million more sales with the genre of last generation, as opposed to a dying genre in the previous one. Meh.

Though with the PS2 they had a bigger audience to work with I suppose. Nevertheless, it's hardly a big difference.

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:46:46

Well, I just got my copy of The Sims: Complete Collection in the mail today. Let the addiction begin again!  See you guys in a month or two! Nyaa

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:51:17
Dvader said:
edgecrusher said:

Whoa.....crazy talk

They have two of the best games of the generation, two of the last 5 GOTY titles.  They are on fire.

They are definitely a great developer, but calling them the best other than Nintendo is a bit much.
There are a ton of studios who do as they do....make great games that borrow heavily from others.


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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:14:54

Whee I'm back! I've spent most of my time off playing Disgaea 3. I'm probably 12 or 15 hours in.

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:28:17

Tonight I learned that one of my favorite bars in town gets invaded by a large group of furries every Tuesday night. I feel so dirty knowing that I've probably sat in seats that they've sat in...

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:41:27

Should I start Dark Souls II (which I didn't ask for), or continue EDF 2025? It's a rhetorical question, obviously. EDF! EDF!

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:43:34
Foolz said:

Should I start Dark Souls II (which I didn't ask for), or continue EDF 2025? It's a rhetorical question, obviously. EDF! EDF!

What is this devilry...

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:51:58
Dvader said:

What is this devilry...

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:15:38

*Open wallet* how much to have it overnighted to me. Nyaa

(not Nyaa if this is possible)

Edited: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:16:03
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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:14:45
Dvader said:

*Open wallet* how much to have it overnighted to me. Nyaa

(not Nyaa if this is possible)

Courior to Concorde to courier? Shouldn't be too much, I imagine.

(I totally would if such a thing was possible, and I'd confirmed the PC version.)

Edited: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:22:24

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 05:56:59
robio said:

Tonight I learned that one of my favorite bars in town gets invaded by a large group of furries every Tuesday night. I feel so dirty knowing that I've probably sat in seats that they've sat in...

What is a fuury?


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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 09:26:03
edgecrusher said:
robio said:

Tonight I learned that one of my favorite bars in town gets invaded by a large group of furries every Tuesday night. I feel so dirty knowing that I've probably sat in seats that they've sat in...

What is a fuury?

You do not want to know
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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:01:57
edgecrusher said:

What is a fuury?

Iga is right. If you don't know already, you're better off.

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:21:47
robio said:

Iga is right. If you don't know already, you're better off.

Damn you and your inversed psychology!  *looks it up*  Ack!  My eyes!  What is seen can't be unse...

Don't see what the big fuss is about.  They're no more insane then most of the other stuff you 'discover' online.

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:24:16

Mario Kart 8 limited edition announced.  Comes with blue spikey shell.  indecision  Compared to WW's Limited edition, that's utter crap.  They could at least have added in a model of one of the carts or something...

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Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:29:02



I love you, google  heart

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