GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
1UP Reviews XBLA Game Trenched "B" "Trenched can't be beat [for online multi]". impressions aspro
[] GTA V Getting "Finishing Touches" Source says 2012 release, game well in development. news aspro
[] War of the World Screens (XBLA/PSN) Looks ... not good. media aspro
[] Feature on Grasshopper Manufacture Interview with Shadows of the Damned director Massimo Guarin. news aspro
Activision: We Don't Get Enough Credit Boo-hoo. news aspro
[] Double Fine's Trenched Reviewed "4.5/5" "polished and slathered with personality" impressions aspro
LulzSec and Anon Want to Compete With Wikileaks "Top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information". news aspro
[] Two Retailers List Max Payne 3 For December "the date was “changed by the publisher." news aspro
[] Tropico 4's Launch Trailer PC/360 Launches in August. media news aspro
[] Why Crysis 2 Was Removed From Steam "EA had nothing to do with Steam's decision to drop Crysis 2." news aspro
[] Reggie: 3DS Did Not Launch Too Soon "We thought there would have been a tighter gap between launch and the first network update." news aspro
[] Destructoid Staff Picks Their E3 2011 Game(s) of the Show BioShock. Rayman. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet! editorial phantom_leo
[] Proving Ground Co-Host Dies in a Car Crash Just saw this show for the first time and thought what a great idea it is. He was a very cool host! Sad! news phantom_leo
[] Obama: 'Turn off the video games' Gamers: Shut up Obama news gamingeek
[] New Rayman too big to download news gamingeek
[] Saints Row dev reveals Rockstar influence gamingeek
[] Super Mario 3D Eurogamer preview Super Mario 3D seems to revel in showering the player with novelty. impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer preview Prototype 2 . Radical hasn't yet shown its full hand, and it may yet have some aces of its own impressions gamingeek
[] Microsoft paid to block PS3 Vesperia Western PS3 owners denied by Microsoft news gamingeek
[] Deus EX HR pics gamingeek
[] Shadows of the Damned release trailer media gamingeek
[] Tomb Raider reboot screens gamingeek
[] PS Vita video promo Vita-o star killed the radio star gamingeek
[] Asura's Wrath video media gamingeek
[] Gears of War 3 has 90 minutes of cinematics There will be a lot of sore throated gravelly voiced actors by the end news gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy 13-2 images media gamingeek
[] Cliffy Doesn't Want Gears to be His Legacy "if for the rest of my life I am only remembered for a fucking chainsaw gun, I will drink a bottle of whisky and put a gun in my mouth." news aspro
Sony Confirms New PS3 Model 320 GB HDD, lower power and weight. news aspro
[] Halo: Combat Evolved Will Support Kinect "Halo Anniversary has Kinect integration" news aspro
[] 3DS TV Launches in Japan Tomorrow Pretty wild stuff. news aspro
[] Framerate on Console Battlefield 3 Halved PC is lead platform for EA's "COD Killer". news aspro
[] Twenty Minutes of Xenoblade Gameplay Hits Europe in September. media aspro
[] Sony's Tretton Interviewed by Forbes Makes a few inflamatory remarks. news aspro
[] How Kid Icarus Came Back “The genre came first and then Kid Icarus and Pit were fitted into that later” news aspro
[] Deus Ex Gets M Rating from ESRB Euthanasia, prostitutes, "sprays" of blood. news aspro
[] Fable Co-Creator Leaves Lionhead He was the lead technical director. news aspro
[] US New Releases Week of June 19 (LATE!) Splinter Cell Triology, FEAR3, OOT, Dungeon Seige 3... news aspro
[] Duke Nukem Demo Now Available to XBL Gold As of noon, should also be available to Steam users. news aspro
[] Ars Previews Bloodrayne Game from WayForward Sounds like a 2D Bayonetta. impressions aspro
[] Giant Bomb Reviews Shadows of the Damned "4/5" "unapologetically immature, boner-obsessed, and grotesquely violent" impressions aspro
LulzSec Member Arrested in England A little less anarchy in the UK this morning. news aspro
1UP's Review of Shadows of the Damned "C+" "ripping off RE4 and putting it in a different wrapper feels like an average game" impressions aspro
[] CVG review Shadows of the Damned 8.1 gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Shadows of the Damned 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Rise of Nightmares Kinect video This is a core kinect game media gamingeek
[] Ocarina of Time N64 vs 3DS video gamingeek
[] MGS 3DS Siliconera preview Controls like Peacewalker - straight port in 3D impressions gamingeek
[] Joystiq preview Ninja Gaiden 3 And it's not looking good gamingeek
[] Binary Domain Dated Game from Yakuza director hits February 2012. news aspro
[] Molyneux: "Kinect Has Some Problems" MS EU Boss doesn't disguise disgust for the device. news aspro
[] 3DS TV is Region Locked No TV for you. news aspro
[] Witcher 2 Producer Leaves Developer Had been with CD Projekt RED since early 2006. news aspro
[] Giant Bomb's Review of Ocarina of Time "5/5" "a sign of great things to come" impressions aspro
Oblivion 5th Anniversary Game Dated July 12th. More details... news aspro
Team Fortress 2 Getting "Biggest" Update Ever This Thursday. news aspro
[] Uncharted 3 To Have Less Elena and Chloe But more Sully than ever. news aspro
[] Miyamoto Addresses U Price, Power and iPadness Wii U may not "necessarily dramatically outperform the systems that are out now," news aspro
[] Giantbomb Reviews Trenched "4/5" "the way it plays and controls that makes it all work" impressions aspro
[] Sonic Generations classic Sonic demo out tomorrow! Sonic's 20th birthday celebration news Dvader
[] FIFA 12 Worldwide Launch Sept. 30 North America gets it on the 27th. news aspro
Quake Turns 15 Today Online support "was almost an accident." news aspro
[] Miyamoto Mum on U's Range news aspro
[] U Will Have Web Browser Miyamoto says, yeah Zelda HD on it's way. news aspro
Duke's Fired PR Man in Exclusive Interview Talks about PR and death threats to his family. news aspro
[] Valve Interested in U, says Newell "It sort of fits better into the scalability..." news aspro
[] Sucker Punch Not Working on Infamous 3 But they are hiring for something. news aspro
[] Child of Eden Still Coming to PS3 Why the delay? "No Money Hats" news aspro
New Dragon Quest Rocket Slime Screens Third game in series not confirmed for west. media aspro
Last Week's Japanese Charts 3DS takes first, lifted by Zelda, but other game takes #1. news aspro
Famitsu Reviews Tales of the Abyss (Translated) 3DS. impressions aspro
1UP Review FEAR 3 "B+" "the game's online component that makes this worthwhile" impressions aspro
[] Eurogamer preview Battlefield 3 Battlefield 3 is a very different game to that which it is being pitched against gamingeek
[] How powerful is the Wii U exactly?  Let's look at all the evidence editorial gamingeek
[] Kudo: Kinect second gen games are super responsive Like Star Wars news gamingeek
[] Not getting much unique on PSP, admits Sony boss news gamingeek
[] Microsoft reveal their advertising plan on Kinect How users will interact with these virtual ads news gamingeek
Yakuza of the End ships 400k Yakuza series tops 5 million news gamingeek
PS Vita Rear Touch Panel Idea Initially Rejected It should have STAYED rejected news gamingeek
[] Vidéos Uncharted : Golden Abyss Vitaliscious gamingeek
[] Images Forza Motorsport 4 gamingeek
[] Images Street Fighter X Tekken media gamingeek
[] New Catherine media media gamingeek
[] Crysis 2 screens with DX11 patch OMG? media gamingeek
[] Vidéo The Cursed Crusade media gamingeek
[] Cave Story 3DS trailer media gamingeek
[] Wii U graphics superior to 360/PS3 for some games Says Ubisoft president news gamingeek
[] Heroes of Ruin 3DS interview “We’re not an action-RPG, we’re an action-adventure game.” news gamingeek
[] Ubisoft believes in Wii U Nintendo has a key third party ally as it works towards the 2012 launch of its new console. news gamingeek
[] Register Zelda by 12 am PDT for your free CD Vader or anyone else with Ocarina 3D news gamingeek
[] Starfox 64 3DS controls trailer media gamingeek
[] Wii Play Motionplus overview trailer media gamingeek
[] Mom kills 5 year old over broken TV Caused by a wii remote news gamingeek
[] SaGa and Mana Series Are Officially Taking a Nap "new series based on those franchises are not being considered at this time." news aspro
[] Miyamoto: It's Fair To Turn Off 3D Sometimes "There are times when people are going to want to play in 2D anyway" news aspro
[] Insider's View of Gaming PR and Game Reviews Seedy underbelly is just as you would think. editorial aspro
EA Shoots Down Dillinger Law Suit Family was suing over use of their name in Godfather games. news aspro
Square Considering U for Dragon Quest X They are currently investigating releasing for both. news aspro
[] City of Heroes Going Free-To-Play The 7 year old MMO will have a premium option as well. news aspro
[] Sony Studio Head Talks All Things PSP / Vita Where they went wrong, what they did right etc... news aspro
[] Aussie Retailer Lists U at $598 That's $634 USD. news aspro
[] Resident Evil HD Collection Dated for Japan Code Veronica and RE4 will launch in September. news aspro
[] Bioshock Trailer Shows Off E3 Preview See what up until now, only the press saw. media aspro
[] Homefront PC Half-Price on Steam This weekend. news aspro
[] I Am Alive Developer Announces Next Game Black Death, a horror FPS. news aspro
[] EA's NHL 12 Faces Off in September No formats announced, last ones were PS360. news aspro
[] IGN Lays Off Four Editors Dana Jongewaard, Nicole Tanner, Will Tuttle and Scott Bromley. news aspro
[] SEGA: "We made too many Sonic Games" Burp. news aspro
[] Sony Announces New Collections for EU Uncharted, Ratchet and Resistance. news aspro
Crytek Talks About PC Gamer Backlash "we took a different direction, and it backfired a little bit." news aspro
[] Ape Escape Move Demo Hits PSN This Week You'll look like a monkey... and smell like one too. news aspro
[] EA Talks Up Sports Games As Service (Again) “Software as a service... is the future,” news aspro
[] COD Action Adventure Still Possible Sledgehammer, (Dead Space dude), may still make it. news aspro
[] Levine Clarifies Stance on Motion Controls "motion play needs to be kept separate from the main experience" news aspro
[] Joystiq's FEAR 3 Review "3.5/5" "a departure from the franchise's previous installments". impressions aspro
LA Noire Hits PC's Just Before Holidays Still no word on Red Dead. news aspro
[] Tales of Xillia images gamingeek
[] FEAR 3 Eurogamer review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer preview SSX It might not be the game SSX fans imagined - but it probably is the game they've been waiting for. impressions gamingeek
[] Halo 4's Master Chief "changed" news gamingeek
[] New Earth Defence Force: IA footage gamingeek
Saint Seiya Senki Trailer gamingeek
[] UK not enamoured with 3DTVs Mass market by 2016, but rarely used news gamingeek
[] Portal 2 has sold 3 million - Valve gamingeek
[] Gravity Daze PS Vita images gamingeek
[] Dead Island images gamingeek
[] Black Ops : Annihilation vidéo gamingeek
[] Saint Seiya Chronicles images gamingeek
[] Kirby TV channel launches on Euro Wii's Seriously, WTF? Read this. news gamingeek
Sakurai talks Smash Bros sequels Yikes, sounds like he has a problem news gamingeek
[] Dead or Alive Dimensions classified as Mature M-rating for Aussie release news gamingeek
[] Square would like to have a Wii U launch game news gamingeek
Miyamoto talks Wii U online Not looking to out perform XBL news gamingeek
[] No interest for Second Sight sequel - Crytek You hear that Iga? news gamingeek
[] Video: Earth Seeker the first hour media gamingeek
[] RE The Mercenaries videos media gamingeek
[] Gametrailers Ocarina of Time 3D review media gamingeek
[] Obsidian Working on Patch for Dungeon Seige 3 Looking to improve PC controls. news aspro
[] Direct X 11 Patch for Crysis 2 Dated 27th of this month. news aspro
[] No Dragon Quest X for U It was a transcription error. news aspro
[] $40K Kilzone 3 Tournament Go for it Foolz. news aspro
[] Nintendo Drops Aussie Prices on Handhelds DSi, and DSi XL both drop $50. news aspro
[] PopCap Selling for $1 Billion USD? UPDATE: EA is the suitor. news aspro
PSN Promotion: Buy Marvel Pinball Get Zen Pinball FREE Promotion Ends June 27 news robio
'Amy' New Survival Horror Gaming Coming to PSN Play as an infected soon-to-be zombie news robio
[] Bejeweled Coming To 3 Consoles That's the sound of hardcore gamers not caring news robio
[] Kirby: Mass Attack E3 Impressions "one of the most entertaining demos of the show" impressions robio
[] Recap of Supreme Court Case on Violent Game Sales Decision will be announced MONDAY. news aspro
[] Dragon Age 2 DLC Acheivements Leaked news aspro
[] RE: Mercs 3D is "One Use Only" Game Only one save spot that cannot be reset. news aspro
[] Law Suit Claims Sony Layed-Off Security Staff Unnamed source claims Sony didn't care about security. news aspro
[] HTML5 Compares Poorly to Flash on Android Non-plug-in browser games may not be ready for primetime. news aspro
[] Yu Suzuki Leaving Sega in September Legendary game director will "take advisory role". news aspro
[] Ignition No Longer Doing Internal Development Austin developers get laid... off. news aspro
[] MMO Star Wars: Galaxies Shutting Down in Sept. There will be a "galaxy-ending in-game event". news aspro
Dial Other M for Murder: Is the Metroid Series Dead? 1up editorial editorial gamingeek
[] Bodycount gameplay footage From some of the developers of Black gamingeek
[] Sony announces huge DLC sale news gamingeek
[] Nintendo France comment on the chances RPGs coming to the US The Last Story, Pandora's Tower news gamingeek
[] Gearbox got Wii U 2 months before E3 Says that its easy to port using unreal engine news gamingeek
[] Did Koji Kondo rip off this riff for a Zelda song? Hey, listen. news gamingeek
[] North Americans campaign for Xenoblade and more Pissed at Nintendo America? Sign up here news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Wii Play Motion 6/10 The MotionPlus feels like an artefact from a future that never quite turned up impressions gamingeek
[] Euros getting Xenoblade Classic controller bundle And the OST might potentially be packed in too news gamingeek
[] Microsoft: Xbox 360 about halfway through its life 2017 till Nextbox? news gamingeek
[] PS Vita to release 2012 in the UK? news gamingeek
[] Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time - Preview gamingeek
[] TMNT Re-shelled is being shelved in 6 days Download now or miss it forever news gamingeek
Go Vacation Wii screens OMG a polar bear media gamingeek
[] RE Revelations: A Return to Survival Horror The slow pace and heavy emphasis on exploration and puzzle-solving strongly harken back to the RE days of old. impressions gamingeek
[] Tecmo talk Ninja Gaiden Wii U 30% complete? news gamingeek
[] Gamasutra Starts a Global Sales Chart They combine all sales charts into one. news aspro
[] CCP Addresses EVE Online User Concerns These are not people you want on your bad side. news aspro
[] New Saint's Row 3 Gameplay Footage media aspro
[] Rumor: PS3 Dropping Below £200 in UK To be announced in Cologne at gamescom in August. news aspro
Xenoblade Dev Working on U Game Hiring ads make it look like development has been going on since last year. news aspro
[] Jaffe Speculates on U's Future Says Wii was a "fad" and children are turning to Apple. news aspro
[] Team Fortress 2 "Meet the Medic" Short "The video comes with the medic part of the Uber update that’s now gone live." media aspro
Atlus Talks About Their New Western Focus news aspro
[] Tales Creator Says Series Isn't an RPG Surprise! news aspro
[] First Translated Game Center CX Posted Ninja Gaiden. media aspro
[] Team Fortress 2 Going Free To Play "monetization will only go through the game's item shop" news aspro
[] Journey -- The Devil is in the Right Stick Dev says: The Perfect Controller? The original NES controller: a d-pad and two buttons. editorial phantom_leo
[] Beast Mode is Gears 3 secret weapon? This looks crazy. news travo
[] Galaga Legions DX Coming to XBLA This Week New Namco Generations Title from the Series that Brought You Pac-Man CE DX! media news phantom_leo
[] US New Releases Week of June 27 SF4 Arcade Edition, and that's about it. news aspro
[] GeoHot Sells Out Goes to work for Facebook. news aspro
[] Xenoblade Confirmed for US Release Someone at Nintendo of America thinks so at least! news phantom_leo
[] Gamespot Go Vaction Wii preview You may want to rollerblade until you find an off-road truck, drive that truck to the ocean, climb out of it, and then scuba dive around the shoreline. It all sounds very liberating impressions gamingeek
[] Go Vaction is a motion plus enabled game "Each mini-game looks to be executed with surprising competency" impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer retrospective look: Metroid Prime "My goodness, Metroid Prime is a good game. It’s an exquisite game, in fact. A vast, intricate, multilayered world" editorial gamingeek
[] Lulzsec announce retirement It's over, but EA have something to say news gamingeek
[] Cubed Xenoblade preview "May be a contender for Wii game of the year." impressions gamingeek
[] Nintendo France confirms The Last Story for Europe Points to 2012 release, and September for Xenoblade news gamingeek
[] Nintendo fans Have Had Enough Launch Internet Enabled Molotov Cocktails news edgecrusher
[] FEAR 3 Review From Giantbomb "2/5" "the naked gaminess robs it of any weight" impressions aspro
[] Final Fantasy 7 and 8 Are On Steam But not yet available for download. news aspro
[] Gears 3 Will Have Extras For Gears 1 & 2 Saves It will check for prior achievements. news aspro
[] Go Vacation Wii screenshots An Open world holiday island media gamingeek
[] Hackers turn on Lulzsec Woot - Lulzsec website brought down news gamingeek
[] Microsoft defends NUads Kinect system An....... innovative way of interacting with ads news gamingeek
[] Xbox chieft doubts Vita's chances Says that portables are a red ocean market news gamingeek
[] Battlefield 3 is 'the game everyone claims they want' news gamingeek
Rumor: PS4 to be shown next year news gamingeek
[] New Rainbox Six confirmed, new pics here news gamingeek
[] Images Sly Cooper : Thieves in Time media gamingeek
[] Nintendo wants Wii U to bring back core gamers But also wants casuals to step it up and become core news gamingeek
[] Kawata on the portable Resident Evils news gamingeek
[] IGN: What's Next for Wii Feature Look at what upcoming games release this year news gamingeek
[] Gamespot now playing RE The Mercenaries Video media gamingeek
[] Wii U E3 Aftermath Video Feature news gamingeek
[] U.S Wii owners - time to get clever You can preorder Monado aka Xenoblade at amazon - send a message news gamingeek
[] Killzone 3 Double XP Weekend Starts now. news aspro
[] Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta videos Arabic Uncharted media Dvader
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Country: GB
Comments: 48826
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:15:55
edgecrusher said:

This is the email I just sent Nintendo of fuckin' America:

Dear Nintendo of America,

Thank you for reading.

I seriously thought you were going to write something with the words "fuck Reggie up the ass with a spikey dildo" LOL

Country: US
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:17:52

That 1-up editorial was just a simple way to stir people up and get impressions for the site. I kick myself for even reading it. One less than steller installment of a series does not mean its dead. God knows Laura Croft would have been dead years ago if that was the case. And as far as reshaping Samus' personality as a weak woman...well whatever. I think they pushed that a little too hard. Ultimately no one gave a crap about her personalty before so I'm pretty sure that's never been a key selling point of the series.

As far as the actual gameplay went, it was okay. Action games just aren't my thing though. I got about halfway through and that's about as far as I wanted to go. I've never been a Metroid fan - the last game in the series  I beat was Metroid 2 for the GB. I was just more curious in any case. Team Ninja did some pretty cool things with the controls, and if it could have been tightened up a little bit with Motion Plus it would been worth copying by other developers.

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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:19:59
gamingeek said:
edgecrusher said:

This is the email I just sent Nintendo of fuckin' America:

Dear Nintendo of America,

Thank you for reading.

I seriously thought you were going to write something with the words "fuck Reggie up the ass with a spikey dildo" LOL

I wanted to


Country: GB
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:29:06

US gamers who want to send a message about wanting Xenoblade have begun pre-ordering Monado (the original name for xenoblade) on, it's had an 18'000 % increase in sales.

Also Nintendo's facebook has had an overnight surge of 800 messages asking for the games.

Websites are picking up on it:

Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:32:18
robio said:

And as far as reshaping Samus' personality as a weak woman...well whatever. I think they pushed that a little too hard. Ultimately no one gave a crap about her personalty before so I'm pretty sure that's never been a key selling point of the series.

This is what I was thinking reading some reviews. Samus was an avatar before, an unspeaking character model, she had zero personality. Some personality is better than none. At the crux, Other M is a great way of bridging the divide between 2D metroid and 3D metroid. It was totally solid from a gameplay point of view and I can't see how portraying Samus as a real woman is worse than a silent robot suit.

Country: CA
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:36:54

Hmm. That save restriction for RE Mercenaries won't affect me seeing as how I don't buy used games nor do I trade in my games as well as being typically to only one playing them. I doubt they won't allow someone to replay the game.

Other M seems to be a solid game to me from what I've seen. I haven't played it yet but would like to. It's just one of the games I need to get around to picking up sometime along with Donkey Kong Country Returns.


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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:00:21

The internal monologue annoyed the hell out of me, so I skipped Other M.

The VG Press

Country: GB
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:02:02

Just opened the Go Vacation thread. Can you guess why? Nyaa

I don't care what you guys say, this game looks fun.

Edited: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:06:17

Country: US
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 15:21:10

That "what's next for Wii" IGN article's list of upcoming games to be excited about is fucking hilariously sad, especially considering what Nintendo COULD be releasing. Matt C. must be laughing his ass off in between tears.

I mean I could understand somewhat if Wii had a million killer 3rd-party games coming out. But how the hell can they justify not releasing so many great looking games in the states, or anywhere, when they have NOTHING even remotely good looking coming out for their console? This is the worst thing Nintendo has done since Yamauchi was president. Fucking sadness.


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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 15:29:58

Just started Mafia 2, a few hours in. Man what a beautiful game, the next GTA needs to have detailed graphics like this. Really loving the atmosphere so far. I probably should have went back to Fable 3 after finishing Witcher 2, but fuck it.


Country: CY
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 17:19:53

That was a very well-written and thought out letter Edge.  Hope they don't prove to be as stubborn and pig-headed as they were under Yamaouchi


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 17:24:07
bugsonglass said:

That was a very well-written and thought out letter Edge.  Hope they don't prove to be as stubborn and pig-headed as they were under Yamaouchi

Don't encourage him, he will never learn that way. Edge that was a horrible letter. Where are the insults to Reggie? Where is the threat of rapping him with a spiky dildo? Where are the threats to hurt his family and children? Where are the pictures of Edgy nailing Reggie's wife and his mother? Son, I am dissapoint.
The VG Press
Country: CY
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 17:26:36
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

That was a very well-written and thought out letter Edge.  Hope they don't prove to be as stubborn and pig-headed as they were under Yamaouchi

Don't encourage him, he will never learn that way. Edge that was a horrible letter. Where are the insults to Reggie? Where is the threat of rapping him with a spiky dildo? Where are the threats to hurt his family and children? Where are the pictures of Edgy nailing Reggie's wife and his mother? Son, I am dissapoint.

that is always another way of doing things LOL


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 19:48:50
bugsonglass said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

That was a very well-written and thought out letter Edge.  Hope they don't prove to be as stubborn and pig-headed as they were under Yamaouchi

Don't encourage him, he will never learn that way. Edge that was a horrible letter. Where are the insults to Reggie? Where is the threat of rapping him with a spiky dildo? Where are the threats to hurt his family and children? Where are the pictures of Edgy nailing Reggie's wife and his mother? Son, I am dissapoint.

that is always another way of doing things LOL

Let's see Reggie ignoring Xenoblade while there is a video on the net of Edgy skullfucking his mom!
The VG Press
Country: GR
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 20:41:01
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 22:37:40

Wow this Xenoblade campaign is taking off. Its selling like crazy on Amazon and Nintendo is getting hammered on facebook. IGN is going to run a major story on it. Nintendo has to take action now.

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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 23:11:06
Dvader said:

Wow this Xenoblade campaign is taking off. Its selling like crazy on Amazon and Nintendo is getting hammered on facebook. IGN is going to run a major story on it. Nintendo has to take action now.

Its kind of funny how everyone just happens to be getting fed up with Nintendo's shit all at the same time. I think once the E3 show came about and it became obvious NOA was going to shaft us out of the last few gems of the Wii's life just because they weren't called ZELDA and MARIO, everyone was just disgusted and we are all giving Nintendo a big middle finger, and hopefully a wake up call. Because as I said, why are they shafting the core gamers when that's supposedly who they are going after with their new machine? Doesn't make much sense to piss us off before the Wii 2 comes out.


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Sat, 25 Jun 2011 23:17:50
bugsonglass said:

That was a very well-written and thought out letter Edge.  Hope they don't prove to be as stubborn and pig-headed as they were under Yamaouchi

Thanks bugs....I'm just so disgusted that I felt I had to.

Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
bugsonglass said:

That was a very well-written and thought out letter Edge.  Hope they don't prove to be as stubborn and pig-headed as they were under Yamaouchi

Don't encourage him, he will never learn that way. Edge that was a horrible letter. Where are the insults to Reggie? Where is the threat of rapping him with a spiky dildo? Where are the threats to hurt his family and children? Where are the pictures of Edgy nailing Reggie's wife and his mother? Son, I am dissapoint.

that is always another way of doing things LOL

Let's see Reggie ignoring Xenoblade while there is a video on the net of Edgy skullfucking his mom!



Country: CA
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Sun, 26 Jun 2011 00:19:31
Awesome! Gears 3 having extras for Gears 1 & 2 saves. I have almost every achievement for those two games. I love little bonuses like this.


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Sun, 26 Jun 2011 00:25:11

Yeah, I was bummed thinking they were going to do it by saves, but since it is by cheevos they'll pull it from my gamertag. Happy  I also love it when sequels do this, I'm always a bit disappointed when devs don't do it these days.


A few weeks ago, when Nintendo said they were going to come up with online profiles similar to PSN/XBL I was thinking how great would be be if they set up the system before the U launches so you could set up your profile on the Wii and have the Wii sweep your calendar and generate cheevos based on your times spent playing each game.  They could also unify your accounts over their handhelds as well.  It would give them a chance to test the system before launch of the U and give current Wii owners a reason to look at their back catalog as well as make it easier to transfer user rights for existing DL games (if they are even going to do that).

But, you know, chances of something like that occuring to them... zilch.

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