Wii U to 3DS VC play comes with a price, some restrictions
RUMOR - transfer your U VC games to 3DS
Illumiroom just a 'research project' at this time
Doesn't explicitly link to next-gen Xbox
COD Wii U statement: We aren’t dating next gen platforms yet
"We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned."
SEGA and Gearbox Being Sued Over Aliens
False advertising claims, suggest the plaintiffs.
polygon.com news
Analyst says Wii U feels like Dreamcast revisited
Believes in Nintendo, company won't die
Ubisoft says AC IV's content will stave off franchise fatigue
from yearly installments
Tom Towers Reviews Dyad
3/5 "Of course it’s reductive to try and analyse Dyad..."
laserlemming.com impressions
Mighty Switch Force: U update complete, date coming soon
Rebalanced audio levels Improved headphone support New file compression; now 40% smaller..."you're welcome, hard drive!" ....and a playable bonus character: PIXEL PATTY!
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At this stage the only next-gen game I'm interested in Killzone, and that's only because of peer pressure.
I'd rather spend less on a new video card or something. Durango likely won't have anything that I care enough to buy a console for that the PC doesn't do. Maybe if The Last Gurdian is amazing, and there's a reasonable range of content in retail PS4 releases I might be swayed.
As for the Wii U, as long as it gets a lot more Wii-like experience (full retail niche games) then I'm not sure I want it just for Nintendo first party stuff (I've not played so many of their old masterpieces, I can just look back to those if I feel like playing a Mario or Zelda).
I might be more optimistic if my PS3 hadn't died and thus I need to get a new one due to already having a lot of games for it that I haven't played yet. Oh, which reminds me: not getting any first gen SKUs unless the latter ones appear to be even worse in design quality. Even the Wii U appears to have its fair share of problems; how bad is the PS4 and Durango going to be?!
No PS4 (unless they ambush me with The Last Guardian). No Nextbox. Hopefully a WiiU sometime. Not sure when, I need to do it impulsively but it's too damn expensive for an impulse buy
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
PS4 - Probably, depends on launch line-up and launch price here in Australia (and also if it is region free).
Xbox - No way of knowing, will have to wait until May 21st to find out more.
Wii U - If it gets a price drop I'll re-evaluate what games are coming out for it. I'm almost half way convinced to gt one just because I like gaming consoles, but there has to be more games for it yet.
As far as the PS4 I won't get one until the first price drop. I have 2 PS2 games and plenty of PS3 games I still need to get around to. And if we ever see more Wii U games...
I'm leaning towards buying a PS4 at launch because it seems like Sony is making all the right moves & has actually pulled their head out of their ass. If GTA 5 has a PS4 version at launch, this will seal the deal.
No matter what goes on with the new Xbox, I've already decided to stay away from that for a long while just based on the negative vibe around Microsoft right now. Also, honestly they don't have many exclusives that really interest me THAT much besides Halo and Fable, both of which are getting a bit long in the tooth & though still quality, not the system seller that they used to be for me.
Already have a Wii U....just need more games. The lineup will start looking much better once Deus Ex, Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs & Pikmin 3 hit.
The WatchDogs big Collector's Edition is called the Dedsec Edition.....wonder how much that will cost?
Crack out your 3ds friend codes bros.
Mine is 1590-4697-3693
lol at our greeting messages- mine is "Touch my crotch!" Vader's is "Revelaitons" bugs is "happy 2012 y'all" and Robio's is "Kneel before Rob". Travo, no message.
Mine is 3780-9303-9549
I just realized that when you do a system transfer it also transfers your friendcode.
I did. I don't think they'll ship to me though. If I was coming to the UK anytime soon I'd jump on that but I don't think I will so I will have to wait until prices reduce a little bit more on online retailers who will ship to me here
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Both of the next gen consoles are worthless considering they will cost $500 and you can get a PC that runs most games on high for that. I guess if you like the smattering of exclusives they have but really they are becoming more irrelevant every year.
lol I had to start Fire Emblem over again on normal it was just too much of a slog. Godmodedisabled.
But... but... Patcher says exclusives are coming back.
Mine has been changed. Lol, Bug's says "happy 2012 y'all."
1. No. It'll be at least a year or two after it launches before I even consider getting a PS4. I'm perfectly content with the systems I already own.
2. No. I have no interest in MS consoles anymore. Meh.
3. No. I'm highly unlikely to get a Wii U anytime soon, if ever.
My code is: 1435-4030-3847
I added you GG, says you need to add me back. How do i set a status message?
What is everyone else's code?